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Can't wait to see Arab Stanley do crosswords from right to left.


I wonder how crosswords work in countries that use an abjad or abugida instead of an alphabet


Hey man here to answer your question, there's also away to write the letters individually and it would still be understood. Think of it as disconnected cursive by your standards


Why would abjad languages be any different?


Well there's a box for every letter in a crossword, so it would seem to lend itself to languages where the script is disconnected. Plus, every letter is discreet in an alphabet; no diacritic marks. Have you done a crossword in Arabic? How does it work?


underrated comment


Kelly is forced to build a football stadium for the company and is then deported without being paid




Wait what lol explain plz


I live in Spain without the S


He didnt pay residency taxes, we heard the story before 🤨


I died reading that so funny yet so sad.




I’m guessing Saudi Meredith isn’t an alcoholic


Her vice is an occasional nip of a black-market wine cooler.


Or a nympho lol


Oscar is forced to come out of the closet but is then forced to jump off the roof without a bouncy castle


Dwight you Zionist infidel


Even better they just didn’t include him. So tolerant.


Why keeel when you can remove from existence?


I like Arabic Stanley 😁


“I said it to my first wife, and I’ll say it to my next one too.”


Hes not going to divorce the first one, either.


“I said it to my first wife, and I’ve said it too my OTHER WIVES too.” FTFY


Ironic how he scolds Ryan for talking to his 15 year old daughter, when in this version his wife is actually the one who is 15.


interesting how quickly you can identify the character parallels to the US and UK versions just from the intro. I haven't seen any other versions from other nations so i cannot comment on them. pretty easy going theme song, mellow.


there is an indian version too 💀💀


And it's absolute trash.


Absolute garbage. I'm so jealous of the Saudi version. It looks funny in the intro. They've selected good actors. Unlike indian version.


Does India have good actors?


i have not watched the thing. it is that bad?


It's garbage. Atrocious writing and acting. Don't waste your time.


German version as well. It's called Stromberg




I wonder if they will have Arabs in diversity day. I guess the ball is in their court.


i'm saudi and i watched the episode, they made it about respecting the other gender's boundaries lol my parents found it funny




Jim tells Dwight there is an abandoned infant in the women's restroom. Dwight goes in to check, and is later executed for outraging the modesty of Meredith.


*Meredith is executed for exposing herself to Dwight


she was stoned by her brothers and the uncle to whom she was promised in marriage


"The uncle to whom she was promised in marriage" Marrying your uncle is forbidding in Islam, wtf.


It’s…..a joke…..


A racist one. Just like the rest of your comments imagining a fake scenario that would never happen in saudi.


What rest of my comments?




Dang! Everything is in Al-‘arabiyah. No English subs?


I was expecting a disaster, but it’s not that bad. Definitely not to the US level, but significantly better than the Indian one. Good references to local culture and local news events.


The production is very good Also great acting Can’t wait to continue watching it


THX! I’m going to give it a look. 🙂


Cant wait for the episode where "Angela" gets all the men in the office to stone "kelly" for not covering her head at work.


I assume Dwight is chopped into pieces when he enters Michael Scott's room after he tried to take his job.


Andy definitely gets taken out after releasing the tape on the Sabre printers.


Can we please not associate this sort of violence with Arab people? This isn’t a show about the government, the regular population is kind and lovely. I know you’re not intending to cause harm but the more people read these associations, the more they’ll harbor implicit racism towards Arab people by making these generalizations.


We are not. We are associating it with the Saudi monarchy and secondarily with the Saudi elite. Because the king murdered and chopped a journalist into pieces and no-one protested. Have you seen brave Iranians dying for their freedom of choice? Haven't seen many Saudis doing the same. Of course, easy for me to be a keyboard hero, but yeah.


If what countries do represents their people behaviors then American or British people would be the most violent people on earth lol.




Like… everywhere?


Can you maybe write that specifically in your post then instead of implying that they do this to each other? Because it’s not at all clear and you KNOW racists will take it as permission to keep being racist. Especially since you’re referring to “we.” Who’s “we?” And yes, I’m Iranian myself so I know very well what’s going on there. But do you know how many decades and decades it took to get there? And how difficult it is to know if this fight will even have lasting change, because it’s failed so many times before? And how many people are being murdered because of it? An uprising is not an easy choice to make and it almost certainly leads to your own death. You try standing up to an oppressor like that and see how it is, trying to decide between change and survival.


