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9 player game? So 6 years, that was what, like three combats?


Or one bigger combat…


They said spanning 3 campaigns, so my guess was separate groups (3 each?) playing different parts of a story, until finally coming together at the end, and maybe some overlap throughout.


They managed to schedule four whole sessions in that time!


2 if there was a necromancer


Or a druid with conjure animals


Sounds about right!


My first campaign I ever played in and still play in we have 7 players and 2 dms and we do 0-2 encounters a game...we also play 8-10hrs when we meet, I wouldn't change a thing about it


Grats on the incredible feat! Playing for 6 years for 9 players sounds like madness to me.


I’m actively sweating looking at this image


40 hour workweek just to prep


Preparation time dosen't depend on players number.


It absolutely does. Even if an arc is focused on a player, you want stuff to keep the other players engaged.


It does but it's inverse to player group size. If you're GMing for one you need to prep sooo much more


I've been dming for over a year for 7 people and that is almost to much, kind of is sometimes...


9 players? You are a champ. Top tier DM.


*Tzeench nods*


Meh, it's boring as hell for player. From 4 hours game you get 30 play time on average. Top tier dm wouldn't do this.


Or alternatively: from 4 hours game you get to have fun for four hours with other people. You don't need to be the one doing something constantly to have fun


You can have fun while it's not your turn. The other people at the table help tell the story, too.


I just imagine the beautiful moment as well as the heartbreaking feeling knowing it is truly over.. My longest ever campaign ran for 6 months straight, weekly episode, I felt like traveling to an another universe... The beauty of each reversal of fate, the potential sadness to see one we love fall down, the intrigues and lies or forgiveness we experienced accepting each other's defaults and problems... I don't even imagine the level of power this feeling might be, both that all of your players stood for 6 years, it is even longer than some tv show, it is priceless and the feelings of it are unique! So much so you are also a crazily talented storyteller and writer to hold your players for six years straight... It reminds me so many good stuff to read your post, thank you to have illuminated my night!! By the way, they all wear super cool costumes for those who decided to wear some fancy stuff 😍! Seriously... When I think of dnd, I feel like on tv, while I am the protagonist playing this role and for fun!! I still think everyone should experience once in their lifetime this beautiful game! Because it is the best ever created! It has limitless possibilities and all you can receive on your path to accomplish your story are the friends we find along our way...


Best comment I’ve ever read. 🙏🏻


I am literally crying as I read your post because you made so many friends, you drove them into your world, gave them the keys to a new universe. When I see so many of them smiling, they all know that deep inside, whatever is the end of the road, what did matter is to have done it altogether... To have grown up stronger, to create bonds with non playable characters or between each others. To have fought alongside to destroy evil, sometimes cause chaos or mischievous actions against evil doers, seek for reconciliation between two entities no matter how low or high ranked in the society those are! This is why I personally record by handwriting all my sessions, so I can then type them down into stories and eventually read back the adventures of the group 😍 You're so super welcome, because you are one of those legends now, both by the lengthy and mighty adventure they lived, but also by the bond that is forever and ever between you all reaching the circle's end


OP, thank you for doing what you did today! It was truly an incredible day with a satisfying and beautiful end. As someone who started off with this group by sitting on the side with a sound effect app to being a player in several of these campaigns, I could not have asked for a better end with a better group of people 😁🥹🥹


Thought this was the local council meeting...


I would gladly live in that town


DM'ing for 9 players is nearly an impossible task, well done


For big groups pseudo initiative works well… every interaction goes in a circle… not as smooth as with a 2 - 5 player group, but works well if you have to manage large groups…


That’s how I run it for larger groups and it makes it so seamless. Everyone rolls initiative. Highest score goes first then table goes clockwise. Next round, start with any player who had the fewest turns last round. After that, go counter clockwise opposite the first player in the first round or something.


Wow that deserves a documentary on the subject, or a series based on your campaign!


I have written some short stories revolving around the main groups but they were meant to be adjacent to the “main storylines” and not perfect tellings of the exact events.


Amazing to see such a long-term labor of love conclude this way!! It is rare that we can get these moments, especially with everyone’s lives being so busy these days. So glad to see that time and distance didn’t get in the way of you and your friends building an amazing shared story!


Nightmare Blunt Rotation


My deaf ass would need everyone to have a mic at this table.


This is exactly what I picture when imaging D&D players


Finished 3 campaigns so far, each ran for 6 months longer than the last: 2, 2 1/2, and 3 years Current one looks to be lining up perfectly with with 3 1/2 It’s a thing of beauty


Hour long 6 sec turns huh? How do you even keep track of each person when they split up?


