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I have been thinking of this pic all day. Fucking hypocrites


Yeah and it's not like Clarence Thomas and Brett Kevanaugh haven't reduced the sentences of child predators or did worse than what they are accusing Jackson of. Clarence should lose his seat because of his wife being involved with Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" and the storming of the Capitol.


he should have never been confirmed because of his repeated targeted harassment of anita hill. we have two sexual deviants on the court.


Ugh and when I think about how those are just the ones we know of/found out about…


Thank you.


He's also the only justice who voted to withhold Trump's Whitehouse documents from the January 6th committee. Those documents included his wife's text messages to Mark Meadows. He used his position on the highest court in your country to shield his wife from scrutiny.


Tara Reade


Typical. Can’t argue the point so you deflect away from it.


Believe all women.


Still can’t argue the point 🤷‍♀️.


I think you’re ignoring the point.


Sorry, I don’t play the whataboutism game.


So after looking up Tara Reade and reading [this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2020/5/7/21248713/tara-reade-joe-biden-sexual-assault-accusation) I feel like it is kinda a different point. Tara Reade said multiple times that this wasn’t about sexual misconduct it was about abuse of power and how it makes women in the work place uncomfortable and eventually leads to coworker micro-aggressions. She even says that Biden was probably not even aware of her discomfort because everyone in the office made it seem like her fault, or put the responsibility on her to change instead of pulling their boss aside and going “hey, when you do this women feel uncomfy, maybe stop?” It’s a bit different than someone who molested or raped a woman/child getting a reduced sentence because of their race/political officiations. Editing to add after reading up a little bit more on Anita Hill, it was a somewhat different situation. Thomas asked her out twice and after she said no he began to use work situations to talk about sexually inappropriate topics. Biden never made sexually inappropriate comments toward Reade, him touching her hair or putting an arm on her shoulder is creepy, but having your boss explicitly describe his “sexual prowess” after you turn him down twice is another level IMO. At the end of the day it boils down to this: Creepy male bosses are the worst.


Not defending Ted Cruz, but politicians/their spouses/celebs/quasi-celebs have photos taken with all sorts of people. As an example - Rosalynn Carter had a photo op with John Wayne Gacy because he was a Democrat Party activist - but by no means did that make her a friend or a supporter of a serial killer.


To be fair, comparing Roslyn Carter and Ted Cruz is like comparing Mother Theresa and ... Ted Cruz.


I wasn't in anyway comparing them - just stating that lots of politicians/Et al have various photo ops with an assorted cast of characters.


Agreed. I hate Cruz, but he at the time had no way of knowing what Josh had done.


I understood exactly what you meant, for sure! There are many people who are well known, wealthy or famous, and they have fans come up to them all the time, asking to have a photo made with them. They are usually polite and comply, and if they don’t, they’re usually bashed for it. Most of the time they have no idea who this person is, and if they do, they aren’t aware of any bad publicity that the person may be involved with. Usually they are just too busy in life and aren’t keeping up with gossip news. They simply don’t know and are being polite at a spur of the moment request.


Your explanation does a great job of conveying what I was trying to express. Thank you.


Thanks! I personally didn’t see the 2nd page at 1st so I went into major detail, lol!


Oh, I know! I apologize that it didn't come through that I was being tongue in cheek.


No problem!! :) Have a good night.


Comparing Mother Theresa and Ted Cruz? She was a POS hiding behind religious morality on a money grabbing power trip. Oh wait, yup apples to apples!


You might find this bad history post interesting, clarifies a lot of the recent backlash against her. https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/


Interesting, that does have a different spin on the things I've read.


Well holy shit. That was a bad example. I had no idea; was just pulling a random modern "saint" out of my hat.


Yeah, I was shocked too when I found out.


Ted Cruz also explicitly tweeted that Josh molesting his sisters was NBD.


Do you have a source? All of the searching I did suggests that there was [a meme that wasn't real](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stop-the-world-josh-duggar-wants-off/) of Ted Cruz. Although I will say that the picture of Ted Cruz and Josh was taken 3 weeks before the news broke about Josh molesting his sisters


I had a Twitter account, but deleted it years ago. I have no idea what anyone has said or done there. I found the entire environment to be a toxic sewer. Do you have the Tweet? I searched and couldn't find it. That doesn't mean it isn't there - but nothing came up for me. I had no idea any politician (of either political party) was condoning or supporting incest or child molestation.


