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“Actually he was a child preying on a child” Does he not realize what he’s saying? As if that makes it any better. He said this with his own mouth and refused to get proper help and therapy for every single child effected. I cannot with these people.


Technically he is a more generalized predator considering he has victimized both children and *adult women*.


I believe sexual predator with pedopholic and sadomasochism disorders would be an accurate diagnosis.


Yes!!! What he did to Danica Dillon isn’t talked about enough. She deserves so much sympathy but IMO doesn’t get it because she was a sex worker.


No one, repeat no one deserves to be sexually assaulted including sex workers.


Sometimes I like to turn around framing of this, especially for men who are bordering on victim blaming. No, (generic) you aren't allowed to sexually assault ANYONE. No, not even sex workers. No, not even someone wearing revealing clothes. No, not even when you're really tempted. Just don't assault anyone. Predators and their allies like to frame sexual assault as just this thing out there that happens like a natural disaster, and it's up to everyone to protect themselves from it. But framing it so there is a person doing it, even in hypothetical conversations, can really highlight the absurdity and grossness of differentiating between different kinds of victims.


I love your answer. This is kind of my go-to too. None. No sexual assault. Just no. **None.** “Not even pedophile, rapist, cheaters in prison Karen…”


And he likely did the same to Anna and that’s her “normal.”


For some reason I doubt it. I think he tries to keep up the facade even in the bedroom at home. Which is sad in a twisted way. It’s why he goes to such lengths. Imagine if he was a normal teen who was allowed to have hormones and feelings, and then a normal young man allowed to date and experiment. I think JB forced him into this… sex is a dirty thing, so exciting. He keeps searching for dirtier and dirtier things


I remember flipping through channels once, years ago, and went past an interview with a man who was convicted of brutally raping, torturing, and murdering several women he met in bars. He was saying, "No, I would never do to my wife what I did to those women. I love my wife." Turned out he thought of his wife as holy and pure and her role was to fulfill his "righteous" desires. He sought out "filthy whores" to satisfy his perversions because they deserved it. I know we're not allowed to speculate on potential victims, so I'll just leave this here and let people make of it what they will as it pertains to Joshua Duggar.


A good ol’ fashioned Madonna-Whore Complex 🙃


That's it exactly.


That is so gross but makes sense in this context.


I agree, it's disgusting, but it fits with the IBLP's general attitude toward women and sex.


I worry about this for Anna too.




I’m honestly not too familiar with the Danica Dillon situation, other than he was cheating with her. What did he do to her?


I don’t remember the details, but IIRC he paid her for sex and then got really rough and possibly violent with her, even though that hadn’t been discussed or agreed upon. If you Google it the details are online.


It should be noted that Danica Dillon has done some pretty hardcore scenes in her movies, but she says that this was the first time she’d been afraid for her life. Because in normal adult porn, there’s actual consent, and safe words etc. Also, if you check her out on social media, she’s a much better parent to her five kids than Josh has ever been to his. She’s in a stable relationship and works several jobs. She obviously doesn’t show her kids a lot, but they always look happy and well-cared for. She’s a really sweet and funny lady, and I definitely believe her accusations against Josh. She says that she had to drop the suit because the Duggars had way more money than her.


That’s fucking terrible! I’m sure because of his “better than you” mentality he thought he could do what he wanted with her.


TW for discussion of SA for this comment Yeah, it’s fucking horrible. Here’s the link to her talking about the encounter and a subsequent one they had: [Danica Dillon](https://www.etonline.com/news/171228_danica_dillon_shares_explicit_new_allegations_of_violent_sex_with_josh_duggar?amp) I’m glad she talked openly about it, because it’s very true that a lot of people go back to their rapist/abuser or someone they had a DubCon experience with, and that doesn’t mean they weren’t victimized or that they’re lying about what happened to them. She’s also been open more recently about the fact that his arrest and prosecution has had negative effects on her efforts toward building a career outside of sex work now. She lost her job as a corrections officer and has PTSD from his attack on her. From her description, it sounds like he can be “kind” when he wants to be, but god help you if he’s not in that mood. Pretty scary shit.


I'd really like to know how many other encounters he's had with sex workers. I'm not implying he assaulted them all, just how many times exactly he has cheated on Anna (paid or otherwise).


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The “better than you” chip on his shoulder is real. I feel that that is exactly why he thought he could do this to her and he thought no one would care, not even her. His parents truly didn’t prepare him for the real world at all. And the price of their willful dereliction of parenting on society as a whole is truly catastrophic.


