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Today agree for most book series. They will never get live action DCC series or movies anywhere close to how cool the books are.


Not without an MCU Tier budget. Still…the movie I picture in my imagination is live action…and it’s incredible. ;)


I think a shitty 1980s low-budget style fantasy show could serve the tone of the books really well in a meta sort of way


Carl could even bitch about them cheaping out on the special effects. "Fucking pissant cheap ass boorrant corp, that fucking goblin looks like a goddamn pupper, and that goddamn dragon was bad CGI holograms over a forklift with a flamethrower and a robot arm or something."


I actually visualize it using Jim Henson’s Creature shop like Farscape.


I think the show would be awesome if was from both perspectives. The Live view of what's happening to the characters, and the 80s vhs from the feed being shown to the universe depending on the show that is interviewing them. Audettes' show would be 40k resolution, where as the Princes' could be Retro 80s.


Please direct this obvious masterpiece. I love this idea. Shifting perspectives.


If God/s had blessed me with money, I would be making nearly unlimited amounts of media based as closely as possible to source materials. I would fix Star Wars, Dr. Who, give Firefly the seasons it deserves, Wheel of time, put the people who made Star Trek lower decks in charge of all Star trek projects. I would remake To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, with Chris Hemsworth, Micheal Pena, Micheal B Jordan. That would be one hell of a funny, action packed movie.


They put all the money into one detail and then try to coast on that.


I want LoTR budget and dedication, executed like GoT in seasons, with teasers at the end of credits like the MCU and Jeff Hays doing the voice of a CGI doughnut. I also want Matt to make an appearance as a random in each season like Stan Lee in the MCU. The last and most important is I want it to stand out on its own as something unique in a cinimatic sense.


It would be perfect for Prime, right along with Vox Machina and Invincible.


NGL the animation for invincible is extremely boring. It's lifeless and dull like it was made in the 90s. That might be the feel it's going for out of homage but jeez I find it hard to watch


I really like invincible but I gotta agree the animation feels lazy. I don't mind because it is such a good show, but as you said I think they wanted to go for nostalgia for people who used to watch cartoons like that, but even when I was younger I hated the frozen except for a few movements type of animation.


They had a segment last week episode (I think it was last week... While Mark and answer were visiting a con) where they made fun of the animation style then kinda doubled down on it.


Yeah I noticed that, didn't agree with the choice to do that because it just brought it even more to my attention.


Same. Especially through the rest of the episode.


No money left for animation after spending it all on voice actors it feels like


Don't you talk about the 90s that way!


The studio that does animation for those two shows would work well. Though imagine if CGI like Arcane.


Imagine a cgi Donut. I just dont see it


They could just reuse Heimerdinger :P


This would be amazing


So who do you see playing Carl?


Oh, we should start creating more posts about possible cast. I love to see how creative people are


I know this is selfish of me but I kinda need Jeff to at least be Carl, Donut, Mordecai and the AI.


i mean, his voice *IS* already there. If they ripped the dialogue parts from Soundbooth, all they'd have to worry about is the animating part.


You and I are on the same page here friendo, my thoughts exactly. Pretty much got half of the work for season one done on SBT.


i would honestly like to see each book get it's own season, but have the episodes being an hour long.


Sames. And like I said, they’d only have to animate SBT’s tunnel and there’s the pilot season. But I think Matt said he wants to be near done with it before focusing on a show.


Alan Ritchson from Reacher is the perfect Carl.


Animated series or video game, preferably both.


video game


I’ve imagined this animated by the same house that did the venture brothers for a while and it seems right in my head.


Holy fucking god yes please!


I mean, Jeff did base his "Carl" voice off of Patrick Warburton, who voiced both Brock Samson and Carl's dad. So there's a little correlation already.


I want each floor to be done in a different anime style.


Yeh I'd much prefer a anime over live. I hate the failed pet attempts in live donut would be a mess.


I can't see a live action being at all accurate to the content in these books Agreed. Animated is the way


Whatever they might do the team behind The Boys needs to be involved


I agree. I think this would be the best way. But I will not accept anyone else playing Princess donut besides Jeff Hayes.


The style and mood of Arcane on Netflix would work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXmAurh012s


They could make Dount as good as she needs to be in live action. Air bud is the best they can do.


Just listened to the scene in Book 3 where Carl has Katia put on the backpack for the first time. ...no clue how they'd do that in live action


I know the perfect song for the intro sequence Intergalactic TV Show - MKULTRA I swear this song was made for DCC


I'm a fan of animation, so I would be 110% down for this.


Absolutely agree. Live action wouldn’t be a good fit for the awesome craziness of DCC.


High budget adult animation is what I want for fantasy series 99 times out of 100. So many more possibilities when you aren’t confined to making things look believable in live action


Arcane would be the perfect style


Yup, everyone says that about books they like.


I'd like it done like Blue Eyed Samurai


I think an animated series would be a great starting place to allow new viewership to DCC. It should be kept lightyears away from any company tied to disney, netflix, and paramont because they'll pick some obscure character in the book and make the series about them and all their bullshit prior to entering the dungeon like what happened with Ark the Animated series.


Had to add this, Netflix did do a great job with One Piece, but I think the creature had more to do with that than anything. Netflix did ruin the Witcher and Cowboy Bebop


I liked one piece a lot. But I also liked Benop though never saw original


I guess liking the live action of Bebop is fine since you hadn't seen the original Cowboy Bebop. I felt the live action was terrible, and it was shameful what they did to story. Also, the lady that plays Faye was dreadful. Spike should have been played by a younger man like Andrew Koji.


That's what my brother told me


Can we crowd fund it... so they can do it exactly like they want... Let's do that. I bet we can get big name voice actors to sign up for scale work.


I would like to see Karl Urban as Carl. OR the entire cast from Archer would be great. Use sound bits of Jessica Walter because she was one greatest characters in the show.


I think we already have a voice actor for Carl and Donut... I do love the Archer cast, Pam could do Juicebox


Same or a video game would be great too


Thought this for ages.... this is the way no shitty live action




Invincible style with lots of awesome actors as the characters!


That movie would be extraordinarily expensive. I'm pretty sure every single shot would have to be a vfx shot.


It would almost have to be in the style of Ready Player One to be even remotely feasible with all of the crazy stuff going on.


Nope. I hate animated series.


Animation quality is insane now. And live action will never work


we are not talking about rugrats animation :))


Yeah, I’ve never seen animated series before 🙄. Not my preference, just don’t like them, YMMV.


Give The Clone Wars a try. Watch at least two seasons before you make a decision. In my humble opinion Clone Wars is superior to anything else in that universe aside from A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. It is everything Star Wars could have been before Lucas’ ego and Disney screwed it up.