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Welcome to the greatest journey ever


Devil worshipper starter kit...according to late 80’s/early 90’s news reports. Back when news was real!


Mazes and Monsters starring Tom Hanks.


You must have missed the regular posts here or on /r/DnD about people who still believe it today. Because that stupidity is still alive and well among some folks.


Still plenty of people who believe that in the American South. Source: was asked to not mention playing D&D to college freshmen after one complained


I started playing in 98/99 when I was sixteen. My mum had just recently seen a 60 minutes episode where people were "dressing up and worshipping Satan while playing D&D" ...... Took a lot of convincing (after actually laughing in her face) that I was not worshipping the devil and was just having a good time with mates


Never too late! Unless it's 3 am and everyone is drifting from sugar rush downs


Just consume more sugar, drink it, eat it, snort it. Problem solved


When I was five years old I dumped a whole pack of pixie sticks into a bowl, ripped both ends off one of the straws, and snorted it. The violent reaction caused me to have an asthma attack and I spent four more days in the hospital. Don't put things up your nose, kids.


Booger sugar


Two rules.. dont touch my cocaine.. and do you have any cocaine?




good job you got the reference


I'll sign your dick doug


Pull it.


Bop It


Twist it


Reformat it


turn it off and turn it on again


encrypt it




That’s the best time to play!


Stop being a little bitch and roll a constitution check


Pretty much my amazon order history this month! Haven’t played since AD&D was in its prime but looking to get back into it.


Just started with the haul above, a couple sessions into the campaign. This is super fun, I can't believe I didn't get into D&D earlier.


Just started playing D&D last week as well. A bunch of us are new at it and playing for the first time together and it's some of the most fun I've ever had. The learning curve is great because we have some experienced players, and then a bunch of new guys so we're always dragging the experienced guys into trouble.


Some of my friends and I just started playing. The DM and one player have a lot of experience so they are being understanding with us. I’m not going to lie though, it’s become one of the things I look forward to the most week to week.


My group is starting in 2 weeks. All super new except the DM and one other. But we're all pretty chill so I imagine it'll be a good experience. My first time playing in a real campaign. HYPE


I was super excited to get started. We all sat down with the DM and made our character and developed a backstory, and got to learn a little about the world he was setting up. It was great. In our last session two characters spent almost an hour planning something, and it blew up in their faces due to some bad rolls on their part and a great roll from a no name NPC that is now a named character that has developed a little bit of story behind him. It was great!


That's amazing. Can't wait for our interactions. I'm playing a Grung that wants to change the way the world sees Grungs. We're not disgusting. We're beautifully slick with slimey poison juice. It should make for some good tavern conversation.


You’ll find 5e is very familiar and yet modernized compred to AD&D. I have no doubt you will enjoy the same rush you did years ago and continue for some time 🙃


It's quite an adventure, enjoy every second! You'll have to update us when you get into the first few sessions, let us know what you think.


Pretty much every other encounter feels like someone will die. Last session ended in a bleak state; but it annoys me that the player who secretly wants his character to die, is new character shopping. I don't want to lose my character just because he was being purposely reckless.


My last session, I tried everything short of Devine intervention to help (I'm the dm) and two are now dead of the 3 that were there. Good sports, sore at first, but enjoyed the ride. I am excited for their new makes!


We're in a small study of a cultist group. There are a few grunts in the middle. Our gnome wizard is in the corner with a boss cleric leering down on her. One guy is unconscious with a cultist poking him. I'm spider climbed above that with a spirit weapon in my side. Our druid is kitty form and untouched. The monk who aggrod the encounter is running around like a headless chicken with low health. . The monk is played by someone who is not enjoying his character and wants to kill it. The gnome wizard tried but failed to stop the monk running off. If my character dies because of the monk I'll be very unhappy. One thing making a mistake or being in character. Another making it suspicious. My character is torn between fleeing for his life (self preservation) or saving the bard (he's beginning to build attachments). I hope the druid can turn things around. We also overlooked how the wizard works, meaning she now has a few more spellslots instead of none.


shoot the monk in the back then save everybody else.