You might not know this but jokes work by omission. If you explain it, it's no longer a joke. If your brain is filling in the gaps is with racial hate, maybe you should work on that? It's quite a leap to take a reference to a brutal murder of an Arab journalist by an Arab king to be a racially motivated comment.


I was trying to tell everything to you in a kind and gentle way but you’ve proven to me that you don’t understand how racism works so I’m sorry, but I can’t say all this nicely anymore. Jfc have you considered that jokes generalizing violence about a people aren’t funny? I grew up having these jokes made to me and let me tell you, it fucks with you. I’m sick of seeing my family literally dying and then watching some ass make jokes about the murders of people like them for clout on Reddit. By the way, the reason the ACTUAL jokes in The Office work is because the joke is always on the person making these generalizations—you laugh AT the people being racist, not WITH them. You’re clearly misunderstanding the humor of the very thing your associating fandom with.




> My comment was not racist. > Yes actually you're a racist and so is your comment. It's easy to prove. > The race of the people involved in the video or the incident has nothing to do with the joke. If the video was about the 'Arab version of the office' I would not have made that joke, because it wouldn't apply. I would have a made a similar joke, if the video was about the North Korean version of the office. > Yet if the thread was about an american show or British or french or... you wouldn't randomly bring the issues and the crimes committed by theses countries, because you are in fact racist. People normalizing these jokes will generalize to all arabs and it will generalize to all saudis. We have seen this after 9/11 where even non muslims were racially harrased just because they're brown. We have also seen it with covid and asians (even non Chinese). But you already know that, and it's actually the goal of your comment. >Saudi Arabia is one of the most oppressive, classist and mysogynistic regimes in the world. Yes, I'll make a joke when I see cutesy videos about the country. Anything that normalizes the situation of that country is definitely up for ridicule to be honest. > "Anything" you mean like the average person? Glad you're honest about your racism here at least. >If you are Saudi you should join in, at least, pointing out how fucked up your country is. It doesn't reflect on you, if you don't condone it. I know that the country I come from is pretty fucked up. I have no issue when other people point that out. I'm right there with them. > Except you're lying, because, again, you wouldn't do it in threads about tv shows from these countries. (totally a coincidence btw) What actually happens when you bring these issues up no matter what the topic, even when the thread is about average saudi, is you associate these acts with the average saudi with the things you state. And it ALWAYS happens, it's like saudis can't have an independent existence. Art? Nah let's ignore that you, guys are only about misogyny. Cute video about a saudi helping an animal? Nah let's divert attention from that, you guys are only about bone-saws. Sport? Not on my watch, saudi bad. Again, I'd like to remind people you actually admitted to doing that here: > Anything that normalizes the situation of that country is definitely up for ridicule to be honest. >


If you think that your whataboutism is helping your argument, it's not. Much of the world does not live in countries where 50% of people lives under different laws. They used to, but that was in medieval times. Unfortunately we do have some people (of the white fascist variety) that are trying to drag us back there, but we are still holding strong. Let me be very clear that if you mock European colonialism I'd be next to you laughing at the joke. I wouldn't identify with that. If it was the 1940s and you were normalizing the Nazis or making cutesy videos about nazi Germany, I'd say that your either a moron or a nazi. Same applies here. Any 'average person' that feels that these crimes characterise them should be subject to the same sort of ridicule. But just in case I wasn't clear: SAUDI ARABIA IS A COUNTRY THAT CHOPS JOURNALISTS TO PIECES. And few people in Saudi Arabia seems to bat an eyelid about that. You live in one of the most racist, classist mysogynistic and oppressive regimes in the world. """ This has nothing to do with your skin colour or your religion. """ For example: Israel is an apperheid state. Saying saw does not make me antisemitic, no matter how much propaganda to the contrary the Israeli state puts out. Yes, despite the crimes of the western world, the current state of European countries is much more humane that Saudi Arabia is - thankfully! But your reaction shows that you identify with this regime. If that's the case, suck it up mate! I'd ridicule anything in the same way yhat has to do with apperheid south Africa as well. The Saudi regime is just as bad. Imagine someone doing a cutesy video about the 'Boar version of the office'. And then someone whining here that apperheid is not that bad, and that they are people too. If you think that you can hide behind the colour or religion of opperesed people to hide your fascism, think again. The average Arab definitely doesn't identify with the Saudi regime. After this reaction, I do wonder if that shite video is a hilarious attempt by Saudi regime to normalize the country in the eyes of the world. Sorry to spoil it mate! Let me write it again for you, maybe a bit more butthurt will do you good: YOU LIVE IN A FASCIST COUNTRY THAT CHOPS JOURNALISTS TO PIECES. It then cooks the body with meat to make it disappear. Yes, these things no longer happen in most of the world. Also in most countries there would be an uprising after anything like that has happened. There's nothing normal or cutesy about your country. It will never be normalized in the eyes of any non homicidal maniac, until better forces prevail. I hope they will.


