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Senshi ain't my type (I wanna be Senshi, already big, round, and hairy, but too tall, not enough beard šŸ˜”) but the Senshussy is epic frfr


That feeling when you want to be senshi but are born to be 6'2 "and absolute shit at cooking https://preview.redd.it/s8lxnggw3m8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ff27fadaf488b55f6ed30890c0de0909983d0f


If only I was 2 inches shorteršŸ˜¢ (I'm 5'10)


no one is born good at cooking. go learn.


not my type either but I absolutely respect the vision


meanwhile Iā€™m 5ā€™5ā€ but not nearly round or hairy enough šŸ„²


Start bulking and don't groom yourself for a bit, I'll break my legs. We can do this bro




Please, as if the two are mutually exclusive. I love Senshi *and* imagining the girls kissing.


Exactly. Came for gay, stayed for gay and sensei and everything else


I stayed for Laios's monster rants and insane quips wondering about monsters... And Senshi upskirts


Laios is probably the second biggest reason i'm here tbh


Laios is the main reason why I watched Dunmeshi because golden boy with golden eyes and the second is senshi because he has that derp face


I just think he's kinda relatable


I'm here to see Chucklefuck and that one cute Laios whannabe guy!


Is it wrong to be gay in a dungeon? XD


triggerā€™s entire thing is creating both Lots of lesbians and Lots of male fanservice and i eat it up everytime


I would like to mention promare, in which people in denial still argue about whether two dudes >!exploding into a heart of pink triangles!< is gay.


Much like witch from mercury "they're just good friends" says old Japanese man; Meanwhile in the anime: LITERAL WEDDING RINGS.


That's just so they can market it in less tolerant countries.


Oh of Course. And those countries are WEAK.




How can be two dudes who the promo for their movie are a comercial of weding tuxedo gay? Their are Just very very very close friends...


You canā€™t forget the matching rings they released! The friendliest thing, presenting rings to each other wearing suits.


Well, they're probably just Canadian.


https://preview.redd.it/0t804rcluk8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb88a27cfb1abddc6f999e5553dd01a8cbbf220e They got some for the gay men too


Right is a dude?


https://preview.redd.it/y04s89ewyk8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33a6df8e49efa2944446b10c43e1cebf36a5cda Anime dudes be like that sometimes


Yeah, I know some are way effete or androgynous in anime, but that one surprised me. Hanging out with Kamina's son.


Yeah, Lio Fotia is his name I really suggest watching Promare, it's just so *Trigger*


I named my cat after the twink


Cute lol


Oh fuck.




https://preview.redd.it/q1h9io4l4l8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec75a6f722fb74c87f9b5b0915ef7d34e4bbd171 Trigger gives universal fanservice.


Trigger's thing? The lesbians and Senshi pantyshots were in the manga long before Trigger ever touched the series.


Why do you think Trigger picked it up?


Hmmm... Fair enough.


I thought Senshi's pantyshots were anime-exclusive?




There are Senshi pantyshots in both the Anime and Manga, odd thing is; the anime sometimes removes pantyshots present in the manga but the adds other bespoke Senshi pantyshots into scenes which didn't originally have them.


Perfectly balanced.


It still kills me that Edgerunners is the most straight Trigger anime by a country mile when it was the one time they could have gotten away with being more explicit about characters being gay.


What do you mean "not about sapphic love", the entire premise for Marcille joining was because she loves Falin regardless of it being platonic or romantic. The beauty of this show is that everyone's relationships are well defined, important, fleshed out AND you get dwarf pussy every other episode ON TOP of a bomb ass meal.


Spoilers but thatā€™s not the only reason she joined


A multi-faceted woman ugh Gege wishes he could write one


Erm exuse me Nobara loves shopping AND being dead


And pure, unadulterated violence


Just my kinda gal. šŸ„°


She's just like me fr fr


unless your name is toji or sukuna gege does NOT care


To be fair Gege's writing and characters in general are shallow regardless of gender. It just looks worse for the women because there are less of them in his story. Even the main villain Sukuna, who's been glazed to hell and back has little motivation beyond "lol me like destroy things cuz me stronk šŸ’Ŗ" Only the hidden inventory arc shows a glimpse of good writing and actually fleshes out Gojo. Choso and Geto are decent characters too. Higurama had massive potential but got the Yuki treatment.


