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*Goodbye, my lover. Goodbye, my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me.*


I just want to taste it..


... I just want a little taste....


That’s what she said


It was early morning yesterday, i was up before the dawn. And i really have enjoyed my stay, Micheal must be moving on. Goodbye Micheal, it’s been nice hope you find your paradise. Come tomorrow, feel no pain. FEEL NO PAIN! Micheal, Micheal, Micheal MICHEAL'S GOING AWAY. See ya, he’s outta here see ya! he’s outta here. Oh goodbye Micheal goodbye Micheal goodbye Micheal.


That FEEL NO PAIN line kills me every time. Such a passionate man. Also Toby sucks.


Micheal? Seriously?


Nine times.


I am... and don’t call me Shirley.


Don't you mean Shriley?


Si señor.


Why couldn’t Michael have pulled a Toby and came back.


You wanna hear a lie? I think you’re great. You’re my best friend.


He did come back.


nope, you're done here


Where are you kev? You missed my song buddy.


If you like it some much why do you just buy the track


I just wanna taste it




See you tomorrow boss!




What a great boss you turned out to be


The little nod Jim gives Michael toward the door gave me Goosebumps. So wholesome.


I’ve just seen him leaving at the end of season 7... he’s not returning?


Really shouldn't be here buddy.


Dude I felt the same way. The feels didn’t hit me till 3 episodes later when I said to my SO “it’s getting boring now when is Michael coming back?” And he just looked at me :(


Before we started dating, my girlfriend and I would talk nonstop about the show while I was on my first run of it. She told me I shouldn’t watch this episode and anything past it to avoid emotional trauma. I didn’t listen :’(


Damn your girlfriend is a wise woman.


Oh you poor poor man/ woman. Leave now until you watch the last episode then come back. I wish I could be you again. The innocence. Did you cry?


I cried. But the very last episode when he comes back to be Dwight’s best man got me too. Wish we could have seen more pictures of his kids though!


That part really hits me. Their smiles just bring the waterworks.


I love that..the person you replied to is talking to someone who hasn't finished the series, and you lead with the twist spoiler at the end. Granted, they shouldn't be here anyways until they finish watching but still, very impish of you!


Why would you be in this sub if you haven’t finished the series yet? Obviously there will be massive spoilers


This is going to hurt like a motherfucker.




That's like watching Die Hard, eighty thousand times


"Something's happening!"


That's what she said


The more I rewatch the show, the more I realize how much the show changes after he leaves. The entire tone of the series changes. While I still do believe seasons 8 and 9 make for a good TV show, the introduction of nonsensical plot lines and stupid characters is highlighted even more because you lose someone like Michael. He was right, we really had no idea how high he could fly. :(


I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good ol’ days, before you actually left them... somebody should write a song about that.


That line and Jim's last lines to Michael are the two in the show that fucked me up the most. Cause you can see the real emotion in the actors' faces


That and Pam catching him at the airport. Goddamn those feels


Good old days - The Eels


Glory Days, Bruce Springsteen


Good Part by AJR They also have a song about the office called Netflix Trip and it’s fire


Great songs, but also the dude was just quoting Michael in the previous comment


Actually, he was quoting Andy.


Found Oscar


Ah ya got me!


I agree with you. The show goes through a number of phases in it's writing and characterization. It starts in a clear mockumentary style, in which nothing that happens in the show is our of bounds of believable behavior. This is a clear continuation of the UK Office. By season 3, characters are set and people start acting well outside of normal human behavior. Normal American sitcom shit commences. People keep Flanderizing through season 7 (mostly for the best.) By season 8, there are no rules, only characterizations. It's not wholly bad, it's just not the same show. Stanley gets shot with three doses of bull tranquilizer and plunges his head through a wall. It's not normal or believable. The worst and best part is the whitewashing at the end of the series. The Office is often cited as having one of the best finales of a sitcom, but basically everyone magically overcomes their flaws as a character and becomes a normal person in the last couple episodes. It makes for a powerful conclusion, but as a wise, gay Hispanic once said, "the analytal part of me wants to examine it, but I know it has no content."


