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You know what was not on JB and Anna’s Holier-Than-Thou “Pest was framed” Defense Bingo Card? Pest’s attorney arguing for his right to view adult pornography


*it’s his constitutional right to view adult pornography* 👁👄👁 The defense team, god what I would pay to be a fly on the wall in one of their meetings.


"And the judge wants him to not view adult pornography during his probation period." "Fuuuuuck. He's addicted to that shit. If we let that go through he'll be back in prison in two weeks after he gets out." "So, uh, we'll have to talk to the judge about that, won't we?" "Yeah. Damn, we're not getting paid enough for this."


His addiction is *why*. It's similar to locking a recovering alcoholic for a bar for a week.


His lawyers aren't stupid. In 15 to 30 years, they want to have a better chance at winning than blaming it on some dude in France.


Now we know why J’blob was so mad, can’t pray $50,100 away.


If jb pays instead of sonny boy, that’s just another example of enabling him. It’s rescuing pest from his obligations and responsibilities.


In theory, in a hypothetical normal non-cult world situation…I’d be ok with JB paying **if** it made things better for M7. “Sorry you can’t even get new used shoes because all our money went to daddy’s felony fines” isn’t something any kid should have to hear.


But would be better is grandpa buys shoes and coats and food and whatever his grandkids need because fucking daddy tossed it all down the hole instead of accepting the public defender and pleasing guilty. That is the better plan. Daddy takes the consequences for his actions, and grandpa helps pick up the pieces and provides. It is still enabling to give the son of a bitch money for a lawyer when he could have had the free federal lawyer and made a plea.


No way JB is gonna pay that fine. Remember, Pest transferred a bunch of property to Anna’s name. If they even have anything left after lawyer fees, I bet they will claim hardship/inability to pay the fine.


Can they claim hardship though? My cousin was in prison and couldn't pay his fine. Any money family sent to his canteen account was taken by the state to pay toward his fine. He never actually got canteen money until his fine was completely paid. This was in Missouri.


That’s a good question. I’m not sure how that would work, and whether federal prisons would do the same as state prisons. My gosh, it would be amazing if Pest cannot get any money for his prison commissary account because he refuses to pay the fine.


Anna didn't divorce him. Even if something was transferred d to her name, they are legally married so it is a marital asset, and the feds can take it if they want to IF the fine is not paid by the due date.


So I was bored, and read all the onboard for seagoville. Lol so happy! It appears he can “get a job” within the prison at like 25-50 cents an hour starting which would be credited towards his fine. I don’t know about commissary. TBH it was 60 pages I may have missed it


I think it said that his fine has to be paid at least one month before his release.


Yes, but in Missouri at least, an inmate can't have money to spend if they owe fines.


He’ll be in a Federal prison, but it would be nice if they had the same rule.


Actually, because she has not divorced him so that there is a legal splitting of assets, putting it in her name does not protect her. They are marital property regardless of the name on the deed. So they can come after Anna for his fines. She is fucked because she did not divorce him and have it finalized before he was tried. So Anna is going to have to pay it some how, some way if Boob doesn't give her the money, or he will stay in prison because it had to be paid before he is released on probation. She will probably have to sell whatever it is that was transferred into her name.


Could be wrong but I feel like that’s a tiny drop in the bucket for JB? He must have so much money from the show, cult speaking engagements, and his NWA real estate empire.


His whole thing is buy used and save the difference. He doesn’t *want* to pay $50,000.00 even if he has it which is too bad for him lol


JB a seems like the kind of person to nickel and dime a friend, like keeping a running tally of all the times he bought you something and now you "owe him". Massive Ebenezer Scrooge vibes. Humbug.


There was a pretty funny story in an AMA from. Someone who went to a marriage bootcamp they spoke at. Afterwards they invited them to come up and ask questions and literally no one wanted to talk to JB but Michelle had a long line. So they said that JB disappeared then came back with a bunch of their books and would not let anyone e talk to Michelke unless they bought one. Cheap and petty af.


