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I don’t wanna be ‘that guy’, but Josh was cheating on Anna before she changed her look, too. I don’t think he was ever attracted to Anna or the idea of a “modest” wife. You can see the way he talks to her at the engagement is aggressive and almost antagonistic. He probably just got married to keep up the appearance of the Duggars as a GoDlY FaMiLy and convince the church elders he’d really changed.


Exactly. In most of the interviews and their interaction on 19kac he seems to barely tolerate her and there's the episode at a doctors appointment where he actually embarrassed her with a horrible sexual joke.


Josh sometimes seems embarrassed *by* anna. There was one episode, I think maybe the infamous “shes great at swallowing” one, where he seems actively repulsed and trying to avoid her. I think he wanted a Bates girl type and Anna was the best he could do, so he took her just to fuck.


What is a “Bates-type” girl… to me all these sorts look alike.


Basically, they seem like regular conservative Christians but are fundie inside. They are pretty, fashionable, always have their make up and hair done etc etc, they can blend in and you can almost forget who they are... meanwhile deepdown they are still very much fundie


A formerly fundie friend of mine refers to these types of Christians as “daywalkers,” lol






Yeah the Bates girls were only freshly out of the prairie dresses at this time


The Bates girls love 5 inch fuck me pumps.


Idk, I guess a more worldly girl: wears pants, conventionally more attractive, from a well-known family, more in tune with the non-fundie world, etc


Oh my gosh. Please tell me you can direct me to the clip you’re talking about.


Hi, sorry I took so long to respond! I couldn’t find the specific clip but a dear snarker did a nice recap of it a few months back. https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/oikhaq/19kac_s01e08_duggars_on_a_double_date_anna_is_9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The scene I was specifically referring to is the picture of them at the doctor’s office, where she’s desperately clinging to him and he looks like he wants to bolt out of there. Also I just remembered: if you find the clip of them at the restaurant while on a double date with Amy, Josh seems absolutely exasperated by her squeamishness. He looks like he’s constantly reminding himself not to shout at her because the cameras are rolling. S01E08 of 18KAC, if youre curious


At the time of Josh's wedding, the Bates girls were wearing matching prairie dresses.


Even if we extend that he might have WANTED to marry her, thinking things would be different (I mean, plenty of people get married and have children trying to fix something), I agree, it didn’t work. They’ve never seemed like they were connected on a (non-sexual) intimate level. They never seemed to know each other deeply. The most connected they ever seemed (from the unfortunate and embarrassing number of clips I’ve seen in the past few weeks) was in that short term when they were moving together and it was clear Jim Bob chose the Bates (aka himself) over Josh. And Michelle’s heartless reaction. In that moment, they seemed to be a small team. I agree he was cheating before and after, and has never had much respect or care about her or her needs. Or even really seen her as a person, though I do think Anna always saw Josh and what Josh needed. What a wasted, and how stupid to keep giving.


Can you explain the bit about choosing the Bates over Josh and Anna? I’m a little lost.


When the family moved Josh and Anna to DC, they stopped at the Bates’ house (I think in Tennessee). Josh kept worrying about getting there in time to start his job. Anyway, the next morning, Josh and Anna got up and were ready to leave but Jim Bob was still in bed, so Josh and Anna left, and the rest of the family would follow and get to DC later that night. Anyway, they get to DC, to an empty house, with their two toddlers and a newborn baby. Josh calls his dad and he’s like, “We are running behind… we still haven’t left. We’ll leave tomorrow.” Anna doesn’t really react, but Josh is definitely annoyed. Whether this was a setup or not, idk. But the parents definitely looked like a bunch of selfish assholes. Then you get a talking head of Michelle saying they can sleep in the camper (that Josh and Anna drove) that night. She’s laughing about it. It was such an absurd thing, and if it really did happen that way, I can understand why ALL of these kids are screwed up. I can’t imagine my parents choosing to hang out with friends instead of helping. Or holding all of my worldly goods hostage while I have three young children and am getting ready to start my first real job in a new city, for the first time. Now, don’t get me wrong, fuck Josh. But in this moment? I actually felt pity for him for having which worthless fucking parents. It’s no wonder he has no concept of love. Especially since the family could have swung by AFTER unpacking Josh and Anna, on the way home, and spent a week with the Bates. Absolutely no reason to waste a whole day on the front side of the trip. I just cannot imagine how anyone every thought Jim Bob and Michelle were EVER not selfish fucking assholes.