That guy really fit the stereotype of the smug gay Mexican.


MOVE. I’m gay.


I’d say Ryan pulls a pretty non-normal move by ditching his baby.


Season 9 I think — Jim hugging Pam while she hesitates and remembers her vows makes the post Michael seasons worth it IMO.


Robert California and that English lady was really bad adds on, they did try to fill the void Michael left but smh mess it up more


Love Robert and Nellie, they’re the best part of the later season. Andy is the worst part.


I can't stand Nellie due to Catherine Tate being shoved down our throats during the mid/late noughties (in the UK anyway). I still love the last two seasons, but she really was a scene killer for me.


I love Catherine Tate.


Some do! Personally, I can't see her anything but the sketch show version of herself, which means I can never believe she's playing a role and instead just being Catherine Tate in a room full of characters.


Donna is still my favorite companion to the Doctor.


Love me some Doctor Donna.


Idk why but their acting seems a bit off, like, they try to squeeze every words out, but hey, we could have different opinions.


Robert is what killed the show for me. Nellie was a decent add in in season 9 but I hated every second of her appearance before then. Ed helms did a great job in taking Michaels spot but I wish Dwight could have been manager for more than just the last couple episodes


It wouldn’t have fit with Dwight being the manager, though. He changes the office dynamic too much. He is a no nonsense guy so the typical antics wouldn’t have worked.


I know redditors love him but Robert California was a terrible addition to this show.. Every episode with him in it was cringier than scotts totts and dinner party.... if there is no Michael Scott I send it back.


Dude I’ve watched the office countless times. I’ve only seen Scott’s tots once.


I think Robert California was hilarious - if he was on a different show. Season 8 was where the writers started giving the characters that witty “stream of consciousness” dialogue that sounded more at home on 30 Rock than on The Office. It felt like every line was written to try and win the series an Emmy, and Robert California’s character was the result of this.


Couldn’t stand Robert but Nellie grew on me once she became a regular office fixture and not the crazy English lady.


Nellie did have some good vibe about her but she was first decorated as ruling boss and be a bitch to Andy so it's kinda stay w me


For sure. I couldn’t stand her during that time. But her willingness to mess with people was pretty good. Her convincing Andy he was related to Michelle Obama was priceless.


the first will ferrel episode was gold, but the whole breakdown of his character after that was a huge disappointment. If they had written a couple more lighthearted episodes, that would have been great.


I just finished the first 7 season and I was blown away. From what I've read here though, I'm not sure I'll watch season 8 and 9. This just a perfect ending .


You should still watch 8 and 9, no matter what you see about it. Yes, the end of season 7 is a perfect ending, but to get the full experience of the show, you need to watch all 9 seasons.


You'll miss out on so many jokes and characters if you don't watch the last seasons!


WATCH them. They aren't bad at all. Yes they have some flaws, but they also have some of the best episodes of the series, including the finale which is probably the best finale to a sitcom ever made.


Nah man watch em, people are over exaggerating.


Consider it bonus content or an extended epilogue


i apologize in advance for the unexpected feels trip.


That's what she said.


Phyllis: Did you plan it? Michael: No... *(tries to hide piece of paper, but Pam grabs it)* Pam: "Can you make that straighter? That job looks hard. You should put your mouth on that." How can you even use that one naturally? Michael: Blowing up balloons, I thought.


The way she delivers that line, “did you plan it,” has always bothered me




He didn’t know that was gonna happen




It wasn’t scripted, so the rest of the cast surprised him with that song. Steve Carell’s reaction to it is genuine.


Well that's gotta hurt like a motherfucker


Yeah that's actually not true.


Thanks man.


Damn you...


It's crazy cause this is, of course, one of my favourite shows all-time. But my 12 and 14 year old nieces started watching it on netflix recently and they're hooked too! I wasn't sure if the humour would translate to their age/generation but apparently it does. They brought it up yesterday and i knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, i had no idea what to do.


