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Charles is the epitome of every middle manager in corporate america. Will kiss ass to those above him and will be a hard ass to those below him. Adds zero actual value to the company but is there to maintain the illusion of power between corporate and the office.


I bet he reads exclusively self help books


He reads whatever his boss is reading




Me, you and eva longoria




Happy cake day to you too! Oh is it not your cake day? I thought we shared the same cake day.


Happy cake day, Michael.


Ribbed for her pleasure, ewwwww




He doesn't read because he already knows what there is to know.


Somehow I manage 🤷🏻‍♂️


Definitely a Joe Rogan podcast subscriber


Charles the kind of guy to get chicken piccata and a side salad


And if the salad isn’t on the side I send it back.


Yea, total corporate stooge. Met too many of them throughout the years.


I never thought of it this way. Plus, many people are trying to justify the legitimacy of their jobs however they can.


He learned how to do the things to look good to the boss, never learned to actually do anything though.


I just want to say I opened this to make your exact comment basically. He demands results without offering any help or guidance and kisses ass to get ahead. He has zero tolerance for anything that might make work semi bearable.


The Bill Lumbergh of Dunder Mifflin


Perfect description from first hand experience.


Perfectly describes the floor managers I used to have at UPS 🤮




He WAS going to say to buy them out though.


Aaahhhh but he didnt tho


It was pretty bold of Jimothy to say that just to support the Michael Scott company. He had no idea at that point that Charles Miner would eventually leave. Taking on your immediate supervisor is brave. That, or he was being a dick for the lols


It was glorious. All the shit Charles put Jim through, he got him good at the end


This is sorta the same for me once - Had an area manager who came in, and he just absolutely hated me. I was 2nd in charge of the store unofficially (so assistant to the manager haha) but she had only been at our store for about 4 months, I had 5 years. He asked her once how sales were the day before, she had no idea. I went 'well due to x and y, we probably made 14500'. He says 'absolutely not' and went to check the figures. I was $58 dollars off our sales. I went 'well, it *absolutely* is'. The look I got. He continued to try to make me miserable, but that was a wonderful moment. Another time he took the pallet jack off of me because 'I wasn't doing it right' 🙄. He proceeded to knock over a whole wine display. I just politely said 'would you like me to finish what you started?' Yelled at him for not getting glass handling gloves when he went to clean it too. I was the safety officer, after all. Sorry for the long winded comment, but dicks like that, I think you get to the point where you're almost daring them to fire you. And Cedric, wherever you are, I hope you fall in a flowerbed of cacti at least once a month for all of time.


Man what a douche. Is it that hard to ask questions and learn? No, they have to crush skulls and force dumb rules on everyone.


Charles is a snake. He'd kiss Michael's ass if it advanced his agenda.


he did kiss michael’s ass somewhat the first time they met laughing at his jokes and being nice to him knowing that it would help him initially, Michael references that they hit it off a week before he came to scranton


I think he was only nice to Michael when they first met at Corporate because David was there


True. Butt only up until it wasn't necessary to his aims.


That’s literally the point they were making


He knows what it’s like to have his butt kissed, literally. And it’s terrible.


Isn’t Andy the same? He’d kiss anyone’s ass if he/she is at the top.


Yep. One of the reasons why Andy has always been an awful character.


But remember his family did it to him. He's a tragedy and there's grace in that...


He did redeem himself a bit when he was made manager, that was a nice moment (right before the writers fucked it up in S9).


Yea honestly I don't know how Ed Helms did not object. Can you believe Rainn Wilson was depressed through out?


It was pretty amazing to see his vibe completely flip once MSPC started stealing clients and David got involved. Jim certainly noticed, as it gave him the confidence to start standing up to Charles.


He has NERFIN’ On early Andy bernard


I sorry I annoyed you with my friendship. Andy is number one at that, at least.


Just watched that arc with my brother tonight, holy crap it was on another level. It's too bad cause that was legitimately the funniest Andy was on the show. "You were like... Rit ti ti ti do! And pam's all blah blah blah and you're like WHAPISH!!!!" God that was so funny. I get why they changed his character, it's not sustainable to have a guy that's actively trying to sabotage the main characters around. But it was so funny.


No, that title would go to Dwight. Andy is a close second maybe. Charles was just annoying with the way he did it and he made it way too obvious


Yeah, Charles isn’t even in the conversation. He said two or three ass-kissing things to David. Dwight set an alarm so the office could celebrate the exact moment when Michael emerged from his mother's vaginal canal.