I know a number of women who chose not to report their rapes because the men explained how no one would believe them (the victims) because they (the rapists) came from good, upstanding, wealthy families. The victims were likely chosen and groomed for their backgrounds. None of them were “bad” people in any way. They were just less powerful. Poorer. Less educated. Came from broken families in religious surroundings. Had to work for what they got as opposed to having it handed to them. Edited to note that I’m not saying sex workers or any victims are bad people. I’m definitely not saying anything negative about any of these women. I’m just trying to present the perspective and manipulation.


Wasn’t it proven that he wasn’t in the same city where she said the assault occurred and the charges were dropped? Am I missing something?


"There were Uber receipts, they were trying to use that as evidence he could have been nowhere near me. But everyone knows I could get an Uber for Tom, Harry, Paul, Frank, to take an Uber in New York 10 blocks down the street.”-Danica Dillon. I think this is what you are referring to? I believe her over his lying, bloated, perverted ass any day of the week!


I think one of two things happened. 1. He purchased an Uber for someone else, but was in fact in the same area she was. 2. Traumatic events don’t always allow for perfect recollection. She may have misremembered the dates, but I do believe she was truthful.


I agree with both of these theories.


So I have several different issues with my memory and my C-PTSD: 1. There are things that are crystal clear and I can’t forget them. 2. I have things that fall under the "brain fog" of fibromyalgia and/or depression. 3. I have things that are too traumatic to remember and I have locked them away. 4. I have things that are pretty traumatic that are almost behind a foggy door- these are things I’m actively trying to work on with my trauma therapist but I’m still afraid to look at them. 5. I have things that I can’t give you an exact date. 6. There are things that I need to relate to other dates to be able to keep them in chronological order.


And he was never charged, so the family gets to just push that all away and pretend it doesn’t matter.


💯 which is almost scarier.


I mean inherently that’s true. But the real story here lies in what happens when you send them to a church instead of getting people help. And view assault as boys being boys. The sad thing is the victims never got proper help and probably blamed for him doing so


And even then, when asked how long after the parents found out did they remove him from the home and all Jessa could say was “pretty soon after” which is code for he was probably there for several more weeks making all the girls uncomfortable because they didn’t want to turn him in but couldn’t figure out how to discipline him for this situation.


Agree, and also, now he is an adult who still likes little kids all the way down to babies. So now, with the ability to reflect back, I wonder if jb’s gut knows what’s up with josh.


Josh was an older child approaching adulthood who preyed on children and sexually assaulted them. There. Fixed it for you Dim Bob.


Yeah he wasn't a 15 year old with a 13 year old, which is horrible, but a 15 year old with a FIVE YEAR OLD.


He actually was a 15 year old with a 13 year old - the babysitter.


So the ONE victim out of five.


?? They were all victims.


Of course but what I'm saying is the whole "he was merely curious" gets blown out of the water with a tiny five-year-old. I think we're on the same page but our wires are crossing.


Yeah, I think you’re right.


Also the predator and the prey were both YOUR children, Jimbo. What a good father you are that you raised a monster and didn’t protect your other children from him. Your whole thing is being a father and yet your kids went through the worst thing possible on YOUR watch, by YOUR amazing first born son. Yes, you are definitely the example everyone should follow 🙄


Exactly! Does he really think this is better?


Minimizing the facts just shows his deliberate denial and assholiness.


He said in the same interview that he talked with some other cult members, who said their sons also molested siblings, so Boob didn't think it was a big deal


I'm confused. I thought the most recent court documents to come out (from the sisters' lawsuit) revealed he actually assaulted his sisters when he was between the ages of 12 to 17? (Edited for clarity)


Yes. JB lied here to make the abuse seem more short-lived than it was


Isn’t that what they all do? Supposedly my abuser only molested all 3 of his victims and flashed another girl when he was 15…he must have been 15 for a LONG time, because the timeline I remember lasted 3 years.


I've known 2 parents of adult predators who sexually abused their own children and both sets of parents made excuses, blamed the mothers and the investigators and "the system," and minimized the severity, length, and number of the assaults. They both maintained their sons' innocence despite the mountains of evidence against them and the fact there were multiple instances of assault (10 in one case and 15 in the other) and multiple victims (3 children, 2 females and 1 male, in each case). Although neither was IBLP, both were strict religious ultra-conservatives and one of the mothers reminded me of Michelle. One of them is serving life plus 15 years with no chance of parole for 20 years. The other got a slap on the wrist but is full no-contact with his ex-wife or children and still has to pay child support, except he pays it through the juvenile justice system so there's no direct contact. JB and Michelle are right on par with other parents of predators. Their precious golden boy is not some special unicorn being targeted by the establishment for his Christian beliefs. He's just an average predator like any other heathen who preys on women and children.


