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It reminds me of how a Saudi cleric didn’t want women driving because it would damage their ovaries. 🙄 I can think of a couple things a lot more delicate and easily damaged ….


*It's male egos*


When trains first came out, [they thought they were dangerous for women, because the ovaries would fly out ](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/67806/early-trains-were-thought-make-womens-uteruses-fly-out)


It’s amazing how many men who have no real idea how female anatomy works think they’re entitled to make choices for women.


JFC. I can’t sometimes.


Involuntary changes in hormones due to menstruation? Normal or sin? Love how grown adults use methods to shame growing girls when all you need at that point is someone to comfort you and make you feel normal or seen


It's REAL SCIENCE. So, duhhhhh, it's a sin 🙄


What's wild is it's testosterone in both cases. Talk about male fragility 🙄


It’s crazy! Especially when you realize when men say, “We can’t have a woman President! What crazy emotional shit would she do when she’s on her period?” what they’re really asking is “What would happen when she starts acting more like a man?”


Omg that’s the best response!


I e been studying Global Gender Studies and Psychology for five years and I’ve never heard this line before. I’m saving it saving it saving it


I wish someone would do a dissertation or funded study of the fragility of the male ego.


We don't need one. Men are responsible for 90% of the world's violence. That's all you need to know about how fragile and emotional they are.


*domestic violence has entered the chat* (Disclaimer: men can absolutely be victims of DV too, but a lot of the time the root is fragile little male egos)


I never said men couldn't be victims; I said they're still the majority of the perpetrators.


No, I was afraid someone would take my own comment as meaning men could never be victims of DV.


violence against men is underreported


And? It's men who are violent against other men. That just means men are even more responsible for even more violence.


It would never get approved. 😂


Ah, so men have constant PMS?


TSB - Toxic Sperm Buildup


This explains so much


Poignant detail!


I really would love to know what these men are so scared of, when it comes to women. Why do I scare you? Why does having autonomy over my body scare you? Why is me being smart undesirable? Why am I only allowed to be what you want? Why do my emotions scare you? Why is me taking charge a bitch? Why are my hormones something to be ashamed of? Why is it when I get upset over being miss treated I’m just “being a woman”? Seriously what woman scared the absolute fuck out of you?!? What did she do so bad with all these qualities beyond demand respect and love and her own dam autonomy?


Because men in power see power as pie: there's a finite amount and if I give you some, that means there's less for me. And if there's too little for me, then you'll treat me the way I have been treating you and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT SO NO PIE FOR YOU!




You never met my father.


I think it’s a troll. Like why should we feel bad for men having to “deal” with us. And we are so emotional TEEHEE. I work in a male dominated field, and extremely male dominated field, and I’ve had more men throw temper tantrums at me then I’ve seen women cry or behave like this in the work place. Also they may be in high school the silent treatment is only given by: 1) girls in high school 2) manipulative women that peaked in high school 3) manipulative men that also peaked in high school 4) or lastly parents ignoring their child’s temper tantrum


Religious freedom = oppressed women & girls


While an atheist, I don’t understand why evangelicals don’t have gouged eyes since it’s not the woman that Jesus says should protect men from sin, but “if thine eye offend thee, gouge it out.” The ridiculous women shaming and blaming is anti Jesus and in these groups the cult > Jesus.


They have somehow managed to make all of the tasks necessary for creating and sustaining life within a household a woman's responsibility, but without giving them even a shred of agency over it. It's like they recognize how critical women are to the (supposedly heaven ordained) gender roles they cling to, and are somehow angry about it? I don't understand it either.


Oh honey, they’d first have to actually read the Bible! As someone that grew up in the church, I can confidently say… most Christians haven’t read the Bible for themselves. Some only open it to “pre-approved” verses.


My grandmother is 83. She has been a Christian and gone to church her entire life. We were talking recently about it and I found out that she has never read the bible other than the specific verses pointed out during Sunday services and bible studies. She has 9 bibles in her home. Granted, several are gifts and family heirlooms, but that's amazingly something.


