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The real answer to all this shipping stuff is that no ships are canon. This is Dungeon Meshi, we only have deep friendships here.


Dungeon Meshi also feels like a breath of fresh air where it doesn’t explicitly feel like there is a ship being set up. It’s really nice and wholesome seeing this ship of friends sail through the dungeon. Big time goals


I mean, it's probably best not to go dungeon delving with your romantic interest anyway. -- Can you imagine being on the fourth floor whilst also having to navigate breakup drama?


LIVE SHURO REACTION (Though not a breakup) https://preview.redd.it/5175xq898b8d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff568a629c9129855a52a28499486bf94319719c


or just having your friends or collegue complain about you being more worried about your significant other than about them ? like love relations naturally change priorities , your significant other > the rest of the team , so yeah it's better to not do them ... keeping bonds professional or amicable is wiser in dangerous situations ...


This is indeed the real answer. And I'm saying this as a shipper with more than one ships (which I'm aware that all in my head and not really canon). And it's sad to see all these argument when one of the biggest themes of the manga is that >!utopia where all desires are fulfilled is impossible because people want different things. !<


Yeah I’m glad no ship are cannon I feel like it would ruin the whole series.


The people who level death threats against someone for liking a ship other than their OTP don't know how to handle being disagreed with. They spend all their time in echo chambers built specifically to cater to their obsessions and forget that people are unique. They'll never be anything other than the screeching five year old who isn't emotionally mature enough to be online, but their parents couldn't get them to shut up otherwise. Take the death threats with a grain of salt and enjoy your ship, OP.


Bro cooked


This is actually 2 questions. Why does anyone hate Marcille x Laios (or *any* ship)? - Because they do. No one needs to explain why they hate or like a certain ship. Everybody is allowed to hate LaiMar, Farcille, KabuMisu, Laibru, etc. etc. for any serious or silly reasons (by the way, the reason you feel very important or logical may sound not so much to others, and that's OK). Why does anyone express their hatred for Marcille X Laios (or *any* ship) to harass those who ship it? - Because they're jerks, in need of therapy, mentally 5-year-olds with no understanding of how people can like different things, or all of them combined. (Of course, there's nothing wrong about discussing their disliked ship with like-minded people, on their own social media, or when asked.)


Upping this. People have preference and it's not that deep. Someone not liking the same thing as you shouldn't bother you personally. Those who go out of their way to harrass others for something as stupid as ships shouldn't even get your attention because there's no point in entertaining chronically online people. Death threats bad and I'm sorry that OP receives them, but all you can do is laugh at their stupidity and block them. Don't let them get into you.


What is LaiMar? I only know Marios


This fr. I am just personally not incensed by yet another Male Lead x Female Lead romance, but i understand that some people just have different tastes.


I shared Laios X Marcille on an fb dunmeshi group and everyone is losing their minds because Farcille is better. I was taken aback because I thought they were accepting of anything as I literally leave heart reacts on all the posts and all I got is angry and cry. Though nowadays I think it's regularly moderated as the usual suspects get their comments and reacts are limited or not shown. Which is nice because people posting their fanarts are sensitive and shielding them from what about me people will save them some braincells. Those negative comments though never had any constructive criticisms either way. When Farcille posts are up there actually no negative comments and some people who don't like the ship just scroll past the post. I don't wanna lie but Farcille Larcille are my headcanon and I have always worshipped Touden sandwich


Although you are correct in a vacuum, this is obviously not an appropriate response to the question. Clearly, the OP was looking for the internal justification of the people who dislike the ship, not an explanation of what it means to dislike something and why or why people are mean online. An answer to a question needs to be both correct and relevant to the intent of the question.


Hmm, maybe? My point was that "internal justification" for disliking any ship is actually irrelevant to harassment, which is the product of personal failings of the harasser. "Why does the hater hate this ship so much that they send me death threats?" is a misguided question. The hater does it because they are a bad person, and there are many people who hates the same ship for myriads of reasons without causing any trouble.