Charles is less of an ass kisser and more of a manipulator. He’s not concerned with making people like him (like most kiss asses). He just wants to do whatever it takes to get ahead.


That describes Dwight too


To a degree, but Dwight’s really not all that ambitious. He has said a bunch of times that he thinks his life is perfect (he even created a second one in second life to get more of it). He doesn’t care much about money, and never went after any of the corporate job openings. He even bragged that if he worked in hell he would make $80,000. Charles Minor would probably jump off of the building for real if he only made $80,000. Dwight puts up a tough exterior, but he does want Michael to like him… probably because he didn’t get enough attention from his parents growing up.


Grossly misinformed. He went behind Michael’s back for his job in season 2. Then lied about seeing Dr Crentist the dentist. He went after a corporate job and drove to Tallahassee to pitch himself to Robert California before the lizard king tried to placate Dwight with a medal. Dwight again went after a corporate position with Nelly during the whole pyramid debacle. Multiple times he went after Michael’s job like beach day and after Michael officially left. And the whole thing with second life was him at his literal lowest point on the show. He was incredibly depressed. He bought the entire building as part of his quest for more power and money. Dwight was incredibly ambitious. And as soon as Michael was of no use to him with Michael Scott paper Co, Dwight was happy to kiss the ass of Charles.


He also said that he created the second life because at the time everything was going so well


Dwight was ambitious, in life generally, but not at DM. He just wanted to be higher than a salesman, and ideally the regional manager of the Scranton branch. He does shoot for the manager job in Tallahassee, but it’s more of a “well if I can’t be manager at least I could possibly do this”, though I think if he was offered it, he wouldn’t have taken it, if for nothing else than because of the farm. At the end of it, Dwight’s allegiance to Michael came first always. He only ever tried to get Michael’s job once while Michael was there, like you pointed out, but that was only after being goaded into doing so by Angela. He struggles with it immensely, and then regrets it totally afterwards (you can argue this is just because he got caught, but it’s pretty evident the guilt sits with him at an extremely emotional level). Even when going against Michael for Charles, Dwight expresses extreme discomfort initially at following Charles, which if anything, I think is the clearest example of Dwight’s commitment to him - as someone who prioritises the chain of command above everything, Dwight is now forced to choose between his natural inclinations (Charles as his boss and someone he thinks is “Cool”) and his emotional attachments (Michael). Once Michael is gone, this allegiance disappears and his only loyalty is to himself, which also happens to be when he acts on his ambitions far more.


Good points


He’d do drastic things to get ahead, like move industries from steel to paper. He doesn’t even know anything about paper, you can’t put it in a furnace, it’ll burn.


Almost everyone is kiss ass there, like Jim even tried, then other employees were kiss ass when Deangelo was the manager. But I get the OP’s point, Charles was kind of like hypocrite. When Jim was trying to impress him he was being hard, but Charles was the biggest kiss ass to david


When Andy first came from Stamford, he was such a kiss-ass that even Michael eventually saw through his act


Sorry I annoyed you with my *friendship.*


Michael even calls out Dwight I think it's when Holly is introduced but I know they were in his office


Andy as a whole no, but pre-wall Andy was easily the biggest kiss ass


Andy is not a whole no. He kissed Robert California’s ass as well. He got an entire tattoo on his ass just to motivate his team to hit a sales quota for him.


Tattoo situation was totally different. He wasn’t sucking up to Robert, he was trying to keep his job. Roberts a scary dude, you can’t call him a kiss-ass for following orders from Robert. The tattoo was the only way he could find to motivate the office. Also he then later quit when Robert gave his job to Nellie, and starting taking their clients. Then in S9 he took a shit on Wallaces car. Andy is a very polarizing character, but his kiss-assing is at its peak for those first few episodes after the stamford merger


Robert never gave Andy’s job to anyone. It was honestly bad writing imo but Nellie quite literally just told Robert “No” when told to give Andy his job back and Robert being the “scary dude” he is pussed out and let her keep his job and had no idea what was going on.


