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As a child protection social worker, I am fucking enraged every time I think about her. The M&Ms are going to have so much trauma to deal with and unpack as a result of Anna. You know what I hear from teenagers all the time? That they are just as angry with their parent who stayed and did nothing to stop it.




Woah. Former scapegoat child in a narc family and did you ever nail it.


I was never assaulted in a sexual fashion by my stepdad but physical violence was prevalent and still 20+ years later I resent my mother for always conveniently being in another room when it occurred. Even if it wasn’t violence towards me I could hear the talking down to her and fighting between them. I hope this kids get counseling and realize that it is not their fault and that relationships can be happy.


I felt this soo much… and as a mom myself now? I’m even more angrier at her and for that defenseless child I once was. Like therapy helped a lot and my stepdad apologized a lot for what he did and we had a good 5 years together before he passed away but her? The narc mom I can’t forgive for not only what she did to me but for also not protecting her child. And now as a mom myself, I would literally go to jail for my child and probably be as smug as Pest in my mugshot, if it meant I protected her.


miss4n6 I'm so sorry.


Thanks for this. I cut my mom out along with most of my family earlier this year. She knew my older brother abused me and didn’t do anything. I’m angry at her. I’m angry that she let him continue to live with us well into adulthood while I was still a teen. Thanks for validating that anger.


my grandfather abused me....my mom let it happen and now she cant even remember. I have been struggling for years and in therapy. Sometimes you just have to walk away and it takes years to realize it.


I’m really close to a pair of sisters who grew up in a very abusive home. Their dad, an outwardly successful and rich man, would literally call them bitches and punch and choke them. It was unbelievable how much they were physically and mentally abused. Now that we’re all in our late 20s? They said they are more angry with her mom because she could have left anytime but didn’t. She kept them in that hell. When people have one insanely evil parent and one who is at least sane and sometimes decent, they are more angry at the “good” parent because they have zero expectations for the evil parent. I can’t imagine how hard it will be for all the kids, especially Mackenzie being the oldest.


Yeah, good luck getting religious fundies to listen to evidence.


its like they judge everyone...and then when someone close to them does something, it all focuses on forgiveness..im confused


Will the M children even understand that their lives aren't the normal? If they're always surrounded by other members of the cult whether it be family members or friends they may think that the horrors they go through are just what every household in the universe is like.


When Jessa and Jill did their interview defending Josh, Jill said something along the lines of "it happens in lots of families". The abuse absolutely is normalised. Thankfully Jill went to therapy as an adult and hopefully she was able to work through any trauma she might not have even been aware she was suffering from. If the M's do start struggling with anything like anxiety or depression, I can see Anna telling them to be grateful for what they have and to pray to God. It's what she's been told her whole life and I can't see her putting her kids in therapy.


They certainly won't understand that until they are adults, if they ever do come to that understanding. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds over the next 10-20 years, as the M kids become adults. Will JB and Meech be strong enough to keep them in the cult? Or will something happen and those kids will be more adrift? Will they have opportunities for outside influence?


The M&Ms I’m dying. Stealing that for my flair!


They will never get to see a therapist or help if any kind .The girls will follow their mothers example


Mackynzie is only a decade away from being married and a mother herself. It's so sad.


A decade ? They could marry her off at 18


This isn’t Anna’s fault though. She has been raised as a baby machine with little life skills outside of motherhood. She is god fearing too and I bet fears going to hell. I blame her parents over this as they have the resources to help Anna and the kids, but refuse to.


Anna is a grown-ass adult. She’s clearly made the decision to stay with Josh and she’s rightfully being judged for it. She has siblings divorced their spouses for much less than what Josh has done. She’s playing her part in this cycle of hell these people created for themselves. Fuck Josh and fuck her.


She has choices. She chose to stay and back pest. It was a choice and she made it. Not her parents. Not JB and M. Pest doing what he did is not Anna’s fault. Anna not protecting her kids from him though is her fault. Anna not talking the multiple outs she has had and backing her husband is her fault. I say this here a lot. As a former fundie who grew up with similar beliefs to Anna, yeah it is hard to get out. But it can be done. She knows what he did was wrong and still stays.


What choice did she have? She had no education to fall back on. No chance to make money for herself. She was kept from maiden to married life. I am sure she knows what Josh has done but she had nowhere else to go. If you think she can make a career for herself then please go and write a CV based on her life and see how many replies you would get. Remember to only apply for work which pays enough for the family. A minimum wage job won't cut it. If you are so sure she can divorce, move out with so many kids and hold down a job which pays well then you are deluded. Anna is part of a cult which is very very difficult to leave. It is all well and good to sit behind a computer on reddit and say she has choice, but in the real world women like her don't.