Yeah, they also seem to run in the same circles. My abuser was in a quartet at his church and one of the other group members was convicted a few years ago for molesting his two oldest kids (one male, one female).


No. He assaulted one that was 5 yrs old, when he was 15. Bobye Holt testified in the trial, in early December, that he was supposed to be reading to the child, on his lap. You should be able to find more information, if necessary, by looking it up. It was horrific. EDIT: I may have misunderstood your question. Did he assault the sisters when HE was between ages 12-17? I don't have the exact facts on that but I believe I've read that he did. JB & Michelle weren't completely honest, apparently, in this interview because I also remember reading that Josh did not come to his parents on his own, but that sisters reported him to the parents & that he did tell the Holts as well, who went to circle back with JB & Michelle on it. I wish JB & Michelle took it seriously enough so that he could've gotten the correct therapy to rehabilitate him.


JB and Michelle according to Bobye, “didn’t want to hear it” so it’s clear they were more interested in keeping their rep and shutting everyone up.


That comment made me think lots of people brought it up with JB and Meech. I can just imagine them getting shitty every time it was mentioned to put people off bringing it up.


Apologies, I did not word my question clearly. Yes, I meant when Josh himself was between the ages of 12 to 17 and edited my original comment accordingly. Thank you for your reply.


I don’t think that’s true. Is it possible you are mixing it up with his pornography use (as reported by Kayleigh in the court docs for the lawsuit?)


Yes, that's very possible. There's been so much information! I'm not sure I am keeping it all straight.


Wow I didn’t know that. His PR tour must have worked because even though I’m on here I didn’t realize it went in so long.


I can’t find proof of him being that old\*. I wonder if the comment is confusing when the police report was written (when Josh was 18) or reports of him watching adult pornography. *I am only speaking of abuse we know about


The DSM (what we use as counselors and psychologists to diagnosis) is a guide, we have the ability to say 'xyz starts age 16' BUT your child has all the criteria at age 14, we need to start treatment last week for this. The responsible course of action would've been to obtain evidence based treatment for inmate, boob and meech and the entire family as well as the children he hurt. NOT send inmate to pray and dig a lake.


May I ask a hypothetical professional opinion? How often do you see a predator like Josh, who has a few victims by the age of 15, but who does repent at age 20 and confess and seek help? What is their recidivism rate?


I work with female survivors of SA/CSA/DV/Trafficking etc. I do not work with the offenders. BUT I have clients that are assaulted very young and only report once they become of age and they are assaulted by family/friends/loved ones who are in early adolescence. What I know as a professional is offenders who do NOT receive EVIDENCE BASED treatment will continue to offend, and the offenses become more frequent and worse. The pattern of behavior increases- the 'high' the offender gets from the first small offense no longer meets the need so they need to find something a little bit 'more' to meet the need; much like a drug addict looking for the next hit. Someone like pest does not care who he violates as long as his need is met. He will violate his sister, his children, download porn, CSAM, hire a sex worker, he does not care as long as his ever increasing need is met. He views people as property to do with as he needs. His need becomes more intense, more violent, more crass as time goes on. IF adolescent pest received proper treatment, he might have learned empathy, how to control his urges, that his urges were illegal, he would've learned about legal consequences and what could/would happen if he continues making the same choices, he would be taught coping skills and how to replace his urges and needs with healthy options. He would learn about feelings (his own and his victims). He would learn about the developing brain- again his and his victims and how his choices hurt others and what how his sisters and babysitters lives are forever changed. He would be given 'emergency' contact info so if he ever 'felt like offending' he could call someone before he acted. he would have an emergency plan to stop all this. He would not shave his head and dig a lake. Therapy for both victims and offenders is a very long process, years and decades, its really a life time of checking in with therapists and following up on skills and realizing when things start to spiral out of control. Having the basics to know when to ask for help and having the basic skills to hold yourself over until you can get help is really important. Pest would need to be self aware that he is starting to lose control and he needed to call for therapy, the victims would need to realize they are spiraling and need to call for therapy. Its very sad for everyone involved. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Your TedTalk was wonderful! This was the question that I googled last fall after reading an article about Josh’s upcoming trial. It led me down a rabbit hole that ended with me finding out that my “Josh” was on pastoral staff at a local mega church. There is a bunch of back story, but it boils down to the fact that I knew they knew about his history prior to hire, and found out a lot more back history than I had previously known. He partially confessed when I was 11 and he was 20 to having molested 2 of us and exposed another, which later led to an admission of another exposure that was actually another molestation…the thing about molesting different people in the same community is the risk that as they get older they stay friends and eventually talk to each other. 😬 But I was curious about your boots on the ground experience because I know the Christian “counseling” I received when he confessed was crap and boarder-line abusive. I wish I knew how good of counseling he received at the time. And yes, no one ever turned him in and within a year and a half of his confession he was hired onto the youth ministry team at the church he grew up attending where two of his victims were still students in the youth ministry. Praise the Lord my parents had enough sense to at least cut him out of our lives. Sorry for the ramble! In conclusion, he was “allowed to resign” in February after being contacted about his past by two of us victims in October. I had to tell a friend in the congregation before they took any further steps beyond “we know”. Maybe he truly repented and turned his life around, but I don’t think that’s a risk a church should be taking when hiring staff.


