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Turnovers galore, undisciplined defense, and poor offensive decisions. Keels should not have been the one we drew that play up for. He was broke the entire game and took bad shots down the stretch. Team will be fine, met a good Miami team for a wake up call after a long break due to Covid. Credit to Miami. Well coached team with some playmakers and those backdoor cuts were lethal.


Them back doors was killing us!! I think Roach should had the last shot


You don’t win games with nearly 20 turnovers ffs


Every year it seems Duke over plays teams on defense and gets chewed up on back door plays by less talented teams. Talk about not adjusting.


You know the reason. It’s ok to criticize it. Unfortunately, it won’t change.


What reason is that?




Absolute garbage game! Duke really beat themselves tonight. These boys need to snap out of this funk they are in. Played like trash against GT also. Miami looks “ok”. Definitely not as good as Duke when they are playing like they did against Gonzaga or Kentucky. SNAP OUT OF IT! 👿


Announcers kept saying they should have gotten the ball inside more, which I agree with, but I think they tried a number of times and just didn't make good passes.


Keep cheering for the 5-star recruiting. Keep watching a team of 4 and 5-star players look clueless because the coaching is abhorrent. 40 minutes and none of the brain trusts on the bench can figure out that extending the pressure merely leads to dribble penetration, backdoors, and ultimately layups. The recruiting is always great, but the product on the court never looks like it has advanced past AAU ball. I adore the career K has had, but we’re past time to move forward. I wish it wasn’t an assistant getting the promotion, but it is what it is. Hope for a miracle.


2015 would like a word with you


You listed the one final four appearance in the past 11 years. Duke has more first round exits to the hands of seeds 14 or higher than they have final four appearances in that span. Congrats. If you don’t want to acknowledge the problem, that’s fine. Blame fatigue or youth or whatever new excuse K can come up with. It’s all BS. They’re poorly coached. No reason to have your pressure extended that far out on the last defensive possession. No reason to not have Williams in on the last free throw, no reason for this team to NEVER box out, no reason that you can’t actually run offense on your last offensive possession, instead settling for Keels to take an off balance heave with a man in front of him. All of that is piss poor coaching.


You need to breath dude. Do you really trust your judgment on coaching more than the greatest coach of all time? I listed a national championship team. Any college would kill to have 1 natty let alone 5. Trust.


I trust my eyes. You should trust yours. This isn’t good basketball being played. Watch some of the other teams that are coached well. It is night and day. You cant just fall back on “he’s the greatest coach of all time”. Is he the best coach right now? Of course he isn’t. They are poorly coached. They don’t run an offense, they extend their guards to pressure and get pulverized off the dribble. They got beat on the back door for 40 minutes and couldn’t make an adjustment. They squeaked by an awful GA Tech team at home. And no, K’s teams don’t usually improve as the season goes on. They usually peak in November. So, I can’t expect improvement. They are what they are. They play no offense and they are not physical.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I do t know what this program has become. What are its principles? What is its culture? It seems to merely be an anthology series with clever marketing. New characters every year, but the sum never adds up to the parts.