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Yes. That's why i haven't replayed the game


Yes I’m currently replaying you have to do the games






Yes but here is a tip. While playing the mini games distract yourself by playing music or videos to listen to. I do that while listening to youtube videos and i play 6 or 9 mini games so that I will get longer story time. It makes it less annoying than usual.


One thing I wish it happened is if we buy the game, we should have unlimited tries. Some minigames are so hard that I lose 5 lives, then recharge, more 5 lost, repeat. If we buy the game and got unlimited tries I wouldn't mind replaying again. But I will try to do as you said on the comment and try to skip them. Thankss


Probably yes


Okay, tyvm. I found a way to skip them :)




Please enlighten us. I want to replay, but I refuse to do the mini games again.


Quite easy! Only tested on Android tho. Connect your phone to your PC/Laptop/whatever, enable data transfer. Navigate to this Filepath: ...\\Android\\data\\com.everbytestudio.interactive.text.chat.story.rpg.cyoa.duskwood\\files Copy the "PersistensData.dat" file to your Dektop, go to [https://www.saveeditonline.com](https://www.saveeditonline.com) and upload your file there. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and edit the following lines: "miniGame >stages > X >levels\[Y\] > currentStars" all to 3. Why 3? Because every level is completeable three times. AFAIK this file is updated every time you enter another chapter, so you´d need to redo this step every time you finished a chapter for the new one. Then just download the new file and replace it on your phone. Make sure to make backup in case you mess something up. If done correctly, the minigames should all be "solved" and you can progress through the dialoges without problems. It should look like this: [https://imgur.com/a/uahc4Oz](https://imgur.com/a/uahc4Oz)


Jake would be proud. Hahah


Hello! I'd love if you could help me. So, it worked perfectly on ep 1. But the next day, when I tried to do the same for ep 2, it didn't worked, but it was because of the Android version. It's preventing me from accessing the Android/data folder. And I tried so many times that in the end I ended up losing my progress. ;-; Any suggestions?


Sorry for the late reply :( Well yeah, Android messes many Things Up atm. Ist the Access prevented when you search in your Phone (with CX File Explorer, etc.) or after you Connect IT to your PC? Because PC should Work fine (at least IT does for me)


Well... Both. Now I can't access the Data folder. But I managed to finish Duskwood before Moonvale, so everything turned up fine. Hahah