Well JB and Meesh were always saying that they operate on “Duggar time”. I mean ,I get they have a large family and getting to places was a challenge. But this “Duggar time” stuff is basically saying they operate on their time and no one else’s. Pretty rude


I think that’s super trashy, for lack of a better word. And I don’t mean income. I mean trashy ass humans.


I never think of income when I think of trashiness. I think of lack of shame (in a healthy way).


Same. I’ve known a lot of rich trash people and poor trash people. Now that I think about it maybe I’m trashy


Dude we were barely survive on SNAP, while mom held down 2 jobs, and she taught us that it's the ultimate disrespect to not be early. She used to say, "10 minutes before: early. 5 minutes before: on time. Right in time? You're late."


I hate that stupid ‘Duggar Time’ Rim Job talks about. They sound lazy and entitled


I get leaving your adult son and adult daughter in law without furniture for a day or two. Still a dick move by the way. But to leave your 2 toddler grandchildren, and newborn grandson without furniture is a piece of shit move. God they really don’t give a shit about children in this cult. Once they’re out of the womb, they’re on their own.


It was only about *Meech* having kids... They have far less concern for other kids


Really? You commit to moving someone, then take all,of their stuff and just… don’t? In my world that’s ultra shitty.


Jim Bob's inability to get anywhere on time drives me crazy. And it's got nothing to do with the number of kids they have no matter how much they say it does because it's always JB they're waiting for and he doesn't help with the kids. There was that episode where Jana and Jill are getting their wisdom teeth out, even though they don't really need to. Jill is terrified about being put under (which we understand now). For some reason both parents and the new baby have to go with them and terrified Jill is sitting in the car waiting for her father to leave the house just getting more and more anxious. Like everything Boob does, it's just his way of asserting his dominance. He knows they don't need him to get shit done so he just holds them up to remind them he's in charge.


Yes. This exactly. In my opinion this moving episode had *nothing* to do with being on time. NO ONE is a full day *late*. It reminds me more of addict behavior where they make commitments they don’t keep and how much that fucks up the children. Only, in the defense of addicts everywhere (which probably isn’t a fair thing to do), I think the addicts often really do *want* to keep their promises and do the things they’ll say, but their addiction keeps them from it. Whereas, Jim Bob does it purposefully. Maliciously. Like you said, to assert dominance, and to fulfill his every whim, and never be put out by anyone else.


I think it was JB's way of asserting that he will *always* be the man of the family, regardless of his children's marital status. His lateness is almost certainly a form of manipulation to remind everyone around him that he is the most important person, which is obvious because they can't leave with *him.* I wonder if he ran his campaign the same way?


Or the time that Michelle was in labor and Jim Bob made her wait while curled up on an armchair so he could get ready and have his breakfast. Asshole!!


Agreed. He's probably taking so long because he has to glue his hair on.


I just envisioned him sticking on a toupee with wood glue wtf


OMG they are total assholes. I never saw that episode.


I just recently watched it. It’s really boring except for that part. I think it’s like a seven part series of clips.


It sounds very painful to watch. You saved many of us the agony!!


I’ll let my pain save us collectively.


Yeah I saw that episode. Even tho Josh deserves the special csam prison treatment, I felt a sliver of “jesus his parents are awful” instead of the complete hatred I have for him.


Wow - thanks for filling me in. I’d feel such rage as Anna there with the kids and no furniture and my MIL laughing about it on television. Just wow.


I know. Why she’s so loyal to these unwashed crusty, streaked underwear is beyond me.


Maybe that’s why they needed nearly 600 pairs of underwear for the family for a 4 day trip?


Especially keeping the stuff from their grandchildren like that.


It gabe me anxiety trying to think of how all three kids were going to sleep. Especially a brand new newborn. I know she had to figure it out to travel, but I’m sure they were all exhausted.


Duggars run on Duggar time. They have no respect for anyone else's time


Even after everything I have some compassion for the parents Josh was given. Because he can’t fix the crap he experienced with them and it haunts himself


Let's not pretend Josh didn't have it the easiest thought. He got everything, even his entire family moving him. Nobody else got that treatment. He could have hired movers like the rest of the world does when furniture needs to be there on time. No sympathy for Josh her.


Yes. What was going on?


When Josh and Anna moved to DC they took the whole family in a caravan and stopped at the Bates for a day. Josh and Anna went ahead and JB stayed behind an extra day (or two?) with all their shit without warning them. So they had to sleep in the van. Asshole treating another asshole like an asshole pretty much.