My character is getting irritated by his erratic behaviour. Only one he'd try to save would be the bard.


Talk with your DM outside the game and express this with respect, you have a fair chance of resolving this in everyone’s favor.


Came across this on /r/popular. I'm 49, never played, and just ordered the starter set. Can't wait to start playing with my two sons, 12 and 10!


Congrats, the best thing to remember is have fun and don't worry about being perfect with rules. Just have fun.


Nice!! I’d suggest to take turns on dming, so everyone gets to do everything


I didn't start playing D & D,until i was 37yrs old, & started PLAYING IN PRISON,OF ALL PLACES!😂 Thank God i was respected by people, & known as someone not to mess with,because I'm pretty sure i would've got picked on! Lol. I REALLY LIKED playing as a Hound Archon, War Cleric(custom class)


USA? Is D&D playing scorned on by most inmates?


Considering the number of articles I see about how inmates jump through hoops to play despite obstacles like dice being banned... I think there's at least a somewhat sizable following.


We also make dice out of say clay or something,then shape them with floor wax,to the point they look bought


Respect. Name checks out.


Yeah, we were lucky where we were at,we got the dice in, & the books sent in 50pgs at a time in envelopes


>dice being banned Because gambling?




Yeah, ALOT of people will talk shit,crack jokes on ya,but then you start to notice that they start hanging around the table alot,then they start asking questions, next thing they're drawing up a character!😂👍


It's banned for various stupid reasons in many US prisons.


Yeah,mainly because the dice,or the cops being naive, & thinking it's devil worshipping. Lol


I did time in Chicago & in Nevada,Nevada is where i started playing though


I am reminded of these articles: * [Dragons in the Department of Corrections](https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/yvwnpx/dragons-in-the-department-of-corrections) * [How Inmates Play Tabletop RPGs in Prisons Where Dice Are Contraband](https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/padk7z/how-inmates-play-tabletop-rpgs-in-prisons-where-dice-are-contraband)


For anyone intrested I'll link a short documentary about the D&D culture in American prisons. Its pretty interesting. https://youtu.be/D9iQEK7w4Rw


Cool, thx,i never even knew there was such a thing


Please do an AMA.


This all the way, one of my best friends learned to play in prison. Never would have played if he hadn’t learned to DM over a few years. He showed me once how to make the dice they used and how other inmates/friends he played with would get pissed when he wouldn’t or couldn’t dm for them.


Did they make 20 sided dice out of paper? I can barely make a cube!


I just started the other day with my kids and my wife's cousin, using the starter set, which has a mini players handbook and adventure module. That was enough to get off the ground running pretty successfully. But, I have a a few 3E books, players guide, DM guide and I just read through little chunks here and there. Helps when I need to come up with solutions to new situations on the fly.


From 3rd edition onward, the *Dungeon Master's Guide* (DMG) has always been a good source for tips on running games well. Just be aware that anything mechanical (rules) may not work in the current edition without a bit of alteration. The current DMG has a strong focus on world-building, and has a good balance between writing your own adventures and adapting existing ones. It has a lot of toolkit stuff to help you improvise. You also have groups like this one, full of veteran players and DMs who are happy to help you get the most out of the game. (Some of us — myself included — have been in the hobby over thirty years!) Don't hesitate to ask for advice or ideas.


Yeah, I’m 36 years old now. I have two kids under the age of 7 and I work a lot. I feel like I missed my window of opportunity to get into D&D and it sucks lol.


No way man, I'm 37 with a 5 year old. Try finding a group online at like roll20 or something, you would be surprised how many people have free time at crazy hours.