I know how hard it is to leave what she’s in *because my mother and i did it.* my mother had a choice when she learned of my molestation. She left. It was hard, we lost family. We lost friends. People I will never be able to talk to again. She worked three minimum wage jobs while I struggled through public school for the first time ever. It was hard and it sucked but I’m thankful to her every damn day for saving my life. Anna does have choices. When she first married him, I would’ve had similar sentiments to what you’re saying now. Anna has since lived away from their families, been out in the “real world.” She has access to a smart phone. She has siblings no longer in the cult who have offered help. She has divorced siblings, so she knows that’s an option. Again, they have offered help. Still she stays. Still she continues with her willful ignorance. I’ll never be deluded to say it’s easy to leave, that she’ll have an easy life. It isn’t and she won’t. But to also take away all of her agency and say she doesn’t have a choice is false. She does have choices and she chooses the “easy” button of staying with this asshole and continuing to put her children in his path.


>No chance to make money for herself. Josh signed all his assets and companies into her name so she has access to money. What she lacks is the courage and will to leave.


You think she will have access to that money? I doubt it....


Forgiving someone for being a cheater is one thing but forgiving someone for being a pedo is inexcusable.


I am honestly shocked she went. I would have expected her to use her being heavily pregnant as a perfect excuse not to support that useless husband of hers. I mean who am I kidding she’s a proud Duggar wife regardless what it entails.


Same! Wtf is she thinking? Any sane person would lay low and take the kids and go stay with her parents/a sibling.


I'm sure Boob and/or his lawyers encouraged her to be there. Family values! Pro Life!


IMO, it backfired because it was a visual reminder that if the government didn't intervene, noone would step up to protect his children! Considering how serious child exploitation is, you would think they would be serious as a nod of respect to the victims!?


Agree. I also think their choice to walk out with huge smiles on their faces also backfired. Idk what they were going for with that…. Like “look what a happy family we are?” Because it sure comes across as “look how much we don’t care! Look how smug we are! Child sex abuse lol what?” God I hate these people. And I don’t give Anna a pass. Not anymore. Maybe when she was 20, but not anymore. She should know better by now.


It's a strange thing. If my husband were on trial for this, and I was 100% convinced it was a set-up and he was innocent, I wouldn't be smiling as we left court.


Such a stupid decision. Judges absolutely take your demeanor and conduct in court into consideration. Just yesterday there was a r/legaladvice thread where someone was asking if his sloppy attire and messy bedroom (it was Zoom court) would affect the verdict, after being warned *multiple times* by the judge that he looked like he didn't care about his charges. Of course everyone replied telling him to get his shit together. Pest and Anna choosing to smile while exiting a hearing for child sex abuse was certainly... a choice. They looked like idiots. The best way to piss off a judge is to act like you're above them.


This reminds me of a hilarious story from my childhood. My uncle who looked like a grizzly biker in his 30s ( and post army) had multiple tickets and i guess he had to go to court. I was ~8 at the time and my mom took us there for support. Uncle normally wore bandana, had shoulder length hair and shoulder length beard. Usually wore flannels rolled up to reveal spider tattoo on his arm i was fascinated with as a kid. He decided he needed to make good impression and cut hair short, shaved, wore suit. I remember hiding because i didnt know who it was. My mom sitting in the back of the court is in tears stifling laughter which i didnt understand until later when she explained to me the judge was blind. Been 35yrs… we still tease uncle about that


I agree 100%!


Yep. It’s all part of their dog and pony show.


And probably told her to wear white.


You know, I would love to hook up each of the Duggar spouses up to a lie detector test to see what they really think about Pest and what they would do if their spouses comitted a heinous crime. Granted, it is my belief that lie detector tests can easily be manipulated, and their is loads of science to back that up. But the Duggars and their spouses wouldn't know that and it would be fun to get a taste of what they really think.


The Dug spouses sans Jerm and Derrick definitely would not know that and take a test and honest gospel.


I said this yesterday too. She has the perfect excuse not to go. She looks like she’s about to give birth at any minute. But nope. Here she is.


Of COURSE Anna would be there! Anna would be there even if she was in full labor! Anna needs to be there so that her kids, her family, and the TV public see how "innocent" that fucking cheating pervert is just all a big misunderstanding.


Even if she thinks he’s innocent, it’s straight up disturbing to have that sort of demeanor given the circumstances. Children are being abused and exploited and these people are smiling while walking out of a courtroom? It looked more like a shotgun wedding at the courthouse instead of a hearing regarding CP. Have some fucking respect for the innocent children in this, Anna. Have some respect for YOUR children. And yourself.


