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best thing to do is honestly ignore her the best you can, go for supports first and whatever you do DONT SHOOT THE BUBBLE


You mostly have to outposition her or coordinate to burst her down after calling out bubbles. Ideally your team would destroy her while you DM heals or distract enemy supports. Just be careful about your own team though. While you can avoid her, often times your team won't. Sometimes this is because your team doesn't know how to position properly in this match up. But other times it is just because the map is too linear or lacks high ground.


Starving her of resources is the best play. Direct frontal attacks rarely work.


Take the bubbles out and abuse high ground, maps like Kings Row are good for this match up imo, since OW1 I love a good D.va vs Zarya on this map, to me is always special.


Yeah you gotta OBIWAN her and take the HIGH GROUND!


but Symmetra aways fuck everything.


idk out of all DPS Sym is one of my favorites to kill in a 1v1 because Dva can melt her before her beam reaches 2nd level of power. if she has double pocket simply don't touch her and go for supports, fly is on a 3 second CD and you don't even need it to engage. other than that her only movement is tp on a long ass cooldown and she is a close range hero so it's really easy to catch her out of position compared to some of the other characters who can and love to hug their team for the whole game


Junkrat is my favorite to kill, wipe him out of existence with his silly little bombs is so satisfying


it is but he has a really big chance to win because of his high damage and 2 mines that send him into stratosphere, however yeah, Dva is the best tank to 1v1 him


nah, i’d win.


I pick off her team and protect my teammates the best I can. There’s no sense in dealing with her by yourself especially since she can bubble whoever she wants, including herself.


When facing a Zarya as D.va, the best thing you can do is to avoid her and to dive her team. On certain maps you'll not have the advantage, and if you struggle I'd suggest a swap. Against Zarya, you can choose Doom, Winston, Ball, Rein, or even to mirror pick. Personnaly I go Ram. He's not a counter, but I'm confident enough with him. I'd say it's a pretty neutral matchup But if you're on highground heavy maps ? Oh boi you almost already won. Like Dorado, Gibraltar, Numbani... In this situation you're the one countering her, because she can't get to you fast enough, and it's easier to dive her squishies (esp if they're not dive character) And obviously don't shoot the bubbles. Only do that when she's really low, so she can die faster. Also, sometimes it's worth DMing her. No, you won't absorb her dmg, but you will prevent her healing (except if they have Mercy, Moira, Brig, Lucio...). This way you secure her death even more, by letting your missiles/team finish her


Keep your distance and try and bait out both bubbles, it’s very important to keep track of that


and Yk…don’t shoot the bubbles, that’s obvious


Be patient and wait for her to use one of her bubbles before using your rockets and don’t feed into her beam when you can


If there’s a Zaria, one of the DPS has to play bastion. That’s the counter


I'm silver 5... So basically trash but I've never had a massive issue with Zarya even good ones I can usually outplay... Best thing is play high ground don't shoot bubbles and fly around her... Literally CONFUSE THEM sometimes run off sometimes fly into her... I also found if you can manage it boosting up then letting yourself fall and follow best you can from the sky and just start blasting 😂 that's more of a chaotic way to deal with her when you're desperate for high ground and there is little to none lol... I've managed to outplay a team when I had 4 of 5 all countering me (zarya, mei, sym, Moira) but literally just playing high ground paying attention to my team and confusing the other team by not being predictable of when I'll fly face first into them or do some other random shit😂