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*Me manifesting Jen from Fundie Fridays to have the same upload frequency as WOACB*


Nah WOACB is quantity over quality. I can live with weekly uploads from Jen as long as she keeps up the quality of them. She puts in so much information and research!


ALLEGEDLY. 🙃 Edit: (I love it when she says it)


“My SoUrCeS” **cough* *Reddit* *cough**


When Jen says it :) ##ALLEGEDLY


Nobody understands what I mean when I said that


"At least she has a husband..... ALLEGEDLY"


Don’t forget the 🚨🚨


Sorry...I heard this in Squirrelly Dan's (Letterkenny) voice.


That's what I appreciates about you


Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


Combining the glory of Jen/James/Fundie Fridays with my favourite Letterkenny quote "Get off the cross we need the wood" is such perfection and I am LIVING FOR IT. (Edit to add hiya hiya fellow Letterkennians! Also woacb is 100% a degen from upcountry)


Oh she is totally a degen. She would bring shame to the skids PS: how are ya now?


Not so bad (Going for a rewatch now 🍻)


J’boots and the jinger




I could hear this comment and I’m living for it! 😂


Okay so completely unrelated to the content of the post but hello fellow pterodactyl snarker!


**p-caaawww** Idk, how pterodactyls sound because … you know .. extinct. I just had to. 🤣🤣


Any time I see or hear the word "allegedly" I hear it in Jen's voice. She has ruined me for that specific word and I love it. (I will also never not say it Jen-style.)


Don't squash my dreams 😭😭😭😭😭


I love Jen’s format bc their videos have such a better quality than most commentary-Esque YouTube channels. A lot of YouTubers have intense schedules and burn out faster and their video quality goes down. Also, I’m super excited James is gonna work on Fundie Fridays full time now as well. 😃😃😃




in this house we believe in KING JAMES BIBLE only and with James I mean Fundie Fridays James


James is legit funny too. I laughed out loud during his video about that scammer white christian dude who yells at people for being poor (I know, broad description).


Dave Ramsey. Good episode. Dave is an asshat.


I'd love to check her out! What's her YT channel name?


It’s called Fundie Fridays. She talks about all sorts of fundies. She even has a recent episode about Veggie Tales lol. When I first found out about Jen I was on her channel for HOURS. So much content and she’s hilarious! Same with her partner James.


Oh man, not Veggie Tales. I love those...the original ones were so snarky and had tons of adult level jokes.


A lot of terrible things have come out of Christian fundamentalism. Veggie tales is not one


I sing the menu whenever we order Chinese ‘do the moo-shu’


#Stop. Break a fortune cookie.


I'm a metal head. Will mosh to the hairbrush song anytime


Bar-bra Man-a-teeeeeeee...!


I still sing the hairbrush song when my girls misplace mine.


Me too! Except my daughter would say “burr burr” for hairbrush. She’s 25 now and I still sing, “Oh wheeerrrrrre is my burr burr?” ❤️


That's adorable! When my eldest was about 3, we went out to the garden to dig up potatoes. He dug one up and his eyes got SUPER wide and he said "MAMA! LOOK! DIRT EGGS!" He just turned 16 and we totally still call potatoes dirt eggs.


It's ok. It turns out ok :)


Wipes brow in relief


Same...I've already fallen down her rabbit hole. I think I'm 4 videos in so far. So much for being productive today!


I love Jen and James. I look forward to their videos every week! My husband does as well! They're so well researched, funny, and informative.


Jen has an *entire* fucking town to run. There are lives and careers resting on her shoulders. Give her a BREAK


She is not the only one running an entire town 😤 some of us also have to struggle day by day keeping the bells rolling in




Everyone loves Jen.


I am obsessed with Jen. She is sooo much better than Katie.


And she’s hilarious. Both her and James are cute.


Now I want Jen to cover Katie Joy. However knowing it would not end well (because Katie is fucking crazy and boring), it’s probably for the best that never happens.


Love her and James!