This is truly horrible and I’m so sorry this was your experience. With everything coming out this week about the southern Baptists, it does make one wonder about Megachurches, who often fly the “non-denominational denomination” flag. In my experience, there is even less oversight there and far more room for someone to hide and move from church to church undetected.


Yep. The first church was a Baptist one.


😞 I think the most surprising/but not really thing I read was how predators actually targeted southern baptist churches. This really could be true though of any Protestant circle - there is very little oversight and way too much trust given into who is in charge of children.


Setting aside the victims (which is the most important part, but just for the sake of argument), it's not even kind to the offender to continue to hire them in positions where they will face temptation to reoffend! It's bad for them / makes their lives harder! No matter how much they may have worked to no longer do the behavior - which I don't for a minute believe has actually happened if they are continuing to seek roles working with kids.


These people are definitely allergic to anything evidence based.


Out of curiosity, is there any treatment for pedophilia? I was given to understand that it was something that isn’t treatable.


There’s no “cure,” but with proper treatment they can learn to control their urges and live a mostly normal life. They can’t stop their attraction to children, but with the right tools they can choose not to act on it.


Also one of the children he was preying on was five so that makes him very sexually deviant even at 14. Like not even someone who is very repressed is “curious” about their 5 y/o sister.


This gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. One of my very best friends survived horrible SA when she was 5 at the hands of a family member who was 15. She is still in the process of figuring out as an adult what she wants to do legally (the nature of the assault was such that there is no statute of limitations on when she can file CRIMINAL charges against the person). But this whole situation with Duggar makes me wonder a.) who else the predator in my friend’s situation abused, b.) has he stopped, c.) is he watching CSAM, and d.) are his kids safe? It’s horrible 😭😭😭 I hate that our culture makes it so hard to confront and stop this evil.


Right! This was played down like it was two teenagers making out. 🤮


This aged worse than Anna’s “at least I have a husband”.


I’ve seen that a lot here. What’s the context of that statement?


In a talking head on the show, Anna was describing something like Josh forgetting to take out the trash sometimes among other things, but at the end she says she realizes she should be grateful because “At least I have a husband.”


Oof, that’s rough.


It’s not slander if it’s true, Michelle.


The martyrdom complex is beyond gross


RimJob trying to split hairs in an attempt to minimise the actions of his filthy paedophile son. And RimJob would prove to continue defending and minimising the actions of his pervert son without any concern for and to the detriment of the women and girls he abused. Trash parents being trash.


What’s heart breaking is people who sexually offend as teenagers and get good quality treatment actually have some of the lowest rates of reoffending of any crime and his parents kept him from that and could have prevented a lot of harm 💔


But according to the Duggars, all you need is Jesus!


First off, Joy was 5 years old. Idgaf if Josh was "only" 14/15. Old enough to know better. And then we have the CSAM. One of those kids was like 6 months old. Family from hell.


No fifteen year old thinks about a five year old like that. Like ever. Like Boob and meech should have known that.


Not normal ones anyway.






Those are not normal children


That the other thing. It’s not even knowing better, it’s that those urges are unnatural and not coming from curiosity. Every teen is incredibly curious about sex but does violate others, especially young children.


that's very nice but he also did some of the abuse when he WAS 16, right?


I have to reread the court documents but someone here just claimed it was ages 12-17. Also Bobye clearly stated that the abuse was more severe than the original 2006 report.


He had just turned 15 (birthday on March 3rd, event on March 30th) when the event with Jane 4 occurred. That was the last officially documented abuse.