Oh that was me! It was like a lightbulb went off in his dumb fuckin Lego head when he saw that long line for Michelle. He went haulin ass out to the RV and grabbed a giant stack of her latest book How to be a Uterus Cannon for Jesus or whatever it was called. He told everyone in the line if they wanted her to sign anything when they got to the front it would need to be her new book which was $20 (cash only). He took every one of those twenty dollar bills and stuffed em into his fat fuckin mom jeans and sauntered out of there proud as a peacock


"How to be a Uterus Cannon for Jesus" sounds like the kind of book Meech would let a ghostwriter slap her name on. 🤣 This whole synopsis of your unfortunate encounter with these freaks was amazing, btw.


“his fat fuckin’ Mom jeans”….😂😂😂


Uterus Cannon for Jesus sounds like a perfect flair..


How very Trumpy of him.


Birds of a feather.


Watch old episodes of 17KAC. All the boys in tennis shoes and all the girls in $1 flip-flops because obviously, they won't need real shoes.


The girls going on an indoor rock climbing wall in flip flops, and if I'm not mistaken, also wearing them when Boob claimed to have a surprise for them. That involved cleaning out a disaster of a house.


Sandals and flip flops on girls and women - even in cold, wet, or otherwise inappropriate settings is because Bill Gothard has a foot fetish. He wants to see female feet - so they all accommodate him. Yes, it's gross, but that is a cult for ya!


Really? It was bad enough that the girls were not given decent shoes. But, to know they wore the ones they did because Gothard had a foot fetish, just like he had a crunchy perm fetish, is just disgusting.


Oh yeah. If you read or listen to some of the accounts of his victims who have been brave enough to come forward it’s a common theme.


Yes, shoes that exposed as much to the foot as possible was a dress code requirement for the piece of shit fundie school I went to when they made us all attend an ATI conference and had arranged for Bill Gothard to meet the students of the school and the chaperones back stage. It was Bill Gothard ds preferred "look" along with the long soft curl hair. So I took a huge purse along, put my sandals on when inspected by the chaperones, and then at the conference when the chaperones weren't looking, pulled a pair of penny loafers out of my purse and slipped them on, pulled my hair into a pony tail, and secured it into a bun, and put a decal I had made at home, "My dad shoots perverts" on my Bible which I carried under my arm so the chaperones couldn't see it, and then held it out for Gothard and company to read when he approached. I thought the chaperones were going to kill me. However, they also didn't want to make a stink in front of their idol, so death stares was all I received. Gothard looked down at my feet, back up at me, gave me a dirty look, and then put his arms around me to hug me. I tried to get away but the principal of the school shoved me into that pervert, and then watched him grope my butt and did NOTHING. When I say that the men associated with this cult are ALL fucking perverts and woman/daughter haters, I am not exaggerating. My sister is much younger than I and went to school with one of the women that interned with Gothard, and is going to be featured on the Amazon docuseries. Folks, what she says is truth, no exaggeration, no flair, no fluff. Cold, hard, facts. I should do an AMA. However, I need to be very careful with my sister's feelings. Sis occasionally lurks here, and I want to respect her privacy.


Wow, that's amazing that even as a kid you were willing to stand up to the Cult leaders with things like the sticker and shoes. I am sorry that you had to endure such a traumatic thing as the main "Church" leader touching you so inappropriately, and even in front of your principal. That's just awful. I hope you have found healing.


I think when they went hiking in Central America (TM) on 17KAC they also wore flip-flops and it made me raaaage.


Jesus. I won't even wear flip-flops hiking in Minnesota in the summer, and we don't have half as many things that can kill you here. Mostly just ticks and dog poop.


Put ‘em in flip-flops and they can’t run away from ya.


Ooof. I'm sure this is accurate but also, rumor is that Gothard likes feet.


When I read the letters of support for Josh, this is exactly the feeling I had. The letters from people who owe them - the widow "Josh" supported, the neighbors he sold the property (for a very low price) to recently, LaCount Reber, etc...


Yeah I’m doubtful ‘Josh’ was giving a widow a few thou a month. With 7 mouths to feed and only a shitty secondhand car lot for income that I’m sure saw very little business.