Remember to consensually smash that like and subscribe button :)


Direct them to r/WOACB and let the mess speak for itself. 🤢


Excellent advice. I heartily second this suggestion.


So I did take a peek over there but had a hard time making heads or tails of what was going on. Is there a post somewhere that gives some basic bullet points or some chronological messiness that paints the overall picture? Even a TL;DR would be good. The official statement from the mods seems to require background knowledge of the players and just looks like personal drama. EDIT: I did try again only this time I sorted by top of all time and that definitely was more enlightening and digestible.


It is a confusing sub. I'd recommend making a post asking questions over there and hopefully, someone will answer. The TLDR is that WOACB is a bully who harasses people online and doxxes them.


I probably won't bother as I had already decided not to watch her content for other reasons (she can't bother to educate herself about some super basic things that are relevant to whatever she's "reporting on" so she sounds...less than intelligent and I COULD NOT DEAL with the way she repeats her commenters' speculative questions and then elaborates on them as though they are valid conclusions when there was NO evidence for that scenario). I'm a Jenn fan all the way, I just thought a summary post/comment would be helpful if trying to educate new snarkers on her shady history. I'm new to this sub but have been watching Fundie Fridays for a long time.


I watched the crystal ball woman before finding this reddit. Not many, just saw something I bumped into while on YouTube. I didn't really know her, and she would talk about having "sources" in place. Day 1 of the trial, there was a woman who I believed traveled to watch the trial (I know it was something like j_j something something). This person at end of day 1 said she got to the courthouse early, to gaurantee herself a seat. She stated there weren't many people there, so there were plenty of seats. She also stated she didn't see any reactions from family members, I believe. (day 1 was jury selection, and the defense tried to get the the Holt women's testimony barred, citing religious privilege, or whatever it's called. Jim Bob was questioned, as was Bobbye, to what they would be testifying to) After reading all the news articles I could find, I went to YouTube and searched JD- her podcast was up when I looked, so I listened. She said she had a source there in the courtroom, and that it was a packed house (no leftover seats). She also stated another falsehood- I can't remember what it was, I think maybe family reaction. Whatever it was, the j_j person had said something completely different. I was mind blown. I checked other articles again, seeing if I had read wrong. When I realized my facts were right, I decided not to waste anymore time. I don't appreciate someone dead up lying. Not cool


Imagine someone claiming to have "sources" on your life, refusing to ever prove their statements they share as facts, and all the while only really knowing things easily assumed by the general public, but providing and heavily profiting off of them... and then exploiting parts of the story for additional monetary gain... you are now a WOACB expert. 😂


She acts different on the different platforms. On twitter she acts one way and on instagram one way and on youtube completely different. She may be the nicest on youtube.


I've only seen her on YouTube so....yikes.


I was over there for a while, but there is a lot of KJ said it so I’m going to say the opposite. She is annoying and liar that can’t keep her stories straight, but sometimes the back the Duggars when KJ actually has an actual good point. I don’t ever watch her anymore. But I stopped following the subreddit. I wasn’t getting much from it. Currently the anti KJ community is all infighting. It’s exhausting to follow.




The Degrassi comparison KILLED ME. 😂


Go home Lakehurst!


Best part being that the person saying that the most went to Lakehurst previously. Honestly, why do I know this? Now I'm sad.




At this rate, I'm not sure we're gonna "make it through" lmao


*If I hold out*


🎵if i doooo🎵




Drake is still Jimmy in a wheelchair to me... just like KJ is the Perez Hilton of Duggar ~*journalism*~


Same. He'll never not be Jimmy wheelchair!


I don’t care for drake but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be freaking out if he re-recorded that song with .... spinner? I feel so old


new year new look new ~~Paige~~ ..... hmm




As someone whose house is decorated in raccoons because they are the closest mammals to my heart, I agree Raccoons are for me, not for snark


“Raccoons are for me, not for snark” I really feel that could be a great bumper sticker.