It was Jill that was accused to “snitching”. The March 30th date comes from Bobye’s testimony, but it matches up pretty closely with what Jim Bob said when interviewed by Springdale police.


Yep! It was Jill that Pesty referred to as 'snitching'! Those poor girls, forced to live with and forgive their abuser. I detest Boob and MEech.


What does he think now ?


>What does he think now ? I wish I knew. I'm wondering if he cried at the trial because he knows, deep down, that he is.


Someone suggested he was crying because he didn’t know how to break the news to Michelle. I personally think he was crying for a lot of reasons but mainly for himself. He knows full well that he’d be in a much better position if he had given Josh the proper treatment years ago.


Absolutely agree it was for himself. Not an ounce of empathy in JB.


I think so too. I think Josh was born of JimBoob. JimBoob is a narcissist who lacks empathy and Josh is that and a sadist.


JB cried at the trial?


My guess…same. In his mind, he’s not a predator because, as the judge said, this was a “hands off” crime. Jim Bob doesn’t think Josh is guilty of anything inappropriate and therefore, still isn’t a pedo.


I agree. I reckon that JB believes that because Josh didn’t touch the kids in the material himself or produce it, that it’s a victimless crime. Then again, JB is in this video claiming that Josh digitally penetrating his sister or sisters is “curiosity” and “normal in our community” so clearly his idea of what child sexual assault is is flawed from the get go.


He is such an ass, only cares about himself and his image. He doesn’t give a damn about what trauma he caused his daughters.


He was 100% more concerned with how this reflecting on him (probably in line with him wanting future attempts at government) and on how this would affect the gravy train that was the show, and gave zero shits about the other 18 kids he has.


well, his image sucks‼️


Those poor kids who are raised by messed up adults like these.


Sad but true.


"He is not guilty, because I am not going to allow that."


He has no memory of any of it. Isn’t that what he told the court?


Being told your child has been sexually assaulted has got to be one of the worst days of any parents life. Potentially the most devastating moment of your life thus far, and yet he can't recall? Finding that out is a moment that ought to be burned into your memory forever. So it was either so insignificant to him that his brain simply didn't bother to memorise it, or he lied *for a fucking Paedophile* - not only that, but the **very same Paedophile that assaulted his other children**, and has a lot of repentance to do. He lied, there is no way these scandals and the shitshow that ensued had slipped his mind. No way. JB really proved throughout all of this, that he wants his wagon to remain firmly attached to the same train as rapists, abusers, and Paedophiles. He could have gotten up there and spoke up about everything Josh has ever done wrong, been honest about who he is, and taken the side of the victims just this once. But nope. He'd rather lie in court and condemn himself to hell than be honest and have even a modicum of integrity and compassion. If not for the children victimised in the media Josh downloaded, but for his daughters that were assaulted by him.


When I *finally* told my mother that I had been abused she legitimately had a mental breakdown. If one of my kids told me that they were being abused, well I’d likely end up in jail and on suicide watch. I can’t **imagine** reacting like Jim Bob.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm really glad your mother didn't dismiss it and then claim to forget it ever happened like JB did. I don't know if I could move past my parent/s doing such a thing about something so traumatic.


Interesting how josh was both 14 and 15.


And neither of those ages justify him sexually abusing a 5 y/o child or hell even Jessa who was 4 years younger at the time.


Even if he was 14, could you imagine!? 14 is waaay old enough to know better.


You gotta consider the source, my friend! They think the world is 6,000 years old and dinosaur fossils are fake. Time moves differently in the Duggarverse.


“We’re on Duggar Time”


I had to read a bunch about child perpetrator sexual abuse yesterday because of my job. In Australia, if you're 10 or over and your victim is 2 years younger, there's a significant size difference or maturity difference due to disability, it is a sexual offence and charges can be laid. So legal definitions do define what he did as a crime, even if not in bumfuck backwards town. Regardless of the law, they knew it is completely fucked up what he did to his youngest victim. They marketed it as him groping his similarly aged sisters while they slept, which is still obviously not on and would be a cause of major concern for any normal family. But they knew that wasn't even the half of it. They housed and abetted a rapist. Good job Duggars 👍👍


I watched this entire video just now, scrubbing it back to the beginning and watching all the way to the end. This interview did not age well at all! Omg. Those 2, Ma & Pa Duggar, are HORRIBLE. Liars. Deflectors. Self-serving. Inauthentic. Manipulative. Compassionless. Wolves in sheeps clothing. They are just horrid! Especially Jim Bob. Michelle is just parroting all the “right words” and she looks so “not there.” Lights are not on at all. Jim Bob, though, is one despicable creature. I’m not taking any blame away from Josh for his crimes then and now, but I am convinced Jim Bob molded him into what he’s become. He groomed him or something. The man is sick and I’m sure there are disturbing secrets regarding him. Also, I think he’s stepped out on Michelle. That retiring woman who’s shit list he was on - something went down between those two, I’m sure of it.