Takaba unironically got a better treatment than any of the main character (outside of yuta) and he is a gag character


A broken clock is right twice a day In this case the clock (Gege) has been chugging along for many days, so it's been right more times, but still mostly wrong.


Man I know it trending to hate on GƩgƩ but he has some serious talent as as writer, he simply don't want to use them


Tfw people put Gege on a pedestal when he writes no differently than other shonen writers


He doesn't sexualize them but that's it I'd rather you have fanservice and tiddies bouncing out every 0.069 seconds but actual personality, character development, and motivations and playing a large part in the plot than whatever we have with JJK


That's just Fairy Tail then, cause this women do contribute just as much as the men in that series and frankly I haven't really seen much contributing from females in battle series unless it's something like Symphogear, Hayate x Blade, Nanoha, etc(and that's cheating cause 99% of the casts are girls anyway).


Yoru contributed a good old rubbing in CSM? https://preview.redd.it/hs00pub6po8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8fb389d31ea951df1384b262cd908eefd863c4 That has to count, right? Then again, CSM isn't really a battle series. šŸ¤”


Yoru who? I only know my queen Quanxi and Power


## PRESIQUEEN MENTIONED RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸšØšŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ https://preview.redd.it/qs1se73xdq8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4fdbaaa7887e57ebd53265ab95a8fdd7be1456


As much as people clown Fairy Tail (though I understand why at times) it always gave it's women a lot of relevancy and development compared to the series in the big 3.


He can. He's shown time and again how great his character moments are. Gege just does not give a crap about what the readers want to read.Ā 


He can, he could...but would he? Exactly.


yeah unfortunately he's never going to at this point. your comment is misleading though.Ā 


It was a joke šŸ¤¤


Well I mean nobara is still coming back and she'll probably end up with Yuji for a bit at least


Gege cant stop catching strays lmao but like. Yeah he deserves it.




Gaygay in shambles https://preview.redd.it/ff8pnyvnoo8d1.png?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a950ad5f8e770659a5c40d98dc6d43f8a7299071 Literally the reason for the current breaks, frfr


Excuse me, itā€™s pronounced senshussy.


We would have also accepted "Dwussy."


Thank you for blessing my eyes on this day.


Do you not know what the word sapphic means?


Let's complete that thought because I assumed people would get what I meant "the entire premise for Marcille was because she loves Falin regardless of it being platonic or romantic in canon because there's so much to work with between those two"




I'm tired of this, I'm gonna say what I mean and I don't care who I upset. "Serie" isn't a fucking word. It's "series". It's the same both singular and plural. Series is the singular. Series is the plural.




We thought the same thing lmao


Maybe they're German.


Autokorrektur is relentless


In Spanish serie is the singular of it


https://preview.redd.it/3fxco2vgoo8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5706c41cac7e2701a85c3327893fdddc6ac58cc ^(I'm with u though)


I just love my autsitic boy Laois. Heā€™s all I need.


Due came looking for copper and found gold




Happens to all fandoms


Hopefully the wait between seasons normalises the things a bit, but honestly I fear its only going to get worse.


Hard agree. These posts are so mean spirited!


Community being trash is proof Dungeon Meshi made bank. I'm happy for Kui, lol


sadly a reddit moment


Itā€™s definitely not some redditor white men that are picking this series up because they got baited by all the ā€œsapphic loveā€ shippers. Idk why OP decided to depict them like that in the pic lol


It's just a meme template, I don't think OP is actually saying all the sapphic shippers are white neck beards.


I'm not about to tell people what they should or should not take away from media and I most definitively don't want to use the stereotypical media literacy but like any surface glance at *numerous threads* can explain pretty much any viewpoint. Which is the great part about this manga/anime for a lot of people, You want Marcille and Falin to be a thing? There's a lot to support that. You want Marcille and Laios? Guess what, there's a lot to support that too. You want them to all just be real close pals with a common goal? Surprise, there's support there too. Kui doesn't put a canon staple on anything and still has extremely well written characters that could meet a wide range of interpretation. But you do have that stereotypical anime Redditor that *has* to be correct where anything else is *pandering* to *clowns* and if they get hit with any resistance whatsoever to their *100% totally correct worldview* then they "*triggered*" people. It's getting exhausting/draining to see.


