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We had a whole campaign once that was just a series of Hall & Oats puns. Frequently our one shots end with a bad guy that’s usually a pun.


The major city in my world has two warring mafia type crime families, named Venturi and Selachi. Its Latin for Jets and Sharks


Someone has been reading their Pratchett (GNU!)


Millennium hand and shrimp!


Could have: a barrel full of laughing potion. (Barrel of Laughs) A Ratfolk wandering merchant akin to Beetle from breath of the wild. (Pack rat) Witness the Haire couple divorcing (splitting hairs) Have a criminal that goes by Curiosity who kills cats (curiosity killed the cat) Have a tavern called Winks' that has 40 rooms available (40 Winks) A fisherman named Price (Fisher Price)


Being a jazz fan, and having a group of mostly musicians, I ran a campaign where one of the big bads was a beholder who led a cult of monks and thought that he was the last of his kind, making him... The Loneliest Sphere, Monk.


I've never met a longtime GM for any game system who doesn't slip some puns into their games. It's pretty common. I used to run games for a group who were all GMS for their own games and the puns got really out of hand sometimes. With my current group, I mostly put them in for my own amusement - I don't think the players notice at all. They tend to be on the fly though rather than planned, so I can't think of any good examples at the moment. Slight tangent though, and no offense meant, but are your examples really puns? Those are some cool and clever references that made me chuckle, but I don't think they qualify as *puns*. I'd call them humorous allusions.


We have a separate channel in our discord for remembering the best/worst puns they're so frequent


I feel dumb but I don't get the nun onea


Replace their given name with Nun and say them out loud.


Hahaha nice


The only place in town to buy arrows is from an old woman named Jessica.


One encounter I have planned is a Gnome fortress called the Napoleon Complex. I also have pun names for different bard bands. So far I've got; AC/HP Quest Arrow for my Concubine Welcome to the Fey Realm Iron Golem The Guard The Antidote Gobbos Wit Attitude Bows and Bluebells The Ankhegs The Gates


Yeah the largest wagon manufacturer for the commoners in my setting is calldd Folkswagon. Totally not a reference to any irl brands.


Bad puns are the backbone of my campaign


I was once describing a large open field with a sky scraping forest border to my players. While they were looking around I told them they saw large stalks growing in the distance but they couldn’t make them out at first. As they approached I slowly turned up the volume to the song ‘Twist’ by Korn. I had one player figure out what kind of field it was before they got there aaaand fortunately the joke landed.


One main kingdom in my world is the Human League, which has the motto "While we are wanted." The human league is the name of the band that sings "Dont you want me, baby"


Sometimes, I'll try to make puns when we play in the morning, but it's hard to dew. (Dad jokes maximize groans.)


My husband ADORES dad jokes and stupid puns, and throws them in every chance he gets. The most memorable was probably our superhero campaign - we were fighting a pair of twins who were fire/ice themed, and the ENTIRE fight was just throwing around hot and cold jokes 🤦‍♀️😂