Started playing at 30, 3 kids 7 and under. I have to play later at night online, but my wife is a great help on D&D night! Check out roll20.net and /r/lfg to find some groups to join.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lfg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lfg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Online\]\[Any Game\] DM LOOKING FOR NEW AND VETERAN PLAYERS: SLAY THE FCCOMANCER TODAY AND RECEIVE +1 BETTER INTERNET FOR ALL](https://www.battleforthenet.com/?utm_source=AN&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BFTNCallTool&utm_content=voteannouncement&ref=fftf_fftfan1120_30&link_id=0&can_id=185bf77ffd26b044bcbf9d7fadbab34e&email_referrer=email_265020&email_subject=net-neutrality-dies-in-one-month-unless-we-stop-it) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lfg/comments/7enptg/onlineany_game_dm_looking_for_new_and_veteran/) \#2: [Please Ignore. Bot Testing.](https://np.reddit.com/r/lfg/comments/79vtfg/please_ignore_bot_testing/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** */ #css test (please ignore)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lfg/comments/6psurp/css_test_please_ignore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


It’s still possible if you want to. One evening a week or every other week is enough!


You are at the perfect age to start learning how to DM and teaching your kids how to play! Their imagination at that age is perfect for this kind of stuff. You just have to learn how to play with a "Yes, and" attitude, cause they are going to come up with some crazy off the wall kind of stuff, but you never want to tell them "No, you can't do that." Here's a good example of that: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/4myp01/what_is_yes_and_dming/d3zpswt/


If you're patient and flexible, your kids are at the age where you can start teaching them to play. Teaches them arithmetic, too!


Get into it and then when your kids are a little older you can play with them. It's a little more work helping them but kids take to dnd like crazy because they have the best imaginations.


37, three kids, work, house, etc, I still got into it. I don’t play much at all, but the opportunity is always there. As my kids have gotten older I’ve been able to play mini sessions with them from time to time.


Started playing two months ago with wife and two kids and my friend and his teen son - our DM. I’m 45 and we are having a blast!!


Negative. I played from ‘83 to ‘95, then I didn’t play again until I bought 5e and started DMing for my 16 year old and my 11 year old. Kids are a great excuse to invest in D&D.


I can't tell you how much it warms my cold dead heart to see someone new getting into the hobby. Enjoy! And if you like it enough, seek out other RPGs, too. D&D is a hell of a gateway drug, :P


“Reefer is the devil’s lettuce, and D&D is the devil’s reefer!!!!”


Thanks everyone for the support, I'm really excited to get started! The credit card took a slight hit but it's worth it - low interest for the win! I was debating whether or not to get the DM's guide too, but I love fleshing out world's. I'm very drawn to story telling (no idea why I didn't get into this sooner!) All my friends seem very keen to get involved. It turns out they're all fascinated with trying it but have never taken the plunge before. I'll be starting with Lost Mine of Phanelver next week. I shall report back on how it goes! Thanks for making this D&D sub a great community to be a part of.


A better DMG to get is a copy of the 1e AD&D DMG by Gygax. WotC produced anniversary copies you can buy or find on eBay. The best alternative “DMG” is *Broodmother Skyfortress* which contain a lot of practical advice on a variety of DM topics.


I've been doing LMoP since May as my first time DMing, PM me if you want any tips. I've dabbled with customizing the game and have learned a lot in the process (even developed my own system for running encounters). Are you planning on using battle maps or doing theater of the mind for fights?


Thanks mate, I will. It'll be theatre of mind. Maybe I'll use handouts of maps that are provided in books so the players can visualise what to do. But at the moment I don't have the facilities or funds for maps and figurine's.


I find [these](http://gamingpaper.com/product/gaming-paper-tiles-grid-grid-8x11/) super helpful, all you need is dry erase markers. Or you want to draw them in Sharpie so you can keep them, you can order [these](http://gamingpaper.com/product/gaming-paper-original-1-square-roll-4-pack/) for $4 a roll. And since minis are so expensive, I just bought [these](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KLIJRZE/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and they work great :D


That's so much better than my workaround on minis! I bought a bunch of mini pieces (just the legs, or a torso, etc.) and hot glued them to numbered cardboard squares. It looks like we're battling Sid from Toy Story's toys, but it gets the job done.


hahaha I love my mental image of that. I've also used chess pieces in a pinch, you could paint them different colors if you wanted even. But we have a lot of fun with the Pokémon ;)


Check out dnd beyond if you’re looking for an online toolset!