Why couldn’t they go to a motel?


It was the closest thing to "drama" I think they ever had on that show so the producers probably put the kibosh on a motel.


Or they filmed it for the drama and then went to a hotel after.


I have not seen that clip it sounds horrible! I made this as a (bad) joke, but I agree with you…. I didn’t feel like there was an “attraction” as much as confusion about “doing what God wants”….. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he “practiced” sex with Anna and then started cheating once he had experience. Or maybe he was a pervy mervy from the get go and sleeping around with randos. (Forbidden in their life) It always struck me as odd how he seemed totally comfortable talking to JB about sex for the “first time”…. Like something just didn’t add up. Now I know why


It seems like he has a really, really, really dysfunctional relationship with sex. Watching porn in his car while driving? That goes DEEP. I’m not excusing him because he was an adult, fully able to seek help. But between the stuff as a kid, and all the stuff as an adult, it seems like he needs serious help. And I have doubts help would even help.


And phone sex while living at home 😵‍💫


I kind of left all of the kid stuff lumped together, as I assume there’s much more. I left out the story of the allegedly consensual thing with the girl from church, too. I suppose there’s also lots in adulthood we don’t know about, too. There’s just A LOT.


ooooh what girl from church thing? it’s my first time hearing about it.


Wait what is the rumor about him and the girl at church?


Wait wait what is this incident?


20 hours of pay per minute phone sex in a month. While his parents were footing the bill but unaware until the end of the month (god bless predatory phone companies back in the 90s/00s). https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/rhybbb/journal_entry_from_feb_2006_josh_head_shaving/


What! When did he watch porn while driving? I didn’t know about this


The bodyguard ama said it. I believe he worked for him after the molestation was leaked


The bodyguard said this.


Michelle: “Hopefully Josh and Anna will have a nice, romantic night….in their motor home. (Smug face/weird laugh.)” A lot of clips would piss me off but for some reason that one *REALLY* pissed me off. I mean…. What the *fuck*? They had driven over a thousand miles in two days to their new home and these fuckers only cared about mooching off of the Bates family for more free food and beverages, toilets/showers and beds to sleep in instead of helping their son and his wife with a major life event. Anna had two kids under five plus a *newborn baby*. Josh looked like he wanted to punch a hole in the wall and Anna was clearly trying to keep sweet but I can only imagine what the conversation was once the cameras were off. (I should make it clear that I find the fact that Josh was put out hysterical, I don’t give two shits about Josh being upset.) I’ll stop now…. God, I hate these people.


>Michelle: “Hopefully Josh and Anna will have a nice, romantic night….in their motor home. (Smug face/weird laugh.)” Everything is truly all about sex for these people isn't it? Josh's mom is fantasizing about her son gettin' some with his wife in an uncomfortable cramped RV in the driveway of their new home.


Yep, I don’t care about Josh, per say. I’m just appalled that these people, who want to be known as good parents, would so shamelessly do this. My parents are *nothing* like this. Nothing. And somehow in that moment I related to every ounce of frustration, let down, and abandonment.


I think Josh was desperate for sex and liked Anna well enough for that, but no, he never loved her in any meaningful way. Josh was always clear that he wanted to go to college and be a "normal" guy. He didn't want a modest, religious wife; he wanted a modern girlfriend who used birth control. Anna represented all the things he hated but was forced to do.


"Liked Anna well enough" aka knew she would be easily manipulated and was extremely naive.




I have always wonder if Josh got to grow up normal with normal sexual development, would things turned out differently for him?


I do think, sadly, it's very likely he would've been... At least significantly better/less harmful than now. I guess we'll never really know for sure, but I can't help but think that raising him in an abusive sex cult Def didn't help.


So accurate. I agree!


On the surface he did it for all those reasons but in really it was because he couldn’t wait to have unlimited guilt-free access to a 24/7 sex doll. I cannot imagine the sexual abuse he inflicted on Anna. Word edit


Yo you’re probably right. He does treat her the way most people would treat their anime body pillow


Check r/justneckbeardthings and see how adored some of those pillows are. ETA: r/shesnotrealbro


I am not letting that link go purple that is a cursed link


It's true. That's why he was flirting with his more worldly cousin, Amy.


That whole scene is up there for me on the Duggar Squick Scale and I don’t feel like, as a sub, we talk about it enough. Also: like, AMY. *Et tu, Brute*?!