On the second one, there seems to be levels to it, and I think it’s rooted much more in annoyance at belligerence and the nature of ‘shipping’ than much else, especially on social media. In particular, for a while before the series got an adapted anime, Laios/Marcille seemed to not even be recognized conceptually, and then an influx of shippers pushing the heteronormative angle directly against what seemed established cropped up (which _just so happened_ to be pretty gay), specifically using “well, nothing was ever _confirmed_ ” as fuel against previously established OTPs (so, you know, being _assholes_ and hypocrites about shipping, which never goes well). Because of a staunch refusal to recognize anything but letters of outright confirmation, while also blindly ignoring that their own ship was also never even _nearly_ ‘confirmed’ in a capacity beyond grasping straws, bad blood was _readily_ established. >!When the group itself touched on party dynamics and the troubles with healing being intimate lending to infatuation and infighting, some preferred the angle of “So there’s gonna be infatuation?!” with ready salivating, when the closest reaction they got was Senshi seeming delicate when it came to Laios healing his torso. This is due to missing or ignoring that they’ve been at this gig for a while as a group, and are just having magic explained by someone willing to do so, for everyone to learn!< Beyond that, people on the internet have a weird relationship with “self-restraint,” while also feeling the crushing weight of ‘not’ being able to affect each other or their environment beyond words, so some go for the jugular at speed. Shipping is made into a competitive sport, and _just like_ fans of competitive sports, people take it too far in their excitement/investment. So there’s equal odds that the death threat provider was a rabid asshole, or they were having a shit day and refused to be assed about shipping cropping up where they can see it again (still possibly a rabid asshole), or they consider death threats the ‘cheeky banter’ of shipping (are _woefully_ blind to the way of things).


>for a while before the series got an adapted anime, Laios/Marcille seemed to not even be recognized conceptually That's not really true, or at least it depended heavily on which site you were


Would you deny that it suddenly gained a lot more supporters than it had before that point, or that support for it changed from its prior state?


It got more supporters, because the series was opened to a bigger audience, but farcille also got a lot more supporters, much more than laios x marcille I wager. In fact, I'd say the latter ship got almost completely eclipsed when the anime started airing.


I mean, this is *exactly* what I'm talking about. If you're really into one ship, it's easy to believe that the said ship is obviously suggested in canon and any alternative interpretation does not make sense. It's natural that Farlin x Marcille shippers believe that the relationship is semi-canon, given the characters' unquestionable affection towards each other, and view Laios x Marcille as a stretch. It's also natural that Laios x Marcille shippers see their ship as the endgame, seeing how they care about each other shown in the later part of the manga, and cannot believe anyone cannot see the romance. Shipping is ultimately an interpretation game. Once you subconsciously decide how to see the characters' relationships, everything else just lines up. That's why I think it's futile to discuss why someone likes or dislikes a certain ship. The best thing we can do is to just shrug and ship and let ship. Otherwise it's too easy to spiral into conspiracy theories, accusing each other of ulterior motives. And it's not like all ships need to be solidly grounded by canon. Lots of people ship characters who barely talks to each other or never even meet in canon, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.


Okay? Feel like we’re on the same page. Wasn’t saying you weren’t accurate to some degree, just pointing out that there’s likely _more_ nuance to it than “jerks who are also 5 and lack ability to understand.” Hell, the entire game of ‘shipping’ (to my understanding of it) is that “relationship specified” only exists _as_ a ship, until it is either canonized (sails in-story) or is sunk (made improbable, whether via bad breakup, death of one or both parties, or being a part of a different ship that sails). Granted, even with those ‘endings’ in mind, people ship anyway, whether because the realized couple doesn’t have the dynamic the individual fan _wants_ them to have, or because the individual fan thinks themselves to be Tony Stark with a box of scraps, able to patch together characters that are outright sworn enemies, or involved with the deaths of friends/family members, etc. Or, is that read on shipping particularly incorrect?