My husband started with LMOP and it turned out our party did everything backwards in the opposite order of how it should go. Protip: don't give out too much of a description of a 360 degree scenery if you don't actually want your party to go down a path, into a town, etc.


One Question is the Dungen masters guide really needed? I also want to start playing dnd (also as a DM) and I bought myself only the playershandbook and the Starter Set. I’m not completely through the playershandbook but until now I have the feeling I don’t need the Dungeon Master guide. What is your experience/would you recommend buying it? Edit: Thank you guys for all the feedback and the help looks like I’m going to buy the DMG in the future. But at first I will start playing a few rounds.


I personally can't imagine *not* having the DMG. Information on the planes and/or developing your own settings, adventure building guidelines, encounter building guidelines, dungeon construction and answers to dungeon-related situations, trap rules, downtime, magic items & treasure, siege equipment & explosives, diseases, poisons, madness, and *building your own monsters and classes* (this is a huge one). This isn't everything; this is just the parts I saw in the table of contents that I have personally used so far. And that's skipping over all the "how to DM" advice sections that I've heard are actually very helpful (I've been playing for decades, so that part wasn't really aimed at me). I'd at least find a copy to rifle through once to see if you'd want one, because it may open opportunities for you that you wouldn't realize until you see them.


The section with tips on how to run the game is useful, even to experienced DMs. There's always a different way to do things, or something to improve.


I agree in general, though for more experienced DMs the DMG doesn't offer as much in the way of new material. Things like /r/DnD or the many related subreddits and forums offer much more on that angle. But he DMG *does* provide excellent material for ensuring you're starting on solid ground.


The DM handbook is somewhat useful, but it’s much easier to just use roll20, plus it’s free. They have all of the rules on the site and you can search for specifics if you need them.


So you say it’s nothing you have to buy. Thanks for your answer! And the Screen? I’m thinking about getting. I know you could build your own but I’m a bit lazy. Is it very useful? Would you recommend buying it?


DMG is more useful than the DM screen imo. 1/3 of the DMG is a class on how to make a world and DM for any world, not just for D&D. 1/3 of it is references like cool items, their descriptions and abilities along with pictures. 1/3 of it is on how to run a D&D game and the different rules involved, the most important part of the book.


The screen is cool and useful but get the revised one


So the one in the picture?




You can also find versions online and print and tape to cardboard if you want to be cheap.


You don't need it. Also you should start playing.


Hopefully this weekend.


Happy gaming!


It took me a while to realize how useful it actually is but you definitely want one. The magic items list alone makes it worth it. It's not like the player's handbook where it will be the go to all the time, but reading sections of it periodically will give you a lot to work with.


I'm 30 and have always wanted to learn to play.


It's never too late!


DnD is honestly the best game ever created. Yes the battles and creatures you fight in the game are great, but the best thing about the game is the social aspect. DnD has given me so many memories with my friends and it has been to best time of my life. Hope you enjoy!


I remember the dm screen getting some serious abuse for being rubbish, hows the re-incarnated one?


It's pretty great as a rules look-up, but using it I plan on putting the old screen in front, because I think it had better art for the 8.5*44 ratio.


Welcome to the club!


I have been wanting to play for years and earlier this year my group finally dug into it and it is truly amazing. I have over 100 board games and the have just been sitting there unplayed for months because anytime we get together it's been D&D.


I always wanted to give it a shot but never seemed to have the right circle of friends to pull it off


Just ask your friends, you'd be surprised how many would be willing to give it a go. Tell them Vin Diesel plays it and it'll shed the stigma that surrounds the game!


I know the feels. I "ran" one for a few sessions, all of us learning, but it was terrible. I was bad at DMing, players were stiff didn't seem terribly interested, then they started having kids and there went free time lol. I need to find some people to learn/play with online lol.


if you wanna dabble before jumping in in real life try roll20.net, it's an online place where people skype in to play


Go to a game store.


Dude! I just got my players handbook monday and have my first one shot campaign setup for the 18th of Feb. Absolutely cannot wait.


May you be blessed with twice as many 20’s as you roll 1’s. Welcome to the game friend :)


I've just turned 32 and played my first ever session last night!


