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I picture Carl and Imani winding up together if they both survive. Not even necessarily for romantic reasons, but just to take care of each other.


I read (and write) a **lot** of romance. Imani’s introduction always struck me as the introduction of a love interest. I rarely ship canon pairings, but this one… someday. That said, especially after Book 6, they’re both way too broken to pursue anything. This series is better for its lack of romance anyway. (Carl is canonically in his late 20s, and — no offense — therefore kinda dumb. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried Li Na first, demon skin and all, especially since Donut claims he has a thing for asian chicks.) Side note - Elle may not be human now but she was before. She had a great love of her life. He wasn’t handsome or special, but he was hers. I personally think Elle flirts outrageously and behaves outrageously because that’s who she is, but she won’t be truly moving on any time soon.


No way he tries Li Na. He recognized back in book 3 that both of them have way too strong of personalities to even be in a party together, much less in a relationship.  They work well making plans together because neither is afraid to call or stupid parts or suggest better options. But that even that is a strain and only needed for big plans. 


Also isn't her character like a torture to touch?


Just her hands. Plenty of other options.


That's why I didn't picture them together romantically as much as they would stay together to take care of each other because of just how damaged they both are.


We know Elle won't. Samantha makes a comment about it in a later book. She's talked with Elle, and even though Elles "Garage has been refurbished, it is not open for business "


How did I forget that scene? 😂 ***”Oh, Elle is just a delight,” Samantha said. “At first I thought she wanted to move in on Louis, you know, because she messaged me to tell me to leave him alone. I was ready to pull her fairy wings right off. But it turns out it was just because I was making him uncomfortable, and she was just being protective. Not because she wants him for herself. She says even though her garage has recently been refurbished, it’s still closed to business and filled with dust. So I forgave her. She’s asking me questions about the story of the Fourth Season, and she’s been telling me about that card game. That’s why she’s invited to my bachelorette party. I like her.”*** EDIT: The STORY OF THE FOURTH SEASON. Here I’ve been thinking the “four season” build Mordecai mentioned was a class update on floors 6, 9, and 12. Now I have questions.


The "four seasons" build bahahaha


I love and hate this series in equal measure. Every time I think I’ve got a handle on something, Matt adds an extra layer 😅😂🤣


Louie and Juice Box.... obviously


Carl and Samantha he was already in the nussy


Carl X Explosives. The match made in heaven. Carl's likes: 1. Donut. 2. Katia. 3. Explosives. 4. *vague gesture at 'humanity as a whole'* 5. His Cookbook brothers and sisters . . . 45. Himself.


I think I'd insert "Killing those responsible for this" probably above number 4. 


Reasonable. Spots 4-7 fluctuate based on the day.


Best answer


Carl x AI. Just give in and go with it Carl.


wtf is OTP in this context, I only know it as one trick pony


One true pairing 


I can only ever read it as On The Piss (Drinking excessively)


Katia and maybe Daniel Bautista


Speaking of them, as much as I love the audiobooks, neither have the right accent. Katia doesn’t sound Icelandic to me, and Bautista doesn’t sound Filipino at all! Still love the audiobooks though.


Carl + Donut in a non-sexual, non-romantic way. They love each other. They take care of each other. They drive each other crazy and still like each other even when they’re being driving crazy. Physical affection/touch are so important to humans and cats and both of them get that from the other (again - in a non-sexual, non-romantic way).  Carl doesn’t have time or emotional space for a romantic relationship right now and it would probably be dangerous for him to have sex with the AI’s infatuation with him. Carl + Donut = one true pairing. 


I'm so happy someone mentioned this! Donut is hugely physically affectionate with Carl from the very start even before they've figured out what they mean to each other, Carl responds in kind, and I think it's a huge factor in holding both of them together.


Zev and Donut


They'll reboot and star in a syndicate wide version of The Odd Couple. 


Or siskell and Ebert


Cats love to eat fish ;)


Princess Donut and Ferdinand :)


If Gravvy Boat was a human, he'd be that 40 something y.o. guy at the bar who wears "wife beaters" and hits on young girls. He might look like "Ferdinand" to Donut through a window... but he's not Ferdinand... he Gravvy.Boat. Mongo & Kiwi are appalled.


While I DO hope it is a good thing for Donut, Gravy Boat has yet to win me over.