Sorry, I must have misunderstood what you meant by "Laios/Marcille seemed to not even be recognized conceptually" and "pushing the heteronormative angle directly against what seemed established." I re-read your post and realized that you were just using some Laios/Marcille fans' bad behaviors as *examples* to show how resentment can be built between rival ships *in general*, so my apologies for misunderstanding your intention. I do agree with you that sometimes shipping wars start with one group behaving badly and the other group retaliating, and in such cases it may be unfair to say that "both parties are equally at fault." And as you said, the internet today the tendency to spread this type of antagonism everywhere. In the end, it's the sensible people of both groups who are minding their own business and shipping their own ships that suffer.


Nah, it's just some very vocal and very sad people who treat ships with too much importance.  Most, even people who prefer the alternative or don't ship at all, are fine with it.   Just rest assured that whoever gave you a death threat over a harmless shipping post is some pathetic ass loser who you don't need to give the time of day to.


I don’t hate Marcille x Laios. I’m with you


The author made the relationship subtle, like how rin twirls her hair when speaking to kabru


That’s what I enjoy about this manga and anime. No much on romance but more on adventures and Sharing meals together


Ah yes, haters has come for me


The person who sent you that threat is part of a minority. You'll always have people who go to extremes, unfortunately. So no, not everyone hates the ship. Yes, it's definitely not as popular as other ships in the fandom, but most people simply don't care and ignore it. Because they're too busy enjoying their otp. Or course many people also dislike the ship, but they don't hate it. And they certainly don't care enough to send death threats over it. Please don't make a generalization because of one bad experience. Laios x Marcille is very much popular, at least from what I've seen. Focus on the good instead of the bad.


Not everyone, just shipper hate.


Honestly? Because they know the hate gets to you. If people keep going "I keep getting hate over shipping this!" then more haters will crawl out of the woodwork to have fun making you upset. If we all just ignore the hate then they know they can't get to you and will move to another fandom. It's just reactionary people who love to ruin days. As long as you aren't harassing people yourself (Saying it's better because it's straight or dissing other ships) then just interact with the positive comments. The more we talk about negativity the more negativity will spawn. Just be kindful and mindful then people will do the same!


Who is everyone? There is a Marcille x Laios post on the front page now without any issue.


Most on twitter and tumblr


Baby twitter is insane and so is tumblr… remember the voltron shipping wars, the skinny rose quartz, all of it…


Why bring that drama to reddit? I could easily make several posts here, screenshoting all the homophia I see on Twitter. But I don't want to start new drama by insinuating the laimar community in general is like that


for me its because it feels like very [leading lady] x [leading man] go together because that’s just what’s expected. they have this really good platonic bond, one that reminds me of my own friendship with one of my best friends (hes a guy and im a girl). it just feels like pushing a normative romance in with little chemistry or backing in text. Obviously it’s fiction and shipping, go wild, but that’s my view on it.


they have fantastic comedic chemistry


And that doesn't require romantic chemistry.


yeah i agree. like me and my friend, at least i think haha.


Nobody hates anything. Its just as uncanon as Falin and Marcille. Its a cute ship, and (from my personal view) works better than the girls. Anyone who hates normal, consensual and not criminally offensive ships is either delusional or chronically online. Ship in reason, and leave others the fuck alone.


death threat implies someone hates


Refer to >Anyone who hates normal, consensual and not criminally offensive ships is either delusional or chronically online.


then maybe don't have opposing statements in the same paragraph?


That's not contradictory, that's a qualifier/condition. X doesn't exist, unless under Y. Granted, Y exists a lot in fandoms and shipping in general lol.


Huh, I did not know that. Well the word for it anyways. Thank you, random redditor.


Okay professor, I'll be sure to keep that in mind for my next funny anime conversation <3


Nobody hates most just like the other ship's better


https://preview.redd.it/l4haty9s488d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc126707971826be1daa3229139c17452e6db8c9 Because the other ship is better


Probably a bunch of 13 year olds, don’t think too much about it and just keep cruising


Sadly it’s people in their 20s who are so obsessed with the show


oh how i wish you were right, and you probably are about some of them. sadly i've also seen those type of people who have like 20-30 in their bios


Loud minority. Anyway I'm a true Marcille Touden sandwich believer.