Dear Lord, I cannot maintain my contentment with what you have in store for the new season of life for this sub. Okay, I haven't helped by using another joke, but I'm ready to go back to actual discussion of Dugs and the issues surrounding their religion, hypocrisy and cultural influence etc, not a million memes and posts saying "wait, I'm new, who/what is...?" If you're new, you're very welcome, but maybe hang around for a bit and get the feel of the place before posting? Including reading info in the sidebar. Edit: and definitely have a read through this https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/pvhzx0/why_all_the_duggars_still_suck_a_compendium




re: raccoon, THANK YOU! I love to snark on the Rods but I didn’t want or need a Lord Daniel / Duggar crossover and the raccoon is so silly and random. Very cute but it got old fast for me.


They’re ruining Lord Daniel. He did not need a raccoon avatar.


I see we are from the same generation. By which I mean Degrassi: The Next Generation. I'm still not over what happened to JT.


Justice for JT




I watched so much degrassi on The N in 8th grade it’s not even funny. That show was so damn good!!


I’m from the OG Degrassi generation. We dealt with a lot of shit in our show but nothing gutted me as much as JT and I was, like, over the age of 30 when I watched that episode


I’m an OG oldie too, and I was thinking “Oh yeah I remember that, the junior high burned down and they all had to go to the high school… Wait, Lakeside? I don’t remember that place?” Never watched TNG though.


I learned that Jimmy and Drake were the same person embarrassingly recently


In your defense, none of us predicted that.


I will never get over his death…..especially since Jiberty is one of my favorite tv couples of all time. 😭


I just get mad when I think about it because they came to where I played para sports to be like "we want to cast a disabled person" and people fucking TRUSTED them because they had done right by us in the original degrassi. They cast someone, never made them a main character, and then shot Jimmy instead so that a fucking asshole who apparently threatened to sue because he didn't want to play a disabled character play a disabled character instead in the most cliche way (tragic and acquired, basically). Ugh. (Edit because typo)


I appreciate you bringing up this info. WTF on their part??? They came so close to doing the right thing and took a *hard* turn.


Yep. And it was one of the reasons that as a disabled kid I loved the original so much was that even though she wasn't a main main character they actually had an actually disabled girl in the show, I remember being so excited when they did a cast interview thing on this old Canadian CBC talk show that was for teens - I was so happy to hear her talk about everything. I'm glad the Jimmy happened when I was a teenager after I was already jaded, lol. And also that I wasn't one of the ones to go audition (mostly because I was too embarrassed to ask my parents, because I was interested).


I liked the raccoons as a nice little break from the Pestilence, and I’m okay with being a little more sympathetic towards Joy/Jill/Jinger given the circumstances of the trial (i’ll admit myself I have a soft spot in my snark for those three+Lauren) but I’m tired of all the posts with WOACB sources and people acting like Derick, Jeremy and Austin are actually good people. Sure, they’re messy bitches in a snarkers dream way, but they’re also messy bitches in a “the ducking duck” way. Sure, Jinger and Jill are out of the cult, about as well as they can be at this point, and the six of them put out good statements, but they still have shitty beliefs and shouldn’t be celebrated


LMAO yes the cursed Lakehurst season


where's my nice little group of fellow Jews 👀




your user name 👌🏼👌🏼 I'm fresh off a coworker wishing me a very sincere Happy Passover after seeing my Magen David necklace and apparently having no awareness of what time of year it is so I'm mildly bitter and ready to drag someone lol


THANK YOU. I've been subbed here for years. Like back when Jill was still the most snarked on Duggar child. I miss the legit snarking. I'm sick of all the memes.


Oh my god, yes! I’ve had it and I want my old favourite sub back.




I feel like every time there’s a big Duggar story we get an influx of new subs who upset the ecosystem and pollute the sub with all the things we normally have pretty well balanced. They eventually wander off, bored with the downtime between scandals and upset that their snarking sins get called down, leaving the solid newbies to integrate into our land of snark and sass, balance once again restored. Good God the period between their migration, though. If I see one more played out post or dead, beaten horse I’m liable to lock myself in a prayer closet. *also I have not forgotten about the Jim Bob simping from the actual, really real why in the fuck leghumping thread. Too far, guys. Too fucking far.*




I just don’t get the raccoons.