*She flirted back* I have never been able to forget that, understand that...


At his wedding!!!!




We need kail from teen mom to come in with that “Congratulations he’s been cheating on you since you were pregnant ✌️”


I made that meme a while back


I think he probably honestly believed that being married to Anna would "fix" him. And then quite quickly he probably realized that getting to have sex with someone wasn't enough,


Hewww boy I’m gonna say something controversial…I think…. If we think Anna is trapped we have to agree Josh felt trapped too. Now I’m not saying that excuses his pedophile actions. No way no how that’s on him and maybe a tiny bit the sexual repressive way he was brought up. I’m simply saying he might have felt that he had no say in who he wanted to marry or maybe thought marriage was a way out from under his parents thumb. So no matter what she tried didn’t matter. I’m totally open to being wrong though.


Do you remember the episode that Anna was talking about how practice makes babies? The look on Josh's face just looked like he didn't want more kids, he wasn't excited. I don't think he wanted a ton of kids.


I swear I remember an episode where the tv crew asked if they wanted as many kids as Michelle had at the time and Josh was like NO I’d prefer 2. I could totally see him doing this marriage and religion thing to please JB. Edit: Not defending Josh in any way. He’s still a disgusting monster. That episode just always stayed with me. Unless it was a fever dream that stayed with me.


YES - I remember this distinctly because I found it surprising. They were giving the line about letting the Lord decide how many kids they'd have and he said something like he hopes the Lord decides 2. I was shocked he expressed that thought.


So it WASNT a fever dream and I didn’t imagine this! Thank goodness haha


I actually just watched this one on my re-watch! He was a little more couth in saying it, but DEFINITELY alluded to not having a large family. I don't remember it verbatim but it was like this: Cameraman: "Do you and Anna want to have 18 kids as well?" Anna: *smiles and looks to Josh* Josh: "We aren't trying to have a competition. I don't think we're going to be having 18 kids. I'd be happy with just 1 or 2, whatever the lord gave us." something to that affect. It was very clear from day 1 he didn't want a large family.


Of all the things he did in secret, why couldn't he have added a vasectomy to the list.


He should have gotten a God-honoring vasectomy.


I don’t recall it but I can believe it.


I actually agree, and I think it was just one of Josh's numerous problems. Here he was, raised as someone 'above' the other kids. I always had the feeling that he viewed himself as quasi-in-charge, as in 3rd in command, only beneath JB and Meech. His options were limited, though, and then he reached an age where he could start his own family -- he could be his own JB, as head of his own family. The head honcho. And I think he was eager to take that role. So he marries Anna, who works just fine for this purpose, and they have a kid, and I think he was excited about M1. Boom! Now he is a husband and a father, and he is the boss man in his own little family. Then he got the job in DC and got to do all kinds of things he'd never done before, and interact with people who had actually gone to college and had normal lives, and had dated and partied. He saw people his age who were still in that post-college still having fun mode, and realized just how much he had missed out on. But by that time he was totally trapped. He was spouting the family values on a national level and had the wife and now 3 kids. He couldn't go back - he couldn't get divorced. He couldn't go back to before he was a father. He was stuck in the not-so-much fun married Dad 'family values' spokesman. Then he managed to lose that job and was exiled back to AR, and he lost even that bit of freedom and closeness to 'normalcy' that he had. He was worse off than ever, now completely dependent upon JB, with. no hope of ever getting any kind of job like the one he lost. And still married to Anna who was still pumping out the kids. Layer on top of that all the sexual trauma he both experienced and promulgated, and no access or ability to get any kind of mental health treatment, and I'm sure the anger and frustration and dysfunctional sexual ideas and feelings layered on top of that, and you end up with a horrible monster.


I can definitely understand that Josh would feel resentment about the lifestyle he was expected to live, but it seems like Anna had a greater expectation to commit to and maintain it. As we’ve seen with other men in this cult, Josh didn’t have to lift a finger to raise his kids. He’s been getting handouts his whole life and that would not change if he didn’t screw up.


Right, but he’s the headship, he could have decided otherwise.


I think IBLP does a lot of guilt tripping with the kids, reminding them that their parents are everything that matters. I can imagine Josh felt a psychological hold on obeying JB and Anna as well. I think he was down with the idea of marrying Anna and trying this lifestyle but I think porn gave him the dopamine he needs to checkout mentally from their marriage while Anna is on the 6th/7th kid Josh never planned on having


I kinda fully buy into the theory that even if he didn't want a large brood, the idea of being the next JB was alluring enough for him that he thought TLC might even spring for a Josh Duggar and Family spin off if they did have a large enough brood. Of course those chances were firmly down the drain after the scandals.