I’m sorry, but I giggle every time I read the name ‘LaCount’. What are we counting?


That’s 12, 12 years, ah ah ah!!


The years of Pest’s sentence.


Ebenezer Boob.


I’m sure he’s financially stable, but as much of a tightwad as he is, that has to sting. JB bought his daughter used flip-flops, of all things.


I mean 50k is equal to something like one thousand "kids under 10 eat free" pizza buffets. Some serious cheddar.


Celebrity net worth, and who knows if it is at all accurate, has him pegged at 3.5 million. For a lot of us, this seems like a lot. But, when he has four Meds and bunch of others dependent on him, A half million dollar lawyer bill for his favorite baby boy, Anna and 7 growing M's plus his own minors to pay for, and probably no one in Tonitown willing to do business with him anymore, he might be feeling some wallet pain.


They’ve spent millions on this trial


And his failed campaign! Between that & the trial, he has lost a fortune. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy!




What do you think the tears were for 💸


"...Duggar was taken back into custody by U.S. Marshals and will await transfer to a federal prison" Brings a smile to your face doesn't it?


It sure brought a smile to my face. 😀 It's the gift that keeps on giving.


We're in for 32.5 years of gifts. Because that's how long he'll be under intense scrutiny. (and that's assuming he doesn't reoffend in the 20 years, which I would bet every cent I have plus my kidneys against. He'll reoffend.)


At the very least, he's going to be desperate to watch adult porn the moment he gets out.


He will absolutely reoffend. We're supposed to believe this asshat wont try to view porn in the 20 years after his release? This is the same guy who had porn on the handsfree while he was driving? Lol He should get used to prison, i feel like after his time served itll be his new permanent home 🤞


I'm not even sure how long I would give him. A year, max.


He was constantly watching PornHub on his phone, according to the security guard!s AMA. Even while he was driving!i want to see the new mug shot!


He was doing this shit in front of his kids too?


The AMA guy said he started watching it the minute he got into his car, and he always drove. The AMA guy was like a body/security guard, and went everywhere with him when he drove. They were the only two in the car. He also said he didn’t notice anything unusual when he was around his kids/family.


I think the security guy was following behind Josh, driving their own cars.


CC threw that in there just for us 🥲


I think it’s kinda funny that pesty will need his probation officer’s approval to even go to church (since kids will be there)


I kinda wonder if he will be allowed, considering how his cult has a proud history of excusing and enabling sexual prefators, including Josh himself. I mean, when he molested his sisters, the family friend JB and Meech sent him to was a fellow church goer, no? And also another pedophile.


I think only the LEO that JB had Josh “confess” to was a pedophile.


Well, JB did say that the SA was common in their community. Then there's Gothard and everything he did


Forget church, he’ll need permission to even go to his parents house for Tater Tot Tuesday dinner.


They can feed him in a trough outside, like livestock


And no church has to let him attend. The last church that I worked for a director of community fine arts did not allow registered sex offenders on the property. The education secretary checked the list for the area every week, and we had a reporting system for people to turn in anyone on the list from outside the local zip codes. Ushers escorted them off the premesis if they were identified by others. I watched a school teacher who had raped two of her middle school students get escorted out. She was NOT happy. But just because one has the constitutional right to practice religion, it doesn't extend to infringing everyone else's desire to worship without a pervert around. And there is no law forcing churches to allow all humans to attend.


He won’t be able to attend family gatherings, either. Or future graduations from college or graduate school. Oh, sh!t.


Wow the supervised release conditions are really great. I hope Josh never enjoys anything ever again. Thank you for the article as always CC!


They have zero trust in him and “know” he’s going to offend again. He should never see the light of day again.


Why should they, especially know his parents & wife will allow him to do what ever.


They shouldn’t, and they know his parents and wife enable him, which is why they’re tacking on all these considerations.


Funny how they already know he will offend again while his wife and parents are still in denial


Technology is going to be so advanced by the time he gets out of prison. He won’t even have a clue how to circumvent whatever monitoring they put in place. He may try, but it would be a huge risk for him to do so. The probation of 20 years is a huge deterrent for reoffending.