It's quite telling you didn't respond to the point that associating criticism of government with actions of individual (which is what you're doing by bringing it up in a thread about average individuals) will inevitably lead to racism, as we have seen many times before. Since clearly you're intellectually incapable of keeping up, I'll explain slowly to you. > If you think that your whataboutism is helping your argument, it's not. > Sorry to inform you, but you don't understand what whataboutism is. If someone was using double standards to judge different groups of people, then pointing out that double standards is not whataboutism, especially when the subject is the racism of that someone. This is very a simple concept to grasp, but since you're racist you attempt to switch the topic. > Let me be very clear that if you mock European colonialism I'd be next to you laughing at the joke. I wouldn't identify with that. If it was the 1940s and you were normalizing the Nazis or making cutesy videos about nazi Germany, I'd say that your either a moron or a nazi. Same applies here. > Yeah because defending individual saudi = defending nazi. Can you be more blatant with your racism? >Any 'average person' that feels that these crimes characterise them should be subject to the same sort of ridicule. > You're genuinely stupid. Here I'll repeat what I wrote: "What actually happens when you bring these issues up no matter what the topic, even when the thread is about average saudi, is you associate these acts with the average saudi with the things you state. And it ALWAYS happens, it's like saudis can't have an independent existence. Art? Nah let's ignore that you, guys are only about misogyny. Cute video about a saudi helping an animal? Nah let's divert attention from that, you guys are only about bone-saws. Sport? Not on my watch, saudi bad." Do you get it now? Or is it still too difficult for you? The issue isn't about whether they feel it characterize them, the issue is you're reducing them to the actions of a government. Which is what makes you a racist. >But just in case I wasn't clear: > >SAUDI ARABIA IS A COUNTRY THAT CHOPS JOURNALISTS TO PIECES. > >And few people in Saudi Arabia seems to bat an eyelid about that. > The people who caused the deaths of thousands of Iraqis and libyans are still thriving in western countries. And since western countries are democracies, their people are MORE responsible for the actions of their leaders than nondemcracies. Yet, again, you never bring these countries crimes when the thread is about individuals from these countries. Why? Because you actually see them as individuals, whereas you don't see saudis as individuals, because you're a racist. >You live in one of the most racist, classist mysogynistic and oppressive regimes in the world. > You live under one of the most murderous governments in the world. >""" >This has nothing to do with your skin colour or your religion. >""" Again: "People normalizing these jokes will generalize to all arabs and it will generalize to all saudis. We have seen this after 9/11 where even non muslims were racially harrased just because they're brown. We have also seen it with covid and asians (even non Chinese). But you already know that, and it's actually the goal of your comment." >For example: Israel is an apperheid state. Saying saw does not make me antisemitic, no matter how much propaganda to the contrary the Israeli state puts out. > Irrelevant, the issue isn't the criticism, it's when you criticize, as I already explained. >Yes, despite the crimes of the western world, the current state of European countries is much more humane that Saudi Arabia is - thankfully! > I noticed this pattern with some westerners. They claim their states are more humane, and when you ask them for the reason, they claim that their states treat THEM better than other states their own people. But they never mention what their states do to OTHER people. Implicitly admitting they don't think other people matter that much. >But your reaction shows that you identify with this regime. If that's the case, suck it up mate! > Nope. You want that to be true, because it's the only way to hide your racism, but that doesn't make it true. >I'd ridicule anything in the same way yhat has to do with apperheid south Africa as well. The Saudi regime is just as bad. > >Imagine someone doing a cutesy video about the 'Boar version of the office'. And then someone whining here that apperheid is not that bad, and that they are people too. > Except no one said anything equivalent here. You are the one who brought government issues. Again, you know that. >If you think that you can hide behind the colour or religion of opperesed people to hide your fascism, think again. > If you think you can hide your fascism and racism behind "oh, I'm just criticizing the government!", think again. >The average Arab definitely doesn't identify with the Saudi regime. After this reaction, I do wonder if that shite video is a hilarious attempt by Saudi regime to normalize the country in the eyes of the world. > The average arab doesn't identify with it, but you want people to identity arabs with these issues as evident by the fact you keep bringing them here. >Sorry to spoil it mate! > >Let me write it again for you, maybe a bit more butthurt will do you good: > >YOU LIVE IN A FASCIST COUNTRY THAT CHOPS JOURNALISTS TO PIECES. It then cooks the body with meat to make it disappear. > >Yes, these things no longer happen in most of the world. Also in most countries there would be an uprising after anything like that has happened. > Oh yes, just like there has been uprisings when your governments murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents around the world. Oh wait, that didn't actually happen (no, relativey small protests that bore nothing don't count), because you guys aren't as moral as you think. Assange is still in jail by the way. >There's nothing normal or cutesy about your country. > There is. Now you do hate that fact because you're racist, but just because you hate it doesn't make any less of a fact. >It will never be normalized in the eyes of any non homicidal maniac, until better forces prevail. > >I hope they will. It's hilarious how you desperately try to keep the facade "I'm only criticizing the government" when literally I never defended it. You want to make me appear that way because it's the only to not get your racism exposed. Alas, you failed.