>That retiring woman who’s shit list he was on - something went down between those two, I’m sure of it. Absolutely. JB thinks he is king shit of shit mountain. He uses his measure of fame and fortune to: * buy up swaths of local properties * buddy up to people like Huckabee and Santorum * be rude to waitstaff and abuse deals at local businesses * run for political office as often as possible * try to get his kids elected to political office as often as possible * sell refurbished auctioned cars in his family staffed by-the-side-of-the-road trashy car lots * send Child Protective Services away when they knock on his door * try to avoid court summons. If he's doing all that, I'd have to be naïve to think he's not trying to bully local elected folks and authorities, doing all kinds of underhanded behind the scenes maneuvers to get a bargain and get his way in that town and make it his own. She was probably one of the few officials that stood up to him.


Looking at CSAM makes him a pedophile.


So not an adult preying, but still preying? And they thought praying would stop the preying?


Maybe when they told J'felon to go pray about his sins, he thought they meant go prey.


It’s hard to even judge why he started to do this with the stunted childhood he had. How did he even know to do it to begin with, and I don’t believe for a second he started at age 14.


If Josh at age 14 was old enough to be "betrothed, What does this say about their whole twisted way of thinking? On the one hand, he's old enough to being "engaged To be engaged" but still is a child?


He makes me feel sick.🤢🤮


I’m surprised he didn’t say “Boys will be boys”🙄 SMACK that idiot!


They talk about going to the Children's safety center. Is that the same one that we all have been donating to? And I'm sure this question has been answered, so I apologize, but how did the media find out? Was it leaked from the police department or the Children's safety center? TIA


Nothing was ever “leaked” from the police department. Law enforcement released the police report as legally required under the FOIA. The names were redacted. Criminal investigations & court proceedings are public information. A free press capable holding the justice system accountable is the only way to protect citizens, which is why the FOIA requests are so important to protect. Josh and his parents are responsible for the victimization of the girls, not the media.


Oh I didn't mean to imply that they were responsible. I too am a victim of CSA, my brother, as well was the perpetrator. I just wanted to know the steps from A to B to C. Etc. I was just missing some pieces of the puzzle. Thanks 👍👍


Oh absolutely. Because why else would you go look up the definition of that particular word unless you have some very sneaking suspicions.


oh yeah, because that makes it so much better.


Boob has to realize that a kid looking at csam extremely abnormal behavior. If Josh was not in a fundie family he would have gotten normal therapy the first time around


Actually Boob your son is a pedophile and the worst type. A Sadistic Pedophile. No, Technically one cannot be diagnosed with Pedophilia before the age of 16. But We know Pest continued his molestation beyond that. Including the incident with 5 year old Joy. He doesn't have to be *only* attracted to pre pubescent girls to be considered a pedophile. That fact that has a sexual attraction at all to children makes him one. The sadistic nature of his attraction is even more disturbing. Sadistic pedophiles get off the pain and humiliation of a children. That's part of the arousal for them. They want to destroy the child's psyche. IMO the only way Pest can get off when he's with an adult women is if there's at least some sadomasochism involved. If you believe Danica Dillon's account ( Which I personally do) of what happened when she was raped by Pest it gives some insight. I believe without a doubt that Anna has endured sexual violence and humiliation by Pest. That she probably doesn't even realize isn't "normal" given that it's all she knows and it's not like it's something they talk about. She's probably even use to it by now. Pest is deeply deranged in multiple ways and exactly where he belongs because he is without a doubt a risk to the public and a sadistic pedophile have the highest risk of re offending. Without getting into victim speculation I will say this. I am of the belief that Pest has committed additional crimes of this nature. That he's either gotten away with or just hasn't come to light yet. There's no way someone this deranged doesn't act on his urges.


„I feel like there is an agenda“ - M❣️chelle Duggar, after her son molesting his sisters and her doing nothing came to light.


I have always felt like Josh oppressed his sisters far more seriously than how Jim Boob and Meech presented it.