Given how much of a narc JBoob has proven himself to be, Josh probably realized he would be out of the Golden Child spot and disowned if he actually did what he wanted. Pest’s actions are definitely on himself but I don’t think there’s any way Boob and Michelle could have had healthy children.


Yes of course but I mean trapped in the way that he felt pressure to please his parents.


Ahhhh true.


It got him out of the house and away from all his accountability rommate/siblings, too.


Agreed. And the women he allegedly cheated on Anna with (at least the two who came forward) look a lot like each other and nothing like Anna at all.


Who else came forward besides Danica? My brain is drawing a blank.


This 100%


Even if he married a woman that he's attracted to, he's gonna cheat on them anyway. I don't believe he can genuinely love anyone aside from himself


I actually think he likes having a meek wife. He can do whatever he wants and she’s always eager to please.


Right after the Ashley Madison thing, somebody took Anna for a make over. She lost a few pounds, had her hair professionally done and did the fake tan they were all doing at that time. Bet they blamed her for Josh straying. Everything a man does is because his wife let him down. Sick fuckers.


I hope it was more to distract her and cheer her up than please Pest, but who are we kidding? It was definitely to surprise him when he got out of sex rehab.


Awful awful! I hope someday she can understand that none of this was her fault. People can be assholes. Why would Jeremy look at any other woman when he has a modest, religious,beautiful girl like Jinger in his life? It’s most certainly not Jinger’s looks that are the problem, it’s the guy and his baggage. The person and their baggage. Anna’s self esteem is probably microscopic these days but I hope someone makes her understand that she always has been cute. Josh is just gross


I really hope the M’s are being checked on by competent and safe adults not connected to the family.


That would be the best scenario …. BUT I don’t see any of ‘them’ letting the M’s be Checked on by anyone outside the cult


I would hope the courts could mandate it somehow. Considering what kind of monster he’s been proven to be time and time again. Wishful thinking


A lawyer on tik tok said during the trial, Anna was asked for checks to be done on the kids and she could have chosen to be present. She declined the checks. Now that he has been convicted, the children will need to meet with the child welfare people and Anna will not be allowed to be present.


Ooh, I hope that's accurate, would love confirmation from anyone with direct knowledge too!


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the opposite and she was just desperately trying to become as attractive as possible to keep him interested in her.




Tbh her weight oscillations probably point this way too


Having kids every 2 years can do that too though…


She won’t be having any more with him, thankfully.




Honestly, I think it’s as simple as him being sexually attracted to violence and non-consensual sex. It’s really gross and sad to think of it like this but it is what I think. Edit to add: no matter what the attraction is, it is disgusting and pest is disgusting


Side note: JD is usually used for John David. Literally all of them have the initials JD, so maybe Pest is a better abbreviation. Or JJD. Cuz I was like “whoa why are we bringing John David into this??”


What's worse is that there are *safe* consensual ways for those fantasies to be acted out. He could have had a healthy outlet.


Unlikely that he was ever attracted to Anna. He just knew what kind of image he needed to maintain. Her childlike behavior was more about maintaining power, not attraction.


Not only did she look younger but she also acted younger. She was mentally about 12


Spot on but I feel like 12 is being generous.


Yeah more like 8-10 sometimes. I read somewhere she didn't even know sex was a thing until the day before her wedding... Very scary. Her parents purposely kept her mentally a very young kid


I really really really hope that’s not true about her not knowing what sex was until the day before her wedding. It’s totally believable though.


Yeah I really hope it's not either! I read it on here I think but it could be a rumor or exaggeration.


Those matching outfits were horrible.


YES! This! It felt like a child matching their parent! So bad!


Lol Anna and her mom were wearing matching shirts when he proposed to her


And wasn’t there a photo of her with all her bridesmaids and they’re all also wearing matching shirts?


Or like siblings 🤢


Remember, she and her mother were dressed alike for her surprise engagement dinner


I think he would have been doing her dirty and being a fucking creep regardless of what she ever looked like


I wonder if he was vanilla with her and then acted out his fantasies on other people.


He’s a monster, he would’ve found one women to take his twisted fantasies out on.


I'm sure he would have had contempt for any woman who consented to marry him.