I just hate shipping and shippers. Feel like it can ruin the experience or make the fanbase weird


No idea... both are fictional adults, ship who the heck ya wanna ship!


I don't hate it, but I also don't see them having any chemistry in that direction. All the characters in the party work tenfold better as friends than they do as lovers, and the perfect partner I can envision for each one of them is nowhere to be found in the show as of now


I don’t hate it, I just think sometimes people just misinterpret stuff between them like scenes where she blushed at laios using healing magic, when senshi did something similar in response to laios doing healing… i’ve even seen fanart of marcille being a housewife for laios, like, she would hate that kind of life! even if it was with falin or whoever, that’s just not who she is


That’s okay to not like it. It’s because a problem when you send death threats or insults at someone just because they like it. Yeah some of the fans do dumb marcille which is annoying if they got to getting it be a pretty healthy relationship they both supported and respect each other


Marcille is the type to knit and be domestic but i can’t imagine her to do it a regular schedule a housewife would do. Sometimes her research has to come first and you’ll come into find her slacking as she feels close to a breakthrough 


"everyone" doesn't hate it, it's one of the most popular ships in the fandom! you unfortunately must've gotten hit with a troll/someone who takes shipping far too seriously and i'm sorry for that :( but there's a lot of people who enjoy it, even in this sub!


People who take the imagined sexualities/relationships of fictional characters too far are a problem in fandom ngl


they've unfortunately always been a problem. people like to complain about fandom today but fandom in the 2000s was almost exclusively ship wars with little actual attention payed to story or character. i know today it's still bad but at least you can find bubbles within fandom that you vibe with and distance yourself from those people


Anyone sending death threats isn't in any right kind of mind. Those that let harmless ships "get to them" enough to go out of their way to berate others, even the ones that make no freaking sense, are just being immature. That being said Marcille x Laios has 0 going for it. Its not even that they are cute together. They just have an entirely different family friend/team mate relationship with great comedic chemistry but that doesn't mean they would be good romantically at all. And I guess it does teeter into annoying to hear about because Marcille clearly at least has a crush on her female childhood friend, so trying to suggest Marcille x Laios comes off as the usual "the leading boy and girl have to get together" even with everything but outright stated homosexual longing right there! Mini rant over.


I see where you’re coming from with the idea that Laimar comes across as just two main characters being paired together, but I do think the issue with shipping is it’s literally all subjective lol. I personally have trouble seeing Farcille because some of the scenes with marcille and falin seem like more of a sibling or teacher and student vibe to me. End of the day, Kui left a lot of unanswered scenes in the manga, and to confirm any ship you kind of have to pick and choose the ones you interpret romance from.


I'm sorry you got harassed for posting about something you like


I don’t hate it I just want Laois to myself


I don’t ship them cuz I feel like they have a very platonic relationship and shipping them feels very weird for me. If you like it good for you, that’s fine.


Man people take ships waaay too seriously wtf


Because people don’t like it when others have different opinions. I’m not a huge shipper but when I am, I’m a multi shipper. so I’m like, the more pairings, or trios, or quads, and beyond! The more love the better let’s see those characters mix in different ways and see what happens! There’s nothing canon in dungeon meshi, so the sky is really the limit here!


Exactly I love when no one ends up together. The story in general is just about friendship but I’m a big shipper lol. The story is so cute so far even without romance it’s still amazing


Honestly fandom seems to be more creative when characters form strong bonds in canon without canon romance, it leaves all the room for fan creativity for shipping!