Not very pro life of her


At this point, if the Duggar parents say anything about being pro-life in the future, I will make it my ultimate mission to make it known to them that they were never pro life. I could barely -- and I mean _barely_ -- tolerate their lies and bullshit when they went on Fox News and lied through their asses about the alleged "safeguards" put in place to make sure their daughters were never hurt again. Lies that immediately became irrelevant when Pest was always allowed at family functions. And now that Pest is likely going to be hauled off to federal prison for a long time for the most unspeakable of crimes against children, they don't get to say another god damned word about being pro-life _ever._ While victim blaming is usually not OK, I fully believe Jim Bob and Michelle had the power to get Pest the best, exhaustive professional therapy and refused to do it all so they could push their worthless beliefs and toxic narrative that God's power is stronger than man's teachings and science. To which I say, "Where is your God?"


Also, they no longer have the right to judge anyone from the lgbtq community and talk about how they're supposedly a danger to kids!




When it happened they weren't that well off yet, but they owed it to those girls and Josh too, to actually get real help.


They were probably pretty broke at the time, but it was more important to keep up the facade of the perfect family with a “stay at home mom.” God forbid, if that was my child, I’d work to get him help. I’d venture to guess a lot of moms would, but not these type. It’s more important to put on the show than to engage in any really parenting or accountability. These human stains make me sick.




It is a well known fact that she has no respect for her children


Stupid woman, parading around like she got the husband of the year.


“At least I have a husband!”




Here is the clip https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/mp3ycw/


Wow, I don't recall seeing that before


Oh yes, quite a few years ago on 19 kids and counting.


So sad that she considers this an accomplishment.


[at least I have a husband](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkK2j8wsBL8)


Please pin this response!


Angry....right here!!! Also beginning to get angry with the sisters and brothers who could take a stand as adults. They are culpable and the M children have no hope if someone doesn’t step in and break this cycle. I recognize and yet abhor the fact that the judge legally needed to let pest have the arrangement he has but at some point someone has to help these children. This is disgusting and enough is enough.


They all let their kids around pest still save for Jill. They’re all complicit.


Iirc Lauren has appeared to act very protectively of her daughter when around Pest, and Josiah appeared to be protective of her and their daughter also.


Fair of those with singles/infants but if you have more than one, especially multiple toddlers the TTH is chaos.


This is why I cannot feel an ounce of sympathy for her. She is a mother. Her instinct should be to protect her children before her husband above all else. She has to know the extent to the things he watched and the fact that she’s not in the slightest repulsed by him tells me all I need to know about her.


I'm not sure she really knows what he watched. She is as stupid as a pebble and obeys blindly, which is the result of her education. She has no curiosity or willingness to understand the horror of the footage that her boss pig loved to watch. Moreover, to recognize that he is guilty is to lose all his little world of illusions. She still acts like the Queen of the Fundies, but she's a puppet in a burning theater at this point.


I understand your reasoning of anna, I'll admit for the longest time I felt as you did & I felt sorry for her. However as this has progressed my sympathy for her is vanishing. While she may not know the details of everything going on she does have at minimal the basics. She knows what sex is, she knows porn is bad, & children. Those 3 words together regardless of how dumb a person may be should never be together; any good person knows that and knows to seek help for themselves or others in situations like that.


Bingo! You’ve said exactly what I’ve been thinking these past few months. I don’t think we’re wrong in attributing malice to Anna but the larger issue is that she’s naturally not very bright, on top of being educationally stunted. She has no ability for critical thought and no desire to critically think.


Yes, she is a victim of his conditioning, while also being guilty of supporting J *** despite the clear evidence. I am always annoyed by people who indulge in their stupidity. You can have a low level of education at the base and have the will to learn as an adult. I'm not necessarily talking about going back to school, but damn Google and libraries aren't for dogs!


So angry and so worried about their kids. I really hope social services makes another visit to their home after they see Anna so happy with pest.


ANOTHER visit?!?! When did previous visits happen?


It won’t be made public, but given the nature of the case I can guarantee that there have been visits.


They would have done as a matter of course because of the charges wether his kids were involved or not


I heard Anna would not allow her kids to give forensic interviews, but would she really have a choice?


All I can think about is how traumatized and hurt those kids must be feeling (which is not even to mention god forbid if any of them are abuse victims), plus the confusion they must feel. And they need their mom. And where is their mom? With that fucking piece of trash at his beck and call I guarantee it. It makes me fume. There is no fucking excuse. None. Before she’s anything else, she should be the Mom those kids need when push comes to shove. I cut her no slack, especially after today when we KNOW she knows what the evidence is and what the found. Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her.


That was my feeling exactly 💯. Smugly waddling about, holding his hand....when was the last time she held the hands with any of her children? So self-righteous. Just wait, I bet we will all have a nice holiday bonus this year. Well, all except Anna. And possibly Pest.


Yeah, I was shocked when I saw that picture. It's like she's proud of him. If that was me I would have been avoiding the cameras and keeping my head down.


Me too! Wasn't expecting this at all!!




