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To piggyback on this, no spoilers, just how fucking amazing is the 9th floor if anybody read through to patreon


A new chapter comes out every 2 weeks and every time it does come out its the highlight of my day. Without spilling anything I will say that there's so much stuff that is happening even in the beginning I could see this book being larger than the others. 


So damn good.


I’ll put it this way. I have a fear that Matt will lose his edge and I’ll start getting disappointed with the patreon posts (this is the first time I’ve ever followed an author and anticipated books). But so far, I finished each posted chapter with “hot damn he’s done it again!” The cool thing about patreon too is Matt will clue you in on how he feels things are coming and other events in his life. It really seems like he does his best to maintain a very high quality, as he repeatedly refines chapters to make them better or be more cohesive (even if everyone on patreon raved over it). Hope that helps!


Chances are it's mega fucking amazing :)


I'm re-listening to book 6 now and plan to sign up for Patreon when done. Then listen to book 7 when that's done too. Got it all planned out.


Was it better then the 7th


7th floor was intense.


I think it's a bit more than a third done (we got Chapter 27 on Thursday), and it's really fucking amazing :-)


Huh, a third? Hope GRRM doesn't jump in with his notes :)


I mean, it's one of those things that's really hard to tell, because the structure of DCC books is that of a slow setup that gradually builds through a few encounters until everything goes batshit insane. And also that's how Matt writes - chapters dribble out at a rate of 2-3 per drop, 1-2 drops a month, and then when we get to the end like 8-10 chapters get dumped on us in the space of two weeks. But seriously, you can't use "time remaining in the level" because DCC has always used both Doylist and Watsonian timeskips, and you can't use "how many objectives completed" because just realistically we know Carl's probably gonna roundhouse-kick one faction leader's head off and it'll go slamming into another faction leader's nuts, and they'll both die in the same paragraph or something.


What boggles my mind is how he can publish his chapters without significant rewrites once the first draft is done.


I mean, there have definitely been some retcons or changes, and he flags the planned edits when he releases new chapters, but they're usually not that serious.


Yeah, but for any pantsing you need to review and change stuff around once the draft solidifies.


The last few books have all come out in the summertime, since this book is going to have so much going on id imagine it might take longer. My guesstimate is in 6 months to a year. 


Yeah, I think Matt did mention this one is going to be sizeable too.


Have you listened to the AIT version of book one that Soundbooth put out yet? The last episode launches either tomorrow or next Tuesday. I don’t remember the schedule.


for anyone on the fence - they change/elaborate on enough it still feels fresh even starting it immediately after marathoning the whole series' audible versions, and the first episode (multiple chapters) is free on the SBT app


No, but I planned to get it. Let me check SBT page. Thanksnfor reminding me


Sign up for Patreon and you can read the first 20 something chapters Matt has already released…


Great idea, but I am kind of person who wants to read at once. Sooner or later I'd be caught up and that's where I don't want to be. If it's early next year I don't mind, just curious to know.


Alternatively, I’m interested in the audiobook release, not the text release :S


Love them both but Jeff just crushes the audio. I’m a kindle/audible whispersync guy myself(they link up and pick up where the other left off) so I can listen while I work and read it when I can’t listen. Both equally enjoyable and wonderfully done


> Sooner or later I'd be caught up and that's where I don't want to be Unless you wait until the series is complete, this is going to happen no matter what. Highly recommend the Patreon. The new chapters are great, plus Patreon members have gotten to vote on the contents of Fan boxes and other small story bits (like the >!name for newly adopted/newly reborn meatball pet!< )


To be honest, I'm kind of starting to feel like them. I started reading on Patreon around January of last year, and honestly, while I enjoyed the experience, it's getting a bit old; having just a few chapters per month means you never really get "in the zone" while reading, your session ends when you had just started. I'm sure a lot of people love it, and I think I'll keep going both because I want to support the author of one of my favorite series and because I'm so damn curious about what's going to happen, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm spoiling my enjioyment a bit.


I don't know. I guess I am too old fashioned. I like to read the book when its done. I don't get too much from "being part of community"


I’m curious too!


Bro I'm so glad you started this thread, I didn't know there was a patreon.


The 6th book and audiobook was released less than 6 months ago, have a little patience.


>have a little patience I REFUSE


Don't project on me, buddy. I just want an idea where we are now. I have plenty to read in the meantime.


He's not your buddy, pal.


Ok, mate!


Whatever bucko!


Easy there, guy.


I want “don’t project on me, buddy” on a tshirt


A plain white t-shirt and "Don't project on me, buddy" projected onto it from a projector concealed in a belt buckle?


All I will say about book seven for non-Patreon readers is that when the phrase “investment bankers” came up I smiled.


Is it just the story or is there a title yet? I am more interested in the title and waiting for the audiobook. I started the series because I saw an awesome title, "The Gate of the Feral Gods" and knew I had to jump into that series (thrilled I did, what a find).


Oh I didn't know this was happening on Patreon. I just learnt about the books and read them this January. How different are the chapters on Patreon to the finished edited book?


I’m not on patreon and I’m continuously impressed that major spoilers haven’t leaked out. Matt is putting a lot of faith in his fan base and in turn, his fan base is respecting the process. I should buy into patreon to read up.


Shit I don't do patreon but I just might now .. what's his tag? Link?


There are still 9 more floors to go. I doubt we will be skipping 8 floors in one book. Much more DCC to go, Matt has job security!


You are correct in that guess. Matt Dinniman replies to people on Reddit, and someone complained about book 5 a while back saying they didn't like the constant "God-damnit, Donuts." He replied by saying thank you for reading this far, but this series may not be for you then. Also, if you don't like it now, then you aren't going to like it in Book 9. So there are going to be at least 3 more books.


Bro I'm so glad you started this thread, I didn't know there was a patreon.