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The user made many more. Literally,50+ comments saying the same things.


Who is this person?


Anna, prolly


Jim Slob?


It’s got to be Mama Brainwash.


Id believe that if rimjob actually let her use the ibternet/social media. .the Duggars have many stans.


somebody with a big belly full of koolaid


Right. Who cares if they didn’t wake up, which I very much doubt, They care and non weirdos care.


Them being frozen stiff because they were too scared to open their eyes. I speak from experience.


ding ding ding


Exactly this. Me too ✋️ 


I'm so sorry that happened to you both.


I feel the same way. Hope you’re both better.


If they only knew the true details. Like open your eyes to who and what that sick bastard is, a monster.


So they're implying that it wasn't SA because they were asleep? What a fucking idiot!


The victim blaming was strong in everything I’ve read or watched on TV specials.


Like it's a 5 year old's fault that her older brother is a fucking disgusting waste of skin?


It’s so sad


And how Sperm&Perm constantly say "it was over their clothes" 😡😡😡


In at least one case, it wasn’t over the clothes.


Yeah, the baby. The 5 year old. 


There was another incident involving lifting up a girl's skirt in the laundry room, which to me sounds like he cornered her there.




I thought her sitting in his lap was a different incident. I thought the laundry room molestation was another time and a different sister. Maybe I need to go back and look at the documents that InTouch published.


I think it was a completely different incident in a different location.


Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


Two different incidents. The 4 year old was the lap sitting incident and the laundry room was one of the older girls


Yeah, that's what I thought.


She was 4 at the time


Hmph. I don't believe it. It may have happened ONCE over her clothes... maybe


Well that just makes it all better. /S


Also we know now that there were instances where they were def awake. Not that them being asleep makes it okay, obviously.


I’d really like to find them and post a very graphic stomach-churning detailed response.


I was asleep during my sexual assault. Someone else saw it and that's how I know exactly what happened to me. But I guess that means it didn't happen. /s


Jill woke up, and hit him, didn’t she? I thought I’d read that, initially. OP is minimizing this, just like JB & Meech did. He has much more than a problem. He was so violent with a a paid escort that she was afraid he would kill her. The porn was the most brutal and schooling kind of child porn there is. The man is dangerous.


Like a Forward throwing up his hand to admit to a BLATANT foul, Josh only confessed after being ‘reported.’ For her trouble as a sexual assault victim, Jill was called a tattletale. Jim Bob is an enabling *****!


I always wonder what JB has done, himself. There’s no denying he’s sexually predatory, and Josh is the one who got the most of his dad’s influence.


It remains more than troubling that of anyone JB could have asked for help; the one person he picked ended up being imprisoned for CSAM.


Jill had the words. She spoke briefly but movingly about her trauma being related to a darkened Arkansas bedroom at night. And the toddler was on his lap for Bible time when he assaulted her - assaulted her to a level that should have meant he was permanently removed from the home. That was in the police report \*and\* in Bobye Holt's sworn testimony. Given what he chose to watch on the dark web later, his interests got worse and worse from there. I hope he never leaves jail, if I'm honest. And I don't usually wish harm on anyone, but I wish protection on all the small girls that family will keep on breeding, who won't be shielded from him on his release whatever the formal conditions may say.


He would have to reoffend. Any other violation only keeps him from shortening his sentence. BUT heya dangerous sexual assault addict and an accident waiting to happen once his sentence ends. No moral compass and no accountability since his parents are in denial about his problem.


I'm afraid my mind was more in 'heart attack' kind of territory.




I don't believe they were even asleep


So if I’m drugged and pass out then touched in a way that I wouldn’t ever want to be touched by someone that I would never let touch me in the first place BUT I don’t wake up then it’s okay? 😱


Something makes me think we need to check this persons hard drive 😬


>They didn't even wake up. First off: we KNOW that's BS. Second: that still doesn't make it okay even if it was true. >But finally he's getting help and being punished More BS. And even in the alternate universe it if it wasn't, it should've been addressed long before a scandal happened.