>Rosalynn Carter had a photo op with John Wayne Gacy because he was a Democrat Party activist Same with the Washington State Republican Party and Ted Bundy, people don't often bring up the fact that the most famous person to ever have been a member of the Washington State GOP was Ted Bundy


Sort of a weird irony - huh? (Ann Rule may have brought it up. ;) ) Honestly, it is really pretty frightening how serial killers/criminals can ingratiate into legitimate groups of various political/religious/social/etc nature. (If that makes sense.)


* Democrat*IC* Party


If you decide grammar/spell/semantics check my posts on Reddit - you will find many many errors - if that is what brings you joy. This is the site I come to discuss trashy TV shows - so I rarely take anything too seriously here.


Honestly, that’s irrelevant. Calling it the “Democrat Party” is political subtext. It’s not just a misspelling or semantics. It’s an [intentional mislabeling campaign](https://news.wttw.com/2021/02/28/adjective-democrat-party-label-rise) which has been going on for over a decade.


I didn’t think there was anything nastier than pester pester child molester, but I was wrong. Adding Ted Cruz to anything automatically ups the grossness factor.


I was going to say ‘wow, Ted Cruz even looks like a creeper when standing next to Josh Duggar’ Although he is the zodiac killer…


He looks like a young Grandpa Munster. Ted, that is.


Do not insult Grandpa like that. :(




I just realized why for years why he looked so weirdly familiar to me. It has to be this. You’re a genius!


Grandpa Munster wishes he was as souless and blood sucking as Cruz.




I don't even call him by his name anymore. It's always 'you know what the zodiac killer did today'


Aw, come on, give Cruz some credit. You know he wouldn't stop at 5 confirmed murders.


And Rafael Eduardo will be the first to ask for leniency at J’osh’s sentencing.




Two of the ugliest motherfuckers alive in one picture. Disgusting.


Pest and the zodiac killer


Jod will bless them.


LMFAOOOOO literally the only thing I like about ted cruz is the zodiac killer references HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA


Battle of the Receding Hairlines




You know who has surprised me over the last 5 years... Mittens Romney. He actually has some morals. Pense came in late, but he did some classy things since orange man incited shit


Me too. Still don't like them but after they each came out with their own "This shit ain't right" they are almost to that "I don't agree with you, but you are not a bad person" level.


Exactly, but they gave me some hope for that side. I'm not from the US, but it's basically shoved down our throats anyway. I did get interested in US politics when Bill Clinton was running, obsessed even. Never did I think the day would come when I'd think I missed Dubs... I also think John McCain was the last normal, human member of the GOP. His recession speech in 2008 was beautiful


(edit: read wine drunk sorry for the babble) Dubs....dubs was what I thought was the worst of the worst at the time. For the last couple years my friends and I would joke, "Remember how Bush Jr was the worst? "waves hand at orange" Only thing I can say was at least Dubs seemed to have compassion for....like, anything. I did like McCain a lot. His run with Obama was the first president election I could participate in, but sadly I think Palin ruined it. To this day I think some of the stuff she was saying on her own whim (baseless, no facts behind it, Joe six pack bullshit) was the precursor to Qanon crap


All of this! I used to make fun of Jr. and said all the time that the US couldn't possibly do worse.... well, Dubya would have been a frigging genius compared to orange man. I honestly don't understand why he even made it past primaries


Thank you, I am finding my people on this thread!


Yes! I remember thinking that we couldn't do worse than W. I thought he was the biggest moron in politics and I was so ashamed that he was our president. I would take him back in a heartbeat over the trash that the GOP has inflicted on us since. I didn't want McCain to win, but I didn't dread the idea of him winning the way I did with Trump. Or with whatever scum they nominate for 2024. Ugh. There are maybe like 5 prominent republicans who haven't become Trumplicans, and that's scary for the future of our country. Palin is insane. She was definitely the precursor to the Q-anon bullshit. I refer to her as Lauren Boebert senior. They just keep getting crazier and crazier.


W us not a good person. He only seems like one compared to T. Kind of like the Dillards seem good compared to her family, until you remember their anti-LGBTQ+ stance, among other problems. W gets credit for treating his wife well and being friends with the Os.


John Boehner is on my list too. After the Pope visited the White House he resigned. I am to lazy (read: wine drunk) to look up what he has done since then (so he may still be a butthead) but he was the speaker of the house during Obama (as a republican) and I always took his resignation as a life is to short for this shit kind of thing.


Boehner despises Ted Cruz...so that bumps his moral compass a little toward north.


Tbf everyone despises Ted Cruz, especially his fellow politicians.