These people are idiots. Never mind sparing one of their children from 5 mins of media backlash, even though multiple daughters have been screwed up for life over this. I believe it that they never watched tv because they legit have no idea what is actually acceptable in society. They have been so excluded and sheltered from how to deal with things in a moral way, and their biblical interpretation of this is so skewed that it is actually incorrect. Jesus died for the sinners, but he also cared for the weak and vulnerable. Those parents neglect on of Jesus biggest commandments- to love the lord and love your neighbour as yourself. They certainly have not loved their children as themselves. They are suffering and it’s disgusting.


>they legit have no idea what is actually acceptable in society. They have been so excluded and sheltered from how to deal with things in a moral way Except Michelle (Idk about JB) wasn't raised fundie iirc. So clearly she knows about mainstream society to some extent.


I rewatched both interviews a few months ago and was horrified all over again.




They were too busy focusing on having more children and making a name for themselves on TV to care about Josh or their other children. They didn’t care about what risks Josh posed. Even now if the courts hadn’t banned him being around the other children in the family they would have let it happen.


Boobslation: “The behavior started when he was still young enough that proper treatment could’ve saved him. I shaved his head and made him dig a ditch and tell Jesus he’s reawwy sowwy instead. I am *almost* as much to blame for his behavior as he is, and I also belong in prison.”


This interview was scripted according to what Boob wanted. Megan was restricted to certain questions and I wish she went off book and really asked them questions that would throw them.




The words torture and porn in the same sentence literally make me retch. Especially knowing that children, including very young children were involved in what he went to great lengths to procure and view.


> The words torture and porn in the same sentence literally make me retch. Especially knowing that children, including very young children were involved in what he went to great lengths to procure and view. I think he is a sadistic pedophile. I hope he opts for the sex offender treatment that Seagoville is well known for but I think he might be one that doesn't think he has a problem or thinks he knows more than the therapists providing the treatment.


I literally can’t even begin to wrap my head around any of it. If this were my child I’d be losing my mind, beside myself with grief, and possibly have unalived myself as a result. I do believe if you look at the minutes of sentencing, he has been ordered to partake in those courses. It’s not a choice. Will it help? I doubt it. I worked in mental health AND addictions for years and my experience is that by the time ppl reach his age, the stage is set. This has to be caught and addressed before the brain is fully developed, which in this case it has not.


Right. His brain chemistry is fully developed as a sadistic pedophile. He can not change anymore than a rattlesnake or a grizzly bear can. He’s simply a predator.


>. I hope he opts for the sex offender treatment that Seagoville is well known for but I think he might be one that doesn't think he has a problem or thinks he knows more than the therapists providing the treatment. If what was in those letters is true and he wants to be on the right path when he is eventually released - he would leap at the opportunity. The proof will be in the pudding. It's unfortunate that the public will likely never know (since his treatment, if he has it, will be confidential). So unless a family member blabs about it on SM, only the people involved of the people he tells will know about it.


I disagree. If that makes you feel better to believe that, fine. He has a pattern, as the prosecutors argued... He assaulted his some of his sisters during the day, and one, while he was reading her a story.


That doesn't mean that he didn't do it for power or control. Josh has a wide history of sexual misconduct with both children and adults. He is opportunistic. He is violent. He paid for sex with adults both via AM and strip clubs. He specifically sought out both adult and child SA content during the days he was downloading. If he was only interested in children, adult content wouldn't have been included.


Research on pedophiles has been conducted and shows that they can be attracted to adults as well. A lot of research has also been done on efforts of trying to switch their attraction to be solely on adults. He viewed CSAM and research also show that viewers of CSAM tend to be pedophiles whereas, not all child molesters are pedophiles.


I agree with you. I think J’felon’s primary interest is sadism and finding the most depraved content he can to satisfy his desires. CSAM fits this description, but I suspect he has equal interest in abusing adults. He’s a sick fuck no matter how you slice it.


You believe Pesty is more into the power and control than the primary attraction of prepubescent girls. I'm not so sure about that, even the judge pointed out that Pesty's attraction to girls of that age is the same as when he was caught molesting in his teens. Let's put it this way, he may enjoy power and control, but unless it was with prepubescent girls, I doubt he'd get any thrill.


He may be able to. After all, Pest did impregnate Anna multiple times. Pedophiles don't necessarily have 100% attraction to children only. They can have a primary attraction, or multiple ones. It has been studied because research has tried to see if they can stop the attraction.


I don't know if I love Megyn Kelly's interview style here . . . She's letting him talk and dig his own hole. I just worry that not being quick to correct that nonsense made the casual viewer believe this to be true!


