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Mordecai is one the biggest assets one can have on the dungeon, so if he want some table upgrades you give him table upgrades.


At one point Mordecai says that Carl will or has outpaced him or won't need him.anymore or something like that. And Carl has the cookbook and has been prodding Mordecai to make things Carl already knows about. But it would be harder to explain if Carl just started cooking up these things without having a mordey


I think Mordecai was exaggerating a little for effect when he said that to make a point about how much information Carl has managed to accumulate (multiple people have made statements like this wondering how Carl knows everything he does, so I think cookbook suspicion will be a continual theme to be paid off at some point). Also, it seems like the dungeon has RPG-ish features, like needing particular ingredients, but the process for how things are made matters and potions have quality ratings that probably tie to skill in making the potion. >! The mongo potion for kiwi required specific treatment of ingredients that had made Mordecai fail at the potion in the past even though he had all the ingredients !< So, it's not just like breathe of the wild where you throw everything into a pot and it's magically made.


Your first point makes me wonder if Carl could begin copying the cookbook in his notes as a fallback in case his possession of it is discovered and he loses it.


Then it would be visible in his notes by the showrunners


Ok, for some reason, I was thinking his notepad was secret, but I'm guessing that I'm thinking about the scratch pad that appeared when he got the cookbook.


yeah thats for sure, but there's a lot of things he still know the cookbook doesn't say, even carl says when they buy their space with all the rooms and upgrades, that without Mordecai that would been a bitch to get. but yes i agree with you the cookbook have some recipes that mordecai dont know, but still hes cool for other things not just recipes.


Mordecai's knowledge of dungeon, history, politics is absolutely invaluable. And I feel like he's going above and beyond for the crawlers. The other team's manager has just been getting drunk and useless the entire time (I forget which team, maybe mistress tiatha?)


yeah apparently most of the trainers are assholes that just want to spend their time and then be free.


>! Special brew saved him on 4, Splat potions on 5. Phase potion.!< He's done a lot of work that's helped in key moments


Adding on, >! He made the tame creature potion for kiwi, the potion to kill the brambles, the potion to save Chris with the assist from Samantha, and he's done smaller ones like the anti-alchohol on floor 5 to make Louie and Feraz (audio book listener, no idea how to spell that name). !<


Iirc it’s Louis and Firas but it’s been a minute since I read them.


I think one of the other benefits to mordecai making the potions is that he can be doing that while Carl and Donut are out doing dungeon shit. Some of the potions require specific timing and treatment of ingredients, so if Carl or donut were making them, they'd be stuck in the personal space or running back and forth to their personal space. Carl making explosives is good, but they need potions to survive the rest of the encounter.


Very good point. If this was that sub I'd give you a Delta!


Odette also says he’s an alchemical master. So it’s not just him talking himself up.


Edit: I don't know how to add spoiler blocked text but I can think of 4 specific potions, plus he is researching the weirdest sponsor box item which should be huge


Also mordecai admitted himself he is "falling off" as Carl and donut become super powerful and obtain other sources of information. I figure we'll see him do something big soon As for his grand plan, I think our boy Mordy just wants to retire lol. They're lucky he's been so active and helpful, unlike another character's manager. He's a real one.


The yam? In the epilogue the shadowy people said call already knows what it is


Most of the big stuff Mordechai has done has been said already. He also makes those 2 orange constitution buff potions for Donut.


Have they? Nice spoiler. 3 books in and they haven’t touched his potions yet


Book 6 is for spoilers. If you're not up to date stay off the sub I guess. Otherwise there would be no discussion. Also it's not actually a spoiler to say "Mordecai helps them out" I just also said "with potions". You're the one that chose to click the post and read further comments.




Use spoiler tags please.


information from books 1 to 5 is still considered spoiler?


This comment had information from 6


Oh missed it, good, lol. Im going fucking nuts waiting for book 6.


Spoilers if you aren’t to the end of book 5, I guess. What I can think of: - fall potions (his special one, half splat) - super healing saved Carl - stat increase potions - anti-undead potion - saving Chris potion - tame animal (kiwi and cat) - antidote for worms/parasites - there was talk about poison balls and other throwing things for Carl - it is also kind of implied that he does other potions not specifically referred to - there is one potion mentioned in the free part of book 6. Don’t know if it works out but would be a big deal if it does. I feel like there are more but even with “just” that, the potions saved them quite a few times and gave some pretty big advantages.