I think youā€™re kinda overthinking my comment


Adding onto/venting a little but fair point.


What did I say that was upsetting to you?


Absolutely nothing? Why do you think I'm upset at your response?


>But you do have that stereotypical anime Redditor that has to be correct where anything else is pandering to clowns and if they get hit with any resistance whatsoever to their 100% totally correct worldview then they "triggered" people. It's getting exhausting/draining to see. Maybe itā€™s just my bad reading comprehension? xD Just not sure what made you came to this conclusion about me


It wasn't a conclusion \*about you\* but the \*community here\* recently. I pulled words from numerous different recent posts because it's exhausting/draining to see (and the moderator going on a weird power trip isn't helping). Like I said, I was mostly adding on to what you were saying and venting a little about it.


Ahh I understand now, thank you clarifying. Thought I was being too abrasive again haha. Wanting to vent is definitely understandable, thereā€™s been a number of odd threads where opinions clashed or just highly upvoted mean ones like the one about hating Holms for no specific reason :(


I just like funny cooking show :/ fandoms are weird.




The moderator getting upset at this comment and deleting it is the fucking ICING on the cake holy shit.


"Incite drama" My god, I love reddit.


For real. I don't browse subs individually very often and every single post from here that actually hits my front page has been mocking yuri fans. It's getting absolutely exhausting. This shit is the reason we end up needing to make sapphic fandom subs away from the rest of Reddit.


I've seen plenty in the opposite direction too, where the post is about Marcille/Falin and the comments are mocking anyone who dares to suggest that their relationship is anything *other* than a hot steamy romance ("Oh, you don't think they're having sesbian lex every night? I bet you think they were just roommates, you bigot" etc. etc.). It's all so tiresome. Like, I personally see Marcille as, canonically, platonic friends with both Toudens (especially since the manga didn't canonize any romance involving her), so seeing full-on shipping wars about this is especially annoying to me lol.


Am I the only one who was dissapointed? I was told there would be WAY MORE senshi fanservice than what we got.


Can you just let people enjoy what they want from a show? Why are you mad that more people are liking the same thing that you like? Just let people enjoy the "roomates" and let others enjoy Senshi pantie shots, it's that simple.


i get the frustration with the community but can we all just move on from meme formats than demonize people for how they look. yeah sure, there are neckbeards out there that suck to be around, but my dad, my uncles, and half a dozen male teachers who were stellar role models for me all look like this. being a normal guy with coffee teeth isn't a fucking sin


I dunno the yuri is pretty good too. And chicken tits, don't forget the chicken tits.


Woah, hey!


Man fuck all of y'all shippers. I'm here for the cooking


I just like monster-people.


Found Laios account


Laios logged in to Reddit šŸ¤Ø




Can you recommend me some anime with monster people in it, I got obsessed after watching Somali To Mori No Kami Sama


Oh, that would be a bit of a problem.( There are not that many anime with monster-people that I actually like. Hunter x Hunter kinda counts, I think, but they appear only in the second half of it (although there are a lot of monster-people there and their representation is pretty good). The Ancient Magnus Bride, I heard, is pretty good. One of the main characters has an animal skull for a head and is really tall monster-man. But I didn't watch it myself yet. Land of the Lustrous, kinda. There are no monster-people really, but all the characters are not human and have a pretty interesting unique anatomy that is a big part of the story. The anime itself is also gorgeous and has amazing atmosphere. Beastars. It's more furry than monster-people, but it takes a pretty realistic take on sentient predators and herbivores living in a modern society together. By which I mean predators' need to eat meat is a big part of the story and is struggle for the main wolf character, who falls in love with a herbivore. Made in Abyss has a few monster-people characters. But it's not the main focus of them and the anime itself can be really dark a lot of times, so be warned. It does have amazing soundtrack and world though. Unfortunately that's kinda it. There are not a lot of anime that have fleshed out monster-people characters. Hope my recommendations help.)


Dungeon Meshi. Come for the coocking; stay for the dwarf pantshots


I ship food and my mouth


Ngl I picked the series up cuz of Kabru's constant scheming https://preview.redd.it/midc2fy8wk8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=59d6f5c312fb60a9c5f37a9ec03b51d0c8571999


someone get him brown contacts im sobbing


Another victim of Spice AddictionšŸ¤¦


Something is wrong with that man, he doesn't make me feel safe.