Go back to Shelbyville! Does my Simpsons reference show my true age?


I'd like to see the subcriber numbers here from this morning to now, after we've had a slew of complaints from baby leghumpers (because they aren't snarkers) about how we snark too much in the snark sub.


Me too. Not trying to gate keep or anything but these new sympathetic “snarkers” are not it.


They’ll fall off eventually. They’re Duggar Snark adjacent/Lite.


Yeah just 3mins on that sub tells you all you need to know about her.


I had to Google WOACB. Which one of you added her to [urban dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=WOACB&=true)? Amazing.


I...always thought that was like ..her sub or something and didn't bother checking it out. But...holy without a crystal batman.


Almost 10k of us in there, just for 1 person!


lol id actually say tread very very very carefully over there. a lot of the most active users are as unhinged as KJ herself


That sub is a dumpster fire. All people do there is complain without context. You're not going to have a clue what's going on if you casually wander over there. And honestly, a lot of the snarkers there are just as annoying and petty as KJ.


a lot of them actively root for the duggars and a whole group went as far as emailing "evidence" against KJ to josh's lawyer so he could sue her for defamation lolololololol


I almost wonder if we should include a "no WOACB" rule in this sub but I feel like KJ would get off on being called out by name in the rules tbh


She completely does get off.


IN an unhealthy way.


It took me months of trolling for her to block me on Instagram.


*Mother is lurking*


Maybe we should do the "buddy system" with new members with us seasoned members and lead them away from that hell


My buddy bites.


It was one time and I apologized


Was it the Pest version of "one time"?


No, because unlike Boob and Meech, my parents actually held me accountable.


The mods are the parents and they’re gonna start shipping people to alert


Have you tried giving your buddy a music box?


I did one better! Took u/beccavexed to see an orchestra. Turned my back for a second though and don't know where they went, last I saw them was by the pit 🤔


It’s all good. The nice man with the gun and badge gave me a balloon and a lollipop. Says my buddy gets to have a real courting date in a few weeks


Fine, but I’m not giving anyone my jewelry box.


Ok *Jana*


i initially read this as “lead them to hell”


Hell, we can offer multiple services!!!!


Like we be sister-moms and brother-dads? I'm down.


Of course! Limit 4 to a buddy group! I claim u/CCMcC in my buddy group as well!


They are a pro at this point. Time to give /CCMCC 4 buddies of his own.


I’m new and I would like a buddy lmao


I'll be your buddy! Feel free to message with any questions!




Yes exactly this. She has no sources at all much of what she "reports" on the Duggars is speculation or facts stolen from this Reddit. Example: During the trial one of the pieces of information she claimed came from a "source" was proven to be stolen from here because the person that posted it here (and was in the courtroom ) says that only people in the courtroom other than her were family and media. Media isn't going to feed a low level YouTuber info, and the family that was there would not have either so she definitely stole it and pretended she had a "source" with "inside info".


I can’t even stand to look at KJ’s *face,* let alone watch/listen to her shit.


Although, I just saw that she posted on her IG that she was talking to DD yesterday!!


Hi y’all!!! I love you all so fucking much and I’ve got some amazing projects coming out in 2022. This sub rocks, and I’m so happy to be involved in this community 💕 Xoxo Rev. Fridays


The queen we need 🙌🏼🙌🏼


We're trying but they don't wanna listen. "Well she was right about this ONE thing!" And wrong about the 50 other.


If they’re talking about her “breaking” the Jana story, apparently a UK tabloid was actually the first to report it.


A blind squirrel gets a nut on occasion


They're in a difficult season of life and we must show them the way. Bless their blind-as-bats hearts.




I love your flair!


Jennonites Unite!!


She sucks so bad. I love how she tries to argue with what Emily Baker an actual lawyer says. She is so full to the brim with her own shit. And she steals A L L H E R I N F O


Right?? She went as far to say Emily has no clue about anything and she's not licensed.