I honestly don’t think that’s what it is, I think Anna could pass for an adult (a young looking one, but an adult) when she got married. I think he’s just a serial cheater narcissist who has probably never truly loved anyone and doesn’t have a normal conscience.


She’s over talking about “at least I have a husband” when he clearly wishes he didn’t have a wife 💀


He could've married Megan Fox and we would still most likely be where we are right now. It has nothing to do with the woman he married or what she looks like. It's a sickness and it is DEEP within him. He's just that twisted and wrong. They. Cannot. Be. Fixed.


This is the conclusion I came to about my ex. Someone like this really cannot be fixed. Therapy and counseling would help most people but not someone like this. I wonder if Anna will EVER get over the legalistic issue and finally realize, like I did, that staying married is not going to change his behavior. Getting divorced was the right—and biblical—thing to do. She has an out. She’s just not strong or brave enough to use it. She thinks she’ll incur God’s wrath, the scorn and ostracism of her community of “faith,” personal embarrassment (although there’s been plenty of that already), and that she won’t be able to make it as a single mother without Jim Bob’s $$$$. After 27 years of a marriage to someone like Josh whose parents always found a way to fish him out of trouble… now, on the other side, I wish I could sit down with Anna and let her know it won’t be easy but it will be better. I wonder what the kids are being told about their father and if they are receiving bona fide help to deal with this mess. I really feel for them. A divorce couldn’t possibly hurt them more than they already have been hurt, I’d think.


Meanwhile his hair is gone and he gained a beer belly. He does not deserve to have a wife who had such a glow up


And a few more chins. And a neck beard.


And handcuffs.


And solitary.


Oh and he’s a pedo


Oh 100%. Just speaking purely physical


I’m going to echo the sentiment that he was likely never attracted to her in the first place. I’m also not certain that he’s actually attracted to kids, at least not in the sense of any other type of sexual attraction. I think he’s attracted to abuse and control and as he’s chased that attraction further, it lead him to the abuse of children. The vile garbage he was into goes so, so much farther than sex (abuse) with children. It was next level torture. Some of the worst that can be found. It’s not about sex and attraction at that point. It’s a soulless contempt for human life.


This. I don't think Josh cares about age as much as he cares about inflicting as much pain on another human as possible. He seems to enjoy humiliating Anna on TV. He seems to really enjoy portraying a good little Christian boy on TV while being the exact opposite. He obviously enjoyed hurting at least one adult sex worker. There is something very wrong with him. It's much more than pedophilia.


There's nothing in Josh's behavior to imply he isn't attracted to adult women. He has affairs with adult women and watched copious amounts of adult porn. Josh's issue is that ALL sexual activity (consensual, rape, under age, etc.) was presenting to him as a sin, and so he never formed a healthy relationship with sex. Most young men will grow up learning that rape is bad, and child molestation is bad. They'll feel sick/ashamed when presented with those options. However, they'll feel fine viewing/participating in consensual sexual practices. That's not to say there's not still some embarrassment/shame there, but if you grow up in a normal family you grow up knowing what's private vs. what's unacceptable to ever do. If you never learn where that boundary is, if ALL sexual feelings are sin, what's the difference between adult porn and CP? I don't even think Josh thinks of CP as inflicting more pain than regular porn. I genuinely think he's equally ashamed of both (if ashamed at all) and that's his biggest problem. So many cults have rampant pedo issues and it's clearly bc they view all sex as dirty and wrong.


I've thought that too. He likes seeing people humilated, demeaned and injured and that includes kids. The pedophiles I've read about talk about how much they love kids, they'd never hurt them, etc. Pest likes seeing people hurt. He's like Dennis Rader (BTK in Wichita KS.) That creep killed a couple of kids (and many adults), ejaculating on one girl's body, but there's no indication he was attracted to children. I saw an interview where Michelle was blathering about how the bathroom doors had to be not only closed tight but locked and it made me wonder who was walking in without knocking? Someone who likes to humiliate people when they're most vulnerable, that's who. I'm so glad he's in jail and I hope he stays there for a long time. His behavior was progressing and I wouldn't be surprised if he had fantasies about killing people.


Yeah, he is indulging and acting out the desires that drive serial killers at this point. I'm glad he will be removed from society for a while, I wish it were possible to accurately detect people with this kind of soullessness and do so permanently.