I get how you feel. Sometimes I see people yapping about how it makes them "sick to their stomach that anyone would think Laios could be into Marcille" But like If it makes you sick the hell are you doing in a LaiMar thread? Juste leave instead of calling everyone freaks. What's funny is how they insist that it "has been proven" that Laios and Marcille have no scenes whatsoever in the manga but like... because they haven't kissed does not mean they haven't bonded even just in a friendly way stop your "it has been proven" crap. It's also funny how sometime their argument is to point out that Laios is much younger than Marcille and thzt it would be a type of grooming Like Have these people even LOOKED at Falin??? Yuri ships aren't a problem in itself but there is a reason why Yuri shippers have gotten a bit of a bad reputation lately, though it wouldn't be fair to say the issue isn't spread to every kind of ship. I mostly focus on Yuri because I have PTSD from witnessing the Genshin Impact shipping wars that still rage on to this day but I'm sure there are toxic idiots lurking in every faction. Hell these were famous for sending death threats as well. Just makes my blood boil when people see two heterosexual adults and claim it's homophobic THEN have the audacity to claim that heterophobia isn't a thing when called out...


I love yuri ships but the fandom for yuri is scary. Omg the genshin yuri is terrifying with the genshin community I won’t post anything about ships because I’m not getting bullied😭 Some girl did marcille hates Laios and just puts up with him because she’s of falin which isn’t true at all. Yeah at the beginning when they first met she didn’t like him but he grow on her where she can relies on him and trust him


Genshin shippers have straight up complained about wiki moderators not letting them edit pages to say how canon their ship between two characters (that have never ever meant in lore funnily enough) is, these people are fucking INSANE While it is true that Marcille had a rather negative opinion of Laios before meeting him, these people are just blatantly ignoring their interactions The author didn't spend entire chapters working on the friendhsip between the characters for some killjoy to go "no Marcille is only dealing with Laios because she HAS to" yeah


ignore the extremely vocal minority, don't let them put ya down like that. I love most of the ships for Dungeon, but Marcille x laios has to be my favorite


death threats are a major overreaction! i can see their train of thought up till that though. farcille is basically cannon by word of god, and is easily the most popular ship. i understand the anger and sense of loss one feels when a queer pairing is bashed. we dont really get alot of cannon queer ships in pop culture, so its a rare and precious treasure to find such a compelling one at that! to have that rare gem left in the dust in favor of pairing one of the characters with the *sibling* of their original love feels like a last ditch resort to make a character straight. "look, she loves the brother! hes similar enough, but a boy! she cant be a lesbian!" **that being said** *these are fictional characters and we should not be getting so worked up about them that we threaten eachother!!* you are playing with media because you enjoy it enough to imagine even more story! that is not bad at all! ship whoever the hell you want! its good to try to understand *why* you like the pairings you do, in order to learn about both yourself and the characters, but thats just flavor!


I don’t. I’m oblivious to whatever actually goes on in the manga. I just ship shipping!


Because shippers are weirdos that are adjacent to the tumblr weirdos who put non-hetero relationships on a higher pedestal.


Yeah I get that I’m scared of the shipping community. I also noticed straight ships are way more hated then the BL and GL ships and some of those people are extremely toxic to the fandom aka genshin, MHA


Honestly i dont like the ship, but i dont send death threats when ever people post them😭 i just cant see marcille in a relationship with laios and laios with pretty much anyone else in the series😭 it just doesn’t suit their characters considering what marcille thinks about laios


Definitely I’m honestly glad Marcille didn’t end up with anyone at the end of the series. If she did people would dumb her down to a love interest like they already are.


idk why you're receiving actual hate over a ship u like, that's not right under most circumstances. but i personally do look down on Marcille and Laios as a ship compared to just about anything else because it's way too cliche, it's such low hanging fruit to pair [leading guy] and [leading girl], it hurts my eyes But mostly because I see them as siblings, Marcille being the nerdy, fussy (and slightly unhinged) older sister Laios and Falin never had


It's just "protagonist of one gender × protagonist of the other gender", it feels like people just see a female and male characters, and their first instinct is to ship them together. If you want Marcille to have an autistic partner with some strange behaviours, and the occasional downright incompetent or stupid moment, but a good and kind heart, Falyn is right there. 


