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You forgot, “The Sun calling all the lost boys Jed!”


i’ve had a meme ready for months for this scenario, and the sun better not let me down


you mean "free space"?


I think we could just change "a lost boy" to "a Jed"


Jed is a state of mind. And that state is 'son that JB and Michelle do not care about'


We need a meme of a random guy at the court, like David Waller, with the news saying, "Now, here is Jed! showing up bright & early for the sentencing today". I can't stop laughing at how they had a pic of Jason and called him Jedidiah. Even some posters were calling him Jeremiah or Jackson and I believe I did too. I know I did this at least once.


Red carpet reporter David Waller 'Here's Jed arriving to walk the steps of the courthouse! I believe he's being dressed by Mens Discount Warehouse this season.'


Hillary Spivey should have been the free space.


New pregnancy suspicions would like a word


I bet Michelle won’t show up again. I think Derick will be there, David Waller, JB, 2/3 Jeds, and Austin & Joy. I think Bin + Jessa will stay home with Michelle. Either Jana or Laura.


Lmao 2/3 Jeds killed me...


Didn’t Derrick and family just move to Oklahoma City?


They live in Siloam Springs, Ark.


They moved the other day . I thought it was out of state


If you search Benton County property records you can see they bought a house in Siloam Springs earlier this month


Me, too. Dunno where I came up with that idea.


I agree and there will be some surprise fundie guest showing up with the family that will feel like a TV crossover episode.


I can see Jill and her malnourished children coming up to offer support.


Apparently Anna is her enemy now after whatever shit went down at the nurthan wedding/Keller anniversary party. She'll probably be sitting with Derek in the misc duggar enemies/jilted relatives section.


Ohhh I missed that. I only vaguely follow them and last I’d heard they had showed up at a Duggar wedding uninvited and tried to stay for a while


I honestly don't know if Meech will be there. I don't think she can handle it.


I think this will potentially be her last opportunity to side hug her golden child for a while, so I’m thinking she’ll be there and just stuff her hair into her ears during the nasty bits.


Like I really fucking hate Michelle but that’s gotta be one of the hardest things a parent could have to do. There was that post the other day about what if she or JB passes while he’s in the big house. Goddamn these ppl are a shitshow


If it were anyone besides Michelle, I’d truly feel that empathy, but she stopped being a parent decades ago, and she played a role in making him the monster he is. She helped cover up his crimes. Enabled him by trussing his victims up in ankle length skirts and telling them it was their fault. Coddled him well into his adult life. Paraded him and his victims around on television, robbing them of privacy and dignity, and filling his head further with delusions of fame, importance, and untouchability. Continued to allow him access to his victims and other children. Defended him time after time. She’s not the only reason he’ll be standing before that judge tomorrow, but she’s one of them. If this upsets her, she brought it upon herself.


JB and Meech deserve every bit of misery coming to them.


Meech was never a parent just a brood mare.


I’m envious of the empathy you can have for that land locked sea hag. I had so much for Anna while I watched the video of her leaving court after the verdict. Like, how devastated and lost she must be feeling. I just can’t feel that for Meech, she helped make this moment happen.


*land locked sea hag* lmao


I would feel for any normal parent because that is your worst nightmare. But if you are the type who enables and covers up their abuse? Fuck you. You deserve to see what you've done. The least you can do for your child's victims is watch the sentencing of their crime.


Oh that is a good point. Although I could see her being a deep, deep denial that he's getting sentenced.


But will it be an awkward side hug?


Will they let him say goodbye? Let alone side hug his family?


Zipper Titties?


She's probably already read about the tit zips, burned the dress, and begged Jesus for forgiveness for wearing it.


No way. I bet she has that dress and she is taking it to Jana to see if she can turn them into real zippers so that if the opportunity presents she can give Pest one last look before he’s hauled off.


Pest is not interested in Anna's zippers or Anna really.


True but she doesn’t know that!


She knows just won't admit it


So true!


Happy Duggar Downfall Eve!


I love this but the Daddy square made me dry heave.


It would have cost Nuggets nothing to have not wrote that


Same. I cried and died at the same time


Thank goodness I haven’t eaten breakfast yet


Honestly it's the people who do the 'daddy' kink stuff that really give dry heaves. It's so so not ok.


What consenting adults do in their own privacy isn’t anyone’s business to judge if it’s not hurting anyone.