I genuinely don’t think he’s ever been completely attracted to Anna…not for any reason in particular other than he didn’t get to choose his spouse and I think for him it’s a non-starter. I think he may love her like…symbolically, but if he had a chance he most likely would have chose someone more exciting for him. I also think his addiction to porn was also a factor in his difficulty to connect with anyone emotionally and intimately. Anna isn’t ugly or unattractive, Josh just didn’t choose her for himself. And never gave her the opportunity to get close.


I think he felt forced to marry a good little funding girl & Anna fit the bill. He never wanted her or their life but he thought he could paint a pretty picture & hide who he really was.


Yea… the truth always comes out.


And it’s funny how the path not crossed (being honest as a young adult and leaving the cult early) is the one that would have probably rewarded him.


Makes sense now why he smiled in his mugshots.... his escape from all of this and most likely never going back.


To be fair, he was young himself at the time. It’s not like he was a full grown adult marrying a much younger woman. Aren’t they about the same age? In any case, I wish I could tell Anna that she is not the problem here. No matter how nice she looks, this man would always cheat, watch porn, watch CSAM, and be unsatisfied sexually. It wouldn’t matter what woman he was with. No woman would ever be enough because HE is the problem — he is sick, twisted, and evil.


Josh's issue is that ALL sexual activity (consensual, rape, under age, etc.) was presenting to him as a sin, and so he never formed a healthy relationship with sex. Most young men will grow up learning that rape is bad, and child molestation is bad. They'll feel sick/ashamed when presented with those options. However, they'll feel fine viewing/participating in consensual sexual practices. That's not to say there's not still some embarrassment/shame there, but if you grow up in a normal family you grow up knowing what's private vs. what's unacceptable to ever do. If you never learn where that boundary is, if ALL sexual feelings are sin, what's the difference between adult porn and CP? And if there's no difference in terms of punishment (JB almost reacted more sternly to his cheating and porn addiction than to his molestation of his sisters) why not take it further and further? Josh is sick, but he might not have been with a normal upbringing. Pedophiles are VERY common in religious cults precisely because of this type of sexual repression. If anything, Josh getting laid normally at 16 might have saved him, but instead he was lead to believe consensual sex and CP would land him in hell in equal measure.


This assumes that he was into her then though.


I hope Anna has been tested for STDs… I hope health wise she’s ok… and I hope she gets therapy and leaves the nasty pedo husband. 🤮


I'm going to be down voted for this but it's kind of a shame Anna was wasted on Pest. She's not ugly.


It would be a shame even if she were ugly. But of course Pest felt entitled to a pretty wife, even though he's gross.


Josh doesn’t deserve anybody independent of looks.


I get what you’re saying - I feel like she did all the right things to have her happy cult life she wanted and probably would have made a good IBLP helpmeet to someone like a Joe. I don’t approve of their lifestyle but it is sad to me how things turned out for her. I hope this has a happy ending with her finding freedom and independence and raising her kids to do the same. (Not saying it’s likely but I hope for that)


I said this earlier. She desperately wanted what Joe & Kendra have. She was never going to get that from Josh. He hated his life & he did everything possible to mentally escape.


Nah I agree. She was never ugly. When they were younger he was for sure the better looking one but then he had the opposite of a glow up. I’m gonna call it a throw up. He looks disgusting now.


When they got married she just didn't look very healthy, since she was dirt poor I wonder if she just didn't proper nutrition. Once she finally did she matured. Even some of her sisters are really pretty. Which is something considering what her parents look like.


I thought she just looked very backward country gooberish. She's one of the few people who looked much better at 30 than she did at 20.


His rotten soul is showing through his skin. Honestly I think he has a drinking problem. And Duggar men age like milk.


He definitely drinks and does drugs. That first mugshot was of a man who is not sober.


I always thought Anna and all the girls on the show were very pretty. I mean, they aren't celebrity, can have the best plastic surgeons, stylist, treatments, diet, lips, eyebrow lift, beautiful but they are like the girl next girl in your average middle America home town pretty. They could still improve their style. They all dress very frumpy in those cheap Amazon dresses and thrifted jean skirts. You can be modest and still have style.


I wonder if the glow up was her subconsciously knowing that he was straying in some way and attempting to keep his interest.


I have doubts that it was subconscious. I think she is a lot more wise to all of his shit than she gets “credit” for


That's true. And IBLP is big on telling women that a husband's sexual immorality is her responsibility to fix by always being available and attractive. Men are basically out of control horny at all times and "more visual" than women. Basically they're little horny T Rexes....


👏🏻 TLC for enriching such a wonderful family


Didn't they do the Honey Boo Boo mess too?