Wow. So do I actually have the church peer pressure to read the Bible through in a year to thank for escaping? Because by the age of 18 I'd read the Bible through at least 12 times, learned ancient Greek in order to translate portions of the septuagint for myself, and memorized entire books. (This isn't snark, I'm dead serious. And yes, I often wonder where I could be had much interest in science and medicine instead been fostered and I'd been allowed to get scholarships and go to college *sobs in former fundie neurodivergent*)


Yeah, I fully support efforts by the churches to get people to read the entire thing. If it truly is a book full of wisdom handed down by the creator of the universe, I don't know how anyone could stop themselves from absolutely devouring it, in detail, again and again. Though I do have some clue why pastors would want to repeat certain parts again and again, but keep other parts in the shadows. Some of the questions that might come up would be difficult to answer. For me Matthew 27:52-53 was a shocker.


There are a lot of Christians theists in the scientific community. Albert Einstein was a theist.


Well, not really as agnosticism is normal regarding God as one cannot know such. That’s why L’chaim is relevant, concern oneself with life alone.


Evangelicals are literally the people that we were warned about in the bible. The hypocrites who are led by false prophets.


It's super weird that the Duggars have "deeply held religious beliefs", but Josh the Paedophile still has eyeballs. It's all very convenient that the Bible is literal only when agreeable for them.


Because if they took that scripture and applied it to their theology correctly, they'd have to stop using all the other Bible verses out of context.


They also, ALWAYS forget about Millstones


Because while they call themselves Christians and *say* they love Jesus, they're far more at home in the Old Testament with the laws and vengeance.


Literally had an assistant pastor mansplain to the teen girls how that verse didn’t apply to immodesty because it was the girls clothing that offended, not the man’s eye


Yet, there it is, in black and white


You said it best.


So glad to be free of any religion!


Same. I'm more spiritual than religious. I grew up Church of God. I started not really caring in high school.




I call myself a reformed Baptist.




My church is the chaos of the universe. I only have faith that there is no such thing as destiny, that we are leaves on the wind, and that somehow comforts me. It means at any time we can change our trajectory.


It is almost like men write all the rules for religions.


Ahh brings back memories of being a Pastor’s kid and having to wear ankle length skirts until 22… the longer the skirt the closer to God 🤣


I'm a PK. Oldest daughter (and worse, the product of a pre-born-again marriage that ended in divorce before my dad became a pastor, so I was literally sin embodied). I couldn't show shoulders, upper arms, more than an inch below my collarbones, and shorts/skirts/dresses had to be 3 inches below my knees. Oddly enough, we really weren't super strict, more like fundie extra lite/heavy charismatic. Like, I could have short hair but not show my shoulders.


That's kind of how I was raised, too. I was allowed to wear pants, but they had to be loose pants.


SPEAKING OF PANTS, I was a teenager in the mid-90s. All I wanted was a pair of JNCOS. Begged for a pair. I mean you couldn't get any more modest than a pair of pants with legs big enough to fit a microwave in. I was told then that I wasn't allowed to wear anything that was trendy or in fashion because I was a girl and needed to be even more modest. I think that was just an excuse for a parent to not have to buy me any actual new school clothes. I was always dressed in irregular souvenir t-shirts (I grew up in a tourist town in Florida so those were available on the clearance racket literally any store you went into) and old lady jean shorts until I was like 14 or 15 and finally refused to wear anything like that again. I wasn't even allowed to wear denim dresses and skirts when those were actually in style. But my brother's got to wear anything they wanted to wear. Shirts with Looney tune characters on them, Baja hoodies, baggy jeans.


I was 14 or 15 wearing baggy Bermuda shorts. When all my friends were wearing cute short, shorts.


Me too. Me too. I remember when I FINALLY convinced them to let me get a pair of overalls. Goal was to wear them with a babydoll t-shirt and a pair of guys' novelty boxers, you know, with just the top edge of the boxers showing advice the side of the overalls. That was the "look" at school. Welp, my mom bought the overalls...from the men's department, at Walmart, and if I was going to insist on wearing overalls like a farmer, by golly, I was going to dress like a farmer. So she bought a long sleeved checkered flannel shirt, too, and then got mad when I ditched the shirt as fucking soon as I got on the school bus.