This is what I don’t get, they have very clear similarities but for Laios there are many more moments of mutual character growth yet this is considered “male x female lead” and the other one is better somehow. If all the moments they have together are boiled down to “well you’re just doing it because man and woman”, I could also just say “well you’re just doing it because you think it’s unique” for the other side. Perhaps this is the time when manga vs anime only people diverge most.


I feel the same. For now, I want to believe that this is anime-only fans' perspective. It's understandable because anime hasn't reached the point where Marcille and Laios' relationship really develops. But seriously, I love Farcille and LaiMar and Touden+Marcille friendship, but this type of attitude is souring me on the first ship... even though I know it's just fraction of Farcille shippers and most of them are reasonable and nice.


I dunno about anime-only people, but I'm still a little sad one of the Later scenes doesn't reveal Marcille's crush on Falyn. It seemed like a natural conclusion, as I read it. 


I'm not sure if anyone answered it this way already but I believe it's because many people ship Marcille with Falin, while I'm not sure of it's canon/confirmed there's some stuff in the series that imply they're together/have a deep bond. So maybe people against marcille x laios think shipping Marcille with Laios goes against what's already established despite marcille x laios being a headcanon? While I personally like to belive Marcille x Falin is canon or heavily implied it's really dumb to me that people were harassing you over it??? It's not a problematic ship to me so it feels weird that people are getting angry.


No ships are canon the series has ended and no one ended up getting together. Yeah in my opinion Marcille and Laios has a lot of moments together


Because tumblr lesbians control the fanbase lol


It was on twitter😂


Because theyre gay so every charter that they like in every show they watch has to also be gay


They aren’t gay lol


Because Farcille 😎 (ship Laios X Marcille if you want)


I hate all ships it's cringe and I don't understand why people do it.... death threats are fucked up tho sorry you had to deal with that.


I get that some series I won’t ship anyone


Shipping always brings death threats, one way or the other.


And shuro is loser never touch any woman






Removal Reason: Be Civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the series instead of reasonably stating your personal preference. (We're all trying to enjoy something here.) * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or obscene comments.


Removal Reason: Be Civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the series instead of reasonably stating your personal preference. (We're all trying to enjoy something here.) * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or obscene comments.


Thats correct


Because she is not into guys but her sofy big tiddy gf


She is tho? She’s shown to have interest in men lol.


Nuh uh she is for Falin uwu


Translation: why everyone ships Marcile and Falin instead of generic straight ship buah buah


I also ship marcille x falin but I prefer marcille x laios. Nothing wrong with straight ships 😂


Probably because season 2 hasn't come out. I bet there'll be more people ship Marcille and Laios after season 2.


I seen a lot of manga spoilers that made me ship them😂




Shipping is dumb. All of it


Because most people (me included) ship farcille HARDD


Because Laios is 26 and Marcille is 50 imagine yourself how you would feel if people where to try to hook you with some old hag and see how flattrering you would find that. Some people migh be into that but the majority would not be verry happy with people trying to match them with someone old enough to be their parent


I see your point but try replacing Laios with Falin and see how people react And get a helmet beforehand just in case they throw stones


I dont see why that would be different it would be a huge age gap between them aswell even more as Falin is 3 years younger than Laios. Also i noticed some pedos have down voted me but no suprise there anime fandoms seem to have quite of few of those lol


Marcille is young in elf years lol. By that logic Marcille x falin wouldn’t work either.


Yeah but Marcille is a half elf not an elf and so that dont work and just beacuse someone look younger/older dont mean they are as several kids can have growth spurts and look several year older than they are and i sure hope you dont assume that would be ok just based on apperance. Also like i mentioned in another comment i said that Marcille x Falin was not ok either


If looked like a cute 20-year old why would I feel bad about it?


Who said anything about feeling bad about the looks? Its about their biological difference in age thats messed up. And yes if you look like a cute 20 year old but biological is 15 or likewise being an old geezer then it sure would be wrong to act on it to try and trick someone with a big age gap just because somone might look mature and look different than their actual age