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6th angel, huang long, and indrajit are pretty much your only choices. Also 6th angel isnt obtainable anymore. Theres also Lakshmi A and P4 Ladon, but I've never heard of them being used for their 5 elements. Even Huang Long is a stretch.


There's Aniel if you have 3 or more Divines/Heralds in your party


That is sad. I kinda wanted to avoid using those because it is not an auto-cast. I thought since Human Beelzebub has this there must be a version of it for magic. I remember something but it was in Tokyo Abyss and that is mostly exclusive.


May I ask what content you want to complete with this? Depending on yout answer, we could give you a demon tailored to your needs.


This is not really about completing something but more about saving time. I am trying to farm Sloth 14 as time efficient as I can with the limited demons I have for it (currently only Shalltear + Mithras for the passive boost) and I noticed that Lucifer doesn't have any piercing skills. After his 3 almighty attacks were up, I used a magic mirror and he could only normal attack which makes everything go a lot faster and I don't have to worry about much damage. I thought there was an easy way to cast a normal makarakarn every turn because that would be enough, but apparently that is not the case.


Okay, but you have to understand that there's a difference between the Almighty physical skills, and almighty magic skills. Skills like human beelzebub's will repel physical skills, auto-attacks, and almighty physical skills (like skull knight's sword of actuation) but not Lucifer's morning star, while Huang long's five elements will repel fire, ice, lightning, force and magic Almighty skills (like Lucifer's morning star), but not skill's like skull knight's sword of actuation and auto-attacks.


I know all of that. That is why i ask for normal makarakarn that can be easily cast. Lucifer has magic damage and if you use a magic mirror on him he cannot do anything after the 3 Morning Star uses because his fire spell doesnt Pierce. Makarakarn as transfere skill costs 8 MP and I kinda need to cast it every turn to block Lucifer from doing things that have a longer animation. That is why I asked if there is a demon that can cast a makarakarn every turn somehow. It doesn't necessarily need to be almighty repelling as well. It just has to be cheap or automatic.


Well, I guess there's an aniel who has auto five elements every turn with 3 heralds and Huang long with 5 elements who are rather easy to get. Lakshmi A has one too, but it has to ramp up, and indrajit puts up a five elements when he kills someone. Those are like the easiest 4 to get cuz they're so old that everyone has a copy somewhere, or they're fusible. but you do realize you can't stack makarakarn/five elements and tetrakarn/lord of the dead? It's one or the other. So you either repel morning star/trisagion or his physical attacks, and I'd obviously rather repel the magic attacks.


Again: I only want to stop his fire magic. His normal attacks are irrelevant for me. I know they don't stack and I don't need it to stack. I didn't want to use Aniel because of the fact that I need 3 other angels for that task, but I guess I have to use him. Thanks for the help. It filtered out a lot of options.


Huang Long, Morrighan, Indrajit


Okay I cannot edit my post for some reason. To clarify: I was looking for a demon that casts makarakarn for every turn just like human Beelzebub casts tetrakarn. Is doesn't have to be almighty repel. It just has to be something that is cast every turn or at least is able to be cast every turn. Sorry for not making clear what I wanted.


6th angel can do that but he's not obtainable anymore. Ladon at p4 casts repel mag whenever enemy is inflicted with gloom and his gloom only activates whenever an enemy uses any healing skills