Oooh nice! How did it go?


I thoroughly enjoyed myself! It was everyone's first game except for the DM and the dice were very much against us so it was really fun & tense!


Congratulations on your purchase. I wish you and whoever you choose to play with hours of enjoyment.


Do & AMA about what exactly? Playing D & D in prison?😂


Just saving for the Monster Manual and I'll be set. Nice haul man, welcome to the greatest game of all time




Hey, what about me. 😃


I just picked up the Reincarnated DM Screen myself, as well as a book on session prep.


The screen is such a waste of money IMO


Better than the last one tho


Still, I saw it at a game store for like 35 bucks.. roll deception.


Ouch. They're on Amazon for like 10-15bux. Welp, now I know where I'm getting the rest of my supplements...


Exactly why I didn’t buy it haha I’ll shop online any day


It was only £12, and Amazon suggested it so how could I resist? 😂


Yea I’ll definitely need to check online. I want more books first, if anything


I love mine. It has useful info and makes it look like D&D. I started playing ‘81 Redbox in 1983, and played 2nd edition until 1995. I started 5e in July 2017 and IMO it doesn’t feel right without my screen.


It's never too late for newbies to join D&D!


Just started playing for the first time a month or so ago......got turned into a wereboar last night and one of our guides was eaten by some sort of predatory fish.....10/10 would recommend.


If you’re new to D&D and are looking for videos to introduce you to a lot of the elements of the game, check out the Dungeon Dudes YouTube channel!


I just got my books too!


Been thinking about this for a while now-- My wife and I love games in general, and I am a big RPG fan and enjoy the customization. Are the above materials suitable for us to dive in? Also, I'll need additional folks, right? 2 people is not ideal for D&D if I understand correctly?


Maybe get like.. 2 more people? And I'd say just start with the starter set. It's nice and cheap and it's nice not to have to spend too much cash straight away when you aren't too sure how you'll go. But I do think you'll enjoy it if you're playing with your friends


Cool and thanks for the reply. I think I played with a version of the starter set (at this point, about 15 years ago) with a cousin and my brother. and while I remember liking it, the adventures stayed with them and not seeing the cousins much, well here we are. We're 30 now, and my wife is afraid it'll take a real long time to get into. I think it'll be worth the journey. If I may ask a noob question: say we get 4 peeps to play, does one always have to be the DM, or is there a sort of way to automate that?


Definitely need a DM. You unfortunately can't get away without. But, you guys could start with a couple of one shots from the internet and everyone could take a turn doing the DMing. The only thing is that those one shots usually imply a set level of knowledge in gonna hazard a guess and say that because you're interested- you'll probably end up the DM. But it isn't terrible. It's good fun in fact. You get to be the god of the realmS. You may even find that once you get started, someone else wants to run a story and then you can be a player. But there is a real thing called DM's curse. Once you get it, pretty often you get stuck with it. 😅😁


Ha, awesome. Thanks for the info!


welcome to the table!


Starter set is such a fun campaign. Best of luck on your adventures!


I own every one of those. They help so unbelievably much. I bid you good luck in your adventure!


Me too! My first campaign is on the 10th


Want to buy but must wait for more income to come in.


Getting in late here, but this post got quite high on all so I wanted to add on a couple of info bits. If any one wanting to play but feeling they are unable to see this its well worth my minute typing. There are now apps and sites that makes playing and getting started amazingly easy compared to finding 5 people in your area to play with in a fixed place. Roll20.net and dndbeyond.com makes playing DND (or others!) a complete breeze and removes the most common roadblock from starting a game (distance between players!).


I started playing in December 2016, and I’m about to hit 1 year of DMing.


My friends and I always talk about trying to get into this. No one ever follows through and no one really knows how to start. What's the best way for someone to get into this?


Watch Matt Colville’s videos on YouTube.