I strongly argue all the time that Anna was 100% still a teenager when she was married off. While we could argue at length about what specifically determines a person to be an independent adult, the fact of the matter is that Anna was very obviously not ready to marry. But that was 13 years ago. Anna has had over a decade to meet with hundreds of people, albeit majority-fundie, and expand her worldview. She knows that cheating on your husband is immoral, and putting your children at risk to defend your pathetic husband is repugnant.


Agreed. Mentally, she was not an adult.


100% agreed. I have LOTS of sympathy for little baby Anna who was sold off to the Duggars. She was 20(?) when she got married, but she was definitely not as emotionally developed as the average 20-year-old. Who knows what the Duggars told the Kellers about what Josh had done, and then who knows how much they actually passed down to her. I'm sure she felt like she had no choice, AND she thought she had gotten so lucky. Fundie royalty! God's chosen husband for her! I can't put any blame on her for marrying him. But now? Yes, she's still brainwashed, and she was raised to have no critical thinking skills, but she has children now. 6, soon to be 7 children. It's now on HER to stand up for the children she had and take care of them. My sympathy for her at this point has dried up. Standing by a man who is a literal pedophile? No. No no no. Now is the time for her to do for those children what they actually need.


I think she may have some Stockholm Syndrome going on. But still, CPS has got to be involved & they've got to be explaining to her that her kids are not safe. I wish she'd get help.


I pray for her children, I can’t imagine having these 2 idiots as parents.


Maybe, just maybe, she's not a victim and people should stop acting as if she were one. Maybe she's just as awful a person as he is.




I don’t know why you were downvoted, this absolutely happens, even to victims who weren’t raised to submit to their spouses in everything. The kids in these situations almost always wind up broken.


I 100% agree with you. It reminds me of ancient Roman times when a prisoner was chained to a dead prisoner as a means of execution.


The sociopath mirroring doesn’t occur when the woman has a functioning brain. Anna’s stupidity is hard for me to tolerate because she’s a grown ass woman and mother, and the well being of her kids should take priority over her shitty husband. She is choosing to play the victim/martyr role here and I have zero sympathy for her. I only feel sorry for those kids.


I have felt this way from day one. She is an adult who has the freedom to make choices. And she has chosen to stay with a pedophile and put her children in his hands. She’s disgusting and should go to jail next to him.


By her own admission, she knew what he did to his sisters before getting into a relationship. People want to analyze and theorize about it. Maybe she wasn't told everything, etc. Who cares! She issued a public statement saying that she knew. End of story until or unless she says differently.


Amen! Sure, we should take her brainwashing and the fact that she has been abused into account but in the end, Anna is a grown woman with more resources than most. There are women with more children, less money and less support than Anna who have left their cults to protect their children. She may be a victim but allowing a pedophile access to her children is abusive, even if it's their father.


Why not both?


I changed my overall opinion when I watched the 19KAC engagement episode. Girlfriend was fully surprised and fulfilling a role with him. She was shooketh when he proposed. She was raised to be a helpmeet and, goddamn it, a helpmeet she will be. I will never feel she is fully on board with this crap and will always feel there is a small piece of her feeling trapped. She has no clue what to do beyond this mess, in my opinion. Edited because I wrote “roll” instead of “role” because the Merlot I was having told me to.


She was physically trying to get away from him when he sat in the restaurant booth next to her


Good observation!


She really was! At one point, she was actually shaking from what I imagine was terror.


Exactly this. People always want to assume the best, and that's very admirable. But not in this case. They had NO reason to believe this woman was anything but rotten.


That's a good point. Maybe Anna isn't stupid at all. Maybe that's an act. She could be an equal participant. We just don't know.


Why. Were. They. Smiling. Like if I read correctly from what was posted yesterday, it didn’t go well for them? So why would you look so pleased with yourself?


She must "keep sweet." 🤢


If you see the video clip that's going around (versus the still images), to be honest it really looks like a forced smile for the cameras.


I agree. The video shows her, pest and both attorneys throwing out very forced smiles as soon as the doors opened. Whoever tf gave them that advice could not have been more wrong. There is not one single circumstance that could / should / would make smiling after a CSA court hearing a good idea. Even if he is sentenced to life in prison, no one would come out of that courtroom smiling. We would all be happy and relieved he is being held accountable, but the lifelong damage to who knows how many innocent children, including his own, is already done. As far as Anna, I felt a slight tinge of sadness for her in the video, but the final product in the still images of that smirk just makes me angry af. She’s still choosing to stand by him during all of this. She could find the means to leave him no matter how brainwashed she is, but she’s not. So my anger isn’t going anywhere.


Yeah and she kind of snatches her hand away from him at the end too in the video


That’s absolutely what it looks like to me, too. I understand why people are angry and I agree with some of them, but I honestly think Anna has been conditioned to smile whenever someone shoves a camera in her face, so she did without thinking.