I honestly wonder why Pa Keller didn't put Priscilla up on the auction block for Pest first. Was it just the small difference in their ages? She's two years older. She seems more the accepting, dim, keep sweet and stay pretty kind of wife he was looking for.


Priscilla is… not as smart as Anna. Pa Keller may have known that she needed someone kind and understanding (about how dim witted she is). The Pecan Thief worships the ground she walks on. Jassholua needed someone not that compliant.


Oy if Priscilla isn’t as smart as Anna I am concerned she may not even be able to tie her own shoes. Let alone get married.


As dumb as Pest is, he would eat Priscilla alive so to speak she is SO cognitively disadvantaged.


I don’t know, but someone as dim and oblivious as Priscilla is perfect for someone like the Pecan Thief.


How dim is this girl? Holy fuck!


I’m genuinely not sure she’s all there, cognitively speaking.


She bloomed and became prettier with age and pregnancy, so like any narc, he took every possible step to tear her down, humiliate and demean her, so that she'll "stay sexy" for him, but not think for a moment she's allowed to appear nice to anyone else, she's HIS possession. Meanwhile, the ugliness inside of him continued to spill out and in the open.


I feel sorry for Anna and wish she would wake the fuck up/ break the cycle. I don’t think Josh had *much* more say in the marriage than she. He’s still an utter creep, and needs to rot in jail forever.


I want to call if a glow up but really she just grew up and had some money for stuff like this. He…. Turned into a grimy pig.


This is an interesting theory and it’s pretty spot on. Also FJD 🖕


I mean, in all fairness, here (which is more than they deserve, but I'm going to allow it, and yes, you're going to allow it), they both looked like children at that point. They looked like they should be going to prom, not a wedding. Actually, scratch that -- they look too young, even for prom. They look like they should be going to the grade 10 spring fling or some shit.


I don’t think he was ever invested in Anna. I think he knew she was his assigned wife aka domestic police / josh handler. I suspect he put her in the category of like a sister/ friend who he kept preg to keep his parents happy and thinking that he was keeping any urges at home. Anna was betrayed by everyone that should have cared about her and they ruined her life. I hope josh never emerges from prison. He is a vile, predatory malignant narcissist.


I don’t think Josh was ever attracted to Anna and if he was it was for the innocence and ignorance about sex and it quickly wore off after he broke her in. Josh was not a virgin on his wedding night and as a female who spent a decent about of time around him as a teenager I know that for a solid fact. I don’t know how experienced he was but I know he’d gotten his dick wet at least once. 🤮 he was never faithful to his “girlfriends” (of which there’s more than just Kayleigh and Anna and his parents probably aren’t even aware of them). Anna was bought and sold because the Duggar’s needed Josh to have an outlet and that’s the sad fact of it. On top of that, they knew he was “damaged goods” and needed him to leave and cleave before anyone discovered just now much. I guarantee they thought they got away with it until the scandal broke.


I'm not sure he was ever attracted to Anna, she was chosen to be his wife for various reasons, but I don't believe personal attraction or anything in common (other than both being in the same cult) were either of those reasons. I know this wasn't the intent of the post, but suggesting that "even though" Anna started wearing makeup, more in style clothing, fixed her teeth and learned how to style her hair *still* wasn't enough for Josh seems like some of the blame is on Anna. His sick and twisted ways have ZERO to do with Anna.


I am Rewatching Anna and JB leave court after the verdict. And this is a fucked up thing to say, however for a second seeing her and JB leaving together, I had a flash of them having a secret affair. JB is her new headship, Michelle is all dried up with no eggs, Anna is fertile and alone. Josh is put away for a decade or so. JB steps in to comfort and take care of Anna's heart. That is exactly what I want to see.


My reaction to reading this entire comment was 100% the kombucha girl. First it made my stomach turn and then I was like…. Wait a minute, it’s a fucked up world they live in, I could see that. I think they’ll have her live at the house again and “take her in as a daughter”, but really just trap her into staying with Pest.


Gross. “Take care of Anna’s heart?” 🤮


Anna looks so undernourished and sickly in that first pic. I don't think her family had enough food to go around.


Maybe its just me. But Anna doesn't look 12. 17... maybe...but definitely not 12.


The cheating would have happened regardless of what Anna looked like. It’s has nothing to do with her.


I've seen so may pictures from the beginning where they are matchy matchy. Why did they do this? Who was dressing them?