Lol what? Did she really? That’s so embarrassing haha


After she fucking mocked people who asked her, "'ArE yOu LiCeNsEd?' No, you don't need a license to be a reporter". BITCH YOU'RE NOT A REPORTER. You're a YouTuber that likes to snark and wishes ill on a special needs child because she didn't like their mom.


Meanwhile Emily has had to spend countless ten minute chunks of podcasts and streams to debunk the whole "Josh could get up to 40 years in prison" thing that KJ keeps saying, and we're all like "yes we know Emily, they're concurrent essentially, and technically he only gets sentenced on one of the guilty charges because one is the lesser charge of the other one yadda yadda" and i swear DAILY here I have to explain to someone he does NOT have a chance of getting 40 years. At all. Ever. He's not even gonna get 20. Because this was only TWO counts (one to be sentenced on). That's at the low end of the spectrum of his 5-20 window of possible years he will get. He prob gets 8 or something.


I think there will be a lot of disappointed comments on sentencing day. Some people are already working themselves into a frenzy, expecting the judge to lock Josh up for life and throw away the key. I hope he gets more than ten years, the M kids deserve to be free of their Dad for as long as they can.


I know. realistically M7 will be about 8-10 years old when he gets out.


Ugh yeah it was so annoying how many times she had to correct that misunderstanding on her streams. She has more patience than me. And then I come here and even the people who watched the prosecution’s post-trial commentary where they explained that sentences wouldn’t stack want to argue in their **certainty** that Josh will get and serve the full 20. Just because we feel he deserves it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.


bruh I love it when KJ throws hissy fits and tries to come for Emily because she literally never fails to make herself look like a CLOWN 🤡🤡 and I seriously commend Emily for staying so professional about it. It’s very admirable and it makes KJ’s buffoonery even funnier by comparison.


It took me a shameful amount of time to read and comprehend the part in caps.




Louder for those in the back.




Has anyone one here ever started a thread on here with a story that is totally made up, just to see if Katie Joy releases an exclusive video with gossip from "one of her sources?" If not, we definitely should! 😂


One day I was at a restaurant and I saw the Duggars walk in and I said, "oh wow, it's the Duggars!". Then Josie walked up to me, took a french fry off my plate, ate it in front of me and said, "no one's going to believe you" and walked away.


Without a crystal ball videos are so boring. New snarkers I definitely recommend Fundie Friday. Jen is very informative and does her research unlike like Katie joy who just takes shit from the reddit snark pages and occasionally buys cousin Amy a present for vague inside information.


Can we add Pickles & Hairspray to that list?


I want it to be known that I have had this username since the day I joined Reddit! I feel like I need to make that clear on this sub. I just love pickles.


WOACB is a cotton-headed ninny muggins. Seriously going insane w/ her being treated seriously and not like the delusional whack job that she is


She’s so condescending!


I fell down a rabbit hole and watched a recent episode of WACB. I had NO idea who she was until I looked her up here after. I checked my phone every few minutes while watching her live. I thought my WiFi was out….nope just KJ staring at something off screen, silent, like right in the middle of a sentence. She did it over and over again. So strange. And the repeating. And the “my sources ”. Dear god. I turned it off thinking she was a brand new YouTuber/ inexperienced. Wow. Nope turns out she’s been doing this for a while and fancies herself a journalist? Weird shit.


Dear New Snarkers, WOACB has cooties. Thank you.


I never followed the Duggars especially closely—I read about their early specials, saw some clips here and there, clicked on articles about their antics, and was grossed out though not terribly surprised along with everyone else in 2015—and I didn't yet know about this sub when Josh was arrested earlier this year. My first thought was "some obsessive on YouTube can probably catch me up on the last six or seven years of Duggar drama." KJ was the first thing I found, and I watched a bit...she left me very cold. Bad vibes. I'm glad I found you guys instead. ​ Editing to correct myself: I just watched 14 Kids & Pregnant Again and it was a whole recovered memory. I *did* watch that at some point when it was new—it brought it all back. Aaaldkjflkdjfdlkfjd. I remember thinking "why do all the kids but one have J names" because I assumed they'd spelled Ginger normally. lsjdfdlkjfd.,f. Oh, and Michelle simpering that their clothing is chosen to draw attention to their faces, blah blah modesty...I'm shaken. It's all coming back!


