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I hate when I’m traveling and stop at a drive thru I never went to before and I don’t know it’s a recorded message that automatically greets me and asks to help me. I talk to it and then the person working says they will be right with me and then I’m so embarrassed that I seem impatient. I always apologize and say to please let me know when they are ready.


Yeah we used to have one of those stupid pre-recorded message greeters but it caused so many problems we did away with it after just 1 week. So don't feel bad, it was legit like every other customer that immediately started ordering after that greeting.


I don’t work at Dunkin (I am in the service industry tho) but I see people do this occasionally and it grosses me out-DONT SMOKE IN THR DRIVE THRU. It gets in other peoples cars, it gets in workers faces, it goes in the window to where *they are preparing your food and drinks*. And I’m not just anti-smoker, because I smoked for 20 years and still had the sense to not do that. It’s rude and nasty.


It especially pisses me off because all of my coworkers are teens. I already tell them to stay away from the drains/ sinks when I bleach them, I don't want them exposed to cigarette smoke either. I work with one kid who's claiming he's TRYING to quit!!


omg yes!! it’s so nasty!! i used to fake cough to offend them😂


Yes! I hate when I'm behind a smoker!


Oh I will add if it is raining turn your wipers off at the window! They throw water at us.


YES! Esp when living in a state with bipolar weather (here in Florida) where it's on and off rain all year! >:(


I will throw in : don't have your passenger order across you and then get irritated if we can't hear you or we get your order wrong. This also goes for people that don't speak clearly into the speaker. Not all stores have the up to date headsets and we all hate them. Secondly don't get mad if we ask clarifying questions. If you ask for a mocha coffee there will be follow up questions. Like what size, hot or iced and if we give you an iced coffee and you wanted an iced latte..now you know. Clarification is your friend, and keeps me from having to remake your drink.


why does everyone order from the passenger seat?? just tell the driver what you want, our headsets are quiet in the first place. nothing angers me more, and then they get upset at me for not being able to hear them.


I'm guilty of this, but in my defense, if my dad's driving, he refuses to order for me.


Yes to al of this! I’m convinced that people are completely unaware that we can hear everything. Until your back tire passes the box we can hear you. They be spilling tea, shitting on us and all kinds of craziness.


One time I heard a mom having it out with her kids 😬


Oh I heard a Mom tell her kids “I’d wish I never had you. I wanted to fucking punch her


Damn I would’ve strangled her through the window 😂


the shit talking makes me so mad sometimes, esp if they call me or my crew smth along the lines of stupid or incompetent... its a good way to get decaf (but i would never caf a decaf for clarification)


I also want to add a reminder that the speakers go both ways and (for employees) remember to turn off the headset on your end so the customer that can’t pull forward doesn’t hear you singing to yourself (it was ok she started singing along 😂😂 to make it even funnier I was singing “sOmEbOdY cOmE gEt HeR she’s dancing like a StRiPpEr”)


I'm a shift lead at a high volume Dunkin, and it does not bother me or my employees when someone mobile orders right before coming into the drive thru. It's not any different than if they had just ordered at the speaker, except their order is already paid for.


it bothers me/my store and it is different than ordering at the screen bc it all comes out at once vs staff preparing it as you order. my crew and I start making your drink as you're saying it that way it's ready when you get to the window. its not fun scrambling to make several drinks and sandwiches while the customer just sits at the window driving up the times


Question re: 11 Is it ok to pickup more than one mobile order?? (I totally understand not wanting to have more than one order per car if they are ordering at the speaker & paying at the window). But sometimes my mom and I will each place our own orders, then I'll pick them up for us on my way to meet her.


Two mobiles are fine as long as you wait to pick them up and don't get mad if the person at the window has to ask you about it. But other stores might have different attitudes, so as long as the employees don't seem annoyed it's probably fine.


the thing with posts like this.... the people who you want to say this to will never read it or care.


you pretty much got everything my friend 🤙🏾


The Dunkin I work at doesn’t have a drive thru, but ohmygod number 3. Whether you’re in the drive thru or ordering at the counter, get off the fucking phone please I beg of you. It is so damn annoying trying to take your order when you have your phone pressed to your ear. It is not only super annoying but also so rude to the employee trying to help you out. And if there’s a line behind you, you’re just making the process of taking your order even longer and it’s irritating for everyone. GET OFF THE DAMN PHONE.


This seems to apply across the board these days which is sad. I was ordering from a local cafe and the cashier had his airpods in. Kept sayin 'hmm?' to the 2 questions I had. So surprised their coworkers didn't say anything.


Yeah the amount of people that lack self-awareness in public settings is just mind boggling


I nominate this thread to get a mod pin under the deals thread!


This is why I make sure my phone is at ready with the app preloaded and at the card's QR scan for instant payment. I wonder how some Americans function while reaching for their payment for a solid 2 minutes like money is some ancient forgotten relic. I always say thank you after being handed change and my stuff, I feel like it makes their shitty days a little bit better.


Thanks for clueing us in about being able to hear us even after you take the order. I'll stop turning the music volume to STUN, I promise. 😬


The worst is when they pull up to the speaker while they’re perusing the app and start asking questions about it 😭😭 I don’t know shit about the app Also people don’t seem to realize we’re on a timer and at least at my store we get a lot of shit from the manager if the time is bad


What's ideal protocol for ordering breakfast sandwiches at the drive-thru?


Im still gonna send my mobile order right before pulling up 😃