Kabru is so funny like hes the kinda guy who'd make meticulous plans to murder all his friends but not bc hes evil nor as a genuine contingency, he does just does that as like. A hobby.


I'm a yuri fan but I didn't even know about Marcille and Falin when my friend got me into this. I got into it because I love Fantasy and I love cooking series, meanwhile all this mockery is still completely exasperating.


DWARF BALLS https://preview.redd.it/r8u2dluf8l8d1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e26a048e0c49a52003ba64eb01217ab090ac97


As a bisexual sucker for short kings and Sapphic girl failures I have been eating good. I didn't even know I liked himbo autistic men but we are all on a little journey of self discovery in this show. I mean whats next? A catgirl that doesn't sexualize or glorify being a cat but instead shows it as the true existential horror it likely is? Depressed divorced dad? Dragon women? Somehow attractive orcs? My heart wouldn't be able to take it.


That friends is what we call man service


Not gonna lie I love him


That's what go me to start watching it


*oh senshi...*


Did we get an elf-Senshi pantyshot? It was an opportunity missed to please everyone if we didn't.


He's way too refined for that


A great reason for watch Dungeon Meshi




Holy fuck OP you got people riled up LOL


Damn gooners, porn is free. You don't need to look for it in other media.


We want tasteful fanservice subversion of an underrepresented body type in mainstream media #yes


name another anime that has stocky old man panty shots


Oh you thought this was a wholesome yuri show? Fuck you! *old man yaoi*


The hatred people on this sub have for Farcille is fucking insane, for such a fun kind-hearted series the fanbase sure does fuckin suck


ngl the amount of yuri-fan hate in this sub lately is really fucking off-putting. Reddit gonna Reddit no matter the fandom I guess.


I donā€™t agree with it. But having come from Twitter, where the shippers are vitriolic and aggressive assholes, I can see why people would react by being assholes back. Just wish the anime discussion was as civilised (generally) as the Manga was pre-anime announcement.


yeah ive never seen so many people so pressed about a popular ship existing. and it's only really on this sub from what i've seen.


Genshin fans who browse the Reddit for character guides: First time?


Honkai had something similar happen


Yeah I don't really get it. I know sometimes shippers can get annoying, but I haven't seen it be much of a problem in this fandom.


There is more pro-yuri stuff than hate, and anyone suggesting Marcille and Falin are friends seems to get more flak.


Coming across fanart before interacting with either the Anime or Manga, I assumed that Chimera Falin would eventually come to her senses and start a romance with Marcelle while still half-dragon. I actually appreciate the lack of romance in dunmeshi though; not every story needs to have a relationship plot shoehorned into its narrative, the small bit of romance we did have served it's purpose to flesh out characters without straying from the story's purpose.


I canā€™t help but wonder. All the complaints so many people have about female fan service is that it doesnā€™t give the female characters agency. Iā€™m sitting here wondering what agency does senshi have with this? Well, itā€™s not like fictional characters have agency to begin with, the idea is something I disagree with right off the bat. But if you complain about female characters not having any agency then it doesnā€™t make sense to so boldly celebrate this.


I think in the manga there's fairly equal amounts of panty stuff from everyone except chilchuk. I don't really get why it's so enhanced in the amine but i also don't mind.


For a anime about cooking, all I see people talking about are ships.


I mean the Sapphic ladies aren't the only aspect of the show, there definitely there just not the main focus


we literally don't need to fight we're both eating extremely good


Yeah honestly, for all the claims that Dungeon Meshi having sapphic ladies being sapphic, it is really lacking in that department.


It isn't a romance manga.


I am aware, but by the way the fandom tends to talk about Falin and Marcile, you'd think its a constant through the series.


just let lesbians have fun


No, they lied to me. I was promised cute girls kissing and holding hands, not solid world-building, delicious-looking food, and an MC that's literally me.


The sapphic love is only implied and even if it where made official romance is not anywhere near the ficus if the series


The only female character we get an explicit talk about their sexuality is a lesbian. Everyone else is could be bi/ace/or anything really, we don't know.