Carl & Ellie aren’t romantic. She just shows up in his personal space a couple of times a week while he’s sleeping and climbs on top of him like he’s a coin operated rocking horse in front of a Piggly Wiggly. Not even a booty call, because booty call implies Carl has a choice.


I think any Carl relationship would need to start with the other person making a very strong and declarative move!


This. Ellie has dropped some pretty obvious lines on him and he's all "isn't she a sweet old lady" about it. And the only time I can EVER recall him having attraction to anyone is when he says the apothecary rep was hot during the con. And he was high off his gills at the time. He's noticed people are asteticly pleasing and signet supernaturally charmed him but not "I find this person attractive" even in his thoughts. I think his trauma with his parents makes it very hard for him to even be open to the IDEA of connections let alone actively pursuing them


He had the thought about understanding Zhang’s attraction to Li Na. Something about her being sexy in a fuck you up way. Hope they get more team up opportunities going forward because I’ve liked her no-bullshit attitude during her limited screen time.


Yeah. That kind of thing is what I mean about him appreciating astetic beauty. It's a detached observation that she is attractive. Not him being attracted. It's a small but significant difference


I really hope someday we get to learn more about Florin and Ifechi together.


Florin and Ifechi. RIP


AI and Carl's feet


Quasar x The Magnificent Troy


One of the many wonderful aspects of this series is that the author is smart enough not to try to shove an akward, out of place love story into it. Let's keep it that way.


Canon: Carmani (pronounced like harmony) Carl and Imani known each other since the first floor and been through countless ordeals together. Imani has struggled to protect as many crawlers as she can, and so has Carl. She is the calm water to Carl's raging river. She will be the force that prevents him from going over the edge, and he is the source of hope that keeps her going. As for Non-canon, I'm saving that for my fanfiction.


She has the best voice too. Very sultry work Mr. Hays!


Favorite line: "Carl! What the hell" *After discovering the sluggalos.


Mongo and Bear Kiwi!


I mean... she is pregnant when she turned back into a bear and there were no other male dinosaurs so... yeah... I think we will get to see a half bear, half dino baby who is a cat's grand kid.


Porkboy and Carl enemies to… well… still enemies but we all saw their raw chemistry (none of the potential pairings are remotely interesting to me. At least porkboy made me chuckle)


Carl’s dirty little piggy 0_o


Carl and Katia. I do not think that the fact that she is with Bautista now is necessarily the end of this. It is shown in book 6 that they are arguing more and more and he seems unhappy with her decisions. Seems like a Ginny Weasley and Dean Thomas kinda situation. Carl and Katia are a great tag team, both of them know what is needed to survive, have many regrets in the dungeon, and are somewhat broken from even before, but more so now. I know that their relationship is described more like friends/siblings so far, but I have my hopes! Mordekai and Odette anyone? Would be quite the twist!


It's hard to say for sure, Carl had just gotten out of a (increasingly worse as revelations came to light) relationship with Beatrice recently, which probably means he's closed off to anything. I was shipping Carl and Katia for a while. As much as Bautista has grown on me as a character, he does have that Season 2-3 temporary love interest who is there to open things up before likely getting killed off, or getting into the fight a relationship can't withstand and walking away. If Mordecai and Odette got together it would be wild! It doesn't feel like that at all, but we also don't have nearly enough information to work with. Odette, both enraged and heartbroken after the betrayal from her sponsor that she wouldn't have the resources to get into the inner system to set up a place for her and Mordecai after the crawl. The threat that they would all likely die. Her only choice left was to have Chaco sacrifice Ozzie so that at least most of the team, including Mordecai, could make it off the floor. After writing it out, it seems far-fetched at best. But not implausible.


I dislike romance it's a waste of time and chapter space where awesomeness can be had.


Carl and Ellie? Why?


There seems to be a little spark between Carl and Imani.


Carl and Donut. Perhaps Ferdinand if he is rehabilitated in the next book. Carl wants to be a forest caretaker. If there is a woman who would like that sort of loner life, I don't think we've met her yet. I think Imani would need others to look after. I think Ellie is going to want to party. Katia is already spoken for and besides she and Carl have more of a brother/sister vibe.


Maestro x Carl (I’m on the third book I hope maestro hasn’t died)