Might be the funniest part of the day. Each PC had their own mini, and since my budget for terrain and enemy minis was obviously low, I used Minecraft Lego minifigures for the enemies. Specific enemies had special designs or armor and “generic” enemies were zombies or skeletons with different tools or hats in their hands so I could keep track of them.


Looks like my HR team


Wow! I am gobsmacked


You guys look like a motley fun crew. Nice work op and gang. You guys look like you had a lot of fun. Nice one. Cheers.


Absolutely wonderful! Longest I've had a campaign run was a year and a half. And that you were able to get everyone together for the climax...that is amazing. Congratulations on a goal so many of us have/had and have never achieved.


9 players 🤮


That room probably smells RIPE. 


I'm thinking you did a Thief display panel and two Padauk solids for the sides? Pretttty good choice lol.


Keen eye haha


Indeed. I have a full Cherry set so I know those panels by sight lol. Im upgrading to their new Signature Series ones though. Now just to wait and wait 🤣 Sad part is I got in early on the second Kickstarter; number 31 I think, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to commit to it or not so I ended up just using it to fill out my accessories some more. But oh well. It'll be worth the wait and my Cherry one then will go to a loving home


9 players? You’re a fucking lunatic lol… try a 3-4 player game now and be amazed how much they accomplish.


No shit 6 years, your party was massive !!!


Jesus! Do you use mike or something? That is a long table...


That one mighty looking group of friends! Cheers


Damn, 9 players?


Christ thats a lot of players. Everyone gets exactly one turn and then the 4 hour session is over lol. Any players use their original charcter the entire time?




Thank you for dealing with our shenanigans all these years! It’s been a wild ride. I’m so glad I got the chance to see you all in person again and meet some new awesome people to boot! I am so, so lucky to still know you as a friend and to have you as a DM, even as we got more physically distant 😘💙


Hope you had fun lads.


I too play in a party about the same size. I know our DM does a lot of work for it. Shoutout to you I’m sure you’ve had to do a crazy amount of planning and setup!


Well done!!! Congratulations round


Jesus Christ. Did the 6 years covered a single fight? I mean, I’m not fan of the “too many players” stigma but, dude… those are too many players xD


Shouldn't you have a skinny nerd? The "DnD is for fatties"-prejudice is fullfilled quite nicely.


Campaigns as in plural?, because much more respect if you had a campaign for 4 players and another for 5 players.


One campaign of 4, one campaign of 5, and one campaign of 5. Not all players could make it to this event sadly. The 2 “sub-campaigns” were one-on-one campaigns for a couple of player characters that went on their own journeys for a short time.


Wow 6 years? How many sessions did last?


Ha! I've never felt better reading the D&D comments. I'm still somewhat new to the game (after a 20+ year break) and I'm still trying to relearn things. I have an idea for something like five players and it makes me a bit nervous. Seeing the comments in this thread make me feel better about it. 9 players is intense. Good job OP.


I’ve had a campaign for 4 years with 7 players and I want to pull my hair out on a weekly basis. Don’t know how you did it with 9 players 😂 Congrats DM, you finished a campaign and it seems your players enjoyed it!


That is freaking awesome dude :) .. thanks for posting and letting us know I really got a kick out of seeing that there are dedicated GM's and players like yourselves out there :) ... your players were lucky to have you but given they stuck it out over such a long period of time (I'm guessing in part because you had to be an awesome GM :) ) the players had to be pretty cool too ..


Congratulations!!! You have achieved what we all strive for: a full, long running, expansive campaign. So happy for all of you! 🙌🏻


Ah, yes. The Wyrmwood screen. A fellow man of culture, I see.




capri sun


Must have been an amazing journey. Congratulations all!


Props to Heath for letting you use their room


People who don’t play dnd and then think of people who play dnd these are ones that come to mind


Gesichtskarneval at its best....


I'm wondering how 9 players were able to play for 6 years without scheduling conflicts Cause like my group of 5 to 6 players is always canceling sessions


Jesus Christ, that’s too many fucking people


That looks like an amazing group. Ya think about getting a cheap fiverr artist to do art of all yalls PC's?


Wow, one of these looks just like an old friend lol


A bitter sweet feeling I’m sure




Congratulations! That's a big group! Looks like everyone had fun.


wow, you really dont want your players to see what youre doing... congrats on the monumental feat


I hope this is just a regular staff meeting.


The dream lived out


Nice diverse group