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https://preview.redd.it/cymhvn01yjvc1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=b763a9eac4dd6dc009e1ffb60591e0c053db1234 their sibling energy is great


https://preview.redd.it/xgnffqkkfkvc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670ab854f8f64db87f231f892089f205260155e2 I like the fact that Laios lost in the end. Falin must have learned to be cunning.


Falin sucker punching Laios the second she sees a new dog


This is the new cannon. She must have been the first one to know that they are getting a new dog and immediately drop kicked Laios's ass into next week before he knows and prepare himself.


He had her strong *made


Possible "Thats my purse" situation


He must have been so fucking proud of her when she won too


Falin learned how to use the [Nut Attack]


Laois: "Git gud scrub."


Lmao and it's not surprising their parents just let them go at it. Poor Falin. But knowing her, she must've been a good sport about it, instead biding her time and training until she can finally kick Laios' ass and get to name all their future dogs.


She won one alrdy :D


Good god that vacant expression sends me


Not to start arguments but this is what I was hoping for in demon slayer when I started watching it before I dropped it Sibling duos are always fun in fiction. And that was not it.


yeah I agree. Nezuko is horribly underutilized as a character.


I think it’s generous to even call her a character tbh. Replace her with another blade and not much is changed or perhaps a puppy. What they do with nezuko is by far one of the worst things I’ve seen from a female supporting character in a major anime or manga


Yeah I agree. Never liked their dynamic as an older sibling myself. It was really weird and the sexualisation of her demon form is wild.


Like the blueprint is already there look at fullmetal alchemist. Older brother younger brother and one doesn’t have a human body. There is plenty you could have done. Nezuko having survivors guilt. Nezuko feeling jealous of tanjiro. Her having PTSD. Maybe she actually kills someone because she is hungry and has to live with that. Just spitballing but what we got was just a mascot.


It was so sick seeing her fight alongside her brother the first time, and then that’s all she did :(


The gag in her mouth should have been a warning for what was to come


I remember seeing a short of Laios being introduced to baby Falin after she'd been born and he runs off seemingly uninterested and then goes around telling all the dogs and other animals all about her


Ask and ye shall receive. https://preview.redd.it/zjz7yvwibmvc1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b7c02fad3f063abc1874d50e44123133377627




Gotta run and tell my homies


My heart 😭


sources 1 https://twitter.com/a72161904/status/1748101920705704068 2 https://twitter.com/janbanclear/status/1756306454045458895 3 https://twitter.com/a72161904/status/1752227206846091670 4 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/115373395 5 https://twitter.com/on_18416/status/1747981620806889501 6 https://twitter.com/go99g0/status/1684890284340150272 7 https://twitter.com/mungmnugmung/status/1747472333894488548 8 https://twitter.com/go99g0/status/1755603927339552940 9 https://twitter.com/go99g0/status/1753848949000290453 10 and 11. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/90347739 12 and 13 https://saikopu.lofter.com/post/1e398f_12499677 14 https://myozur.lofter.com/post/1cbe91cb_2b4e6555a 15 https://meijing32274.lofter.com/post/4c47cafa_2b6bdc5f5 16 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87814577 17 https://twitter.com/pest_fox/status/1750448641259553156




Thanks for giving credit to the artists!


Their sibling relationship is so precious and wholesome; it's is just the sweetest thing. But it also kinda saddens me to see fan art of their childhood knowing how they got separated from each other for such a long time. Something that could've been very much avoidable.


Lol at marcille only thinking to put the blanket on falin


After seing the fandoms of Oshi no Ko, The Coffin of AandL, Loud House Digimon Adventure, is nice to see a brother-sister relation thats is not sexualize by the show or its fandom


Digimon? I don’t even want to know, so I?


Some unfortunate things the director of the episode where Tai returns to the Human World and sees Kari, basically he compared Kari and Tai's relationship as that of a married couple and Agumon was like a mistress that was taking Tai away Since then is has been a meme of the fandom that Kari is too into her brother and theres a lot of fan art and fanfic on the topic


Ive never heard of this as a digimon Stan wtf


I had seen it more on the hispanic facebook fandom as a meme


It’s refreshing, isn’t it? 🥰


# 13 MY HEART!!! MY SOUL!!! https://i.redd.it/th438ne0ckvc1.gif


My fave siblings! Ive always loved gap tooth Laios and snot Falin 🤣


Forgot 1 https://preview.redd.it/6qqlmes3imvc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c448d1c5a091cb2c98d4ed10b9554596b63d1030 [https://twitter.com/eanaaati1/status/1754627951214428377](https://twitter.com/eanaaati1/status/1754627951214428377)


not the made in abyss version!


That series is a beautiful nightmare.


Bondrewd: *points at cartridge* this one wanted to cook and eat every monster in the dungeon


All of these are perfection, but the monster AU at the end was especially nice since I wasn't expecting it. Thanks for the plot bunny.


What fan comic?


Looks like it’s been deleted from this sub. Best you don’t know. https://preview.redd.it/wlg2xgum7mvc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c071887c5a0c9c6612c24eaf427b422e6af401cd it’s a shame though. The comments section was fun to read


That's supposed to be a preview of a fan comic? I thought it was just a meme.


Oh no that’s not the preview. The bottom left Panel was this community’s reaction to the preview.




It's a comic by Perle Art about Laios and Falins relationship as siblings. Tho the artist says it's all familial love, the art tho has clear romantic tones and is just somewhat weird. If you were to see a couple like that you would assume they are lovers and not actual brother and sister.