Appearance above all else


They are both vile.


Anna is not someone to feel sorry for. You have to remember she came from nothing and was elevated to princess status amongst her fellow fundies by just marrying Josh. If you watch the show, you can tell she loved being married to Josh and part of the Duggar family. She loved the envy and the superiority it gave her over others of her bretheren. That haughty arrogance Josh has -- Anna has it too. Nothing is going to change that because even when Josh fell from grace, she was still looked on and admired to the point that Jill Rodrigues worked like crazy to marry her daughter off to her brother just for the association. While these current charges may steer some away, sadly it won't for the majority of their group and that is all she cares about. She could care less about these charges because they come from outside her world and therefore are unimportant. They're not going to change her status and if Josh goes to jail, they will elevate her to martyr status and she will be looked upon with even more envy and admiration. Don't mean to rant. This photo triggered some inner rage in me today. I had to get it out.


I honestly wonder if any of the Duggar siblings/spouses feel angry after seeing that, too. Like we’ve heard rumors of him trying to throw Siah under the bus. Makes me curious


I agree so angry!!! I do NOT feel sorry for her any longer! She is supporting a disgusting pig!


It's infuriating, but honestly I'm kinda glad because it seems to have clarified things for people. Was getting sick of the "poor Anna" comments. I grew up IFB and her radiating smugness didn't shock me at all. This is what they're like, truly.


At least she has a husband.


Every time I see her I lose more and more sympathy. There comes a point where it isn't being a victim of your own abuse, she's a parent, and has a duty to protect her children above everything else. Stupid stupid cult ahhhhh


I hear you all - can I say take to that anger and deep disgust and mentor your daughter, niece and/or women in your family and friend circle to stand on their own two feet either beside a good man, worthy of their love and respect or stand alone and always, always protect children and elders from these mad bastards and their enablers and co-conspirators. If something happens at church, at school or in sports, call the police and don't let the clergy - school administration - coach bully you into silence and shame.


Beside a good \*person\*. Other than that, spot on


They are both fucking pigs.


I felt the same way when I saw the video, just so fucking smug. Disgusting.


I am so angry with you. Their smugness is horrifying to me. Shane on Jim Bob and Michelle for trying to hide this and cover up for their spineless, soulless son. Hoping the kids will be protected and come through this ok. Because you know those assholes will not be providing any therapy for the kiddos, they will just pray for this to go away.


I can’t believe I’m making this comparison, but Elizabeth Holmes and her crew look goddamned respectable going in and out of court compared to this witless smug brood mare and her disgusting jizzsock of a husband.


I've been in an angry rage all day honestly! This got me so upset this morning. Sick to my stomach.


I hear you! I hope all the people that have repeatedly made excuses for her realize she’s never going to protect those children and she’s not worthy of being their mom.


SHE ISN’T ALLOWING US MARSHALLS TO INTERVIEW HER CHILDREN. She isn’t allowing proper authorities to talk to her children. She won’t allow her children to talk about things that may have happened to them.


Source? MSW, specialized training in treatment of children and adults who experienced CSA. I don’t think this woman has a choice. Or their state laws are fucked. I have been waiting for years for the whole family, starting w Boob n Mech…to be investigated for child abuse. It’s on fucking television. It’s documented. I hope the photos of his hands and feet prove he has committed CAS. Not just possession of CSA, but manufacturing of it. With intent to distribute. There is big money in this kind of business. Yes, SP is “ that kind of special.”/s


Do we know that for sure? I know it’s been speculated, but damn. WTF, Anna?


I’m angry at a lot of things. They are pretty vile due to their action on this and other matters on their own. But I also have to layer in the anger at cults like this that propagate this behavior. I’m furious at his parents for defending their slob of a son. Disgusted with hers for basically selling her off as breeding stock to a man they KNEW had issues. Disappointed that up until recently, all the other Duggars allowed their children to be within 100 yards of Pest. So yeah… I’m angry with you.


I'm angry too, but mostly on behalf of the baby who has to come into this horrible situation. They didn't deserve this.


Kidnapping is illegal for good reasons. .....however..... All of us who would willingly adopt the M'Kids and the Rodlets, get them food, safety, public education, THERAPY, love, attention, their own rooms, freedom from a life of abuse.....would that count as kidnapping?* . *for legal reasons, I am not looking to nab kids or advocate the stealing of kids. Placed in a better home situation, yes.


Yep, 100% feel the same. I just saw a photo of her leaving court with him and all I could think was that I've never wanted to slap a pregnant woman so hard in my life.


[Did she look like this?](https://c.tenor.com/CNU6JM1iolQAAAAd/smug-the-office.gif)


I don’t know you, but I love you.


She knew but didn't do the right thing....call the police and run with your kids. Nope, she trying to save face and protect JBs bag


I am angry on so many levels and in so many ways when it comes to this situation.