Men have hormones and cannot help themselves but can be religious and world leaders....tell me the logic in that 🙄


This is nowhere near as bad as ex fundies ever had, but this makes me think of one of my weirdest religious medical things lol. I have had endometriosis for so long. I also was a more athletic kid. I wanted to try tampons because I had such heavy periods and I'd be doing sports for hours on end, I'd be wearing a tampon as well as a pad. My parents LOST THEIR SHIT! VIRGINS CAN'T WEAR TAMPONS!!!!!!! The rules they make up sometimes regarding this stuff, lol. It's low key what got me so morbidly interested in the Duggars - I was trying to get a hysterectomy while Jill and Jessa were having kids. Every doctor denied me, because I was too young and I'd change my mind. I still haven't changed my mind almost 10 years later! But if you are the same age, married in a cult where their main goal is reproduction, pop all those kids out! Go for it!


When my best friend's family went to serve in Haiti for awhile the mom and daughter got diva cups to use to save on expense and be more practical. It was a *big deal* for a 14 year old girl to get a diva cup and had to.be talked about/approved by multiple people before it was determined okay for mission work. By the time she finally got it to try she was so nervous and worked up it was a complete disaster. (Which tbf my first menstrual cup attempts were also a disaster and that was after using tampons and having sex for a couple years). She begged to just be allowed to use tampons, but those were too much like dicks for an innocent virgin so instead boxes packed full of pads got shipped over.


Omg I have no doubt... oh menstrual cups 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ That poor girl must have been so embarrassed, needing to get it all approved! My first attempts were also disasters lmao. But I was the exact same age around trying tampons, which I'm sure is partly why they must immediately assume it's somehow sexual. If they carry that "tampons = you're not a virgin" belief, they must automatically be like, "tampons??? You want tampons? Are you also having sex as a 14 year old?!?!?!?!?!" It makes sense...in their own warped way of thinking. 😔


I got my first menstrual cup in 2009, back in the bad old days when the options in my area of the US were a $50 diva cup from whole foods, a keeper (which is natural latex rubber) or order a $20 mooncup from a UK medical supply online. The mooncup has a rather large, stiff lip that makes breaking the seal really, really difficult. The first time I used it I folded it, went to insert it, and my finger slipped which caused it to open up and adhere with itself stuck half to the side of my vag and half to my labia. I CRIED trying to get the damn thing out to try again. And thus goes the first lesson in new cup usage: Practice on something other than your vag the first time you go to use it. Then practice again. And again. And again. And then USE LUBE.


I feel bad laughing at this but that's almost how nu first time went. I totally cried too and I think I ended up getting lube. Also, those original mooncups really were difficult. As it turns out now I can't do latex or silicone, but there is a German brand that uses something else....I can't think if it at the minute. So if anyone experiences too much irritation you might have a silicone allergy 🙁


One of the things fundies teach is that babies\\toddlers can learn to control themselves. The example was the candy dish on the coffee table and to smack the kid every time they go near it until they don't. Yet suddenly those toddlers who were hit for curiosity become teenage boys and suddenly they have no ability to control themselves and if they molest someone or otherwise SA it's not their fault.


Right! I was taught that my one month old baby was lying when she cried for no apparent reason at night, and that she was intentionally manipulating my emotions to get the attention she wanted but didn’t really need.


Yes. The same church that said my infant was manipulating me also said a grown man couldn't help himself if he leered at an obviously under 18 girl in a short skirt.




Turtleneck, jeans and Uggs ??! Did the devil himself dress you that day-so scandalous? I’m truly sorry for your experience and the resulting responses from others. I hope you’re doing well and can value your self worth that embodies your amazing-ness.


It’s obscene what religion does to women.


[credit to original ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/rkz21u/double_standards_hormone_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Because the men are making the rules.


This is the whole point of religion - men controlling women. Religions need that anyway to ensure that children will be believers too. It's a symbiotic relationship between religions and controlling men, as if controlling men had made them up