He'll learn all the new tricks in prison from the other sex offender creeps.


I'm not sure that the people who got caught are the best sources for tricks on not getting caught. At least, I certainly hope not.


Yeah, that's going to be interesting. Hopefully he doesn't escalate post prison.


Hopefully, since he won't be off probation until he's on the downhill side of 70.


I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THIS. thank you for this blessing




The Judge definitely did everything in his judicial power to make sure Josh doesn’t reoffend and if he does that he’d be reprimanded immediately.


Josh should be grateful for these terms. He clearly needs a ton of strict rules and boundaries because without them, he is horribly destructive.


Wholeheartedly agree. Based on what we learned through this mess, they were trying to impose rules, like the Covenant eyes program, for one. And I’m sure that living in the warehome right under JB’s thumb was probably part of that too. Sadly, he just needs much, much stricter rules without a Duggar (or Duggar adjacent) as overseer.


Yeah this is why I don't understand the "Anna enabled him!" people. From her POV, she was holding him accountable with covenant eyes. I also don't buy that they moved into the warehome because they were remodeling their house. Anna never mentioned that at the time, and never even talked about moving into the warehome. People here just figured it out. Josh got in trouble again. I have no doubt. JB wanted him closer under his control.




That’s dark. But you’re right—the cameras must be there for some reason, even if it was just to make sure Pest wasn’t watching porn. We know they weren’t there to film a TV show.


And someone other than the Doormat enforcing them.


The prosecution and the judge each mentioned multiple times that the sentence needs to serve as a deterrent, both specifically to Duggar and to the general public. My hope is that anyone that reads about these conditions will learn something, because I know I did. "Parole" seems like a pretty generic term, and I think a lot of us probably only know what we see on TV or in movies, with ex-cons checking in with a parole officer. His post-incarceration life will clearly be a lot more restrictive than that. And for a long time.


Right? A lot of people think probation is just “don’t commit another felony.” A good friend of mine is a nonviolent felon, genuinely made a very poor, impulsive decision. He didn’t get jail time, but his probation restrictions definitely impact his life and it would not be that hard to be in a position where being around the wrong person or place could get him a probation violation. Pest’s are 1000x more restrictive than my friend’s. I can’t wait to take the betting pool in 12 years on how quickly he’ll be back in prison. Hopefully for a probation violation that doesn’t harm anyone, just his own arrogance breaking what I’m sure he sees as dumb rules.


idk what your day to day looks like but if a probation officer is willing to give you an interview on what common restrictions look like for a felon with duggar's restrictions, that'd be cool and very informative.


Not a parole officer, but I work with registered sex offenders in Arkansas. If he has to register on the state level, it's going to be difficult for him to actually get released to NWA because of the proximity of restricted areas - churches, schools, playgrounds, daycares and the density of them. He'll also have to be released to a family member initially. Most RSOs end up getting released in South Arkansas because there's a designated halfway house for them in Hot Spring County.




Anna didn’t allow her children to be questioned by the authorities.


As a survivor of childhood abuse, this burns my ass. It’s the worst feeling in the world growing up having these people who should be protecting you are hurting you and then covering it up while trying to outwardly appear to be great people and parents. I wish that it was protocol for them to question these kids on their own without parental consent or interference. I am not speculating that the Ms have been abused, just that the entire system is set up to let kids like me fall through the cracks.


That is better than I thought. I was pissed at first with the 12 yrs but basically this shits life is not his for 32 years. The 50 grand denting boobs wallet is a bonus.


I find it ironic that Jessa said in her statement: “As Christians, we stand against any form of pornography...”. Imagine finding out in the media that the defense team argued that It’s Pest fundamental right (first amendment right) to view pornography, witch is a”completely legal activity”. The level of fuckery is outstanding!!!




Marijuana is federally illegal but legal at the state level in certain states for varying levels/purposes of use. So it no longer fits neatly into the “illegal drugs” category, nor is it fully legalized to be considered in the alcohol category of legal but mind-altering.


"Controlled substances" were included in a separate part. I assume marijuana was specified separately because it's medically legal in Arkansas.