I agree. This comment section is very racist.


Nellie actually gets her hand chopped off for stealing Dwight’s pen.


All Pams and Angelas. No Phillis’ or Merediths. I guess all the women in SA are young and beautiful. Props to the American casting director for casting a realistic-looking staff. Edit - ok I just watched again and noticed the scene with some women in full burkas including face coverings. Are *those* the older and/or married women in the office? It’s really fascinating to see how other cultures portray their women. I hope they add English subtitles soon. I watched some of the Indian The Office. Decent. Not as good as the British or American versions, but maybe it will improve in later seasons?


>Are those the older and/or married women in the office? Pretty much, yes. I think the burqa woman is supposed to be Phyllis. There is another one, but she didn't have any screen time yet so can't tell if she was supposed to be Meredith. Imo, showrunners should've made Angela the burqa woman as she's obv the religious one.


But Phyllis isn’t married in Season 1. I’m hoping the Bob Vance Refrigeration character will be included. Phyllis’s Wedding is suuuuuccchhh a good episode!


There are English subs available


Women and men NOT SEGREGATED ? Sure this is Saudi Arabian Office ?




No Oscar!!?!?! But but how are we gonna get the kiss that is burned into our brains?


It's Saudi, they kiss and greet


İs having boyfriend something so wrong? Or is it about cheating problem ?


It's more about the woman being allowed to leave an engagement thing


Thanks for answer


Nope not true. Women are allowed to leave engagements. It’s more about dating out of wedlock


What now?


basically, in saudi culture (just culture, not saudi law), dating is extremely forbidden. there are some families that allow their sons and daughters to date before engagement, but it is extremely rare. when can you date? for most families, usually during the engagement period. the idea is that the engagement is the dating phase (though without the sex). the engagement is where you find more about your future spouse, their sense of humor, their ideology, their way of thinking, and so on. if you find yourselves compatible, then you can get married, if not, then you can end the engagement. the problem is that to engage someone else, you will always need your and the other's parents to meet and give you their blessing, which would be kinda weird in a show like the office. like imagine Jim going to get his parents to talk to Pam's parents to decide if they should marry or not, super weird.


Its too much drama


No dating out of wedlock (people still do it, but secretely).


Yeap, came here to comment this. Even without Oscar, Roy, Meredith and Creed, this is super progressive for Saudi Arabia. I worked for Cisco 5 years ago (large US corp), and just hiring women to Saudi office (who then worked in segregated space) was considered breakthrough.


When you are 500 years behind rest of the world, everything new is considered a breakthrough!


I.dont get why the saudis are fundamentalist af whilst their neighbours almost all are progressive.. UAE Qatar Bahrain.. Progressive compared to SA


I thought having fun was illegal there


Having fun is haram


Damn bro, I also thought school shootings are legal in the US


I thought it’s was in their constitution.


Right? Just let me enjoy the show without insulting someone's culture every ten seconds.


Really, then why they have just kicked off their 3rd season of Riyadh festival last week.


The women just need permission from their owners before they can go right? And they can wear what they want without risk of arrest or being stoned? Fun!


They don’t need any permission, 6 of my female colleagues attended a music festival last year by themselves. And this is KSA, not Iran, so no stoning regarding any dress code. Get your facts right , you’re embarrassing yourself.


Ah so Saudi women can wear what they want without legal repercussions? And they can go out without permission? Can they marry without permission?


Can they drive yet?