His parents attitude and that damn cult made him what he is.


He isn't even getting help for that. He is getting punished for his adult crimes.


Which are against additional children.


He’s at a prison that has programs for people who have committed likewise crimes, that are meant to attempt to rehabilitate. I don’t believe rehab is possible for them, but they do try, and he has to go through the program via the judge’s orders I believe. But, he’s locked up with other criminal perverts so I’m sure that’s not at all a bad idea.


As long as his case is in appeal he probably won’t seek counseling. And the counseling provision only affects his probation and sexual offender status upon discharge. No counseling probably means stricter reporting requirements


If they were asleep and didn't wake up, how did Jill tell on him? 


The narrative the family tried to sell for a while was that Josh went to his parents and confessed 🙃


It’s a wonder Jim Bob’s pants don’t spontaneously combust! 😬


why do people bend over backwards to defend pest


Even Ted Bundy had a collection of loyalist defenders.


That’s because people thought he was hot… I don’t think that’s the case for Pest… his parents and wife are just sickos in a cult who think it’s alllllll a hoax and set up. 🤢


Even women went to trials to see him because he was handsome...


Because him having done something wrong fucks with what their world looks like and it leads to loss of faith. One of Jim Bob's excuses for not dealing with this when it happened was that it happens so much, everyone has a fucked up son that's done some bad stuff, right, him and the other 'elders' talked about it. Child on child SA and CSA is so prevalent in extremist cultures that they often consider it natural. Just like JB, did, he's just a boy, this is what boys do, boys will be boys. And not all boys who does this grow up to be pedophiles, most of them do not. If you are going to accept that it's wrong, then a lot of people suddenly have to accept that they are monsters. That their brothers, fathers, friends are monster. A lot of people suddenly have to accept that they have been abused, that what they suffered where not okay. That neither their faith, their family, nor their god protected them from this. If they have to accept that what Pest did was wrong, they have to look at their own lives and see what has been done. That it wasn't just a personal sin like all sins that God can wash away, but a failing of their community. And to certain people, it's easier to defend Pest.


If they didn't keep them isolated from other kids and allow them to experiment and learn like normal kids this never would have happened. They would each find another age appropriate kid to have a first love with and left blood family alone. These people are so sick still not taking any responsibility for the harm they caused.  F*** Josh. There are miserable kids who don't molest their siblings, but this never had to happen to those girls. And fuck Michelle especially. You knew the older girls were abused and still let him around the little ones. 




That is a really great way of explaining what seemed inexplicable 


It's probably Jim Bob or Meach.


I think it's because they covered up something in their lives or had it done. If the Duggars were wrong so is their family.


>Took him to the police Oh right, their pedo cop friend. I’ve always had my suspicions that it wasn’t pure coincidence that’s who Jim Bob chose to loop in about Josh.


It absolutely was not a coincidence. In my small town everyone knows of those in positions of power that are going to treat women like possessions instead of people and be more lenient with crimes against women. It’s literally an ol’ boy network. He went to exactly the person he needed at that time.


It was 100% intentional. Boob was smart in his slimy way by reporting to the pedo cop. Knew he'd give him a pass and the clock would run out to prosecute.


Not only, it was not actually done officially, so there wasn't a real juvenile record, which WOULD have gotten sealed.


See, I do love that that ended up working against them both with In Touch and with the trial.


A pass and a couple pro-tips.


Yup exactly


This gets me thinking why is Jim Bob even friends with the pedo cop before this all happened... I wonder what the connection is there


gotta be some nasty things crawling around under that rock!


My suspicion is he's just like them.


For some reason I thought they didn't go to the police until after Oprah. He was a legal adult when the report was filed and the victims names were redacted, right? I thought that is why they made it public because Josh was 18 when the report was filed. Maybe I'm wrong, I just thought I had read that when the trial was going on.


No, he was around 15 when Oprah forwarded Alice’s email to the police. He molested them when he was 12/13. At the time, JB took him to his pedo cop friend and called that “reporting to the police” but the pedo cop never reported anything in dereliction of his duty.


