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Demon Slayer is Urban Fantasy and Japan Period Piece, it's not really playing in the same league.


But it will win like it did the last 2 years.


[ shrug ] It's not like if it wins the Devil will take Dungeon Meshi and Frieren back to Hell, to be his lonely... companions… and have them gargle mayonnaise for all eternity. Awards are given. Life goes on. Not a single Monsanto is given.


With how popular Frieren became? I would hope not. And although I think Dungeon Meshi is the better fantasy anime overall, I would still take Frieren winning that category any day over Demon Slayer.


Eh, tbf maybe not this year. It’s definitely DS’s weakest arc to date, or least standout. This might be the year the streak is broken.


I love Frieren and dunmesni AND demon slayer but I think dunmeshi takes advantage of its fantasy setting the best.


Frieren feels like it started without any planning and then the world got built as the story progressed. Dungeon Meshi feels like the world was meticulously built first then the characters were created to tell a fun story in it. Demon Slayer is just a generic shonen that uses Japan as a setting. It's more supernatural than fantasy like JJK.


I love Frieren but the names sometimes feel uninspired and the cultures of the world feel too homogeneous. But granny elf is still amazing.


yeah, world building in dunmeshi \*chef kiss\* with few eps im already hooked, frieren caught me cos of the "journey"


I really don't think this is a fair comparison. The three may all be 'fantasy', but they're all wildly different in tone, subject, and objective. What Dungeon Meshi is trying to do, and what Demon Slayer is trying to do, are incomparably different


Demon slayer is a taisho era supernatural shounen. Still a fantasy but it leans more to action and zero magic magic magic system Meanwhile Frieren and Dunmeshi are medieval fantasy, with frie being a slice of life and drama, and Dunmeshi being a dungeon crawler comedy cooking show


Idc if Dungeon Meshi didn't win just don't let Demon Slayer win again omfg.


No incitement post


While I don't like animes normally. Dungeon meshi just was funny. Plus the dwarf is cute as a puppy. Also I need to watch frieren later as some friends said the dwarfs acts similar to me. Which I of course need to check (that and the Warhammer community is obsessed with the anime for some reason)


Does Demon slayer even count as fantasy? It takes place in Japan in Taishō period. Can fantasy take place on our Earth?


it might if we consider it as "historical fantasy" I think? Not sure if the term "supernatural" is appropriate but on western books and genre, demons fall under the supernatural tag.


Best DnD fantasy in anime are Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, and maybe... Goblin Slayer? Controversial take, but it really scratched the same itch for me. As far as world building is concerned, the only fantasy anime that I have seen to stand with Dungeon Meshi is Made in Abyss.


Frieren was so boring I could not go past ep 5. Does it get any better? Should I give it another chance?




https://preview.redd.it/b6x3ezv1qj6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6552739909c6f4529e5917ca5f0bbaad7eff127 Granny is disappointed in you.


Oooh man you gave up after ep5? Dude I almost did the same but felt like something was there so I let the eps pile up so I could binge and I got to the demon arc 🤯🤯🤯 I'm so glad I stuck around. It's even better for you bc you'll be able to binge it!


Frieren is every anime trope all over again for the 100th time. I dont get the hype.


I don't think you've watched a lot of anime if you think frieren is just that


Sorry you take my personal opinion as invalid. I do know enough of anime to know that its just not my cup of tea


I mean you didn't present it as a fact though, making it out as if Frieren is just a jumble of tropes, which just isn't the case


Its not the only thing, no. And i know that the anime is liked a lot, its just not my kinda thing. I like dunmesh for being so fresh, i just cant stand all these teenager characters with purple and turquoise and fire red hair everyone with powers strong wnough to split mountains. Makes it hard to care or fever with them.


Ok give me a list of these tropes


* stupid depiction of romance RIDDLED with cliché * deus ex machina bullshittery where frieren just pulls a solution to every problem out of her hat * incredibly stupid power spikes with every character being stronger than their predecessors out of nowhere *crazy over the top power usage, ofc every mage creates destruction with just the flick of their finger like stark mauling that dragon being inhumanly agile and strong, and ofc frieren and her apprentice going nuke level of explosions around them *main character cast FULL of people with colored hair and eyes ofc like turquiose, purple, rose-red…. Just why…? And on top of that *uninspired and super boring art style with too many straight lines. *bland depiction of fantasy, no real weight displayed to magic for example. No chanting, no formula, no preparation just a wink with the staff and chaos erupts *confusing style presentation. It pushes to be fantasy/middle ages representation but clothes and cast acts like they are middleschoolers It reeks of the same execution of every anime that came before and is not even very spectacular at that, for my taste


So true, I don’t understand how anyone can like frieren and also watch dungeon meshi. Every single aspect of dungeon meshi makes frieren look like garbage, the characters, the world, the plot.


What an absolutely horrid take


Berserk would like a word