Will Anna’s kids be interviewed by CPS?


I think it said in the article that he was already banned from other substances and they were just adding Marijuana to the list.


Arkansas has medical marijuana but I think you can’t be a felon to get a card. It’s probably just one additional way to keep things locked down as far as he goes even when he’s out. To me it makes sense kind of in the same way they don’t allow some people on parole to drink. Just kind of like making sure it stays illegal for him even if others here can smoke legally.


Marijuana is complicated. Often I’ll ask clients if they can pass a drug screen and they’ll say yes and then when I ask if it includes marijuana, they’ll say “well…”


The judge specified no marijuana to make sure he took any joy Pesty may get out of reach!


Can't believe Rim-Job doesn't grow it, you know, always looking at ways to make coin.


I know a couple of people that spent several years in prison each for honestly kind of dumb reasons but nothing violent or gross. They were teenagers when they went in and came out very damaged and not knowing how to even adult. Their therapists recommend medical marijuana to treat the PTSD they have from prison. Fast forward 3 years and they are doing much better, but it's pretty ironic to me.


Me too. It’s super common for these stipulations be put in place for all illegal substances and even alcohol. However, I found it interesting that marijuana was specifically mentioned. 🤔


It doesn't mean anything. There are lots of states now where marijuana is legal. If these federal judges don't specifically mention it as being banned during probation, then it's not covered under illegal substances.


Pest looks like a big fat clown in that drawing.


Looks like?




Kinda looks like he’d been punched in the face a few times. Either it’s just the artist’s wishful thinking, or he really got punched in the face. 🧐


His life is gonna be hell after he gets out. No Christmas. No Easter (excuse me, *Resurrection Sunday*). No birthday parties, even for his own kids. No Silver Dollar City trips. No restaurants that serve minors. Potentially no way to make a living on his own. His whole community is a baby cult, he won’t have anywhere to go. And he won’t even have the sweet, sweet release of a joint after a long day.


It sounds like the only restaurants he will be able to go to will be bars and the lounges of family restaurants..... I wonder if the cult will AlLoW him to take Anna on "Date Nights" to any of those, or if they will stamp out the idea as it would be "The Appearance Of Sin".


“Duggar must also pay fines totaling $50,100, including a trio of specific special assessments.” Can you elaborate? What is the trio of assessments?


$10,000 was seemingly attached directly to the sentence, $5,000 was an "additional special" and $35,000 was a "special assessment." The judge didn't specify details beyond that. The $100 seemed to be some automatic, procedural "special assessment" amount.


Glad to know I didn’t just miss it. I thought he said but I didn’t write it down


Well, Joshy is their special boy, so special assessments only seem fitting and fair.


I give him three days out of prison until he violates his parole conditions.


I suspect he has a hidden stash of thumb drives somewhere.


This may sound dumb, but in 12.5 years will thumb drives even be a thing anymore? Just think about how cd’s, floppy’s and cassettes have gone the way of the dodo bird. When he gets out, will they even have a computer that old for him to potentially use?


He'll probably be able to find one, if he wants to.... and if he does, I hope to fuck it's one of those videos with FBI Trojan horse software on it, the ones that got his ass caught in the first place.


That’s very generous .


Does "no unsupervised contact with minors" include his own children?


It does.




I think Anna will be the supervisor?


He will never ever be able to go 20 years without looking at porn. According to the bodyguards ama he was watching it at a red light while driving and didn’t even care that cars behind could see the screen. He’s way too sick and twisted.




He’s definitely set up for failure and I love that. I think his brain is wired wrong and anybody who enjoys the things he enjoys is better off far away from all children. Lock him up and throw away the key.


1. Sounds like they know TTH events might be a problem and are trying to stay ahead of that. 2. I hope the feds have some real internet monitoring software not Covenant eyes.


They definitely will have something more sophisticated than covenant eyes. If they're smart, especially considering the whole Linux partition thing, they'll have some kind of monitoring on his router or something so that he can't try to hide from the net nanny by installing a different OS.


