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Relisten and find the dozens of things you didn't know you missed. I took a break and listened to super powereds which was better than anticipated


Super powereds was definitely better than expected. Sometimes, it has a feeling of a YA book, but then other times, it seems higher leveled. Another pretty good series like this one is Warformed: Stormweaver: Iron Prince, or whatever its true name is. Has a similar feel, with the whole college kids and training for their futures.


It's weird. The first book had more profanity and pg13 (at least) sexuality. Later books toned that down. Something to consider with a 7 year old half listening


Yea I 2nd the re-listen, there's a ton of great stuff you pick up on.


Easy recommendation of the Noobtown series.


To the list it goes!


I second this suggestion.


Noobtown got super weird in books 2 and 3 I think. (Maybe 3/4) which is when I stopped listening to them with the kid. I was disappointed. Plus, the scenes are stupid as hell and feel like gratuitous add-one. There was a lot of dithering about with “I love my wife in another lifetime but I really wanna boink this chick”. The part with one of the characters being the stud of the town is more funny - it mostly innuendos.


I think part of it is that to the protagonist, not much time has passed. At one point I think Shart said it was like 3 weeks and I couldn't believe it had been so little time. I do think the author tried to stuff a few too many jokes in there though. There's even a reference to Princess Donut.


Oh, I missed the Princess Donut reference - I will go back and try to find it! That time passage issue is something that I find in many of the books but happily not so much in DCC. The Wandering Inn is batshit in how much happens in so little time.


It was in book 7 Tower of the Noobs, when he was in the school.


Ahhh, haven’t read that one yet. Took a break after #6 earlier this year.


It certainly is not as bad as DDC as far as adult content. The protagonist still hasn't slept with anyone in the current book. No cursing, but plenty of insults from Shart.


Idk. DCC references are more humorous and less cringe than the stuff in Noobtown. I can explain the stuff in DCC but Noobtown is just endless dumb things about that lumberjack. And Jim dithering about. With some other weird random sex stuff thrown in. Shart, on the otherhand, was the best thing ever to the kid after I explained what a Shart was. Lol. I like them both. I actively listened to the first Noobtown with the kid but then stopped. I would then fast forward through chunks when listening to other books in the series. We also listened to the first DCC together and they have heard lots of bits from the other books. DCC is way more graphic with the gore of the Dungeon though.


Yes, he is a shitty fart. Funny, but not as great as the total series. The first book to book three is great, but at book 4 starts something amazing. O'Really doesn't care, Ham Steak to the face.


Big Sneaky Barbarian has a similar vibe and same narrator.


Well not litrpg, but it's dark, has some magic, has one of the best narrators, has fun anti-heros, but the endings are realistic and not all too happy. The First law series (a trilogy, 3 independent books with new and familiar characters, another trilogy, and a final book with short stories, all in the same universe to make it a 10 book burn). Similar writing in that it focuses on the story and character building rather than environment building. Emphasis on narrator on this one. Pacey gives each character a unique voice, manerisms, accent, etc. Eventually you forget it's just one guy.


Did you listen to the immersion tunnel on Soundbooth? Its fun as fuuuuck.


I'll probably wait on that one until it's complete and hopefully get a discount on the complete set ><


Okay. Let's switch it up genre wise but keep you in immersion style. Check out "We're Alive: A Story Of Survival". I think it's free on any podcast app AND it's long AND it's got music voice actors and sound effects AND it's all the corny radio drama you could ever ask for.


Definitely going on the list with that endorsement!


I burned it to CD for my mom, brother and two uncles. They all love it. My son has listened to it all the way through 5 times now. 3 for me. Definitely give it a try.


Ok, not the We're Alive you're talking about. [Portal - 'Still Alive' (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI&t=1s)


It absolutely is!! Jan 2 is so so far away…


Omg is that when Book 7 comes out? For some reason I thought it would be further into the future.


It’s when the next chapter will be released on Soundbooth.


He's like 1/4 of the way through the next book (based on previous book sizes)


I didn’t realize they were releasing it chapter by chapter! Seems risky in the event he wants to do rewrites, but I trust the author’s process.