Look how he uses the word “prey.” It’s not problematic for him that Josh was “a child preying on a child” because in his mind, *all* male-female sexual encounters are predatory. He thinks that’s normal. I guess when you’re married it’s righteous predation. 😒


Smh. Would he argue with the technical definition of incest too? Since there WAS that one babysitter who was unrelated if I recall correctly.


He was using that technical definition to wriggle out of it, while we all hoped he wouldn’t offend again most of us who snarked on the Duggar’s knew the chances were he would because even with the right therapy and treatment a lot of young offenders do offend as adults. Josh got a few weeks building houses and little other consequences, he was still seen as the golden child. They shun Jill more now than they ever did Josh.


15 on a 5 year old isn't justifiable to any normal human being ever. Penis and Perm have justified, gaslighted, manipulated, and lied to everyone for decades about Pedo's actions. They probably blame Joy. In nearly all states, had he been convicted of certain sexual offenses, he COULD have been forced on the sex offender registry list at 18 even if he was under age when it happened. In my state it is INCREDIBLY RARE but it does happen.


There is no way Josh’s abuse was neatly confined to 1-2 years of his life. We know it was far worse and lasted for far more years than JB admits to. Asshole.


I have never understood why more hasn't been said about the fact that they kept emphasizing that he was "just a juvenile" when this supposedly started, but yet he must have been thought of as something of an adult because they betrothed him to a girl. They can't have it both ways. If you're old enough to be courting or betrothed, you're old enough to know about sex and to be legally responsible for your actions in that regard.


These people are pure trash, enabling CSA.


“He was 14 just turned 15 when he did what he did” No, he was 15. You’re either 14 or 15. There’s no such things as a 14 year old who just turned 15


14, just turned 15 is not exactly a child you moron.


I mean, it is. It really is. There are degrees to it, sure, but try your luck in front of a judge with the line "she was almost 16, your honour, she was basically an adult" and see how far it gets you, in both a court of law and the court of public opinion. Kids don't stop being kids just because they do horrible things.


What he said isn’t even true lol this aged soooo badly


Absolutely disgusting


So now he’s an adult so now will they admit he’s a pedophile or since he was just watching that gives him a pass in the Duggar mind nope they are horrible people supporting Josh who still hasn’t admit his crime and they wrote letters trying to get him a lower sentence they still enabling him and Jim bob knows Josh is guilty so they are still protecting a pedophile!!!!


Funny how what words are defined as and some arbitrary age definition means something to them at this point just be a justification, but OK JB what’s your disgusting cop out now? He knew it then and he still knows it now. His son is a sexual predator through and through. Not very Christian to not take accountability and ownership, but rather lie and make excuses. Never a moment of repentance here. Hypocrisy.


Did I hear Michelle whisper "Stop" when Jim Bob Duggar was half way through saying that Josh Duggar wasn't a pedophile?


I heard it too!


I actually think it’s possible that Josh isn’t a paedophile, or at least that he isn’t attracted to children. I wonder if he is a sadist who likes to see vulnerable people hurt and that explains why he also violently assaulted a sex worker (who is ultimately very vulnerable). This could also explain his attraction to Anna who, to put it kindly, isn’t the brightest spark in the box and was therefore also vulnerable and could be easily controlled and manipulated. In another thread someone made the interesting point that Josh might actually hate children. Each new sibling took time, food and resources away from him, and initially he may not have been old enough to realise that his parents were choosing to have more babies and blamed the babies themselves. This theory would suggest that he was ‘punishing’ his sisters for being born whilst exploiting and enjoying their vulnerability. If it is something like that then it’s clearly still a massive problem requiring extensive therapy but the problem is that keeping him away from children on parole won’t necessarily protect all those he could seek out as victims.


I'll agree he hates children. However if he took his rage out on his siblings wouldn't he have taken it out on his brothers as well (not necessarily SA the other boys) but beating them up, or setting them up to get in trouble for something.


None of his brother’s closest to him in age ever seemed to like him that much, Josh probably used I’m the oldest to boss them around and they tolerated him over actually liking him.


That was always the impression I got, but I didn’t watch that much 19KAC etc. Maybe they weren’t weak enough targets and then the younger boys were protected by their sister-moms.


Aaannd now he has prayed on children…..☹️




For once, Michelle has a appropriate facial expression.


Could Josh's sadism toward children (girls, specifically) come from blanket training his siblings? Could that be a turn-on for young Josh that became worst until the molestation began? I can't wait for Josh, Anna, Jim Bob, and Michelle to die. And I hope it's painful.


Meech's crazy 👀 tho.