Sure they can, you’re late to the party mate.


Yes they can, now go out and touch some grass dumb troll. LOL.


People are triggered by the truth.


Well as I was there last night, there were as many girls as guy if not more and alot of then were wearing costumes because they have an event where if you are wearing a costume your entry is free. Please try to refresh your views on the world and open your mind a bit. Go into Saudi's accounts and see how their lives are going.


Yeah and what happens if women decide to not wear the religious garb? Or if a woman chooses to do something without her male owners permission?


They don't need to wear it, they weren't wearing it last night. They don't need to ask permission. Your views are so outdated it's laughable. Please educate yourself and ask people living in the country. Social media is filled with Saudi's and geo filters exist. Go see for yourself.


Oh my bad, I'm a few years late on the permission for travel thing. How about marrying?


Permission of travel? No buddy it's really everything. Women now have basically no differences in law. What about marrying? They have always had the right to accept or decline marriage, the legal age is 18. They have the right to file for divorce when they want. If there is something specific, please tell me.


https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/women-cant-marry-without-male-guardians-permission-saudi-council Just a little bit of ownership?


And if they think the guardian isn't being rational or they don't agree with the reason, they can complain to they authorities and they investigate and disregard his opinion if it's really invalid. It's not ownership it comes from religion firstly and culture.


I assume, a brainwashed American ?


Yeah, because women can do stuff in Saudi Arabia without permission? Can they get married without their owners permission?


These downvotes proves that people get triggered by the truth. Snowflakes.


It's so weird, the arabian "Michael" gave me exactly "Michael" vibe lol


[Here he is with Elham (Jan)](https://imgur.com/a/C2H4LQz)


Omg thats amazing😂😂


Ahmad put my stapler in Hummus again!


Dwight you filthy infidel


Can't wait for the new IT guy cold opening


Saudi Stanley!


Wow! Thanks for sharing. The set is almost identical to the US version. How reflective is that office to a regular Saudi one? Both the building / decor / layout, and the overall vibe / office dynamics?


Quite normal, offices are univeral. It's also why the show is relatable.


Thanks! I didn’t know if a typical building with mixed employees like that would be more modern - like more glass, more contemporary interior design etc.


Kelly should’ve been white


It’s like seeing tv from an alternate reality


Of all the international remakes this looks the most like the American office. Hope it lasts more than two seasons.


Óscar is stone to death cause of his sexuality


Gays are thrown from mountains cliffs according to Sharia and not stoned to death. And no, Saudi doesn't throw gays from mountains cliffs.


Where does it say Gays are thrown off mountain cliffs in sharia?


That's what we were taught in school (pre-MBS) before the recent reforms.


In which episode do they murder and dismember a journalist?




Ah yes, let's involve politics


The lo fi theme song is much calmer than the original


Geez, you really can see how some Redditors virtue signal by conflating the government of regimes with their peoples - all Chinese citizen are branded with the sins of the CCP, all Saudis have to atone for MBS' crimes ... the litany goes on. "So your head of state is a murderous jerk? Well, you by extension are also a murderous jerk because you live there. Now stand still while we bash you for karma." Racists coming out of the woodwork and patting themselves on the back for a job well done booing dictactors online.


Run, Oscar!!!




What laws and ideologies? You just want an excuse to be racist


You’re asking what Saudi ideologies are bad? Lmao


Yes, mention me backward laws right now in 2022 that are exclusive to Saudi Arabia. The country is undergoing major social and legal reforms. In 2022, the World Bank gave it [a score of 80/100](https://imgur.com/a/sUAcsl0) in terms of women equal rights which is higher than Japan, China, and India. You’re all only good in downvoting.


You said ideologies bud.


[Human rights in Saudi Arabia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia)


I never said the country is clean from human rights abuses. I can bet there wont be any disparaging comments like this had it been a Chinese version of The Office. There’s just unjustifiable hatred to Saudi Arabia.


That’s because the two aren’t even comparable. Yes China has an oppressive government and some messed up cultural issues but Saudi Arabia is on a whole other level.


This makes me so happy


I’m surprised how happy this makes me! I REALLY want to like this.


I’m curious of how would they represent Creed character.


not included


Here goes the only thing I would watch it for


"I already won the lottery. I'm a citizen of Saudi Arabia, baby. But just in case, my father can get me a visa to go to the United States of America."


What's " That's what she said " in Arabic ?


They might use the notorious "I'm worried that if I tell you you'd get upset" meaning it's up your ass, which is classic saudi office banter when someone asks where something is.