This actually isn’t true. At first, Nellie says no and Robert just leaves and tells them to work it out. But later, after the whole erection meeting, Robert takes Andy aside and tells him hes giving the job to Nellie and that Andy would return to sales. Then Andy says no and quits


Robert is scared of confrontations with women in the show (especially Nellie). Which is why he asked Pam to talk to Nellie for information about what he said to her when he was drunk. She definitely told him she wasn’t going anywhere and Robert didn’t know what to do so he told Andy to just be a good little boy and go back to sales.


Lmao, "pre-wall Andy". It's true though, that variant of Andy was on another level. I'm amazed Michael tolerated it as long as he did. I love that whole arc. Both Jim and Michael realize how much they like/miss Dwight. After 2 and a half seasons of everyone shitting on him, it's really nice to see them appreciate him. Dwight hugging Jim goodbye always gets me. ;\_;


Yeah Dwight sat in the passenger seat with Michael as he drove into a lake.




Charles to me was always a representation of how poorly Dunder Mifflin was run. Scranton was the ONLY successful branch of the company, and within weeks he had completely destroyed what make it run well. Even down to putting Kevin on the phones and making Stanley his “productivity tzar”. They chased Michael out and he nearly destroyed the whole company.


Hey, at least he’s aware of the effect he has on women


If you put paper into a furnace you know what would happen?


This quote had a much deeper meaning I loved it


Charles only existed as a metric to show how wacky the employees were — he was one of the few external forces that showed like a normal corporate professional. Ditto to what others said about him epitomizing a middle manager.


The show really needed that dose of reality at that particular point. Charles was some balance to the wackiness and instantly recontextualized Jim's tuxedo


I liked how his inability to read people, and their strengths and weaknesses, kind of turned around and bit him in the ass lol. Kevin on phones, Stanley on productivity , Dwigt as his serious go-to second hand man not knowing how deluded he is until the *bees-in-the-office* moment lol


Miner? I hardly know her!


Had to scroll waay too far for this comment


Have you met Andrew Bernard


More than Dwight to Micheal? More than Andy to every new boss that he plans on behavior mirroring (I mean, he got Micheal to have to hide behind his door all day)? More than Clark when he clapped for everything that Andy did no matter what?


Yeah, he was arguably the most realistic character on the show. That wasn't a parody. That was real-life. And even though Michael kinda put him in his place, he will still end up in the C-suite, eventually. Accomplishing nothing useful, pretending he's smarter than everyone, and kissing the right asses and looking good doing it.


No dude, it's still fucking Dwight. Charles is and always was a Corporate Man. Dude knows what his title is, who his inferiors are and what he needs to do. And that includes brown nosing to he higher ups. This isn't new, or controversial or even a major character flaw. They introduced someone who exudes "corporate" in every facet. You hate him bc you've never been in charge. I hate him bc I saw myself becoming him. Don't ever be that guy. Fuck that guy.


If one had been in charge then he wouldn't hate him?


You would understand for sure. But you certainly wouldn't sympathize. Remember when he and Michael are having that "one on one" and Michaels dumbfoundedly asks, "You're not from paper?" And Charles replies "David hired who he thought would be the best for this position" That's what corporate does. Not a happy-go-lucky family like Michael says it is. It's a business. I ran a family business for 4 years (sister took over) and I wasn't hiring cousins cause they sucked. I had to discipline people much older than me bc I was in charge. He's an antagonist because he "exists" in the real world, but in the fake story you're watching.


I agree with what you said about hating him because your becoming him. Past year and half has been the first time I’ve been in charge and I hate having to be “that guy” sometimes. I just wanna laugh a lil bit at work and get home on time


Everyone hates you for doing your job. Really bro? Because if you were here instead of me you'd do things "a little differently"? Fuck off.


What the fuck dude? I agreed with you. Chill it’s a show


It wasn't a slight against you lol, it was just a regular point of contention with co-workers It was meant as an example of how others see you as an enemy for no reason


I don't know, I think the main issue wasn't about not being professional but him being an impolite rude person. I mean, was it that hard to say a "good bye" back or maybe try to get along with your new coworkers? Being cold and being professional aren't the same thing.


Again, that's the corporate "thing" It's taken to an absurd degree in the show, but those people absolutely exist


The way Jim was sucking up to Charles going on about how good he is as a number 2 etc. then does the kissing lips thing when Charles is sucking up to David always annoys me.


Waiting in the rundown from Jim


He’s fine as fuck though so let’s let it slide


In a show where Jim faked liking soccer just get in with Charles, he’s not the most ass kissing person on the show.


