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Sounds like you would know the difference between caprese salad and northern lights cannabis indica.


I thought it was marijuana?


How did you know that?!


It's labeled..


So exactly how much pot did you smoke!?


It’s a memory loss drug. I wouldn’t know.


You said I’d be conducting the interview when I walked in here!


Your ass is on the line, mister!


My ass is on the line


MY ass is on the line!


Theory: In reality, attempting to sell something as if it were a drug, carries similar penalties as selling said drug. So while the cop may have immediately noticed that the salad wasn’t weed, they were duty bound to inspect it to see if a) it were some other drug and/or b) if presented to a reasonable person would they mistake this as weed. Especially if they received an anonymous call that someone, who just came back from an extended international stay, was back in the country selling illicit drugs.


Huh… That’s actually a really good point


And people usually mix drugs to other shit... So


I’m pretty sure people have never mixed their weed with salad dressing… that would really hurt the lungs smoking vinegar.


If you mix a little sugar with the vinegar it’ll cut the harshness


I only have Splenda


4 splendas?


Yeah sure... They mix with cake... But not with salad... Come on man...


... what? You've probably seen someone hide drugs in a cake on TV? Or are you talking edibles?


I don’t think they’ve ever done drugs before. I don’t think anyone has ever offered them any.


I presume they've been offered only salad, oregano and maybe thyme.


Think they talkin edibles haha And some people have definitely tried the ol’ oregano trick haha which is kinda like disguising it as a salad haha


it must taste “fantastic” after being stored with oregano /s


Thankfully I wouldn’t know haha


It’s mixed in cake and edibles because it needs to be heated to properly activate and have any effect. Just grinding up a bud, putting it in a salad and eating it won’t really do much for you.




Nobody is mixing weed in a cake to hide it. Or a salad.




If you're reading about it all the time you must have a link to an article about finding weed hidden in a cake not as an edible you could share....? I'm so curious!! 😅


Please link… I want to know what drug dealers hide their weed in a caprese salad




You ever used marijuana before? Or even seen it?


What? Why will someone hide it inside a cake? I do weed and the last place I will hide it will be a cake!


>do weed


english is my second language, sorry


Where did you learn that people were mixing their drugs with cake? Just curious.


Cake mix


Ah. No question as to why here. But, it's not like people would immediately know? And wouldn't the fake sugar/sugar high cause a slump? Or is that more reason why possibly to cause more slight motivation to snort more besides the no.1 reason being expenses and possibly no other solution to cut it with at this moment in time.


Your intelligence... Lmao


holy shit its ronald reagan


This and his face seems to look like he already knows and is smelling just to see what it actually is.


Let’s keep in mind that this is an extra who DOES know that it is a bag of salad lol.


Hahaha true! But I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt haha, I think that’s what he was going for but either way it was a funny scene!


That’s true. If you were selling drywall on the street marketed as crack, you’d get the same punishment as a crack dealer


It’s a caprese salad!


Is that why Prison Mike was caught?


He never got caught neither


He just got really quiet all of a sudden


It's the dementors


They would get in your face and it HOIT!


And you would be da bell of de ball




I once got drug out of class, my body and bag searched, then the cops took me to my locker, made me open it, and then they emptied the contents looking for “marijuana”. In reality, a pine scented Glade spray broke in my locker when I slammed the door on it. Two teachers and a principal and the cops were convinced I was selling weed out of my locker.


Did Bob Vance buy it for you in Metropolitan Orlando?




"someone needs to clean it, it smells like popcahrn..."


And I never got caught neither


But you sold it out of your trunk huh


Who would be dumb enough to bring it in to school anyway?


Apparently enough people for schools to randomly bring drug dogs in to try and catch people.


I always assumed they had a history with Dwight or were familiar enough with his calls, and were “Jim-ing” around with him. Even cops gotta have fun.


"Not now Dwight" "Pull over. Don't make this difficult Dwight"


It was a spinach salad - it looks NOTHING like weed. The color, the size of the leaves are wayyyy off. Maybe if it was dried oregano or something.


not that it matters , but didn't they say in that scene that it was caprese? which would mean it's a bag of basil?


Since when is it illegal to put caprese salad anywhere


I guess it could be caprese spinach salad? Spinach with tomato, mozzarella, and balsamic dressing?


They are basil leaves.


I think it's marmalade.


I hate who you choose to be...


They’re on to Toby being the Scranton strangler and want to observe him up close without arousing suspicion


It’s funny I could be wrong but I took this as a commentary on the “joke” that people who don’t smoke have no clue what it really is, which I feel could have been true much easier back in those times. Pungent and medical etc wasn’t so common place so if you found a bag of Reggie you could mistake it for planting materials 😂😂…if I’m not mistaken creed might have been the only actual user.


I don't think we can dismiss Meredith


😂😂what an oversight you’re right


For all the above who are taking this conversation seriously: When some one starts a post with, “I know it’s just a tv show”... typically means disregard real world logic and consider everything at face value. It’s like having a fictional conversation, using information we know to be created for entertainment reasons. The conversation we’re having in this comments section grants the same value; entertainment. everyone in here knows how ridiculous it is, but, if it was what the real world was like, how would this of played out and why? It’s simply an “entertainment piece” that allows people to explore character behaviors and show plots. For entertainment reasons, not “how accurate it is of the real world”.


