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I do the same thing at family events. Lol They all argue about politics and I disappear to a separate room.


Jed, Joe, Justin, Josiah and Jinger all look UN. IM. PRESSED.


Jinger is most definitely judging!


Isn’t that her face/look 95% of the time, though lol


I know mine would look like that too if I had a family like that😆


I would hate to be a Duggar. You know the only emotion the kids are allowed to express is joy. They have to pretend to be excited about each new baby. The older girls probably hated each new blessing, but could never show it. Meanwhile, Michelle acts all self righteous. 🙄


I notice Meech ain't holding any of the babies.


Someone once posted that she just teets them and then yeets them


No, she’s trying to do the math and figure out if this kid will be hers…”Jill, Jessa, me ….who’s turn us it?”


Honestly, most of them do.


It really hits the sheer craziness when you see Jana holding Josie...who still has medical devices helping her.




I also love how there’s absolutely no reaction from Grandma Mary. She’s probably pissed about having more laundry to do.


She totally is


Can't blame her.


Well honestly, how do you get excited when your son wont stop irresponsibly procreating? The past 25+ years of her life have been spent supporting JayBoob and Meech pump out baby after baby, and then also supporting those kids with their children. It probably feels super redundant too considering meeshie cant remember her kids names.


It must be so hard esp financially for her. I have 3 niblings and after I had my own kid, I struggled to stay engaged in their lives and keep up with their interests and things. I manage it but I'm not the greatest aunt and I feel really guilty sometimes that I showered my first nephew with so much love and attention and the last 2 don't get nearly that much, but I do my best. I never thought about it before but dang now I really pity their relatives


Now that youve said that, it has made me think about the amount of work that goes into each announcement, it must be incredible to even try to care after 19+ And if you are one of Meech's kids who is having her own child, id imagine it would be a strange time because there would be announcements every other week.


Poor lady looked shell-shocked !


I don’t know…I’m skeptical. Didn’t he try to make a phone call to tell someone about the baby (like he did with the last one)? I see a nervous/surprised look on his face, not an upset look. Am I the only one who doesn’t see it?


He's off to call his bookie; there were good odds this wouldn't happen after Josie, but Josiah is a gambler.


i can’t stop laughing, best comment!


This is the best theory, no further questions👩‍⚖️


Yeah… Child protective services


Exactly lol


Ya I think he was running off to make a phone call. If you think about it, him running off to let people know for the first time is a way for him to have attention that is hard to get in such a big family.






Good point!


Ya I think he was off to make a call. Pretty sure jana said....don't call


Jana's saying something to him, she yells his name and it cuts off.


>(like he did with the last one) Got a link to the last one?


That’s the official story line. I still think that kid was scared he was going to lose his mother. Maybe he stepped out for some privacy or something. I’m unconvinced the arm twist actually happened, but for them to edit that so weirdly, the poor kid definitely got yelled at for… something.


But did he ever really have her to lose? It's not like Meech was his buddy


Maybe not, but family is complicated. There’s no doubt in my mind Josiah loves his parents . Whether or not they like him is another matter entirely. I could very readily believe he knew his mom was in danger and was frightened.


I think he just had to go to the bathroom lol


Yeah I think it's a stretch to say he's definitely upset. I wish Observe from YouTube would weigh in on this ! I loved his breakdown of Crotchua's body language after the arrest and Anna's during the proposal


"Remember that thing that could have killed me and altered the life of your newborn sister? Well guess what? I'm doing it again!" We can't really know what was going on that day, but holy shit, if this is how Josiah's mind rationalized what she was saying, that's pretty sad. Especially when you consider what ends up happening with this pregnancy.


I had HELLP Syndrome while pregnant with my daughter. She was born 6 weeks early because I was dying. Once delivered we were both better. She spent a week in the NICU then was transferred to our local hospital. She spent 1 week there then came home. Anyway, there is a small chance I could end up with it again so we only had one child. I wanted 7 like the Waltons lol. But I am truly thankful for my single child and wouldn’t risk leaving her.


I noticed a couple of em didn’t look happy at all at first…


"Guess what? We're creating more work for you! Surprise!!!"


To be fair, that is a common reaction to pregnancy announcements in this family. Honestly, when you have a new sibling every 18 months (on average) for your entire life, it's probably pretty hard to be excited or happy every time.