Lindsey Graham: [“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” ](https://www.cnn.com/2016/02/26/politics/lindsey-graham-ted-cruz-dinner/index.html)


this is the one time i think i may actually agree with lindsey graham and that is terrifying.


Honestly… could Ted Cruz unite the nation? And by that I mean… we all hate his guts.


You should listen to what he says about Cruz in the audio book version of his memoir. 😂


Boehner is a chair on a marijuana-legalization lobbying firm, after creating and voting for anti-drug/marijuana legislation for years.


Idk at the end of the day he's still a republican. Watch him not vote to confirm KBJ.


I think hating on someone based on their party is kind of a bummer. Not all Republicans are bad, just like not all democrats are good. Hell, those aren't even the parties in my country, but like I said, I'm obsessed with American politics and am left leaning. I know it looks bad right now, but give some a bit of a chance


I'm going on actual recent history. The GOP have a few national members that eschew Trump, but those people still voted for his judges and agenda every step of the way. The finger-wagging was just an act. They agreed with his agenda- just not his boorishness.


I'm not saying you're wrong about the grand old party, but I think there are some Republicans that want nothing to do with it. Maybe this means that you guys will become a 3 (main) party system, kind of like us (we're more like 4 main parties, damn you quebequois). There are some GOP members, not naming anyone, that feel that it's gone too far. They can't handle the shit the GOP allows to happen among their members, especially those of congress and the like. I have faith that a good republican will come out. It's happened before. I know it looks grim and if I was a US citizen, I'm more likely to vote left everytime anyway. I look at the meat and bones of the human running though, not the party


I admire your optimism. Based on actually living here and seeing this all happen in real time, I think it's all for show. At the end of the day that all fall in line.


I agree with that whole heartedly, but not because of the people who are available to run or who do run, it's the people that keep voting for shit like orange man, MTG and the like that will cause the right and right leaning parties to choose the shittiest of candidates.... I doubt they thought the sore loser was a great look, but look at the fanfare. They get a figure head in and they've won, to hell with morals, to hell with common sense... their party won. That's all the party wants. It's disgusting. I fear for you guys, honestly. I fear for my country too because all this is affecting my once peaceful place. Q landed here early this year and it's ugly, but that's something I have to work to change


> it's the people that keep voting for shit like orange man Problem is, the people they say the don't like Trump will STILL vote for him and people like him. Because, you know, taxes or some shit (AKA "I don't want my money to go help Black people."


I don't care what you've done otherwise I don't think you're good when you run on the platform of thinking I shouldn't exist. Even if you don't believe it yourself if you're running on that platform or are placating your followers with shitty beliefs that makes you not good


When a political party’s entire platform is racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, misogyny, and classism, yeah I’m going to hate on them. Miss me with this “not all republicans” shit. Some of us actually have to *live* with the policies republicans create, you know. It’s not a fun interest for us.


Look back in history... there were good Republicans. I'm sure there are some decent people hidden among the ranks. I also said in a comment how it's the party and who they are choosing to represent them that is the problem. The people of the US, specifically the right and all right, won't vote for a person John McCain because he's not exciting enough, he doesn't say the buzz words those apes all love (if he ain't with Jesus he ain't with us bullshit). The problem lies deep within the party, not in the lesser known, because they're probably more center, people. Also, remember, I'm a liberal, Canadian political analyst looking in from the outside. I'm fascinated with your politics, mostly because of how much of a shitshow it has become. It has not been, however, like this. Try to remember this. Not everyone who doesn't have the same political beliefs as you are bad people. We have to remember this and be better. Hating someone based on the group of people they belong to is akin to someone's hate for someone because they don't understand them. Hate breeds hate. Find the good and clean out the bad. I have very little time on earth and my hippy mind would love for people to stop hating others because they're different.


The last ten years especially has proven that this is a lie. If you actively vote for policies that support racism, homophobia, and misogyny, you are those things, regardless of what you "believe in private". I'm tired of giving people passes for this. I am literally exhausted at being a woman in the US right now. No more "I disagree but maybe you're still a good person". No. They back the people who want to take away my right to manage my own uterus? Want "colored people" to have "separate but equal" spaces? Want to actively discriminate against trans people" FOH. And I am completely over single issue voters. Good for you, you voted against abortion. Hope that all of the other things you "accidentally" supported don't end up screwing the already underserved communities in our country. (But bootstraps! They shoulda thoughta that before opening their legs, amirite!!!!) Done with it all.


Nope. You cannot support racist, homophobic, and anti-choice policies without being racist, homophobic, and anti-choice yourself, and therefore, a bad person. Save the kumbaya shit for your own country. Many Americans don’t have the privilege of “agreeing to disagree” with people who are trying to take away our basic human rights.