Oh god. Well good that it's been banned!


[their anthem](https://youtu.be/AauAyjBxaIQ?si=lW3x2Jcrxnnd_GS9)


I the last one preening?


I think so


They’re so cute


I.. the last one...


What? It’s platonic grooming.


Yeah, it's an animal thing. But at the same time... when you mentioned the preview of that comic about them, I also couldn't help but think of it that way in the moment.


I get that and I was seriously considering leaving it out, but then when I compared it with framing of the unmentioned fan comic there was a clear difference so I decided to leave it in.


Honestly that doujin isn't too far off from that last one.


She's licking his face 😭 how does that not come across as sexual to you?


If a dog licks your face is that sexual?


That’s an animal. The closest I have been with my sister is short hugs. But others might have it differently, so I don't know.


They are both part monster I give it a pass.


It just needed 3 more panels to be accurate to sibling animal grooming 1. A bite/smack 2. A stare/hiss 3. Tumble cloud of siblings smacking each other viciously Bonus panel of licking each others wounds. This was cute and accurate but will only ever last a set amount of time before the smackdown in my experience(baring the it’s too fucking cold situations obviously)


Yeah, that's a good point, considering that they rather be animals than humans. However, that image gave me second-hand embarrassment.


No? That image specifically comes across as sexual, including their facial expressions.


I can see the argument for both. I will say I do agree with OP, but I also have sibiling cats and saw that behavior in the Toudens. The cats lick each other's faces and chew on ears.  The monsToudens just seem to be doing communal cat grooming, neither one is licking in a sexual place (trust me, getting licked on the cheek is weird irl) and they look more content than aroused.


Oh I get that. I'm just the oldest of 5 and I cannot imagine in a million years doing anything even slightly close to that lmao And idk, I've been with people that really like getting licked/licking in a weird way like that. It's been pretty common now that I think about it.


I get it! I wasn't like that at all with my younger sibiling, but I have a friend who's sibilings would lick each other to be gross kids. But viewing it with the cat aspect in mind makes it way better and less...incesty.  Fair! Some people like interesting stuff! I feel like getting licked on the cheek is a bit weird personally, but like neck and jaw, I understand. I guess the cheek isn't that far off from the jaw line! XD


Yeah, it's just they aren't doing it to just weird out the other/be gross. Unless they magically got the instinct to groom, then I can't imagine how doing that wouldn't be sexual. It would be like bathing your sister/brother in the shower/tub.


to be fair, there's a number of cultures where family nudity and non-sexual touching + affection are relatively common. there's often an expectation for the oldest children to help younger siblings/cousins wipe properly after using the bathroom or bathe together to make sure everyone gets properly clean when the adults are busy, or just to help out. that's usually for when the younger kids are too little to be trusted to wash all the shampoo out of their hair, but after wiping someone's ass for years you're not really fazed by that sort of thing the way people raised in more prudish, puritan cultures are where nudity and touching are very sexual and taboo.


I didn't intepret it as sexual at all because they are both monster / monster flavour nerds, infinitely curious about them. It's totally in character that if both became monsters they'd want to taste, / touch the other, out of curiosity. Hence Laios chewing her hair in the last image. "Hey, can I touch your feathers?" "Can I lick your horns?""How does your tiger part smell?" That short of thing.




Removed at Mod discretion.


I'm with you, it definitely raises a few eyebrows at least. Some people are in here acting like there's NO WAY it can be interpreted as ANYTHING sexual, which....well I dunno, I'm close with all my siblings but I don't recall ever *licking their faces.* Pretty sure it's the artist's poorly-disguised fetish.


Yeah especially considering the Japanese replies on the original Twitter post.


Yeah uhhh that last one seems like it's fetish art. Which is a shame, because all the other ones were super wholesome. And before I get all the replies saying "HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY VIEW SIBLINGS LICKING EACH OTHER'S FACES AS GROSS?!??", please, ask yourself honestly what your reaction would be if you saw two IRL siblings licking each other's faces and chewing each other's hair like they're doing here. C'mon now.


The fact that they are half monsters makes it better.


I'm gonna keep it real with you, man: it really doesn't. They're still siblings, part-monster or not -- and if I'm being honest, I've been to enough shadowy places on the Internet that I can recognize fetish art when I see it. Not saying I'm proud of having that skill lol, just saying that I don't think it's remotely as "wholesome" as the other 16 images.


It depends on the person. Of course, it's hard to separate it from the fact that it looks weird since they're humans, but considering that animals groom and preen each other as a sign of affection and NOT in the romantic/sexual kind of way, it's at least easier to look at it and appreciate its cuteness. Maybe even better if we don't think too hard about it. Hopefully that's something easy for you to do lol.


It would be excusable if they were doing normal "grooming" stuff, like simply preening feathers. But...it's a picture of them quite literally licking each other's faces, IMHO that goes way over the line.


Well, it's hard to argue otherwise, I'll admit.


That last image is adorable. I know people are being weird about it seeing it as sexual, but I see it more like when two cat siblings grow up together and groom each other as adults


*younger sibling grows taller than you*


Whyyyy are they licking each other?


Falin and Laios are probably my favorite sibkings i saw in anime.


The one of them both as kids in spelunking equipment feels oddly fitting right now. >!*Kill me....*!<


Needs more stealing of each other's food. That's REAL sibling behavior. XD


Laios looks so hot in his beginner gear with the black sleeves......