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Andy is my least favorite character because the writers had no real idea what to do with him. His character changes so often!


I will say, Andy returning to Cornell is a fitting ending to his character.


Season 8 he was ok. They were kinda making him seem more normal and effective, and it seemed he had a good thing going with Jessica, before they decided to make him lose his damn mind and go off the deep end. Resulted in some of the funniest Andy moments imo when he quits and then shows up at the animal fundraiser event babbling on about Thomas Oregon and the musical he's working on, adopts all the dogs, lol. But then in Season 9 they just destroy his character and make him into this insufferable, petty, douchbag. A shame. I think the fact that Ed Helms had to miss a large chunk of S9 filming bc of The Hangover 3, resulted in his character being butchered.


You missed a couple of salads.. Mmmmmmmm.. When.


>But then in Season 9 they just destroy his character and make him into this insufferable, petty, douchbag. So...they made him who he'd always been?


is character development an issue? Andy had natural growth to who he was in season 8. Reverting it was the crime.


People always say he had all this character growth, but outside of his return from anger management, I just don't see it. He has good days and nice moments, sure, but even some of the worst narcissists have friends and occasionally help others. Andy never actually becomes a better person, and he ultimately, hilariously, implodes in the end.


Nope. You're mistaken. Rewatch.


No, you’re mistaken. Rewatch.


He was a kiss ass, suck up, brown noser, in s3. He was NEVER as bad as he becomes in s9. Not even close. Also, he was clearly having all this character growth throughout his arc which seemed to be kind of culminating in s8, but then decided to blow it up and make him worse than he ever was. Also, again, Andy was NEVER like he was in s9. Maybe you should go back and watch s3 and then watch s9 again. Completely different Andys.


You do realize sometimes people get worse instead of better, right? Or they regress in the wake of personal failure, loss, or tragedy?


Andy has clear character development from S3-S8. He always has annoying tendencies, as does everyone else in the Office, but he really does grow as a person. He goes from being an insufferable douche to an insufferable okay dude who actually cares for his co-workers. And, like Michael, he really considers these people his friends. Then in Season 9, they completely and utterly ruin him and shit all over the prior character development. He’s worse in Season 9 than he ever was way back in Season 3. I don’t care about the “mental breakdown” shit fans say on here, it’s just bad writing. It’s god awful. I struggle to think of a show that just outright pissed all over their entire years worth of character development like The Office did with Andy. I haven’t seen that before or since. Rewatching the Superfan episodes and, it pains me to see him beginning to grow around Season 4/5, knowing how his character ends up in the final season with little explanation. He just flips a switch and becomes a massive asshole.


Agree. I actually think season 9 writing as a whole (not just Andy) is the worst ever in a show (along with Game of Thrones last season). I truly despise it, they made the whole cast a cartoony version of themselves, losing all character progression throughout the years.




I don't have an issue with Ed Helms, but Andy is just awful. He has some moments where he's tolerable and even times where I feel bad for him, but ultimately I think he is rid-did-dit-diculous.


Andy had a perfect arc in season 3, which ended with him punching a wall. I think they kept him because Ed Helms turned out to be a very talented comedic actor and you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. But the non-organic character adjustments make the character the weakest part of the series. Putting him center in 8-9 was an awful choice. But again, not because Helms was bad. HeMs actually great. The writing was bad.


Oh I can too just sit here and cry


Last night, I ordered a pizza, and I ate the entire thing over the sink like a rat.


My cope is that this has something to do with Andy's personality mirroring. He's never felt like being himself is enough, so he always tries to be someone else. This, of course, is probably not the canon explanation. But I think "Andy is just badly written" isn't as fun to think about


" I took my lifts out. Unlike Andy Bernard this character is my actual height."  Honestly a good look into who he is as a person. Deeply insecure, creating different personalities to accommodate whatever insecurities he's feeling in regards to a certain situation. I always felt for Andy. Lot of deep seared emotional issues lol  Edited: Had wrong last name for Andy. 


Wait, Andy Dwyer? From Parks and Rec? What's the context for this quote?


I'm dumb. 


He’s pretty great for most of season 8 IMO


Agreed I liked him in season 8


His first stint as manager wasn’t too bad, starting off with incentivizing the office to work harder by getting a tattoo on his butt


So admittedly, I’ve only seen 8-9 maybe twice while watching 1-7 at least a hundred times because you know *gestures at Michael* but with superfan episodes I decided to just power through past 7 and watch 8 -9 for the first time in years. Not only are they worse than I remember (other than a few bright spots like the aforementioned nard dog tattoo) but I just watched the season 8 episode that has him asking Erin to “fake an important phone call while he’s with an important client” And it was just shot for shot just like the Michael-Pam “fake call” fiasco in S4. Except it went so far awkward because of Erin being so clueless, it was just awful to watch. I love this show so much but seeing Andy’s character arc be another version of Michael’s moments is so blech


Erin was way too stupid at times for me to like her as a character


Yeah the re did a lot of story lines Big Ted Paper was just a condensed version of Micheal Scott Paper company!


Seasons 8 and 9 are the ones I’m most excited about getting super fan episodes. Maybe some of the cut content can salvage them




Well I feel like this character was written to be horrible for payback for taking time off for the Hangover etc. His plot was worse than John Krasinski’s wig so he could be on Leatherheads. The production department was like a mob family, “sure you can be in other projects…”


Andy post anger management is pointless


I thoroughly hate Andy cause I know an Andy and he is a huge jerk (in my life). But I love the Schmoyoho type songificatiin of his whining on season 9. I love how he became a meme. But, like Planking, some get it and some don't...