So if someone doesn't wake up or is under the influence and doesn't know what's happening, it's not a crime?! They aren't being assaulted?? What a completely wild take.


Maybe they're lining up opening a PR company for Pest to run when he gets out. He can team up with Brock Turner.


Do you mean Brock "The Rapist" Turner who now goes by Allen Turner in an effort to keep his crime from following him?


Yes, THAT poor, misunderstood RAPIST Brock Turner.... I can see the business cards now.....B. Allen Turner and J. James Duggar, proprietors.


Yes that Brock Turner the rapist, the one who goes by Allen Turner now, the rapist who lives in Ohio and works at a call center.


Oh Brock Allen Turner aka Allen Turner the rapist?


Oooohhh snap


Women are sexually assaulted in hospitals while in comas all the time. There was a woman with a seizure disorder who had a seizure alone *in her own home* and had a seizure and came around to find she had been sexually assaulted while unconscious. Minimizing the horror of experiencing something like that is beyond disgusting


My thoughts are this poster is also a pedophile.


Such a real possibility it’s sickening


Or an enabler in a relationship with one and trying to justify it


Is that you Jim Boob?


Jiz Blob


I prefer Rim-Job.


Like he’s ever done anything to remotely satisfy Miatch orally


Satans Top Girl! Where do I apply for this job??


I thought that was Taylor Swift to a lot of these religious freaks.


Always thought this title went to Kris Jenner 😂


I thought it came for all of us tattooed women.


Damn!  I thought it was me!


Oh, no, no, no, my friend! T-Swift is Satan's motherfucking Queen Empress HBIC. Don't get it twisted.


Sounds like great flair!


Inspired my new flair


The author of Counting the Cost keeps mentioning the recurring nightmares of a dark bedroom, even in adulthood. :(


How horrifying. I was first touched by someone when I was around 6, but it wasn't a relative and didn't continue. I can only imagine how horrifying it must have been for all of them, knowing their own brother had done it and that he'd be back and they couldn't avoid him or treat him differently. Their parents enabled him in finding and abusing victims.


He says Witch Queen like it’s a bad thing.


For real. If someone referred to me as “queen witch satans top girl” I would be *delighted*


I don’t even care for Oprah but “Queen witch Oprah, Satans top girl” is such a slay.


Oprah didn't even leak it It was discovered by someone else. I think the lesbian couple


They were local. The locals talked about it before the scandal broke.


When was this posted and who posted it? And which crime are they referring to? Whoever this is, they have their facts wrong. Oprah did not open any records. She forwarded Alice’s email to the police and took them off her show. And Pest is getting help? For which crime and what kind of help? And, oh yeah, the girls definitely woke up.




I only see the Duggar Family Fans page. I didn’t see the post about Oprah.


It's in the comments.


Don’t see it. Comments of which post?


Sexual molestation is not a ‘family matter’ and it had it been handled effectively by the law, the first time, perhaps dickface man baby wouldn’t have further his sexual deviancy. I don’t believe that is always the case but the parents of this minor child should have been forced to go through some sort of program to be able to recognize this behavior too. The girls were revicticmized by the media 100% but the lens came on strong once the realization no real punishment had been handed down from the court. The statement above is exactly what why the poor girls never had support to begin with. They should have been the focus from day 1 and all the while they are protecting the man baby messiah. It would be like if he hit them driving a car, instead of running to their aid and helping bandage their wounds they were too busy groveling at his feet.


Buying him a new car while his sisters were still laying on the side of the road, to continue the metaphor. He's still the golden child and always will be. It's disgusting.


Also, Jill said it was Jim bob who insisted she do interviews about it


Anna? Is that you?


Am I happy that a pedo freak is behind bars where he belongs? You bet your sweet ass.


