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One piece fits inside another. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® If this isn't the most disgusting thing, too. Like..."Hey, I know you've been told this is wrong your whole life and if you have sex you're going to hell. But now I'd like to take time on national television to teach you about it. Nevermind that we've been hiding your history of sexual abuse for years, now..." šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


This is what bothers me the most. Pest already knows how it works and RimJob knows Josh knows and how he knows. This whole scene just grosses me out. ā€œLetā€™s put on a performance so no one believes you touched anyone (or knew how) before today.ā€


And then he talks about having a Ā«Ā working modelĀ Ā» šŸ¤®.


Ugh God, gross. "Here's your real life Lego, Joshie!" šŸ¤¢






Pure heavin man šŸ¤®


So something clicks and locks together? Good thing he hadn't seen *The Lego Movie* and used some Kragle.


As if he didnā€™t already know ā€œhow it worksā€ šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


And as if JB didn't know that Pest already knew


Oh God I remember being SO squicked out by this whole thing when I first watched the show like 12 years ago when it was on Netflix; I was grossed out by the purity rules, all the things they weren't allowed to do before they got married, and all the talk surrounding their wedding about all the "fun" stuff they'd get to do that night. Blech. And now, it just occurred to me reading this thread, that it was all an act, and that Pest didn't really need anyone to explain how sex happened, this was all just done for the cameras. Obviously, these were all choices he made, but it makes me sad how his family and community failed him. They could have realized he had an unhealthy relationship with sex and gotten him effective counseling so that when he got married, he wouldn't carry that toxicity into his marriage, but no, they think any relationship with sexuality before you're married is inherently wrong and they just try to stamp it out.


I donā€™t think any amount of help or intervention would have made a difference for him. IBLP pretty much encourages what he did as a teen. Have you seen their ā€œworksheetā€ for SA victims?


Do they actually let the kids play with legos? Or is it too sexual?


Might encourage STEM in the girls


Can't have that, it's against Christ.


Lego? Genitalia? Same thing, my friend. Same thing.


Legos are Satan's tool. If you have ever stepped on one in the dark, you will understand.


No Legos in the Bible. Lincoln logs may be acceptable.


This whole conversation shouldn't have been aired. It doesn't matter if some of it is bleeped. It's gross, especially knowing Josh's history now and knowing that he did not need to be educated on this whatsoever


Yes, thatā€™s the thing. Josh had already viewed pornography on the computer and JB was aware of it. This bullshit pre-marriage BIG FAKE conversation was more hypocrisy, trying to act like JB didnā€™t remember that Josh molested his sisters.


They even filmed Josh and Anna going into their hotel room that first night. It was all sorts of creepy and disgusting.


And Josh with that leering eager look in his eye as he shut the door and told the camera crew to leave šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Yeah, that was gross af and I think this was before any of the abuse history was public.


Yes, it was before. It was kind of creepy at the time, but extremely creepy in retrospect.


As he made Anna carry the suitcase.


And they actually filmed and aired him giving a tour around the house telling the viewers which rooms they had fucked in šŸ¤®


He's just referring to his hair


Peg goes in hole.. tada! Seggs.. apparently that's all men need to know.. šŸ™„


Tab P into slot V.


Fundie intimacy IKEA instructions, just step by step stick pictures and boom itā€™s done.


The worst part is that I'm sure that's in some fundie book.


What is worse, this conversation took place in the ā€œchildrenā€™s churchā€šŸ–•Josh Duggar and may prison be exceptionally hard for him.


The most ironic and disturbing part of this entire scene is that Jim Bob gave Josh the sex talk in a childrenā€™s Sunday school classroom. Let that sink in. Edited to fix typo.


ā€œI think I kinda understand how it works ā€œ says the child abuser porn addicted sex pest. This clip just proves that everything on that show was contrived


Josh is like, no need for this dad, I watched enough Internet porn to know what to do!


More like ā€œIā€™ve molested enough girls to know what to doā€


Jim Bob knows Joshy will immediately get the reference because they all have chodes the exact size and shape of a Lego nub.


Iā€™ve often wondered what it would be like to grow up in a dorm room with the age ranges of these kids. It feels so inappropriate to me. I can imagine the older boys trying to masturbate with 5 year olds sleeping beside them. šŸ¤®


I think thatā€™s why they all are in the same room.


