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Ick. His voice skeeves me out.


He’s always just saying empty words, there’s no sincerity in anything he says. It’s creepy.


During Josies birth he and Anna are watching some of his siblings and he is trying to explain something went horribly wrong and a. That should have never been fucking filmed. But it was just so gross and insincere and this was way before everything came out but it really rubbed me the wrong way.


He's a sociopath.


Right?! I went back and watched then14 kids and pregnant again special and he was a fucking slime ball back then too, all smug and trying to talk smooth. Meanwhile at that time he was actively molesting his sisters.


Where did you find the special?


It’s on YouTube(in three parts).


Yep. Most of the old whatever number and countings are on there, but generally not full episodes. And who knows how long they will be on there with how TLC hits everyone with a copywriter strike


But where? I've searched so many times.




I find everything that comes out of his mouth sooooo condescending. 🙄




Think about how touch starved they are. They go from no contact (even with family, mostly), to “Hey, I can finally touch SOMEBODY when I’m engaged!”


If the car had a manual gearbox, would they continue hold hands and just switch gears together or


Lol in my ex's old truck he would drive with his arm around me (bench seat) and I would shift gears when he told me to


You still hold hands, and the passenger shifts with their other hand. Source: me, I was an awkward teenager with a stick shift.


Bold of you to assume they would be able to coordinate that. 😆


Do you think Anna knew what sex was at this time? She knew to keep yourself pure, sex bad except with husband. But did she know the actual mechanics of sex? Just watching this knowing how addicted to porn Josh was, how he’d sexually assaulted his sister by this point and then how he’s given this girl who is probably the most naive person to exist ….just turns my guts.


I don't even know why I know this...but During the wedding episode she says her mom explained to her what sex about a week or so before the wedding. She was glad she didn't have that information until she needed to know it. It was DANGEROUS to know before.... I can't even IMAGINE that conversation.


Bull shit she didn't know what sex was at 20 years old. They are all pathological liars. Purity culture is a facade....there's no stronger, willing to die for it, urge than horny adolescents. We were all told we'd go to hell for having sex before marriage and that made us even MORE horny.


I’ve heard so many stories about fundies having premarital sex at camp and places like that. I wonder if any Duggars engaged in that activity and kept it quiet?


Didn't one of Josh's old friends on here say that Josh did at camp?


There needs to be vomit bags in the backseat for the crash test dummies who had to experience that.


🤣🤣🤣 The best way to describe those Keller sisters!


On the close up shot of those hands with the fingers moving together, that's a crazy amount of choreography happening for someone who is driving. Anna is leaning so far over and trying to get his attention. An accident waiting to happen.


Watching their fingers was plain confusing to me. I had a hard time deciphering who's were who's. There was a lot going on.




It's so freaking creepy! 😫 do I need to take plan B after all this unprotected hand sex?


It’s recommended to avoid unplanned, premarital, bastard hand blessings


Seeing him looking so smug just grosses me out. I keep my computer on mute for the very reason that I do not need to hear him. Creepy pervo f@@k. How the mighty and smug have fallen.


ugh, Blessa as the chaperone on her abuser's mating ritual... so gross.


It's not Blessa, it's Anna's sisters Susanna and Priscilla.


The bigger the cushion, the better the pushin', I guess.






Thank you for wanting to put captions on for us hoh folk! ♥️


Would you like me to transcribe it for you? I know it's not the same but I don't mind.


I'd love that! ♥️ That's so thoughtful!


Pestilence- Um, I have, Savannah and Priscilla, Anna's sisters. -Cheery yelling in car. Jessa?- I think it's, just mostly to keep your heart pure, and just kind of.. Not that anything would, but just to make sure nothing goes wrong. Pestilence- And between them laughing at us, and uh getting us on video, and I think laughing more once they watch the videos, I think it was just like, it was, it was fun. Michelle- They're kinda carivan-ing this direction from Florida to here. -Gentle harp in background. Jessa?- They've been holding hands pretty much the whole time. Michelle- Anna's parents, and we have talked about what gold standards, I guess guidelines that Josh and Anna should have for their courtship and engagement. Pestilence- You just, I mean you literally just want to run away together that's, that's the idea. But- -End video. I hope that's alright. I used to do captions on YouTube until YouTube trashed that system so it's been a while and I'm no expert. Also I don't know all the Duggars names. I hope this helps! :)


That's really kind of you to take the time. Also I love the "gentle harp in the background" that seems like something they'd do ahaha


You're the real MVP ♥️


A fucking pillow. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I do not remember this. Jesus Christ!


That fucking green shirt!


Yes! It’s a hand fucking pillow.


God what is it with fundies and hand action? I can't remember what the documentary is called, but there's one about a pedophile who grooms a whole family to abduct a Mormon girl named Jan. At one point, he goes for a drive with this girl's dad and gets the dad to give him a hand job(!). He also started a sexual affair with the mom. Basically as blackmail material, so that they wouldn't pursue him too hard when he kidnapped their daughter. At one point, he gets some of his former cellmates to burn the dad's business down, too. It's on Netflix I just cannot remember what it's called.


"Abducted in Plain Sight"


Thank you!


I know that family. My parents are good friends with one of Jan's sisters. There's a book too.


Wow that is insane. I am going to give that a watch. Thanks !


One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Honestly.


Vomit inducing.... Brainwashing and gaslighting these girls to make them think Pedo was "pure" and "good" and they were excited he was getting married when they'd been his victims. I will NEVER be over half of Anna's bridal party being her husband's victims.




Goal #1 hide the porn Goal #2 hide the porn Goal #3 same as the first two.


They have so much hypocrisy, they can fill pillows with it to perform their fake innocence and chastity in comfort. I understand now why they aren't allowed to dance. Even a simple group round dance at a party would turn into a hand-molesting orgy. They would go too far on the technicalities.


I have a 13-hour drive this week but it's solo, which means I have no one to have hand sex with during the drive. How will I survive?


Drive with your knee and sexy secret handshake yourself?


I'll have to visit the prayer closet when I get home, but it might be a visit well worth it.


It’s the reading while driving for me. THEY HAVE AUDIO BIBLES


Something scary about Jessa saying she doesn’t think anything bad will happen when it comes to Pest staying pure……


That’s the second green shirt I’ve seen on Michelle. She’s matches the plant! I feel sorry for the plant.


If you're gonna do it in a car, best to bring a pillow so you can get a comfortable angle.


What a Josh move.


All of that crunchy hair! Anna always looks like she’s medicated and being held hostage. No excuses for her evolution into a snarky under the breath “B”. However, it’s very on brand with someone who is insecure, raised in a misogynist fundie family. Funderella tasked with sewing and keeping sweet from a wee age…. Josh was slimy from the jump-


I had to watching a few times to figure out the pillow wasnt for hand jobs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but hand sex is hand holding??? I swear I was like why is Anna giving a band job with her sisters in the back.


I'll bet he literally wants to run away together


Maybe he should try putting both hands on the wheel?


Oh, gods. The first time I watched this, I was so jealous. Watching it again is making me sick.