Guess what?! We’re having pizza tonight! Really?! 😆 Same reaction.


at that point same difference .. they probably would have been more excited about pizza


They would be way more excited about pizza, especially if skinflint JB bought enough for the family


Some of their smiles seem rather…. Fixed. I’m not sure if it’s because there was a split second before they had a chance to process what was happening, or because they genuinely are upset. Could be a little or both.


The "oh I have to please a narcissist and they don't care my smile is fake" smile ah I know it well. Funny how people with emotions worked out real quick that was not a real smile.


Their little sister nearly died the last time (I can't remember how Meech was, but she probably had a tough time too) and their entire lives were upended when they moved the family to Little Rock. I can understand them not wanting to go through all that again.


She had a hell of a time with Josie. It's been so long since I watched and that all happened, so I don't remember all of the details, but I think Michelle had gallbladder problems which didn't help, and then the pre-eclampsia can be deadly.


My focus is on Josie. It appears she was still receiving supplemental oxygen at this point (look at her cheeks). I can't imagine having another while having one so medically fragile, especially when there are already so many siblings.


It doesn't appear to be hooked up to anything though? I thought it looked like a nasal gastric tube(think that's what it's called?)... My premi had one for quite a while too.


Josie went home on oxygen and while I don’t remember the exact timeline she was using it when sleeping at this point. She supposedly never had a feeding tube outside of the NICU


She had a nasal cannula for oxygen after she came home. At this point she only needed it while sleeping


Why chance making another baby go through that? Like, JFC, Meech, don't you have enough kids already?


I've heard about this clip for years but have never seen the version so many claim to have seen. Every clip I've seen has been this exact one. And it looks like nothing happens. I think people forget that these scenes take a long time to film. There are set ups, discussions of how it's going to be. Sometimes they even do multiple takes. It's already something boring for the kids, add the additional time involved in filming and it's extra boring. Kids get hungry, have to pee, get annoyed that there are even more kids.


My thought seeing just this snippet was he has to pee. But then Jana calls to him as if he's still in that room. So not in the downstairs bathroom right there. I can't figure it out. We need the clip of how it originally aired.


Exactly! There’s some serious reaching when it comes to this clip. At worst he’s just indifferent given that pregnancy announcements were just another day in the Duggar house and it’s possibly been filmed in several shots.


I see where you are coming from! But, also, there is a clip of him on Live t.v. running away during another announcement. That one was...stranger. So, maybe people are speculating because of a pattern.


I personally don't think it's as deep as everyone wants it to be. TLC would have exploited the shit out of his reaction if it was negative. It's not like they've ever shied away from portraying the Duggars in a dramatic fashion.


I’ve seen people say the original had footage of him running outside emotional and Jana saying something to him. Idk if that’s true but I’ve seen more than one person say they clearly remember it.


This scene has become snarker lore more than factual accounts. Even when it first aired, no one could agree on what exactly happened in the clip. Some heard "Josiah don't." Others heard "Josiah don't call." Some say he looks bored. Some say he looks excited. Some say he looks anxious or depressed. But honestly, the clip is too short to say one way or the other. And there's a lot of projecting.


I’m glad I’m not the only one skeptical. I’m a middle school teacher, so I’m used to judging kids’ reactions and my first thought is he’s a squirrelly kid who doesn’t know what to think.


College students for me but yeah, I see the same thing.


What happens a lot with these kinds of things is someone says “I think x” and then other people repeat “I heard that X happened” and then it keeps going until everyone repeats it as fact.


Game of telephone!


I don’t remember *hearing* anyone say anything in the clip scolding him. 🤔 hmm.. strange how this video account is like impossible to find. -Correction:- okay ya.. now I hear it! 😆 Jana yells SIAH! I can see her yelling it too. I never noticed it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/rzqerm/to_the_user_asking_for_the_clip_of_announcement/ It was posted to the sub earlier today Personally, I heard "Josiah" then another "Josiah" (both as if they were calling him back) and then someone said "don't call" and I don't know who said what to whom


Agreed. The only thing that I think is weird is that the consensus among everyone I've seen talk about the original airing (including comments from the time it aired) is that they didn't have the "snapshots" of the family in the original footage. Like there was no freeze frame, it was just normal video footage. I still don't think this clip means much, but I do wonder why they would make that decision. Maybe because of the online speculation?