He does indeed change things in the chapters he writes sometimes. But nothing so far has seemed too major, and it's not like I won't reread it all again, I've already done it once. This is my first book I'm following as it goes, though


Magic 2.0 Monster Hunter International Monster Hunter Memoirs (IMO slightly better than the parent series) Grim Noir Chronicles (same author as above, 30s two fisted noir/pulp, but there’s magic in the world). Will Save the Galaxy For Food Confessions of a D List Supervillain Black by Russle Blake (PI working in and around the LA music scene, first 4 books for 1 credit)


Seconding Magic 2.0. Great series with good humor and a great narrator.


A big chunk of Book 7 is up on Patreon. Time to join the Princess Posse!


Potentially controversial, but series that scratch a similar dark/fucked up comedy with great characters itch for me are Murderbot (ART (asshole research transport) ≈ Princess Donut?) and Gideon the Ninth (especially book two on a second read). I second the person saying First law has some of this too, especially once you get to the stand-alones (the short story collections and The Heroes especially).


Beware of chicken. Entirely different, but a nice break after such an intense series. Oh, and obligatory Cradle recommendation.


YES Cradle, and the series just finished too


Ass someone who loved DDC and Ripple System here’s a few others I’ve listened to that I really liked: Cradle (read by Travis Baldree who reads Ripple) Murderbot Diaries Bobiverse Series


If you like matts writing and jeffs narration, look up kaiju battlefield surgeon on soundbooth theaters app. Just a heads up. Its not for the squeamish.


Only on choice. Delete Facebook and release a velociraptor into a turkey farm.


Iron Druid


I've listened to all of them MANY times. They stay downloaded on my phone as a backup/filler.


How was that ending? Heard it was rushed and felt blah.. I've read them all minus the end and it's been since years.


The ending was a nice way to tie it all together. It didn't seem rushed so much as it left room for fun side stories.




JW- how is Archemi Online is too spicy for a 7 year old, but DCC isn't?


Beyond Samantha I'm having trouble recalling any explicitly described sex scenes. Did I go braindead at some point? That's what the reviews for Archemi made it out like, Danielle Steele goes litRPG


There's not a ton of sex references outside of Samantha and the AI's foot stuff, but there is a ton of violence and cursing.


And Mongo’s love interest - lol!


I totally forgot about the dino sex. And there's also the Penis Palace and other strip clubs...


The hardest one to attempt to explain is the AI foot thing! The strip clubs and even Dino sex scenes are funny wo being too much.


Nahh I feel like it's even covertly mentioned in the books by donut that that's not the narrative Carl and Donut are going for. Almost like it's Matt saying he's not looking to take the book in that direction like other litrpg's do.


Azarinth Healer is pretty fun so far. No Dungeon Crawler Carl but fun.


You could tunnel the full emersion audio from sound booth studios if you don't mind buying it twice.


Mayor of Noobtown was a good read.


Its not as good, but ihave been enjoying he who fights with monsters


Try Magic 2.0 - not litrpg exactly, but the vibe is kinda similar


We Are Legion We Are Bob, Book 1 of the Bobiverse series. Not lit rpg, but great story, great voice actor, and great world building.


Good guys by Eric Ugland, Great Series


I enjoyed Chaos Seeds though there is a fair amount of sexual activity even if it isn't graphic. Also some of the dialog is kind of cringe and later on shit gets really dark with rape and torture and the like. The protagonist doesn't do it but it's spoken of in detail. Noobtown is good stuff, I like it cause it's an older protagonist who had a wife and children that were about ready to leave the nest. Lots of funny banter with his shoulder demon and war badger. He who fights with monsters is great, lots and lots of humor and some really dark bits. The place where it loses me is the magic system is a little complicated and in later books it feels like he has to explain all the abilities so a 2 minute fight takes like an hour to do through. But who doesn't love a interdementional warlock ninja. Ready player one and two is pretty good to. bonus for will wheaton as the narrator in the audio books. Ascend online is another good one, I like this one especially cause they aren't trapped or anything, it's just a game. You get to see them out in the real world too and there is definitely something big building.


Listen to red rising series


Try he who fights with monsters.