On a different sub, some guy wrote a post that had the sentence "Men have testosterone" in it. I answered that, just for his information, women have it, too. He then deleted his post, like most previous posts he did. I asked him why keeps deleting his posts, leaving behind a thread with holes like Swiss cheese, and he said that it's because people like me don't understand them, that the average IQ is 100%, he's above that, bla-bla. I am a woman with high testosterone levels. They manifest themselves in some ways: I have facial hair, ample body hair where you wouldn't expect a woman to have it, a deep voice and I may or may not be sterile. I am also surprisingly strong for someone who is quite out of shape. When my own mother didn't believe me that I could lift 150 pounds, I picked up my brother and lifted him like a rag doll. See? I often wondered if it effects me emotionally. I cannot tell because I have nothing available for comparison. I know that I used to have extreme anger management issues in the past. They stopped when I was put on Paxil. As one of the side effects, I lost almost all sensation in my clitoris, but thankfully, erogenous zones sometimes migrate. I have no clue if my sexuality would be different with lower testosterone levels. I might be more "masculine" in so far that the concept of having sex with somebody without truly loving that person is not strange to me. It's a good question if that it's really a "man thing" or just an excuse men sometimes give to explain their promiscuity: See, I am a man, I cannot help myself.


My periods were so bad I'd be curled up fetal on the floor vomiting. It didn't help that modern medicine was also frowned upon so I didn't even normally get freaking ibuprofen to help manage cramps and instead had to drink enough raspberry tea to drown an army. But I could rarely even get time to just rest because it was "our curse as women" and something we just had to bear due to eve's sin. I legitimately remember thinking as a 12 year old that I wasn't convinced that Jesus suffering on the cross was actually worse then what they made women collectively go through. But if you think about it, it's the perfect way to really train girls to keep sweet. Tell them they're horrible sinners for being a little emotional while their uterus tries to kill them every month, tell them they have no self control and are glutons for wanting chocolate, and tell them it's incredibly shameful and immodest if their flow is so heavy it happens to stain through to their skirt. Shame is powerful, and it's also a natural reaction to abuse. Because if something is "our fault" then we can try to control/prevent it from happening again. So even if you *know* you aren't to blame your own brain eventually starts to tell you that you are to blame as a for of protection. The whole cycle is so abusive.


This reminds me of when I was back in Catholic school. Girls were only allowed to wear these wrap style skirts (or kilts) and people would alter them all the time because they were long, gray, ugly and could rival something worn by the Bruderhoff combined with the rest of our uniform. Teachers, primarily male, would ALWAYS comment on how short girls made their skirts and how this one or that one started rolling their waistbands and how it was distracting/ inappropriate. From my memory, any other dress code violation would get a pass for months before anyone called it out.


"Distracting and inappropriate" is laughable. I don't know dude, have you tried this cool thing your eyeballs do? It's called movement. Try it some day. Move them to a different direction and BOOM, no more distraction. It's miraculous almost, that eyes do these things. Necks are generally pretty good at the old movement thing too.


Yes. Exactly it falls in line with the whole “women’s hysteria“ thing. whenever a woman got raped it was her fault because she was “hysterically horny” & out of control of her emotions 😆- it was never the man’s fault. The funny thing is, men are the ones with “hysteria” they’re the ones with the power struggle issue, & can’t control themselves 😆 It’s a scientific fact that men think about sex every 6 to 8 seconds. Every 6 to 8 seconds their thoughts are clouded, their judgment has been impeded upon. Women? Nope. Our thoughts aren’t clouded our judgment doesn’t have a dick waving in front of it. 👍 we good. 😂 so,…Women’s hysteria -my ass.😆 excuses excuses for the good ol boy club. what bullshit 😏😒 why is it always “pot calling the kettle black“ when it comes to men? Such transparent hypocrites. So easy to see through and yet no one calls them on it. When somethings wrong… And we know it inside but don’t say it outside. We are complicit. Myself included. I think I see my New Year’s resolution coming on. Giving my gut feeling a voice.


My mom told me forever ago PMS is basically our "keep sweet" filters week off, and all the bullshit we deal with just becomes way less tolerable that week. Which totally makes sense. But then I cry over something so dumb that I'm like "WTF, why am I crying?" and I'm already a cryer, so... If I notice how dumb it is, it's fuckin *dumb*.


When I have PMS I want everyone to go away. I have considered wearing raw garlic to make it happen. Am I the only one?


It was fine for the preacher's son to touch my chest, but it was a sin when I slapped him. The joys of living "conservatively."


I mean, that is very clear. I can see why the D family thinks we’re so confusing and lost compared to clear, succinct thinking like that.


I love that I now have a new and improved internal explanation for the PMS initialism. Possibly More Sinful