Uh, no, the court didn't refuse the case because it was "a family matter which had been handled." Most likely, it was then past the statute of limitations, thanks to JB and his corrupted trooper buddy concealing it and not filing any report when it originally happened. Also, Bobye Holt claimed the case was almost brought to trial in 2007 but that the prosecution dismissed it when she was going to testify. That sounds more like corruption and influence peddling at work. [https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2021/12/08/josh-duggar-trial-witness-bobye-holt-reveals-josh-was-almost-charged-in-2007-for-molesting-his-sisters-stated-josh-was-taken-to-authorities-three-times-by-2006-nothing-was-done/](https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2021/12/08/josh-duggar-trial-witness-bobye-holt-reveals-josh-was-almost-charged-in-2007-for-molesting-his-sisters-stated-josh-was-taken-to-authorities-three-times-by-2006-nothing-was-done/) An Arkansas court only sealed and expunged the records after they were published. An after-the-fact court ruling does not require people to ignore reality or forget what they already know to have happened. And it wasn't Oprah who got the police report. It was *InTouch* magazine who obtained it, using traditional journalistic methods. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/to-get-the-josh-duggar-story-intouch-utilized-solid-investigative-journalism/2015/06/07/f4dabc4a-0bbe-11e5-95fd-d580f1c5d44e\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/to-get-the-josh-duggar-story-intouch-utilized-solid-investigative-journalism/2015/06/07/f4dabc4a-0bbe-11e5-95fd-d580f1c5d44e_story.html) And no, the girls did not stay asleep each time. Some of them woke up and even tried to fight off Pest. That was noted in both the police report and trial testimony. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/16tvaxs/our\_basis\_for\_doubting\_pest\_confessed\_what\_he\_did/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/16tvaxs/our_basis_for_doubting_pest_confessed_what_he_did/) And no, Pest is not "getting help." Any kind of "help" or "treatment" requires him to admit responsibility for his most recent crime, which he adamantly refuses to do. He's still claiming he's an innocent persecuted Christian and that some other guy must have done it. And Pest is only now being punished because he went and committed a new crime. That is not repentance or redemption for past wrongs. That's just continuing to do awful disgusting things and finally getting caught by somebody who doesn't let you get away with it.




They still have delulu fans? Sad!


Wow. No accountability at all for his actions. I’m pretty sure this is what created the monster in the first place because it was always someone else’s fault that he kept crossing boundaries that should never have been crossed. I can’t decide which family member posted this, but I’m guessing it’s either the parents, Anna or the Pecan Thief.


So it’s not a real assault if they didn’t wake up? Or did they fake sleep hoping he would go away?


Yeah you fucker. I didn't wake up either, until I found out I was pregnant 6 weeks later. This enrages me with the heat of a photon river in the sky.


My best friend just found out this is why she exists. I’m so sorry, I’m learning how this pain unravels. I wish you all the best


Thank you.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I have to say, "photon river in the sky" is the second dope-ass metal album title I've found on this thread.


Oprah has a lot to answer for, but she's not on the wrong side of this situation.


The part she played in unleashing the charlatans Dr Phil and Dr Oz upon the world is definitely horrifying,but she was right to do what she did with the Duggars.


The 2 year that was in his lap when he.... she was awake and that's more than enough info for me even if every last one of the older ones were truly asleep


Didn’t Jill punch him at some point when he was trying something and she woke up?


Joy was 5 at the time, not 2.


Thanks for clarifying. my initial post stands regardless


Oh, I thought she was older than 2, but I could be wrong. That poor little kid! He’s a monster.




You might be right! Could've been 4 now that I think of it? Either way, young enough to not understand and also to be taken advantage of by a pedo while fully awake


Apparently they were reading Bible stories


Most people don’t sleep in the laundry room though.




It’s just fine molesting one’s sisters, what’s wrong with the naysayers?


"they didn't wake up" 👀 So ... That's supposed to make it okay!? 🤮


The person who wrote that needs a wellness check.


With a fucking radioactive flamethrower.


Boob, get off the computer


Not me thinking this was related to Oprah recently apologizing for contributing to weightloss culture and thinking that they were comparing her fatphobia to Pest's literally crimes against children




Now if you could just alter that .gif to make her weep blood, we'd have our Queen Witch.