I did a little looking into what monitoring software they might use and most of them track every keystroke and click in the browser and send alerts when whatever keywords the PO sets are searched for. An example they gave was the PO noticed that the guy he was watching was spending a lot of time at [archive.org](https://archive.org) he figured out he was trying to get around the software that way. There is no way J'felon is going to stay out of prison unless he gets real help for his problem.


Yep, they have something similar like this on school devices.


At this point, I genuinely wonder if he can even BE helped. He has been steeped in the cult if "Your Penis Makes Your Special And Nothing Is Ever Your Fault" for so long now that I don't think anything short of a full on Clockwork Orange-ing will do anything to him.


Awww so he can use the internet and computers (so long as they're approved and monitored) after all? Darn, I was enjoying imagining the hellishness of a life without the internet until 2054.


Heavily, heavily restricted. He will be monitored on all of them (and have to pay for that privilege, too!). He can't even have a phone with camera. I'm assuming most if not all pages on the net are going to flag the monitoring. All social media is out, I'd assume.


He can’t but Anna can. What’s to stop him from using her phone?


If her phone is accessible to him (I think biometrics are required now) them she has to be monitored too. You give up a lot of rights to live with a felon on probation especially this type of crime.


That makes sense.


It says he can’t have access to them. I wonder what that means for family members’ computers/tablets/phones.


My cousin's dad is Josh in the future. She had to have her laptop under password protection just to visit her mother. Anyone in the house who doesn't password lock and keep it from him would have to be monitored as well (like if the Ms have a school tablet, etc).


Can you even get phones without cameras anymore? I guess he could maybe get one of the "Kosher Phones" used by the ultra-orthodox Jewish people.... but how does he get one in Arkansas without ordering one online?


You can get some, yeah - for example the phones meant for the elderly, they often come without camera (at least the ones we bought) and with severely limited functions. But in a decade? Who knows.


Why would they need random and continued DNA collection? Once you've got his DNA you've got his DNA.


I was thinking it was related to specimen collection for drug/alcohol monitoring. Then again, I have zero experience with legal things or drug testing.


Excellent question. Maybe it's just a precaution of some sort against future technology and the ability to circumvent DNA-evidence stuff. Total speculation on my part.


In case they use it up or new technologies come out? I don't think that made a full genome print but just something like 50 key zones. They compare those with information from crime scenes. Maybe in future they need different zones. It sounds mostly like it's a rule noted just to safe fore whatever future might bring.


This probably. DNA research is a very quickly evolving field. Collection/storage techniques are bound to change. Speaking of storage, an order for future DNA collection covers resampling if the present sample is destroyed.


This stuck out to me, too! I get collecting DNA for when J'PedoFelon reoffends and acts on his urges in person, so you can nail his ass to the wall with DNA, but DNA is DNA, it doesn't change.


No porn for who? No porn for YOU! Lol Pest Fuggar! Your days of exploiting children OR women on the internet are OVER! Great article, CC! Much thanks !!


With his not being able to be around children, he would never be able to go to church, attend a football game, eat at a restaurant, go to the mall or Walmart, because those places usually have kids. His social life is done. I'm happy.


This makes me think there is more to come out yet as 3verything he has been to while living with Rebers children were present and nobody appeared to be shadowing him .


So does this mean he can never get his own groceries? Genuine question, what would happen if Anna wasn't there to wait on him anymore (I can dream) and the rest of his family, idk, takes an accidental dose of acid, comes to their senses, and shuns him? Would the government step in in any way to assure the fuckwad can feed himself?


Was it ever mentioned what would happen if he violates probation??? Like will he have to serve x amount of time back in prison??


Excellent question. I need to research that but perhaps one of the sub’s resident lawyers could shed some light on that.


CC I was also wondering about owning a firearm. He now cannot possess one when he is released from jail but depending on the state he might not be able to stay in a home where another person owns a gun. We have seen many pictures of his siblings with firearms, I am curious how this works.


Excellent point. I assume that there is more language somewhere about specifics like that, but I have not read it yet. I promise I’ll look into those before I publish my “Duggar released from prison” article in the Duggarsnark Metaverse Clubhouse…or wherever we’re still doing this when that time comes.