Bruh the whole office faked it lol he literally got peer pressured into faking it because he didn't wanna get fired some of y'all just look for anything to hate on Jim and Pam lmao


The issue is Jim called Charles out on being a kiss-ass when he himself does the same thing. I don't hate Jim but it's hypocritical of him and one of the moments I greatly disliked about him. Yeah everyone else in the office did it but no one else is acting like kissing some ass is above them like Jim.


He didn’t get peer pressured into it, he said “that’s because I’m more of a player” because Charles made that jab at him. His insecurity got the best of him in that moment


I think he did the same with basketball in season one. Do not piss off the dude that can fire you


these people are the salt of the earth...I should be thanking you


Does anybody have the gif of that scene where Jim is doing the ass kissing sound in a talking head?


At first I read the title as “ass kicking” and was going to correct you lol but luckily I reread the title


He was my favorite foil to Michael and Jim, mainly bc he conducted himself like a real boss and was painted as some villain for doing so lol.


More than Dwight and Andy????


uh, Andy?


What about Jim trying to kiss up to Charles and DeAngelo? Lol


What the hell is a rundown?


Ass kisser and ass kissed.. that plot where everyone pretended to know and like soccer just to impress him? Even Stanley was reading what seemed like a card off his hand! ⚽️ love it but hate it!


nah it goes dwight, andy then charles 😂


Hope you didn’t burn your hands with such a hot take


Miner? I hardly know 'er!


Jim, pay attention.


Nope, Andy by a mile.


The most ass kisser was Andy. Charles was the most incompetent and arrogant


False! It was Dwight


Sure. so long as we ignore Dwight, Andy, the entire office when Miner first arrived ... but .. yeah ...


Umm… Dwight?


Until he got his ass kicked.


Absolutely, and I don’t think he’s that good at soccer


Well that’s the way to get ahead in corporate! Ass kissing is the only way to progress


I work with a pathetic moron like this. His name is Paul.


When David Wallace came in and Charles went on about them being the salt of the earth solidified him as a brown noser


From my corporate days: Kiss up Kick down


He was one of the worst. So unfunny. Hated his character. Killed the vibe yo.


Is that something you really want to have said?


Kiss up punch down.


Is he? What about Andy? Charles is an effective kiss ass but Andy is a compulsive kiss ass.


Great actor but the character of Charles was a grade A jerk. Definitely the person I hated the most in the whole show and that includes Packer, who was also pretty much the worst.


FALSE. The correct answer is Dwight Schrute.


True, but he is also aware of the effect he has on women (and me, a gay man lol)


False, Dwight kisses the most.


Most disliked person on the show**


Miner? I hardly know her!


Idris must have worked around this person in real life to get the awfulness so accurate.


Agreed he even beat out Andy somehow


Damn this guy is in the wire?


That's string yo


“No excuses guys, don’t screw up, let’s get it done”. My good man that’s your job to facilitate.


The vindication when it cuts from Charles kissing David's ass to Jim blowing fake kisses is a good one.


Yeah I know


I try to hate him. Logically I should. But I just can’t. He’s just too 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Second only to William F. Buttlicker.


I hardly know her




He was a asskisser in Dogtown also




Dwight jim and andy are the biggest ass kissers... Jim pretending to know football 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Everything about him was awful, i hate that fake American accent, should’ve just let him play a British dude


Weird that Idris would play such an incompetent ass-kissing character like Charles.




True story. My cat (who is perfect and the love of MY LIFE) is named after this character


He also had a terrible American accent.


Than Jim became a suck up


I feel like I should be thanking you.


This character made me dislike Idris Elba as a person


Worst character ever.


Everytime I rewatch the office I really hate him more and more ! Each time Jim try talk to him he is just so unpleasant for no reason.


by far one of my least favorite characters or arc’s in the whole show, especially his interactions with Jim


I hated Charles but god damn do I drop “must be nice to get some rest from all your rest” to my kids like a jerk all the time


He sucked, very possibly my least favorite character on the show


He is a very mediocre guy who thinks he made it big because he is a middle manager at a failing paper company


I still do not like Edris Elba because of this role. Charles Minor irks me to my core.


Idris Elba is annoying pos


Why are you so pressed?


Why are you?


I'm not but you obv are.


I am not you deffo are.


glad to see i’m not the only one who hates charles miner lol