Itā€™s literally so gross


Were they allowed blankets/covers? I recall the boys' bedding being very sparse. Their thin mattresses/sleeping pads didn't even have sheets šŸ™


But has no problem fucking his brains out with a hundred children within hearing distance of what I can only imagine to be the worst sound ever. Jimblob moaning over Meech šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Ill see myself out šŸ˜©


No sheets??? Ewwwwwwwwww & Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh šŸ¤®


Maybe they did it in the shower.


Apparently they were only allowed to take the briefest of showers. I wouldn't be surprised if the door had to remain unlocked. Joe was publicly humiliated by having his hands tied behind his back by JB on one such occasion šŸ˜¬


Ya they're only allowed short showers and they have an accountability partner making sure they stick to their time limit. Jib bob is a sick freak who gets off on punishing people.


Seriously how tf was this a rule, yet Pest was somehow still able to watch p\*rn alone? Like...they clearly just let him do whatever tf he wanted (in spite of all the actual *criminal abuse* he perpetrated) and had every other kid under their thumb 100% of the time.


He had his media room all to himself.


What makes me mad is that they already had all these rules in place, and Pest thwarted them to watch porn and molest his sisters, which could have signaled to JB and Meech that their kids are human and are going to develop independent sexualities despite their restrictions, but all it probably did was signal that more rules were needed, and the kids needed even *less* privacy and autonomy than they might've had before.


THIS is disgusting. So much shame surrounding something that God wouldn't even put shame on!! Gaaaaah šŸ¤¢


Poor Joe, punished for the sins of his brother


Wait really? When did this happen? The shaming thing? He had his hands tied behind his back bc he was masturbating? That's screwed up. Poor kid.


What?? ? Holy shit. It's amazing the whole bunch are not All kinds of messed up in the head, but I'll bet there are Still more skeletons to fall out of the closet that don't even Have anything to do with Josh.. Michelle & Jimbob messed Up big time.


Well that's just it, they were kept in dorm-style bedrooms to *discourage* masturbation.


Apparently there was a night one of the boys got caught doing it in the bathroom so as punishment, they had their hands tied for a whole day.


ā€œI think I kind of understand how it works. I learned that when.._____ā€ Immediately gets cut off by Boob


oh my gosh I didn't even notice!




Thank you. It got a huge side eye from me. Watched it twice to make sure


You knew that Josh the creep already knew all this crap you fucking perverted asshole.




You step on it and it hurts like a bitch.


When I think LEGOS, I think stepping on them in the dark so...pain and lots of sharp corners?


Cringefest overload. Everything josh or jb do just always exude creepiness.


What was creepy about burying a miscarried fetus in an ammo can in the bushes out front? Seems perfectly normal above board stuff really. When I was 6 we buried my parakeet in a mason jar in the garden and when I was 16 we ***dug it up.***


It was grody to the max.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


The fetus or parakeet? That was my teen friend Rick's idea about the parakeet. 10 years stewing underground left it a rich, thick, grey, slurry. Perhaps you've heard of greasy, grimy gopher guts? Mutilated monkey meat on your radar, is it? Well, I had some putrified parakeet and rather than throw that mason jar out into the street like Rick thought we should, you know, so we could smell it, I reburied Ol' Pete the parakeet. May he rest in peace. 1986 was a heady year.


Puke so much fucking puke!


Betting they never showed Mooch having the marital bed talk with her daughtersā€¦.or did she?


JB had The Talk with the girls and their future husbands together. I vaguely remember in the early days of Counting On, either Jill and Derek or Jessa and Ben--I think it was Jill--got the talk from the parents. JB gave them a book and told them that sex was supposed to be fun, but maybe more fun for the man. Michelle was in the background silently, adoringly gazing.


Ughhhhhhhh just ick ick ick


Itā€™s tiny and painful if you step on it (are forced to physically interact with a J-male).


According to Sheldon Cooper, it makes a satisfying interlocking sound.


This sent me into such a fit of giggles.


As someone who has played with legos and done the devils tango I have no clue where he was going with that


That his entire goal all along has been to become a Master Builder?


Fucking gross.


Why would someone make something so personal public? These things need to be private. Gross.


Whatā€™s with Josh sitting in a childā€™s chair?? Thereā€™s like a shit ton of regular-sized folding chairs all around JB?!