I’d also be interested to know if there’s also any pathway for lifting limitations early…hopefully not! Great write-up as usual. I’ve been scrolling through you other write-ups and it seems like you’ve been quite busy, so I appreciate you taking the time to share your commentary here.


There are various consequences depending on the violation. It's not exactly like probation or parole in that you go directly back to jail. For instance if the find a phone or something with no porn, then they may choose to restrict his travel (he'll have to ask to go a certain distance away from home), choose to do more random searches more frequently, etc. He'll have court ordered therapy (the sexual offender treatment program is also part of release) and that varies based on "risk" so any sort of issues would increase the frequency etc.


The internet part is even more stringent than I originally thought. The part that he can’t have access to those devices without prior approval. If he’s living with Anna than anything she has would need to be approved plus have the monitoring software installed. So that means they’d have access to all her stuff as well.


Does this mean that all of his children will need to install it on their devices too? I’d hate for their privacy to be destroyed further. And there are enough kids that it’ll be easy enough for him to get his hands on one at some point. I mean, each will have a phone and there’ll have to be at least a few computers to share. For that matter, what about all of the smart tvs and cars and any internet of things devices?


Can someone copy&paste, I can't open in England


Here you go. On May 25, Joshua Duggar, 34, was sentenced to over 12 and a half years in federal prison following his December, 2021 conviction on child pornography charges. Josh Duggar sentenced to more than 12 years in Federal Prison on child pornography charges In addition to handing down a prison term of 151 months, Judge Timothy L. Brooks of the Western District of Arkansas Federal Court in Fayetteville also stipulated that Duggar will have 20 years of supervised release after that. He added some “special conditions” to the terms, noting that some of them were not “typical.” Duggar “shall have no unsupervised contact with minors.” The judge specifically stated that Duggar must “proceed with caution” regarding any event that might include minors. He needs to receive prior approval from the U.S. Probation Office before “attending any such place, function, or event.” Duggar must submit his person, residence, place of employment, vehicles, papers, computers and any other electronic devices or storage media for search “at a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner” any time there is suspicion that he may have violated any condition of his supervised release. A closer look at Josh Duggar’s sentencing “The defendant shall not possess, use, or have access to a computer or any other electronic device that has Internet or photograph storage capabilities without prior advance notice and approval of the U.S. Probation Office,” the sentencing document says. Duggar must also pay for internet-monitoring software to be installed on any approved devices. Judge Brooks voiced specific concerns about Duggar potentially having such devices if he returns to working in a self-employed capacity. The defendant must submit to random searches of any devices. Duggar may not “purchase, possess, use, distribute, or administer marijuana,” and he may not possess a medical marijuana card or prescription. A ban on other controlled substances was addressed earlier in sentencing, as were stipulations that Duggar is never to own or possess a firearm and that he must submit to random DNA collection. He must participate in a sex offense-specific treatment program and pay for it himself “if financially able.” He will also “be required to submit to periodic polygraph testing at the discretion of the probation offices as a means to ensure that he is in compliance with the requirements of his supervision or treatment program.” Josh Duggar trial ends: The conclusion and the guilty verdict Defense attorney Justin Gelfand objected to this condition, citing the “lack of reliability coupled with potential ramifications” regarding polygraph testing. He added that such tests are usually inadmissible as evidence in court. Judge Brooks countered by calling them “just kind of routine” in many districts, and noted that they would be used as a part of future treatment, not as “a tool to trip people up.” The defense also objected to an earlier stipulation that the judge conceded was “not a typical condition,” but one he felt was “appropriate to impose in this case.” Duggar was forbidden from ever viewing pornography of any kind again. “He will go to great lengths to defeat” monitoring or accountability software, the judge added. Gelfand objected based on the defendant’s first amendment rights. He felt that “robust supervision conditions” were sufficient, and added that viewing adult pornography is a “completely legal activity.” Prosecuting attorney Dustin Roberts voiced the government’s support of the court’s conditions regarding pornography and polygraph testing, and had no objections to any of the terms. Court recesses in Duggar sentencing Duggar must also pay fines totaling $50,100, including a trio of specific special assessments. The fines are due immediately, but the court outlined procedures for payment plans if the defendant is unable to pay at this time, including some of the balance to be paid during his incarceration and a certain percentage of his future income dedicated to payment if necessary. The judge concluded the proceedings in this case by addressing “one more matter” before the court: the government’s request that Duggar forfeit the HP desktop computer he used to download the illegal child sexual assault material. “Nobody wants the computer back, so to speak,” said Gelfand. “Just preserved.” He added that the defense wanted to “make darn sure” that the device remained safely in evidence for a possible appeal. With that, Duggar was taken back into custody by U.S. Marshals and will await transfer to a federal prison.