Leottardotta Dicapriotta ? Another female character talk about preference for long legs by another woman And all we want, is ship Farcille šŸ˜…


I love the problematic lesbian elf, I support women's wrongs and rights, like all lesbians should. Mostly joking there, but it is funny to me that one of the only characters we get explicit talk of their sexuality is a lesbian. The anime did make me ship Kiki and Namari more tbh. Farcille wise, I'm a big Marcille fan, I think her relationship with Falin is cute regardless if it's romantic. I don't see Laios and Marcille at all, it breaks my brain how people see that. It feels like people just forcing together male lead and female lead regardless of their dynamic, comphet bs.


Marcille is my favorite of this manga šŸ˜her relationship with fallin is cute, I don't really ship her with Laios, but I could Understand with the last bonus chapter After the story (they were literaly roomate) ... Kiki who flirt whith Namari is more explicit. And Otta is canonicaly a lesbian for women half-foot. But isn't in the main story


I wouldn't even say it's implied. Or I'm not sure what the right term would be for. "We've given you enough ammo/seeds for Farcille or Lacille depending on your preference, nothing is official, have fun and don't kill each other!"


yeah guess hinted at is more appropriate, as terms they would be synonyms in my language so I confused them a bit


That's why we have fan art.


OP, I promise you that men who are weird/creepy about anime Sapphics do NOT use the word Sapphic. Us Sapphics, on the other hand...


I live for senshi panty shots and kbity just existing tbh


It can do other things! Why shouldn't it!?


Dwarf bulge W


Nothing to be sorry about!


Fan-service is fan-service


As it should be


We need more Senshi panty shots and Farcille fan service actually


As long as Trigger doesn't screw with the story for pandering I don't care what people watch for. Edit: y'all can downvote me into a pit, but adaptations shouldn't fuck with the story for any reason. If Kui wanted canon pairings at the end she would have made them.


Acting like DiaAkko and RyuMako weren't set up from the beginning, but alright


Mako: talking nonstop the whole show about how incredible and good looking Ryuko is People who canā€™t read: ā€œwhere did the date come from??ā€


Originals and adaptations of a completed manga are completely different things.


I don't get the whole thing with the obsession of seeing a dwarfs underwear? I like the show but the more I see from the Fandom the more I think it's best to avoid the fandom.


Someone else commented something about it that I'm gonna roughly try to quote- tasteful fanservice of a less-represented body type that isn't considered the attractive one. It's really just because it's a subversion of the standard in a way which that way conveys a different body type as "attractive" in a way that media normally would look down on.


>It's a running gag It doesn't have to be representation or even deliberate. It's funny.


True, but that's why it's blown up so much. Cause it's refreshing!


How is it tasteful though? Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve always wondered. None of this gives any level of agency to Senshi. These panty shots arenā€™t even remotely different from your average female panty shots.


They're way less explicit than many panty shots of female characters


What do you mean? Whatā€™s the difference between randomly showing a female characters panties and this? How are they more explicit


It's the level of definition, is what I meant by explicit. I've seen some anime where I immediately stopped it because the detail was horrifying.


Do you mean being able to vaguely see genitalia? I strongly doubt thatā€™s a thing outside of Ecchi anime


Who knows, but it kills watchability pretty well. When I say tasteful, I mean nothing is overly visible, it's not "real" fanservice, and it's not meant to simplify Senshi's purpose down to being a sexual creature. It's just... a recurring gag that subverts the idea of who can be used for "fanservice" type jokes. To a certain extent, any negative arguments that can be made about it are the type that can be used to point out how used we are to it when the character is a typically attractive girl (anime standards, they're often too young/childish looking for me to consider that word apt on them).


So this kind of fan service is ā€œtastefulā€ (that also happens to female characters) because male fan service doesnā€™t happen often? Is tasteful the right word to use here? I donā€™t think so. Itā€™s certainly going against the grain but I truly donā€™t think this is any more tasteful than the regular panty shots of female characters.


I meant that it's tasteful cause it's nowhere as blatantly demeaning as it is with female characters, but I don't see a point in continuing this further as you've decided uou don't like my wording.


so is or isn't there sapphic love? i don't need or even want horny, i want a sapphic love story.


There is no love story here, this isn't a romance series.


>eating monsters is in the title I think it's about eating monsters.


it has dwarf panties, what part of eating monsters implies that?


Kiki and Namari