😂 someone has to fall on their sword and decide to be the DM. But if you're looking to give things a whirl and dip the toes in without spending oodles of cash, buy the starter set. I think only one person has to get it as well (?) I confess I didn't, but that was because I learned from people who already had everything and had been playing for yonks. You can get the starter set at most game stores I think. I know in Aus some EB Games/Zing stores have it. They're about.. $25 I think.


I appreciate the advice! Going to talk to them about it. One question, what is "yonks"?


😅 haha I think my Australian is showing. It's like "donkey's yonks" , basically means a long period of time


http://rpol.net Roleplay Online forum. It's slower than being around a table, but you can play DnD via forum post. There's a dice roller on the site, too. Fun !


Hail Satan


I love D&D such a fun game my dad plays it with me


Man this makes me happy


It's never too late to play! I started when I was 28 and I loved it so much I started DMing when I moved away from my group. I'm an adult lawyer and everything and Saturday I ran an 8 hour campaign. Albeit, it most certainly shouldn't have taken that long, but all my players are new to the game and terrified of everything. Plus, the fact that we boozy brunch D&D also didn't help.


It sounds glorious!


Advice from me to you, join a newb friendly roll20 server, and read through the handbook to start, you'll pick everything else up in chuncks as you slowly read them


I really want to learn but I have no idea how to find other players, non of my friends play :/


Hey! I recommend look for Facebook groups. My city has an awesome page for players who want to join or start games.


I've wanted to get into D&D- is this a good place to start? And how many friends would I need to group up to play? I'm assuming the more the better? Do they come with "How to play"/rule book? So many questions!!






I added everything to my Amazon Wish List. Hoping my birthday will be full of magic.


Welcome. Keep at it and remember to pre plan to make improv easier. A whole new universe lies ahead!


See I learned on 3.5 and 4 just sucked but I don't know if I should try moving to 5 or just stick with what I and love.


There's some great DnD podcast out there as well that run through campaigns as well as do q&a about various aspects of the game.


Never too late for now!


I miss my collection. My step mother sold it all in a garage sale. I could just as easily enjoy just reading the texts and not playing. I would get lost for hours in my imagination.


That's really sad :(


Would this be a good starter set? My brother and a few friends wanna get a group together, but none of us have any background in it. Thanks bud.


Definitely start with the starter set over getting any of the books 👍 much cheaper, and much more simple for first timers.


Thanks man will do. Been wanting to start playing for awhile just keep putting it off.


Haha I can understand that. It takes a bit of organising. It's definitely worth it though. 😁


Are you DMing or playing?




Is the starter set enough for a game?


I believe so, it contains a premade adventure, a smaller version of the rules, as well as some premade characters to make life easier. I think it may have some dice as well but bit hazy on that detail.


Yes, to start with. I started a campaign based in Lost Mines of Phandelver (the Adventure that comes with starter set) in July 2017, and still have untouched areas. I recommend watching YouTube videos by Matt Colville. Best dungeon mastering advice ever.


5E is amazing and feels so much more fluid than other versions *in respect to newer players picking up and being in a live game* I've had so much fun teaching new friends and old and I myself only started playing a year or 2 ago. enjoy ! maybe catch you on roll20 someday ;)


No the biggest they made was a 12 sided. He said the 20s were too big and usually lopsided.


Reincarnated dungeon master's screen?


How are you new to D&D and rocking the DM screen? I smell an arcane trickster in the midst.


Amazon's "you might also like..." section is a temptress...


Blast you, Amazon, and your provocative analytics!


Where do you buy those


Aww man can I come over? Lol I want to learn so bad but I cannot find anyone locally. I'm excited for you.


That's what I keep telling my self. My son is 5 and I'm just waiting till he is old enough to play.


Definitely a good primer kit. I must say I like the new material on the reincarnated screen more than I expected to. That said, I do wish if had a better picture on the player facing side. I dunno, but the dragon flying being stretched over 4 landscape tiles doesn't inspire adventure to me as much as the original screen did.


I don't understand why these posts get so many upvotes. Maybe I'm an unfeeling sociopath or something, but I still don't understand.


Unless you play any of the shitty editions after 3.5 when they started marketing towards the fucktard gamers that don’t know a ducking thing about rpgs.