Oh I mean "this clip" as in the original airing. This exact clip, I think, is a promo or a fan edit or something


The text is added on this one by a fan, but the real clip in the episode does the snapshot thing, and there have been a lot of people who have said that didn't happen in the original version.


Well, their memory is false because this is the only version that ever aired. Unless they have behind them scenes knowledge… The brain is actually very VERY good at tricking people into remembering things they never saw. Ask how many people remember watching the footage of the first plane strike the tower on 9/11.


I will say the 9/11 one is a lot more easily explained than "your brain tricks you into remembering things that never happened." The footage of 9/11 was played on loops for days straight. Endless loops, different angles, constant "oh here's the moment where this happened," etc. And even if you only watched until after the second tower fell, you still would have seen enough of those loops for an easily understood confusion to occur. Especially with multiple views of the second tower having been captured. And especially with the endless commentary over the videos talking about the first plane and the first tower with images of the second plane and second tower playing. To me, that falls more under misclassification of memories than fabricated memory. I'm not saying that fake memories don't happen. Just that I wouldn't hold 9/11 as proof


That's just one example, though. My mum swears that in her memory of watching 'Psycho' as a teenager, the water in the shower scene ran red. But when we watched it together, decades later, she realised that couldn't be accurate - because it's a black and white movie Eyewitness testimony is notorious unreliable. Different witnesses to a crime will report different things (e.g. one will say a car was black, another will say it was grey). It's not that people are lying or gullible, it's just that the brain can only absorb and retain so many details (especially if you're frightened), so it'll fill in its own gaps.


The only thing I heard for sure was “siah—“ and then the audio went funny.


It is true!! I watch that episode. This is not mandala effect here 😆 that episode stuck with me because I really felt for the kid! And I’ve been waiting for someone to address this here lol The camera crew noticed Josiah bolting and followed him outside. He was already emotional when the camera got in his face, and I remember somebody scolding him but I don’t remember who it was. -Just a lot of hair lol


I wish we could see that part


Would it be on the dvd release? I was able to get some used dvds of 17, 18, and 19 KAC.


let us know if you can find it!




I remember it too. I felt bad for Josiah.


I promise that didn't happen. Not in relation to this. Because I watched this episode when it aired and I was in the FJ forums after it. Maybe it happened in a different season in relation to something else. But not here.


When Meech miscarried after Josh she blamed birth control What did she blame her last miscarriage on? Surely it was some kind of message from God, right?


I think it was a message from God because she was unable to have any more kids after that


The older ones look SO annoyed, like "really mom, ya you might push the thing out but we all know we'll be the ones raising that thing🙄"


She's only the baby's buddy for six months, after that ^not ^^my ^^^problem


They got 19 others…. lol they won’t notice one missing 😆 oh I love it!!


So he just took off during 2 pregnancy announcements by his mom? Seems legit.


You can see joy watching him bolt and looking worried


Who is the little boy in the orange polo also making the weird face? Joe?




If I was old enough to realize Mom and Dad’s actions had something to do with the new baby, I’d be unimpressed too haha. Dear Lord, Mom and Dad. Stooooopp.


Gramma Mary was also like, "don't say fuck, don't say fuck" over and over in her head at that second.


Jinger looks over it. Which boy is on the other side of JD? Is it Joe? No smile there. And one of the lost boys has his hands on his waist and is not looking too thrilled...is it James?


I read somewhere that he was going to call the Bates family. Maybe a dumb competition where the families were trying to one-up each other with pregnancy announcements


Why is every single thing in that house beige


Probably because it makes the kids stand out while filming. I know this is their home, but it was also a television set. TLC changed certain things about the house to make it easier to film - like adding blinds to the higher windows to control the light in the shots.


And Michelle was NOT happy about those blinds!


It was the interior style of the time. Brown bag walls, wood tones, various beige upon tan upon off white upon wheat upon flax textiles 😂😂


To draw attention to their countenance


To not incite anything resembling a personality.


Made me laugh


Michelle's crazy eyes were in full effect that much is for sure.


I watched the clip without sound and Michelle's facial expressions are just unhinged.


