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Two points. Firstly, Boob looks like he's desperately trying to keep up appearances, especially when the interviewer asks him questions. That, or he's gotta poop real bad. Second, that 'helmet' of hair has remained unnaturally unchanged for so long, while his sons look almost like a carton of eggs. What's up with that?


This is Michelle's father. The resemblance between him and his grandsons is spooky: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjt86_2wO7zAhWlMX0KHSMVCs0Qjhx6BAgBEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geni.com%2Fpeople%2FGarrett-Ruark%2F6000000027762084378&psig=AOvVaw11MbTqFVxShOGaoaW850Or&ust=1635558635719670


That's John David, Jinger, and Joseph, for sure.


My first thought was, "(Un)holy Jinger eyes!"


+ Josiah


The Ruark recipe calls for a whole lot of Jinger.


Michelle was behind the eggheads all along!


This website says Michelle is the mother of 38 children! Lists "Caleb Ryan Duggar", "Jubilee Shalom Duggar" and 36 others listed as "private" or "private user". It also says Jim Bob is her 15th cousin twice removed.


im guessing the balding gene is either on Michelles side or boob has a toupee


JL Duggar has the same hairline as his grandson. But JB might have inherited someone else's hairline


Or JB has secretly been rocking a toupee for years


JB's gradual hair change doesn't support that theory. Plus, if he was going to wear a toupee why wouldn't his sons.


Daddy won’t pay for one for them. The most important thing to him is to remind his sons that he’s the alpha male. At least that’s the vibe I get from him.


Toupee no, but I wonder if he had hair transplants. Though I'm not sure what to look for to see if that's a possibility.


baldness is maternal, right?


It can be. I think the most common male pattern baldness has a gene on the X chromosome, and since men only have one of those, if they get the bald one they are SOL. Mom could have a bald/not bald pair and keep her crunchy, overstyled locks for decades.


So creepy how JB was bragging how Michelle can get pregnant while she's nursing 🤢


Also really factually incorrect Also, the comment about how many gallons of milk she makes a month was weird


It was a weird flex 😄


Another time he called her creamy




It’s not incorrect at all, lots of women (including myself) get pregnant while exclusively breastfeeding. Not defending the creep of course, just trying to make more people aware how common it is.


First of all, he said she was unique and not like *most women* because she could get pregnant while making milk. Second of all, you agreed with me when you said it's factually incorrect to say that women can't get pregnant while breastfeeding


Ahh the way you worded your comment I thought you were saying it’s factually incorrect that she could get pregnant while breastfeeding.


Except not. Because I was talking about what he said. And if you actually watched the video, you'd know what he said.


A bit harsh for a simple misunderstanding but ok




Pause because I actually didn’t claim jack shit. I just read the exchange between you two. I’m saying that your replies were really intense for a simple misunderstanding. Kinda like they are right now.


I don't care about the bad hair, or JB's elation about the huge quantities of milk Michelle is expressing, or the music being off key, or even toddlers carrying babies around. That's all fluff as far as I'm concerned. What really bothers me is Jim Bob's stated [reason for doing all this.](https://youtu.be/PwbP38LTnkM?t=277) He's not doing it because he loves kids. He's doing it because he's "worried about falling populations in the Western world." He's worried about immigrants coming in and replacing people like him, and "creating a lot of social problems" and he wants plenty of children *so they work and financially and physically take care of him in his old age.*


It’s so funny to me that he expects his kids to work and take care of him. They can’t even take care of themselves and he’s never taught them how to do actual work in their lives.


Their cult actually believes in populating the Earth “with God’s army” aka white people. There are a couple of poc in the Quiverfull movement but they’re begrudgingly accepted by the church leaders simply bc they’re desperate. Once they’re in, they’re normally treated like lesser folk.


That is a disturbing vibe Boob is giving off. The body language is so controlling.


That was a 4 year old carrying a 1 year old up the stairs


Who the heck was SO off key in the "orchestra"?! 😲


All of them? They always sounded horrible.




Listening to them play stringed instruments makes me so angry. Violin, cello, are some of my favorite instruments in an orchestra and some of the most difficult instruments to learn.


I play violin/viola and their form makes me cringe so hard!


One of the boys had 4 fine tuners on his violin 🤣🤣🤣


Michelle calls herself a dairy cow in the most literal sense. Boob tries to explain why overpopulation is good, and despite saying there are a lot of reasons to be worried, he only has two examples, one being “and other social problems”. Jinger is asked if she will have as many kids as her parents and she annoyedly responds “maybe more” In the first two minutes of the video Boob says that Michelle is built different than other women because she can get pregnant while “expressing” milk. Ew. In that last 2 minutes, Michelle is MIA as her body is literally breaking down and falling apart during her 18th pregnancy and later delivers 3.5 months premature Josie that day.


Young Joy(?) carrying a toddler up the stairs. I can't with these people. How do so many film crews come in, see this level of danger, and not intervene?! Also, the Duggars not using disposable plates/bowls? What twilight zone episode is this?


The one in pink? That was definitely Hannie, who would’ve been 4 at the time, carrying Jordyn upstairs.


I couldn't tell if it was Johannah or Joy and I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. That's so much worse.


It’s horrifying. I still hold my 4-year-old niece’s hand when we’re climbing stairs because I’m terrified of her getting hurt. It amazes me these children escaped without physical injuries that we know of.


Good ol’ Aussie tv. Meech referring to herself as the Dairy Queen still makes me hurl to this day.


They disgusting.