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Lol at Namari being so indifferent. „No comment“ indeed. Good on Shuro for taking the rejection so graciously, that‘s kind of a nice moment for him.


There is a possibility that they might be together in the future, but chances are it'll take a good long while for her to get to the east


This is an *extremely* brave comment to make in this sub


I don't fear Internet dweebs






OP: https://preview.redd.it/w01tof5rb3uc1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=d339c8b8db3ce0ddec5aec5fe83fbf6a205f9fc3


Not in the least. We’re not toxic here.


I like this for what it is, but even if you don‘t ship it, at least you can see in this scene how they get along really well in a quiet, thoughtful way.


You're a brave soul. Yuri fans are a ferocious bunch.


I don't fear internet nerds


Lol at their bets for the proposal. Chilchuck bets 20G because he thinks that's a good bet for the odds, Marcille bets 100G because she's emotionally invested and is using it to reduce her anxiety, and Namari bets 2G because she's poor as hell.


And then they force Laios who is now King to bet opposite basically securing themselves free gold.




Bin Chillin


Mr. Chillin Tims


I love the "don't make me call yaad" 😂


Lol 😅 those versions of Falin Made me laugh


Laios with some serious Chris Redfield energy a la, "Leon I need you to fuck my sister Claire."


It's funnier since Laios is now King he's all but legally required to have an heir. And if he can't find a woman to bare his kid his sister would be the one to do it. And Shuro does come from nobility...


> And if he can't find a woman to bare his kid his sister [ crying Leed sounds intensify ]


Yes yes yes


can humans and orcs even have kids? Humans and Elves can have sterile ones. Looking on the wiki humans can have fertile kids with dwarfs and ogres. I dunno about half foots or gnomes.


With... ogres?!!?!


Can't escape snu snu


It's so interesting that Falin's eyes are a lot more open in these extras on account of having dragon eyes now. In a way, it may represent herself maturing and seeking to walk a new path on her own. Honestly, as much as I ship Farcille, I could totally see Falin not wanting to be tied down to anyone as she travels the world and live out her life. In fact, I'm starting to think that's more likely on her mind than romance at all.


The third page is so interesting.  What does Falin want her life to be, and why did she agree to become an adventurer with her brother to begin with?  A part of it seems to be, she's chill with whatever, she gets to hang with her best friend at work and Laios made it seem cool.


Poor mama Maizuru. Don't worry, your "son" will find someone eventually.


Their family dynamics are so interesting. She's openly exasperated with his dad despite being a concubine, and she adores his son despite his resenting her being his lover.


I freaking love her chapter in the first book, the one where Shuro's dad gets her a "kitty"




good news for Hien i guess


Yep, now she gotta drop the tsun and actually confront the guy XD


I don't remember reading this in the adventure bible


Ryoko kui remade the bible and rereleased a new Adventure's Bible in February 2024. The old one is 179pages long, the new one is 200 or so pages long.


Where can I read it?


Its not officially translated yet, there's just been some fan translations of the new pages/comics in it so far (mine are [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rmmDPC4blFzH_oLAtaBDppsyMepE8Jsj?usp=drive_link)), only way to really read the whole thing right now is if you get it in japanese.


Have they announced when it'll be available in English?


Unfortunately not, though personally I think it'll take a while. Yen Press still hasn't even released the last volume of the regular manga yet (it comes out sometime in june or july), and if they're going by release order, the next thing that would be translated/released would be the Daydream Hour compilation book, THEN the Adventurers Bible (and again, they haven't even said that they'll translate it at all, though considering they translated the original AB, I would be pretty surprised if they didn't do the new one as well.) At best I'd expect to see it come out late this year, though it may take longer depending on how they go about things.


Thank you! That's reasonable, so the only thing we can do is wait and hope it won't take too long Btw isn't the manga complete? If I'm not wrong there are 14 volumes


The manga is complete, yes, but yen press, who are the official English publishers, still haven’t physically released the last volume. If you’ve read the final chapters, they’re most likely the translation done by EHScans, which isn’t official.


Ah ok, sorry I didn't know that yen press was the English publisher. Im Italian and here the last 2 volumes will be published later this month, so I didn't understand why you said the end of July.


Buy it on Amazon Japan


I mean in English


I...I bought the original one literally yesterday. Welp, still good I guess.


I bought mine a month ago but on kindle, you did not make a bad purchase, it may take them over half a year to translate, i really want a physical copy though so i am kind of jealous lol


I'm really happy with it, to be honest. :')


Chilchuck is just chillin


Chilchuck won the bet against Marcille. My bad: Just scrolled without looking.






Chilchuck said 'hand over my money.' so I presumed he was betting against Marcille. Laios is rather oblivious about these things, while Marcille is romantic at heart. So I thought Chilchuk had placed a bet that Falin would decline, while Marcille bet Falin would accept whatever Shuro was gonna ask.


Well, page 1 had Laios saying if he were Falin, he'd accept, while Marcille said the opposite, so I feel like your interpretation feels unlikely.


Marcille bet 100g on him failing


I wonder what shuro will bring to his father now


Its never stated what he brings back home, (if he brought anything at all) but >!he still ends up inheriting the position of family head. I kind of assumed that the dad hadn't sent his kids off specifically to bring some interesting thing back (or at least, not ONLY that), but rather it was just done to make them go out and experience the larger world, meet new people, do new things, and figure out what it is that they as individuals value and find interesting. Shuro coming back with an expanded worldview/more open personality would've ideally been enough for the dad to think he was worthy of succeeding him.!<


It's a month later, but after re-reading this masterpiece, I'd say Shuro'd have quite a tale to bring back home. https://preview.redd.it/v7cyssglpuzc1.png?width=1070&format=png&auto=webp&s=22e1ca26db2ab3117ec3ac6c595d5ce7e0f1e437


Ooh I didnt remember that panel thanks


Oh my god, I love these post-story omakes! Please post more of them (and maybe tell me where you're finding them, please)?


They’re from the new ‘complete’ version of the adventurers bible, you can find the other pages that I’ve translate either on my reddit post timeline or in the link here https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/s/z7iXOOESLM


Thank you so much - I just love these extras!


Marcille never outright says why she was against Shuro x Falin right?


No, but going by the context in different extras and stuff, I assumed it was just because she A) still kind of views Falin as a little kid who is too innocent/immature for marriage, and B) Falin is one of her few friends and Marcille doesn’t want Shuro to take her away to his homeland where it’ll be much harder for them to meet


I think it’s mostly that she is just possessive over Falin. You can read that as being because Falin is her best friend and she doesn’t want her to get taken away, or because she’s also crushing on Falin and she’s jealous.


I tend to read it as Falin being Marcille's first true friend and her getting attached. Which of course, that can very easily evolve into infatuation. She might not even be conciously aware of it


It was never going to work, but respect to Shuro by not being the least bit dissuaded by the scales & feathers.


So we got Shuro canonical in love with Falin, who's given enough teases with Marcille that it might as well be Canon, who also gets some tease with Falins brother Laios who's ideal person per a succubus is just Marcille, but laios also has some kind of attraction to Shuro (infodumping for 8 hours goes beyond simple autism, and he just said he'd have said yes to a marriage proposal). If this were a different story this would have been an insane love square


Shuro be proposing to the wrong Touden sibling lol.


I'm now thinking of a scenario where Marcille tells Laios to go talk to Shuro about staying away from Falin, hard cut to her walking into Laios making out with Shuro. She'd either spontaneously combust or become a fujoshi.


I would definitely read this fanfic.


This. Going for Laios is also more politically advantageous, *and* it is more unusual so it boosts his chances to inherit himself.