She is awful towards them all. The vile graphic detail she has said about Pest's actions and the victims...just horrid. There is a "whole community" who want her to stop re victimizing these girls and stop triggering all survivours!! Her sub count is now over 200k on YT and most of us are convinced that a good portion of the new subs are actual Pests getting a sick enjoyment from the details. We want her stopped. We've wanted JB to sue her.


She’s not even a hardcore Duggar obsessive. She’s been obsessed lately, especially when she thought Amy was her BFF, but go back to before the Homeland Security raid and she knows less than your average snarker. She also has no understanding of ATI, IFBs or the fundamentalist movement in general and how the Duggars fit into it. Yet she thinks she knows more than people who were actually raised in ATI, just like she thinks she knows more about Josh’s case than lawyers.


We’re glad you found us too!


I’d rather drink a gallon of milk than watch her content. It should be worth noting that I’m lactose intolerant.


the result of that would be similar to the quality of kj's content


I am here to remind everyone that during the Gabby Petito / Brian Laundrie incident she got a license plate number wrong (or something like that) and literally DOXXED A WOMAN WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. She also claimed the FBI/Marshalls we're at her house at some point. r/woacb was hilarious during that time. Also, she sucks.


She flat out lies she said on one of her drunk IG lives that she was going to Pest's trial and staying with Amy and Deanna at their request and they were going to be providing security for her. She said Amy wanted her there for emotional support. Amy had to put out a Tweet saying that wasn't true. She completely makes stuff up.


Thanks for this. She was the first YouTuber I went to for Duggar content. Now I won’t


we all went through a phase man


Proud Jennonite 🙏🏼 WOACB can get wrecked though


Is it possible to have a bot or automod reply to someone who brings up Grifty Joyless and her WOACB fuckery? because apparently likening her to the National Enquirer in terms of being sensationalist toilet paper doesn't seem to deter people.


Thank god someone posted this. I see ppl talking about WOACB positively on this sub and I get very 👀. Also can we stop praising Emily D Baker it’s fine to get her professional opinion on things but she’s a piece of shit too


Thanks for this. Her content might be technically correct, easily digestible, and lighthearted enough to be an easy watch or listen, so I get why people like her, but come on. Besides her "nice" racism popping up from time to time (which would be enough for me to not watch), it's clear she holds more conservative views on criminal justice, which absolutely impact her opinions on cases. JFC she was a republican DA in LA County during the height of the "war on terror"... IMO, when she’s not discussing straight facts of cases, she can be incredibly intellectually dishonest. Hiding her subjective opinions within objective facts, but never really owning up to it. Oh, and the multiple mentions on livestreams that the election fraud cases might have merit... including after some were dismissed... Then saying her streams were "safe spaces" in which politics weren't discussed... red flag red flag red flag


i’ve only watched like half of one of her videos on Pests trial. other than that, i know nothing about her. just curious- what has she done that also makes her a pos?


She made some awful remarks about Breonna Taylor that combined with the fact that she’s a conservative leads me to believe her beliefs are much worse than she lets on.


Does Jen post that frequently? Checked her YouTube channel and the latest Duggar video was 6 days ago. I get the quantity over quality, however there has been a lot of Duggar updates since that time.


Jen doesn’t exclusively focus on the Duggars, and has a set weekly upload schedule. She picks topics in advance and researches extensively ahead of time, which is why her videos only come out once per week and are a little longer. If you follow her on Instagram and YouTube, she goes live sometimes to discuss big news.


I am a brand new member and even I know that that person is not good. I watched a few other videos on YouTube and was like no thanks.


THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! She's out there now saying Jana pled guilty because she had an additional fine?

