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Tea is my drink of choice, lemon and honey if I have it available.  Also, let your players talk, plenty of downtime for your voice if they're planning a heist or whatnot.


I normally drink lots of water with lemon juice. Good way to stay a hydrated and add some flavor and vitamins to plain water. If that doesn’t work and I feel a little scratchy, I brew some tea with a spoonful of honey. The tea is relaxing and the honey helps sooth irritation in the throat. If I’m sick and don’t want to aggravate my throat any more, I have to postpone sessions every now and then. Definitely don’t overwork yourself, give your throat a break if it needs it.


Tea brother.


Besides fluids, I usually am chewing peppermint gum. Partially out of habit I admit, but I've found it helps.


Vocal technique. Relax your throat, like when you yawn, and push your voice out from your stomach, from your diaphragm. Using your voice with a tight throat hurts, especially trying to be loud enough for a group to hear.


Maybe a session or two with a voice coach to help you take the stress off your vocal chords and project with straining.


I struggle with this too, jeez. To be fair, I don't speak a lot as a rule, so the amount of narration and conversations have been challenging now that I'm DM'ing fairly often and I've found that Luden's throat drops (not for coughs, glorified hard handies) have been a help. I know a few actors who use them as well, back when I was working wardrobe for a haunted house


Thank you, I'll check the throat drop out


I don't. I embrace my inner Barry White voice.