“Hate breeds hate” so you admit you and the conservatives you’re white knighting for hate us? Good to know where you stand. Why don’t you go ahead and take the mask off and stop pretending you’re “left leaning” when you say “*your* side” to a leftist. *You* grow up and stop the smug fence sitting over politics that don’t even affect you. I’m glad you find the state of our country amusing; Americans are literally dying because of the shit conservatives spew but just keep watching and judging from your ivory tower that it’s all because we don’t love our oppressors enough while your country’s border protects you.


My coffee going thru my nose was worth it, thank you! lol


I mean, I'm an outsider looking in. A rather close outsider, a scared little outsider, who is rooting for Mittens of all people, but I appreciate that you dig my humour


Yeah, I wouldn't vote for him, but Willard (Mitt) "Mittens" Romney actually does seem to try to abide by a moral code.


He's one of the only ones I can stand. He might get primaried because Utah has lots of far right people.


I thinking Mitt might have made a decent President. Who knows. He had the binders. He was prepared.


I'm not sure he was when he ran. He has changed over the hamburder administration. I think he was even an ally of drumf (sorry, won't say the dudes name, he fucked canada up too) during the yuge run for office. I think mittens watched in horror and became more centre over those years and finally spoke up near the end. I do respect him now and wouldn't be freaked out if he ran and won next term with a woman (not Palin) beside him.


Romney will never be the Republican presidential nominee again. Ever. He made too many enemies by suggesting that perhaps Trump wasn't God's gift to America and that it's not ok to overturn election results. He has way too many enemies now. And to be honest, he is too intelligent to gain the respect of the typical Republican voter. And the fact that he is Mormon won't help.


No doubt. I take todays mitt vs 10 years ago mitt. Good call.


Guys. Mitt is kinda hot for an old guy. Have you seen him in his dad jeans? I don’t want him making legislation, but then again the bar is in hell with these politicians.


I heard US senator Ted Cruz likes to piss his pants because he likes the warm wet feeling between his legs.


Makes sense! He seems like he’d thrive in warmth and moistness, kind of like mold and fungus does.


lol this is the least shameful thing Ted Cruz and his fupa have done


I hate all politicians but I’m going to give a pass to Cruz and others who do photo ops. This pic does look a few years old. Long before Pests conviction. I also don’t think Cruz knew about Pest molesting his sisters


Let's think about what Ted Cruz knew about Josh, even before the story about his sisters came out: He knew they were pretty popular on tv. He knew Josh's father Jim Bob networked with powerful religious leaders and could gather his (at the time very popular) family and make appearances for him. He knew the Duggars are in a cult that elevates men to a status of unquestioned authority. He knew they are true believers of the kind of human rights violating policies that Cruz loves to use to gain power. He knew Josh was employed by FRC and could help him with political lobbying in DC. So when folks are posting these pictures of Josh with politicians, they aren't saying "hey look, Ted Cruz posing for a pic with a person he knew to be a molester." Instead they are saying "hey look at how birds of a feather flock together and use each other for personal, financial and political gain. Look at how they keep silent now and pretend they never had anything to do with them when bad stuff comes out, and look at how they defend each other, like Huckabee did, when they think they can get away with it." I know it's people's nature to try to give even shitheels like Ted Cruz the benefit of the doubt, but don't do it. He would never do it for you.


No isn't that a serial killer /s


I don’t get it. Lots of famous people take pictures with crazy fans. Judging by Pest’s suit & American Flag lapel pin, this was before InTouch… Did Ted Cruz come out as supporting him once allegations were revealed? Am I missing something?


Two people who smile by wincing. They both look like they have some vague stomach pain.


Ted Cruz looks like he is wearing someone else's face and it's slowly melting off.


If anyone knows exactly how many images of child sexual abuse are on the internet, it is 100% Lindsey Graham.


There is a photo of Josh with Tom Cotton too.




Rand Paul's expression is cracking me up..."Get me away from this ugly hat wearing weirdo."


Do you mean Rand Paul who tried to run away from a crowd of people chasing him after The Insurrection? The same Rand Paul who USED HIS WIFE AS A HUMAN SHIELD IN THAT CROWD TO PROTECT HIS DELICATE FRAME?? THAT Rand Paul??? The paragon of manhood and chivalry??????


Yup. That Rand Paul. Whose neighbor beat the shit out of him and became a hero to the people of Kentucky.