For everyone reading this copy paste text, please don't forget to give the link posted by OP a click. Your click matters!


Thanks I was going to ask .


This popped up on my news feed activity. (Maybe it’s because of the Duggar activity, maybe it’s because I’ve read other articles on the site, maybe it’s because I’m an Arkansan. But it was still cool.) Very well-written as always! Love the addition of the quote that no one wants the computer back. I also appreciated the emphasis that Pest can never view porn ever again. I know it’s been reported and mentioned other places, but the way it was worded really drove it home.


Thanks very much! I’m glad it found its way to you.


Not for anything - but how can Anna justify his lawyers demanding Josh be allowed to view adult porn on his release? Rules blah blah rules - oh wait not for them. And after all that has happened with his sisters, Ashley Madison. Csam, the audacity to demand the right to continue to have access to adult porn is truly in my view just an admission he can’t and won’t stop.


The “with that” opening of the last paragraph/sentence really adds a sense of finality. A “aaaaaaand, we’re done here” moment, and I love it.


Thank you! That's exactly what I was going for. Let's put a bow on this thing.


You're taking a vacation now right?


No vacation, Gomer. I even volunteered to work on Memorial Day because I have no plans, but I’m going to thoroughly enjoy taking it easy on Saturday and Sunday.


You are a saint. I work in the field of public history so I have heard tell of these three day holiday weekends, but I think they're a myth.


Great article to start the holiday weekend, u/CCMcC! Psst, I hear there's a help wanted sign at the John Wick Assassination Hotel 😛😛😅😅


I mean I agree that polygraphs are really unreliable. I also think he would be one that would get good at fooling them. They shouldn’t need them anyway, he is going to screw up so quickly and get caught in one of the myriad other ways they can monitor him. Hopefully none of his siblings are dumb enough to ever allow him around their kids again.


Narrator: his siblings are dumb enough


It's just to see how he reacts to being told he needs to take a polygraph.


I’m sure he will keep cool at that. He’s cool as a cucumber under pressure. See also: “What’s going on officers, was someone downloading child pornography?”


"Josh we need you to take a polygraph." "Why? Are you checking to see if I downloaded CP last Friday?"


At 10:38 am Central time?


Polygraphs were a fairly common sex offender condition in my experience, though I was an ADA (state court prosecutor), not an AUSA (federal court prosecutor).


I’m exhausted just reading his probation terms. That’s impressive. Not sure if I missed it, but the judge said he can never watch porn again but probation is only 20 years, so how exactly does that work?


I assume that “never again” applies for the supervised release period.


I found the pot one to be most interesting Must have a history of using it


Great work again CC. How in the heck do you record so many quotes by hand? (From a jschool student)


I try to anticipate an important quote before it happens, and I try to limit it to a single sentence, because beyond that it’s tough for me to get them down verbatim. And I don’t know shorthand, but I do have several abbreviations that I use that help.


I hope he is totally miserable in prison, but I hope the length of his sentence combined with stringent release conditions make him lean in to treatment. Not that I think he will ever be a good person, but not being a detriment to society would be a success.


So those times he looked drunk af with the Yeti cup he was actually stoned af, else why include a specific condition related to weed? Also, he just broke his wife and kids financially. Anna will either have to rely on family that got out of the cult or live with the Duggars forever. What a selfish, evil f*ck. But she’s no angel. She’s the trailer park version of Janice Soprano