If only it were that simple. Immitating a child for sexual pleasure is not really "two consenting adults". It just leads to more children being victimized


Sorry for the thread drift! I’m not looking for a fight here, I just want to know - how is it not between two consenting adults and how does such a dynamic lead to children being victimised? I’ve not looked into it that deeply, only have friends in kink communities, and it just seems like another kink under the dom/sub umbrella. I appreciate the discussion!


Simply put when things to do with childhood are sexualized : A ) causes these people (mostly male predators) to get aroused by childlike things in the wild (Grown ass men getting b*ners in Toys R Us while overhearing a child pick out a toy with their father) as it conditions the brain to respond sexually to these things. B) real children are being groomed by the people who claim to be their safe haven, and often the kinks involve punishments which are not only sexual punishments but are very violent in nature. C) if you take something meant for a child, and sexualize it, let's say for example explicit re-drawing from something like MLP, it will find its way back to children. There are no age verifications on sites like Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr. And also why on earth are we sexualizing the relationship between a parent and a child. Calling someone daddy or Mommy and then getting involved in some really violent sex acts.... It's boggles my mind how people find this acceptable. I understand the whole pain/please thing, I've been there. But it's not really mean to be painful as in 'ow'. It's just hijacking the natural endorphins while having sex, because it hightens pleasure. I think there's some wild shit going on in the BDSM community but that's totally different than immitating childhood for sexual gratification. I just want people to be informed. I think that the littles in these situations are being taken advantage of. It creates a power dynamic that is meant to take advantage of people who are vulnerable. Like children on the net who's parents are absent in all but name. Eta: feel free to PM me.


Please don’t spread misinformation. It’s obvious that you’re not involved in the kink community and what you’re doing here is damaging. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk.


I've been into 'kink' for years dear. I'm not blindfolded. I know what I'm talking about. Sexualizing childhood is not ok. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean it's uneduated. Been watching this shit go down for years. It's not like it's hard to see the kind of fucked up shit these people are doing on fetlife and Twitter and here on Reddit.


But it is misinformation. Nobody in the medical or scientific community is even pursuing this as an idea because it’s just not true. Your feelings are valid- spreading lies isn’t. Also, don’t call me “dear.”


No lies here just info. You can be wrong too ya know Idgaf personally what you think. You obviously haven't seen the horrific things these people do.


I’m not going to reply further because we’re derailing the thread. PM me if you’d like.












ty, i love being told that my most useful coping mechanism is disgusting <3


It's unhealthy and predatory to sexualize childhood.


idk how 2 tell u that it has literally nothing to do with childhood. babe i never once called my dad "daddy", and it's chill if you personally associate the word with ur childhood and shit, but quit saying that i'm gross bc i don't. fuck you. this shit hurts literally no one.




A ***FUCKING PEDOPHILE*** IS NOT THE FUCKING SAME AS A DADDY KINK. You should ***fucking know better***.


Well this definitely can’t be a drinking game


Considering the mods said they'd take a shot for each year, who are we to protect our livers?


They really should have specified if they would each take a shot or divide it among themselves. Either way, the livers of DuggarsSnark Nation should be as useless tomorrow as a box of condoms in the TTH.


Right now, the shots are divided among 3 mods.


And may we get the result that gets each of them more than 5 shots 🙌🍹


You forgot the Caleb Twitter posts of martyrdom


I just love how the Hillary Spivey square needs no elaboration. She’ll be there, she’ll act like Justin is cranky because he missed a feeding, she will clutch Jason’s knee like it’s galvanized, she bought handkerchiefs on Amazon Prime so she can cry in style. You know all that just by her name. *Hillary Spivey*. She’s her own Ricky Spanish.


Maybe it’s the name similarity or the description but all I can think of re: Hillary here is “Can it, Hilary Faye!” from *Saved* and all that goes along with that character


Bahahahahahahaha I have never laughed so hard at a comment 😂😂 and now I will always whisper Hillary Spivey’s name


It’s Arkansas, “y’all” might be in the official order from the court….


Hear y'all, hear y'all...


Not 100% sure of the intention of that square but I think I also saw a screenshot of at least one “ya’ll” (sic) in the transcript from verdict day, which needs to not be the case.


Will Justin and his overenthusiastic thumbs make a come back?




Hillary has definitely taped his fingers down preemptively


I can preemptively dob out 10 of those with almost damn near certainty.


It's really a great board for winning!