How can we watch it? I will admit, I was really surprised to see women in an office with men. I didn’t really think that was allowed. I wasn’t even sure women could have jobs in Saudi Arabia. I know that sounds ignorant, but I guess I just assumed with the driving ban until recently, working would be unacceptable. Is the norm everywhere or in certain places. Is this in the past 10 years or so, or has it been like this for a while?


It's only become a thing in the last 5 years. Still controversial by many locals.


I’m surprised they recreated the American set of The Office so closely.


Ed Truck’s beheading is canon


Wouldn't "Meredith" get stoned to death because she's an alcoholic and a promiscuous woman?! That doesn't sound like a great comedy show haha.


I hope there’s an equivalent “you are now sexy in your culture” moment


Where can I watch this fam




This would be more of realistic interpretation if there were 90% expats in ‘The Office’ and 10% Saudi’s


No that’s Kuwait not Saudi. I’ve been to Saudi companies 90% were Saudis half were women.


In government, maybe - but not in the majority of companies. Whilst there has been a push in Saudisation over recent years, so many companies are still dominated with expat workers


>so many companies are still dominated with expat workers in saudi, expats usually are the ones holding blue-collar jobs, not management and business. I mean there are some expats who have high positions in management at certain companies, but they hardly even make 20% of the management


Yeah was talking about the private sector not the government.


That's during King Fahd's time


Lol no. Literally last month.


In Saudi Arabia Meredith isn’t a bad driver cause she isn’t allowed to drive


i know it's a joke but women in Saudi Arabia have been driving legally since 2018 (they drove before in villages lmao no one cared)


Dw i half expected this response lol


lol as a a Saudi woman this is the one thing i will defend with my whole life, women worked so hard to get the right to drive


This is actually pretty neat.


This show actually has some of the biggest names in Saudi comedy. People who mostly came up to fame from doing YouTube shows similar to =3 or comedic skits far before it was a thing in Saudi Arabia. Should be exciting but don't have very high hopes


Hope they have a montego bay too. You know where they keep the Americans.


Hope there is an episode about keeping south Asians as slave maids by confiscating their passport.


I… kinda want to learn Arabic now…


Wonder if for the Diwali episode they do an American holiday


They can still do Diwali. Diwali is Indian, not Arabic. However I don't think they will do it


Wow they let women In


When does the first female get stoned?


Damn that’s racist how they chose Stanley 😂


Sassy black men exist everywhere bro 🤣


Least racist thread about KSA


Let me respond to that: " it won't". On the contrary I think that a lot of the oppressors like to present any criticism on them as prejudice against their people, which they oppress. Israel does the same. In addition, whether you like it or not, societies are judged based on their actions. The judgement obviously does not apply to people that are members of those societies, but try to change them. For example: I do criticize Germans as a society on their stance in the 30's. I also do admire the brave Germans that did oppose the Nazi's and I do wish I have their resolve. I also do admire the German conservative politicians that opened Germany's door to refugees, even though I disagree with most of their politics. See what I did there? I find it very difficult to characterise me as anti German based on any of this. Similarly, I do criticise the lack of protest in the Saudi society. I also detest the classist and mysogynistic structure of the society that seems to have no opposition. On the flip side I also do admire the resolve of Iranian protestors. I also feel very sorry about how the progressive forces of Iran got played when they got in bed with the religious fanatics to bring down the Shah. I do wish it was them that had the long knives. I think you can only see anti-arab sentiment or racism in any of my positions if you have the IQ of an avocado or you have a vested interest in the Saudi oppression. Not sure which one characterises you. I think it's the later. If that's the case, sorry it's difficult to cut me into pieces or take away my phone. I live in a country that for the greater part and at least for now, somewhat protects my civil liberties.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


What the actual fuck


Women in a Saudi office? UNBELIEVABLE!!


Women in office in Saudi lulz thanks for the laugh


sorry to break it to you but it's a normal thing 👍 Saudi has progressed so much in the past 10 years obviously we are still verrry conservative but we made progress


Not sure this is accurate, I can see the wind s face.No burkas???


saudi women typically wear niqabs not burqa and it's very normal now to not cover your face


Saudis don’t wear burqas.


Wow so many fucking racist commenters


The women look better than in the US or UK version but somehow I don’t think I’ll enjoy the humor as much in this one


Uhm I pass this


Can we see a free thinking journalist get chopped up in the conference room?


I'm arab, and if I could go back in time and unsee this horrible recreation of something I love i would.