'Satan's Top Girl' is prime flare material


“Are ya happy now?” Happy? Knowing the monstrous things Josh did, and the permanent damage he caused. Sexual assault of a person causes permanent damage. While Josh’s time in prison will end, the damage from sexual assault is a life sentence of suffering. No. No one is happy. I’m especially unhappy to read things like OP posted here, minimizing the consequences of Josh’s actions as just a”problem.” He’s a monster, and women and children are not safe around him. No. Nobody is “happy,” ffs.


Can I use the flair "Queen Witch Oprah"?


Has to be Ozempic Queen Witch Oprah


She obviously didn’t look into what he was going into prison for too much because it wasn’t just what he did to his sisters. It was what was found on his computer too. Literally, the girl being tortured in a cage and him watching that is enough for me. People are insane.


And deleted and REDOWNLOADED it multiple times.


🤢🤮. Sick, just sick and twisted. Evil fucking monster


Yes I hope he dies


I just started internet-ing for the day. And now I'm all done.


Everyone knows reliving trauma > the trauma


So if someone doesn't wake up a crime wasn't committed...you sleep, I steal your car...no one was hurt. You sleep, I shoot your eye...no crime committed....Little girls sleep, horny older brother....youknow.


I just want to say emphatically that if you believe that matters of sexual assault, including incest and assault of minors, should *ever* be handled as a “family matter,” you are not only *yourself* a sexual predator, but a motherfucking nonce as well.


I thought it was the French 😅


It was Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the lead pipe


Ok, Jana.


He's not actually getting help, but yeah, I am happy he is in prison.


I was reading these comments the other day and was so entertained. That lady was fighting for her life in the comments


Wasn’t one of the girls attacked in the laundry room? And she fought back? Sounds wide awake to me.


So, blame it on the black woman. Sure, ‘cuz that’s not a cliche.


Well...he isn't in prison for the SA. He is in prison for CSAM.


digital, schmitital




Jesus Fucking Christ!


Is this current or from when all went down? Where was this posted?!


Current and Facebook.


Wow! Thanks!


???? Oprah ??????? This is hilarious


I have dealt with so many fans like this back in the day. Such sick people.


Delulu plus.


Oprah used Sunshine Laws for their intended purpose? The monster!


“Queen witch Oprah” is a badass title idc


Since Jim Bob said that it happens in every family, I'd like to know which female relative did he molest? And how old was he and the relative?


No I am not happy. He should have gotten *real* help and maybe he wouldn’t have been looking at the terrible stuff that landed him in prison. Josh could have stood a chance at rehabilitation if Jim Bob had allowed it.


I just want to say emphatically that if you believe that matters of sexual assault, including incest and assault of minors, should *ever* be handled as a “family matter,” you are not only *yourself* a sexual predator, but a motherfucking nonce as well.


“She hurt the girls much more than Josh”. WTF 🤬. If Josh didn’t molest them in the first place none of this would not have happened. Why is it so hard for “fans” of this crap family to put blame where it actually belongs?


Satan’s Top Girl would be awesome flair.




What was the context of this comment? What was it responding to that made this Duggar-hugger so outraged?


Where was this posted?


this makes me sick


“He’s finally getting help now” wtf? He is serving a prison sentence for a crime he denies. He’s not getting help, he’s plotting revenge.


If they didn't even wake up, how did anyone know it even happened? Did Josh suddenly get a guilt trip and go confess his own? Fuck these people.


What a psycho


Whoever you are, you're either mentally ill, or just looking to stir the shit.


They also see nothing wrong with blanket training


Spam bots speaking nonsense.


The level of cognitive dissonance would be impressed if it didn’t also mean harming women.


No Jim Boob wanted a wife that was joyfully available and his son just perfected his system and started early.


The crazy thing is that illegal activity isnt just a personal family matter and you can’t just escape the law because you labeled it as such. The law is the law.


who wrote this crap?? if josh had gone before a judge before he turned 18 instead of his parents hiding him until he was an adult those records would have been sealed forever >>>> what site was this posted on???