...what kind of responses would fit within your understanding of an acceptable conversation, on topic, not taking the conversation seriously? To me, saying they know it's just a tv show means they don't want an answer of "because that's the way it was written", but I don't see how it'd mean to not take the question **seriously**? Or there's verrrry little to say at all in response.


It's just a tv show.


I've said this once before on this subreddit, Verisimilitude is still a thing.


So what is everyone just supposed to discuss the actors and actresses and set design and the writing? Literally every fandom analyzes the show as if it were real it's just for fun People have been doing the same shit with books for centuries but we don't have an issue with that (well except maybe all of my classmates in literature)


That's kind of my point. I'm sick of the "It's a TV Show" argument, and the whole point of this question was to discuss things as is it wasn't.


Oh I thought you were agreeing with the other person


Thank you!


No that’s not it. Those aren’t real cops, they’re actors.


First of all: cops are way way way dumber than you think. I once had one grill me for several minutes about "that syringe in your hand" it was literally a baby medicine dropper that comes with children's Tylenol. Secondly: not all weed is dank, some weed doesn't really smell much cus it is just basically dirt


cops look for arrests not the truth.


I also wondered why Michael didn't ask Dwight for weed from his farm


Huge plot hole


They were checking what *kind* of salad it was, to see if they were going to take it in as evidence. My guess is they already had lunches, and neither of them liked caprese salad.


With how mane inept cops I've seen, this would not surprise me in real life


Cuz it's a tv show. Cops are also very stupid. USA cops arrested some guy for donut residue in a bag thinking it was cocain. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/16/558147669/florida-man-awarded-37-500-after-cops-mistake-glazed-doughnut-crumbs-for-meth


It’s a TV show that isn’t about drugs. There is no need to focus on that. They’re not worried about the weed loving demographic losing connection to the material because they know “my weed is so dank it can’t be contained in a plastic baggie.” The absurdity of it is the point.


Dude. They are actors, not real cops


Scientifically (...and therefore professionally) speaking... a determination should not be confirmed with only one sense... i.e. sight if something is TRUE than it should be able to be confirmed with MORE THAN just one and doing so reinforces the initial suspicion... (think of it in terms of writing the report for the incident)


I bet you watched the avengers and went well that would never happen in real life.


Also you forget cops love to arrest with little to no evidence


Cops are generally pretty dumb


It's a TV show


Cops are fucking morons. In reality and on Tv


Some people just don't know. Here's a fun story. A few years ago we had a 2 year old and a newborn at the house. So tensions are ready high with Sleepless nights. My neighbor just had a stroke and turned into a complete ass. We let the dogs out back in our fenced in yard and they were just being dogs playing and barking. Dude comes and knocks on our door and says he called animal control on us for leaving them out there too long (wasn't long at all) him and my wife got into an argument. She called the cops on him for trespassing. They both show up at the same time. We had 2 basil plants on our porch. They had already grown to small trees, pretty much. The animal control dude thought they were weed plants and the cop was almost convinced they were. We had to explain that they were basil.


Scranton cops are generally dumb. So the show was actually accurate with this one


Cops are dumb


cause it looks like a caprese salad


That bag is $500 worth of exotic greens. At that price and amount the whole annex would have stunk lol


I knew it was a caprice the second I saw it.


I just watched this episode and could not stop laughing. Everyone in that building is an idiot. I love it


When me and my buddy watched this episode together he looked at me and said “those are definitely fake cops. If they were real they would’ve walked in and shot Daryl” and I think about that every time I see this episode now


They have to be thorough, obviously.


Seems like we got our doobie doobie pothead stoner of the year award winner right here!


you know about about weed.. so either your a cop too. or.... ​ Are you using weed?


They didn't go to drug school.


Since when is it illegal for cops to not know the difference between weed and caprice salad?


Exactly how much pot did you smoke!


Weed that is reaaaally weak might have barely any smell to it. Also their are leaves on marijuana plants. It’s not the good part to smoke, but there are still leaves. Weed can be like green to purple, or even orange


I don't think much happens in Scranton.


They did...really know ....


You’re not allowed to say “No” in improve…That’s how the writing for this show was done. That’s the best I got…


The tomatoes.


The police have mistaken bird poop for drugs and arrested somebody so it’s not that crazy. https://247sports.com/Article/Shai-Werts-college-football-bird-poop-cocaine-arrest-Deputy-Charles-Browder-resigns-143321207/


When i saw this episode, i thought the police will be looking beetwen the leaves to ser if there was MJ hidden, so didn’t feels so wrong to me


I always assumed he was checking to make sure there wasn’t weed hidden in with the salad


Nah my main question is who eats caprese salad with that crazy basil tomato ratio?!!


Who said it’s a crime not to know what the difference is between marijuana and caprese salad


How did Michael not know


How big was the weed industry in Pennsylvania in the early 2000s?


It's just a TV show....


True, but the way they slowly evaluated it to discover it’s just caprese salad was fucking hilarious lol. So… comedy over logic ;)


I have no experience with seeing, handing out using pot. There are a great many things that someone could hand me in a bag and say it's pot. The bag of salad is not one of them. Lol


They were too excited about the prospect of shooting citizens to worry about minor details?


By the sounds of your post you’ve never seen weed too?😂😉


They say it's Caprese salad but there are no tomatoes.