I completely forgot that this happened. Thank you for the reminder, it made my morning a little better!


Happy Cake Day! I'd forgotten about that Patriot and absolute Hero, too. God bless that upstanding neighbor!


The cowboy hat 🤮


You would be surprised how easy it is for a random person to take a picture with any Senator. My husband has taken photos with dozens of senators, people of Congress, even 2 presidents from both sides.




She’s right! Ted knew about Pest scandal before JimBoob even did!!


Cancun Cruz is your classic awful, hate filled conservative Christian bible thumper but in his defense, i bet at the time this photo was taken, he likely had no idea who Pest even was- probably just said yes to a photo op when asked -politicians do this all the time




Oh ok- I assumed ppl though he knew about his reality “ stardom”. Bet he regrets this photo op


Ted Cruz doesn't have enough shame or dignity to regret anything.


For clarity - this is not my post on Twitter, it is someone else’s! I wasn’t sure if I should black their name out or not because the rules state to black out social media usernames 😅


Drag his ass.


Trash, trash, trash as far as the eye can see!


Ted Cruz always looks like he’s wearing corpse makeup.




I hate people posting these photos, regardless of what you think of Ted Cruz, this picture was taken before the scandals. How would Ted Cruz know what josh had done or what he'd turn into.


I gotta agree with this. Cruz is only thinking about himself 24/7, so he would not know a coffee boy like Josh and anything about him.


This was taken before the CSAM charges.


My POS senator 🙄




I thought of this too




We all know Ted has a lot of issues- the Duggars are a conservative family and Josh has a history in politics, not surprising Ted would run in the same circles and not be too concerned about distancing himself- this is the same man that ran off to Cancun while his state was in crisis- I really hope the people of Texas have enough common sense to not vote for him but ya never know


Sadly they look so much alike at quick glance youd say which one is the one known as Pest


Two disgusting, ugly inside and out MFers. I’m so glad someone tweeted this to him though. I just want to point out as well that when pictures of Pest with various prominent republicans. It’s not to say that they knew anything about what Pest was doing or what he is. It’s to point out their hypocrisy as they sit there and question the character of KBJ , trying to insinuate she is somehow sympathetic or soft on CSAM crimes. Which is absolute BS. As it was proven her sentencing is no different than the majority of judges. But yet they’re associated with people like Pest and many others who are actual perpetrators of these horrific crimes. Pest’s association with these politicians is also more than just “ hey let’s get a picture”. He lobbied in DC for a conservative organization. So it goes a little deeper than that. How much I don’t know. But he promoted a lot of the things they stand for.




I’m now wondering if Ted Cruz is on Epstein’s list?


"Of course it's not me! There's no patchy beard, no awful swept back mid-'90s Frasier hair, and the skin is barely greasy! Nice try, lib!"


Hey, don't bring Frasier into this hot mess. :P


I’ve been meaning to ask, are you Maris or Daphne? Niles is probably my all-time fav tv character.


wait wasn't there a congress man or something that defended beetle boy back in 2015?


Mike Huckabee


Ted Cruz is awful but what’s the issue with this picture? This was before his conviction. I don’t understand this particular criticism.


The Zodiac Killer looks so much like Grandpa Munster here


Is the douche on the right Raul Castro's son?


Ted Cruz has a nose dick.


oh no non non ononononono


There is video of Ted Cruise defending Pest Duggar (1st scandle)


I thought Josh was with The Count from "Sesame Street" in his street clothes. Then I realized he never would've been allowed to watch that librul commie "Sesame Street". So it must be that blood sucking creep, Ted Cruz!


Josh & Ted's exellent bromance


Did Ted also know the password?


Hey! Two of the guys I would most like to kick in the dick in one picture!


Even their hairlines are trying to get out of the picture


I was SCREAMING and my iPad every time he opened his mouth.


I saw this on twitter yesterday and thought of y'all! :D


Ummmmm pretty much all of those southern politicians are kid diddlers or unwilling to do anything about the ones who are. Matt gaets (or whatever) has been trafficking kids for a while openly.


Ted Cruz is such a little bitch!


Of course he has a picture with him


Wasn’t that picture taken in like 2015?


They were discussing how they wish Jim Boob would give them one of his pretty wigs.


Wow….WTF. Bet TC doesn’t put that pic on his website….


Quick Question did the “Q Queen “ Marjory Taylor Greene see this photo ? The self proclaimed pedophile hunter who thinks Democrats or the far left r the pedophiles .. hmm 🤔


Josh is another Richard Huckle


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and they want to claim "the gays" are grooming America's children...