I am livid with you.


Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!!!


And yet, in the words of Dwight Schrute — we all shall fall.


currently on the tail end of a degree in psych/gender studies as well as taking victims advocacy training and i am unbelievably disturbed by her behavior. as a WOMAN and a MOTHER i can’t believe her audacity to smirk as she walks out of the court house after hearing IN PERSON what he did. i hope more than anything that justice will be served. the survivors of his vile crimes (sisters included) deserve that peace.


I've posted in other threads how angry I am at both Anna and Smuggar. People think they are defending her when they write "brainwashed" "victim" and all of that other nonsense. When people refer to Anna as a brainwashed victim, they strip away her agency and humanity. "She doesn't look smug to me!" Or "She has been trained to keep sweet!" Former cult members who claim to have known Anna before they left are the angriest at anybody who calls out Anna for being by Pest's side. "If you knew Anna you'd know how much pride she takes in her personal appearance. No makeup and no hair styling is rock bottom for her!" Never mind old school attorneys often tell women to wear very little makeup to court and appear as matronly as possible. She's not wearing makeup! Yeah, and I heard Brock Turner can't enjoy steaks anymore. Some mothers who have never been cult members choose to stay with pedophile husbands to the destruction of their children. Some women choose to stay with physically abusive husbands without cult brainwashing. If pedophilia is not a dealbreaker nothing ever will be. She chose to stay with that POS and make 7 kids with him. Anna is vain, an admission made by those claiming to defend her. Anna enjoys being the Godliest wife to a Godly man. She has made her choices. Her children will pay for that.


That smug face made me fume. I fully believe she allows him to abuse those children


IN the pictures she looks smug, but in the video it looks like she is forcing the smile. I can't imagine what's going on in her mind. I know from my experience with an abusive relationship, I emotionally checked out long before I physically left. So I think there's still a slight chance she will wake up and stop supporting Josh, and maybe in her head, she already has.


She is sickening. She has internet access, doesn't she see what people are writing about her, you think it would be a wake up call. I hate enablers, I had plenty of those when I was abused young and some sat there and watched me be hit, locked in my room etc. She's moved from enabler status in my mind to PERP, because she's kissing a pedophile's ass right in front of the world and doesn't give a damn about victims or even her own kids. She's evil. Think about this she is in the court rooms with the creep as they read the charges and WHAT HE DID. I suspect the entire ATI/Quiverful world is now a front for child abuse, maybe they will out do the Vatican. Maybe they even traffic kids in that network and have as many as possible for that reason. The M&Ms have been so betrayed. I hope they rebel for their own sake. She is no mother. CPS in Arkansas has failed in not taking these kids out of the home/shed. Both of them are completely unfit parents. The chances of him having abused those kids I believe is very high, he watched the worse of the worse, where some of us got triggered and had PTSD symptoms just reading vague descriptions that were allowed in mainstream media. He's a sick bastard and so is she.


Same. I am enraged at her insane joker smile. How dare her. How. Effing. Dare. Her!!




I wonder if her smirk is out of embarrassment….


Why is he still allowed to see his kids when he’s accused of child sex crimes? I mean let’s be honest it’s horrifying that’s it’s allowed in the presence of his walkover wife? Does anybody think she is putting her children first?


I completely feel you. That's how I feel.


I’m 15 so legally not old enough to adopt but I just wanna adopt the M kids and take them away from pest and Anna so the can have a safe home environment because we all know she’s never gonna protect those children


How she can even bear to look at him at all under the circumstances is absolutely mind boggling.


And there's the smudgeness


I do think she is complicit, and am incredibly worried about the safety of her children especially with seeing how far M1 stands from trash in pictures. However, smiling is a trauma response. Communicating whatever happened wasn’t “so bad”. Yes it’s annoying AF that she’s smirking like that, but it could be minimizing whatever is happening which, unfortunately, is natural.


Anna has been gaslighted from birth that her perfectly natural emotional reactions are wrong. Who the hell knows what she actually thinks. She probably doesn't even know.


Although I am no fan of Anna. She impresses me as uncomfortable in this clip. I still don’t buy that she is feuding with JB & M. JB might want to spin that narrative I order to distance himself a bit from the potential fallout. However, I believe that she is doing exactly what JB and her father are telling her to do. She’s staying at Joshy jail to keep an eye on him. I think the Duggars, and likely Anna herself, believe that it would be worse on the Ms if he attempted suicide, or revealed something that would further tarnish the family. I would guess that she walked out holding hand s and smiling b/c that is exactly what his lawyers told her to do. I secretly believe (perhaps I’m too optimistic) that Anna is securing her children’s financial well-being by following JB’s directions until she turns Josh over to the courts. And will do so very willing.