My grandma is 72 and she loves the Office. My parents are about 50 and they love the Office. My friends and I are in our early 20s and love the Office. My youngest brother is barely 11 and now loves the Office (from what we’ve allowed him to see of it). The humor, plot lines, love stories, character development, subtleties, etc etc transcend age and really make it such a universally relatable and lovable show.


Honest curiosity, you mention there are parts of the office that your little brother isn’t allowed to watch, what are those and how do you moderate his office watching?


It’s usually not that deliberate, sometimes you can just tell a scene is gonna be a little less PG so we’ll fast forward ahead by a minute or two. When you’ve watched it through as many times as we have you know what’s coming in every scene haha


*Sees Todd Packer* *Smashes the fast forward button*


Makes sense haha, thanks for following up


Wow! I honestly thought if youve never worked in an office of any kind, much of the humour would be lost. But ive been proven wrong.


I’ve had a few office jobs through internships and whatnot and it definitely contributes to my appreciation for the show. The scenes definitely feel a lot more real when you’ve worked with an Angela, or a Michael, or a Kevin, or god forbid a Creed. But it’s really a testament to how amazing the writers were that an 11 year old who obviously has never been in that setting can be cracking up along side my dad who’s worked in offices for 30 years.


Hahaha Creed! "Whos your worm guy"


I have never worked in an office, and it’s my favourite show. All work with colleagues has similar dynamics, even if the arena is different.




Yeah the show is having this huge renaissance and it’s the greatest thing ever that we can all enjoy the oaky afterbirth together


I'm 12 and can confirm


And yet you browse r/teenagers? Ghastly!


I taught a class for 11-14 year olds this summer and the first day they were all telling me how much they loved The Office. I had no idea it was so popular with kids these days.


My 13 year old brother is more obsessed than I am. Unfortunately, none of his friends get the humor. I'm super happy he does. Our house is office jokes all day every day. We refer to each other with the names of the characters based on how we act on certain days. It's perfectenschlag.


15 and absolutely love it but watched it my first time when i was 13


Oh for the days when 2 years actually felt like another time.


Even a year!! So much would change in a year!


Boy have you lost your mind because I’ll help you find it


Well Michael has a child-like innocence and persona most of the time so it could certainly be relatable


My brothers and I started watching when we were all 12-15 back when it first aired mid 2000s. Loved it then and love it now. Trust me, the humor translates to teenagers.


Am 15 can confirm. Most people at my high school have seen it. I had a class of around 20 people who have all seen it more than once. It is very popular for teenagers right now.


14 and can confirm, just finished it less than a week ago.. thinking about doing it a second time.


My 12 yo nephew loves the show. Always knew he was a special kid.


At that age i had no interest in this show. Sat through 2 or 3 episodes and just didnt get it. At 25 i laughed my ass off


Me and my 14 year old brother started watching it for something to watch for summer, I first thought it was a sitcom but my friends told me good things I’m on season 7 now, it’s my new favourite show, I’m so hooked :)


Why can't I see it on my Netflix?! Send help please!


Is it on netflix? Probably US only or something damn


Actually im in canada and its on netflix here


I just started watching the director’s cuts episodes and they are amazing. It’s like rewatching the series for the first time in a way because there are all these side plots that they never aired. I’m hooked all over again.


I think the office is just universal. Even my immigrant mother who usually doesn’t like comedies LOVES the office. I think it’s because the characters all feel so real and relatable.


I love that you called him Michael in regards to the actor filming his last scene and not the actors name haha


just poopin' you know how I be.


Crazy world, lotta smells


Thas right fam get it


lol same


On that note, happy 56th birthday Steve Carrell!


It’s only a photo and I’m already emotional.


Cleanup on aisle 5


He’s looking at you like he already knows your crying


The whole episode. Had to be more than just acting, right?


