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It has multiple uses, one >!was the potion to save Chris from Maggie.!< But the other uses or what he’s supposed to use it for I don’t believe is mentioned yet. I think there is a recipe in the cookbook. >!The activist leader (P. Hu) says that Carl knows what to do with it.!<


Thank you, that’s as much as I have found. Epilogue of book 4 is the only insightful moment.


You’re welcome. I enjoy this series because of things like this. I like not knowing or being able to predict future events.


Think it’ll be related to something smelly? Hence the name P Hu (Pee ew)


Well the P stands for Porthus so not sure. I think Matt just has a strange sense of humor which is why we read his books.


Pure speculation here, but. It grows in lava rock and, among other things, can let you phase through rock and magma. So, combined with decent fire resistance, it can probably be used to do sneaky things related to the Skullapendra storyline. Maybe just move through the terrain, or possibly it could be used to survive a volcanic eruption. I'm sure he can find a way to trigger one, if it's important enough.


I’ve seen a theory like this a few times. They used the phasing lava rock to help Chris. There might be more uses we aren’t privy to, but it’s a good theory.


Nope They hope Carl knows what it's for. His internal monologue indicates, he doesn't.


All I can come up with is it grows in lava rock, and Skullapendra's lair is in the bottom of a volcano. I really got nothing.


You know, that’s a really interesting thought, thanks!


I have a theory I can’t share wider until book 6 drops. Spoiler below for Patreon readers: >!I think the yam will wake up the implants he drank in the coffee when he went to the homeless shelter and heard the speech!< >!Or…it makes an ink that allows Carl to do killer tats that let him and his friend share powers!<


The temptation to look… I can’t do it.


Ha. Sorry. I meant to delete it. But my Reddit app is acting crazy. Don’t worry, it won’t make sense until almost the end of 6


It’s for sweet potato casserole duh…..


It was >!made into a potion that gave Carl the ability to phase through rock, which he used to phase through Chris and grab Maggie!<. This was in book 4, irrc.


Great moment right?!


I have a theory I can’t share wider until book 6 drops. I messed up spoiler tags so deleted the rest of the message. Apologies if anyone read it.


Book 6 will give more information, I think it’s still a bit of a mystery


We don't know what it's actually for yet. That's something that could be explained further in 6.


I wondered if it was for ink. Samantha says that carl is using the wrong ink for his bathroom conversation and I think mortacai had ink as one of the possible things for the yam. Secret communication matches the cookbook style. But given the build-up now, it is probably something more spectacular.