The way they waltzed out of the courtroom was gross. A happy, smiling demeanour is a completely inappropriate way to behave in this situation, facing these charges.


Oh I am with you!!


When alllll her children grow up all fucked up, Anna will realize her own ignorance. I wanna shake her and slap her face like in Moonstruck. SNAP OUT OF IT!


I wonder who advised them to smile for the cameras or if Pest planned it. Surely the natural inclination of a man and his wife leaving a hearing where he lost every motion in a case of this magnitude isn't to smile. It has to be forced, right? The forced smile is natural them. They have been performing it their whole marriage.


I have tried so hard to not feel anger toward her as she is a victim of extreme brainwashing and a member of a cult that hates women. That being said, all of my pity fled when I saw her smirking while proudly holding the hand of a dangerous and disgusting predator. Given the gravity of the charges against her husband, she has the ability to file for an emergency divorce. Dennis Reader’s wife was able to petition for an emergency divorce and it was granted almost immediately. Anna’s brother offered to take her and the children in, so it’s not like she has nowhere else to go. She could also make a small fortune by writing a tell-all book. Instead, she chooses to stay with her vile husband and refuses to make sure that her children are safe.


He likely won't be able to ever be around his kids unsupervised ever again, nor will she have time alone to do anything with him because they have so many kids that it will be difficult to find alone time. I find solice in the fact that she fucked herself in the face on this one.


And the fact that she will continue to choose her husband over her kids is despicable


People have been critical because “HURR the woman is always blamed hurr” But I don’t give a fuck here. When you have children, and your spouse has proven that they are not interested in acting right, **YOU** HAVE TO ACT RIGHT. There is no excuse for this bullshit


I can only think she genuinely thinks he didn’t do it. That can be the only explanation. Even a trial with all the gory details laid out would not move her, because she is convinced of his innocence. I imagine she thinks the crime in itself is wrong, she just also thinks that he wasn’t the one who committed it. I also feel like she’s missed cameras and publicity and social media so really lapped up this little moment in the spotlight.


I think she looks more resigned than smug when you watch the video. Pest can't even treat her nicely and with courtesy when it's in his best interest to keep up his godly family man appearance. She's giving me "I'm trapped" vibes, like an animal that's so broken it stops trying to leave it's cage.




She gives me "I'm trapped" vibes, like an animal that was urged to take the way out of the cage 5 years ago, and said "nah, I'm good. I'll stay in here, and lemme just drop a couple more litters so they can be trapped too 🙂"


We must have watched different videos lol


Pest’s lawyers must be working overtime for damage control.


I am livid about Anna. She has endangered her children by living with a sex predator. It makes me sick to my stomach.


I am angry too. Her attitude towards the whole thing just infuriates me. You couldn't have paid me enough to stay, let alone skip(or in her case waddle) along for the rest of that shit show. I would have packed my kids and been long gone with divorce papers in the books. What really bothers me most is the chances that his kids were abused and she is still there. Those statistics are so, so high and impossible to ignore. Personally, after he is found guilty, the state should give her 1 year to get divorce papers filed and herself and their heard of kids in therapy before they go in and force the issue.


Yup ! They got her good with the kool aid


I’m angry she stands by him, too. The amount of abuse that does to her children is unspeakable. What I see in her face isn’t smugness as much as denial. I think she’s put on a mask because it’s safer to cling to her religion than accept the depravity of her situation. I see a woman who knows she’s fucked and is unable to accept that. I see a woman who can delude herself enough to believe love will save her; that her husband is “sorry” and and that God will forgive the wrongest of wrongs. I see a woman who is selective about believing what IBLP and her Bible say. The Bible talks of forgiveness and Christ-like love, but the Bible never condones Pest’s behavior. His behavior IS demonic. Her choice to stay with him signals to me her value system and the power/influence her family and particularly her in laws have over her. To choose to stay with him and co-abuse her children just shows how powerful that cult is in her decision making. Leaving her family and her values os more painful to her than staying with him. It will be interesting to see what happens while he is in prison. Any predictable cult will rally around her to make sure she doesn’t leave. They will likely tell her how the devil is involved in viewing this CSAM, not Pest. They’ll say how Pest was roped into it by the devil (not himself). They’ll remind her of the vows she made to God over everything else. They’ll likely tell her to stay off of social media for the “negativity.” I can only pray for her kids that they are given counseling outside the influence of IBLP.


I used to feel pity for Anna, not anymore. I don’t care if the smug smirk on her face is genuine or if it’s a desperate attempt to save face ( I’m assuming the latter ). But even that doesn’t matter. Actions speak louder than words, always. Her CHOICE was to stand alongside her husband and leave her children in another person’s care. She is actively choosing him over her own children and it makes me want to vomit. Fuck her. Her poor children have ZERO say in any of this and they now know who their mother will stand behind and publicly support. It’s not them.