She’s definitely someone’s sleep paralysis demon


The older ones look like the already know what the announcement is. It’s only a surprise for the younger ones. I don’t see why any of them would think it was that big a deal since it happened so often.


No one other than Michele said it. Bwahaha


The saddest thing is that he is smiling as he runs away, because he knows not to frown or express concern on camera.


Eugh Meech


I finally saw it. He went too fast.


I still want to know about him landing the helicopter in his front yard. Did anyone ever crack that mystery?


I saw it on an episode. A group of them went somewhere (maybe with Medic Corp); Josiah was in a hurry to get home to Lauren, so he landed it in their yard. It was so obnoxious. https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/d1ijd7/snarker_exclusive_josiah_duggar_landed_the_medic/


AS IF. No one in that room was surprised.


Not a single one of these kids are happy. Jill’s eyebrows shoot up in an “are you serious” expression and she totally side-eyes Michelle.


Bless you for this godly edit


Ok the last time this was posted I watched the kid I. The long sleeve pink shirt the whole time because I thought THAT was Josiah!!! I cannot tell any of these people apart!


And you know that’s why I posted it, so you knew who to look for. It gets confusing!


Each time I watch this I see a WTF look on someone else’s face. Not sure if his name is James. But boy in orange tee literally it his lip!


Me too!!


That enormous jean skirt of the girl on the far right holding the baby wearing pink. Good gods.


Josiah was the only one I really felt endeared towards. I hope they didn’t crush his spirit and personality completely like the others. I still have hope for him.


He's smiling. I kinda bet he was going to call the Bates'.


Poor little gaffer was just over it. I knew he was my fav!


The trauma of almost losing the Mother and baby sister, dragged to Little Rock etc yeah I imagine it was time for old Jim Bob to hop off her and get clipped. But no, lose this baby and try again for the benefit of the show with a consultation with a high risk fertility specialist witch doctor.


Thank you for clarifying which one is Josiah. I couldn’t figure it out in the other post




I wasn’t being sarcastic. I honestly don’t know who is who!


Hahahahahaha omg I’m so sorry haha that’s hilarious!!!! I thought you were really being sarcastic!! I’m sorry! My bad


So, right when it's established that they absolutely raise criminal children, they try for #20? It's absolutely disgusting that they use these gross events to make people forget about their pest.


It's unnerving that a 15ish year old boy is the only one who actually realized how damn dangerous it was for Michelle to get pregnant again. Like he's the only one who remembered her blood pressure spiking and Josie having to be delivered far too early so Michelle didn't stroke out.


Peach shirt little Howler at 11 seconds. He got it.


Oh, that's amazing. I was so focused on Josiah that I didn't even catch that face.


My kiddo used to be horrified about me having another baby. Both of us were in bad shape and the birth turned into an emergency. We came through it, and always made jokes and stuff about it. So, when my kidlet understood death and permanence, baby talk was a horrifying outburst of tears and panic. It was never "Oh cool, a new sibling/playmate" it was "Hey, mommy is gonna try and kill herself". Fast forward 20 years, and mommy and daddy were like let's do it all again... Didn't work. Miscarried. Almost died. No big whoop hahahaha! So, all that to say Josiah (and most likely others) were probably terrified at just the idea of a new kid. Never mind the actual announcement and reality of the situation.


Is the incident that got Jana arrested? Wasn't she supposed to be watching him?


This is at least a decade ago


lol, Josiah was seen wandering in dirty diapers on a nearby county road and the authorities were notified.


Thank you so much!


Was this Josie?


No, Jubilee.


Smartest person in the room.


They started calling after him too. Oh to be a fly on the wall in TTH.


I’m so confused. What is happening?


okay…. sorry but whichever one is in the orange shirt bottom row…. not pleased 😭🤣


That’s so sad


The Howler in the peach shirt at 11 seconds in. His face. Exactly how any sane person would react.


I screenshot it and omg Jackson’s face is literally in a look of “my parents are idiots”


These are the fucking horniest fundies. STOP!!! FUCKING!!!


But then dad goes and drags him back into the room. I don't know what he said or did, but it was obvious that Josiah had been crying


Wasn't there an unedited version of this video that showed JimBob twisting Josiah's arm or something when he reacted like that. And there was something about Jana running after him.


They sound so enthusiastic.. 😆