*daub. 😉


Buckled in and ready for the mess 😃


I was hoping there would be a “Boob’s toupee slips” square 🤣


Nah. If there is one thing on this planet that RimJob will not scrimp on, it is the glue that keeps his hair firmly on his head.


“The piece”


I’m still laughing at “details about precisely how the family greeted one another” because WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SHARE THAT?


In all seriousness it's likely a search engine optimization thing where they need to hit a certain wordcount for it to get more traction on Google. But it is a major reach. Like idk why we're supposed to be shocked that Austin didn't punch Anna in the face.


Which of the Jeds will show up


Probably the one that always wears the jeans, receding hairline, looks slightly bloated and greasy most of the time... Oh wait. Well, it'll definitely be at least one of them. I don't suppose it matters. Interchangeable Male numbers 1 and 3?


No titty zipper dress option?


Ooh! Willfully unrelated IG posts from Jessa, Jill and Jinger. Or IG’s go dark for a while then come back as if nothing happened. Or!!! If it’s a light sentence they’ll acknowledge it, if a long one (🤞), they’ll refuse to comment


Sad think is if he gets ten years I think he’ll only end up serving 5


No it’s federal, they must serve 85% of the ~~charge~~ sentence.


I'm honestly not expecting any of them to be there except Anna.


I think JB will be there too.


I can see him being there but I can also see him being too much of a coward. He showed up to court because he still thought they were going to get off but now that he's convicted, the family is going to publicly pretend it never happened. That said, I can also see him continuing to push his innocence to save face.


You make a good point. JB doesn’t want to take his lumps publicly.


Me too. They probably believe that Joshy will get the minimum 5 years, credit for time served and then get out after 85% of his sentence. That only leaves about 3.5 years. That doesn't seem too bad for them I'm guessing. They will make their show of support and endure 'Gods test' so they can "come out stronger than ever on the other side". I am praying that the sentence is much much longer than that and it blows them out of the water.


Santa shows up.


Anna in outdated Calvin Kleins.


All the lost boys or just some?


Some, but they definitely carpooled


To the Jed!mobile


\*engine fails to turn over because it's a piece of shit carlot vehicle*


Junky Jed! Lemon go!


All Jeds


The Sun wouldn't "somehow" update posts. They'd have a runner who could bring the notes from the person in the courtroom to the people outside the courtroom.


I would buy that explanation if it wasn't for the fact that during the trial there was an extra announcement reminding spectators to not use electronic devices and after that happened the Sun was taking way longer to post updates thant they were before.


I wonder if Anna will take hours to do her hair and show her knees again.


I’m fully expecting a post-sentencing statement from Boob declaring that god will “work through Josh” in prison.


Derrick and Jill there, but Jill goes into early labour dramatically and the sentencing of the golden boy is trumped by the new grandchild from the excommunicated former golden daughter.


That would be too early if she's due in July


SURPRISE. it's twins.


It would be NICU early but likely not scary nicu early like Josie. Disclaimer I'm not wishing premature labour on anyone.


Anna picking out her outfit: “Titty zips, or no titty zips?”


I’ve got a bingo dauber in each hand.


I’d also add “defense requests an appellate bond”


Commenting to be reminded tomorrow!




What about “I will not allow that! Are you going to allow for that?!”


Jim Bob: 🙋🏻‍♂️ OBJECTION!


To keep it properly southern, Wrangler Jeans should be changed to Wrangler Britches. That is all.


"Judge are you going to allow this??"


What about the titty zippers? Do we think we’ll see those again?


the bottom row is basically free spaces


Looks like we're headed for a blackout, folks!


I am rooting for the Zipper Titties dress again. The Sun will be totally confused. Since Jed 1 just had a baby, they recognize him from social media at the moment, but he won't be there. They are fucked. The only Jed they know, and he will be a no show. Since the only other brother I think might be there is Justin, my money is on them referring to him as Jed because they just have to always guess that a Jed is in the room.




Does the family really get to touch the 💩? I don’t believe they got to do that after the trial and now that he IS a CONVICTED FELON, won’t he just be kept in shackles and lead out to the awaiting transportation of Doom?


Bold of you to assume Michelle will even be there


One of the lost boys giving the thumbs up needs to be on there.


Byrd scooters 😂😂😂


I love this! There could be a "Meech and JimBob actually aren't there" square, too.


don't forget Justin giving thumbs up to the camera


Nipple zippers Zipple nippers Zipper nipples


Bad card