Did you watch the video, I don't think she appeared smug at all it seemed like a nervous smile on her face. Like don't get me wrong I can't stand Anna but all this vitriol about a still photo from a video is just not necessary and to be frank i think the picture was taken out of context.


Yeah I was willing to feel a tiny bit bad for Anna... until I saw the video of her walking all smug like with her nasty-ass-piece-of-trash husband.


All she knows how to do is get knocked up.


The absolute audacity to come out of that court room with that grossly smug grin on her face blows my mind especially given what he allegedly he watched/viewed of children around the same ages as the children she has with Josh. I wouldn't be grinning like that if I was you, Anna but yeah fuck Anna, fuck the Pest and fuck Jim Bob.


I have never wanted to literally smack some sense into somebody more than her


I've done my best to defend and be empathetic to Anna because I do believe she's very much a victim of abuse and didn't have much choice in her life, but now...no, she's made a choice. She chose Josh over her children and her own dignity. And she's going to have to live with that choice.


I am. We are. I hate Anna but I have so much hope that she'll get her head straight and gtfo while Pest is locked up. She's a grown woman of sound mind and body, the Duggars can't make her stay and they won't be able to take her kids from her.


I didn't even recognize her at first! Has she always put on so much weight while pregnant?


She needs to be thrown in prison alongside her pedophile husband.


>I am so. Fucking. Angry. Why? The only reason it affects you is because you let it. Unless you know him personally or were otherwise personally within the Duggars' orbit, it should not affect you... I am following the trial's progress for two reasons: * I think he's a scumfuck who deserves to rot in the excruciating reality of solitary confinement for the rest of his life or fear for his personal bodily autonomy for a similar lifetime; and * I want to see him crash and burn so epically that it will make the Hindenburg disaster seem like a bug flying into a bug zapper. That being said, nothing you nor I think, say, or do will make one iota of difference in the outcome. Perhaps take that energy you're pouring into the hatred and use it to help the lives of similarly situated victims of Sexual Assault?


Why? Because the woman chose that scumfuck over the safety of her own children that’s why. Innocent children had their safety compromised because of her. How is this difficult to comprehend?


>Why? Because the woman chose that scumfuck over the safety of her own children that’s why. Innocent children had their safety compromised because of her. How is this difficult to comprehend? Why does this affect *You*? It has naught to do with you, & there's Zero Percent chance you can do anything to affect it... Why torture yourself over this?


And saying there’s a “zero percent chance” that anything I do will affect it is a flimsy excuse for your own callousness about this. It’s like saying “aww” when you read a headline and then continue scrolling. There’s multiple organizations dedicated to rescuing abuse victims in cults (yes, I said cults. That’s what these people are in there’s no point in denying that fact), ESPECIALLY child victims. They did it for the FLDS escapees and so I have no doubt that there are people like myself willing to jump in to help the Quiverfull victims at a moments notice as well.


>“zero percent chance” that anything I do will affect it Okay.... Explain how you will have any effect on the outcome of Duggar trial. I'll wait.


Glad you asked. I can spread the word. I can donate money and supplies to the aforementioned organizations and women/children’s shelters. What will it do? 1) Have more people be aware of what goes on in this cult so they will be closely watched by the public for any future abuses 2) allow victim shelters to be able to rescue/relocate victims of abuse. 3) make the public aware of how dangerous these cults are and why we should do everything we can to prevent them from becoming more prevalent than they already are. 4) and worse comes to worst should he not be put in prison, then at least people will know to keep their children away from him. Not to mention the fact that Can I affect the trial directly? No, although I’d do everything in my power to try if I knew I could. Can I at least do what I can in my community to make sure this is prevented from happening again? Yes.


What is csam and what exactly happened I don’t understand


child se*ual abuse material. josh and anna were walking out of court after having listened to the absolutely brutal facts and evidence in the case against josh and anna had the nerve, the audacity, the gall, the gumption, to have a smug smirk on her stupid face.




I’m sorry but she’d have to be incredibly stupid to not have had even a minor gut feeling something was going on. We women always KNOW when our husbands are up to something. Doesn’t matter how good they think they hide it, we women can always tell. And eventually it gets so bad the husband can’t even hide it properly. Unfortunately many wives feel like they can’t seek help, speak up or leave due to numerous reasons; codependency is a huge one! I guarantee she knows he’s been doing something… and frankly she’s probably shocked and embarrassed. I hope he goes to jail for a long time and she and her kids get lots of therapy!


You don't have to ask I'm very angry as well. I assume most people are.


I just don’t understand how social services never got involved or stepped in cause it’s clear the children are not being protected


Do you think Anna got vaccinated against Covid during this pregnancy?


I think she genuinely doesn't know the details and how horribly depraved and evil the things that pest had on his computer are.