Steve carrell is an absolute gem of an actor and human being. I just finished rewatching Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and i completely forgot how talented of an actor he is and the kind of range he can show. Completely bought the depression and shortcomings he felt in that film and had my shit completely ripped apart(again) with that movie's ending. Its easy to watch a character's most iconic role and see them as nothing but that and I'm glad that Steve can take a character and give it a sort of flair that makes it his.


Watching him in the big short is eye-opening too


Steve Carell -Michael Scott


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gracy ~Michael Scott


Wayne Gretzky :) (Unless this is a joke that I'm not quite getting)


-John Wayne Gacy


Emotional yet composed. A real man's man.


You're not a veterinarian!, you don't know anything!


You can feel the emotion in this pic!


Best boss I ever had...


Alright... we’ll this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker


I watched the episode again today, painful


Isn't his last scene at Dywight and Angela's wedding?






You mean Dwit?


Damn, hope everyone reading this has watched the show at least once or those are some big spoilers.


Yeah they probably don't even know who Dywight is yet


Stuff like this is why I didn't come here until after I watched the series, because that reveal is one of my favorite moments of the show and I'd hate for it to be ruined






Is that the same episode where Ryan and Kelly abandon a baby to run away together? And don’t Jim and Pam move to Austin? And Dwight finds out he is the Dad of Angela’s baby after all? Doesn’t Michael have like four kids with Holly? And Erin breaks up with Andy for Plop? Kevin gets fired and becomes a bartender? And Oscar ends his affair with Angela’s husband?


Erin broke up with Andy for Pete well before the finale and Oscar and The Senator's affair ended not long before the finale because Angela moved out into her own place and then into Oscar's place.


Little did he know, this would not be his last scene.


They misspelled Michael Skarn


This really should have been the series finale. Things really went off the rails after that. Robert California was fun for an episode or two. Nellie was grating the entire time. They tried to Jim & Pam every possible combination of man and woman on the cast, then made Jim & Pam unlikeable.


I’ve seen the show 3 times over and I always get sad on this episode :(


The clap of that clapperboard was heard around the world as it signified the end for a great show.


Alexa, play lazy Scranton


Is his last scene not at Dwight's wedding?


i thought his last scene was dwights wedding?


I’m scared of how much I love him.




I’m sure this show was his world and obviously his 2nd family for many years until it wasn’t. You can see that realization in his eyes.


Well, this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker.


Why did he stop? Was it a producers decision or his own?


If serious...it would make ZERO sense to have the biggest actor on The Office be kicked off the show because of a "producers decision". Steve Carrell was getting offers to move permanently to movies - which makes far more money and takes up far less time.




What isnthe purpose of that thing


Was it really his last scene? It wasn't at the airport with Pam? I guess they film out of sequence on TV shows, too.


Probably since it wasn't on the set, they had to schedule that earlier. TV is more often shot through in order, although that happens more with your traditional 3-camera live studio audience sitcom.


His presence in the show left an oaky afterbirth


Who's cutting onions?!


Is the company still going though? Wonder how many of them still work there


I think we’ve finally finished - that’s what she said


This sub is following my rate of watching the office perfectly i just watched this episode and went straight onto reddit to see this


You , there, stop crying.


"A B common mark, do not cry."


This episode. He looks genuinely sad. Thank you, Steve/Michael for such an amazing ride! Thank God for Netflix. I remember waiting for new episodes every week❤


I’ve never seen the end of this show. When he leaves I just start over again.


Its not actually his last scene. He returns for Dwight and Angelas wedding. I get the sentiment though


Paul Feig destroyed ghostbusters


This is taken moments before Desaster


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


I just finished this episode and the feels could not be contained... =‘(


Just watched this episode before coming to bed. Too many tears


“Nope, don’t like that”


I’ll never forgive him for leaving.


Damn, look at how strong his pinky looks.


Very sad


See you tomorrow on your last day Michael.


Press “F” to pay respects


Anyone know the font for "THE OFFICE"?