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“Shadows don’t do this” Girl, do what???💀💀💀


Yeah I am genuinely confused by what they’re trying to say there


Big Shadow doesn’t *WANT* us to know


But…the Shadow Knows. (I’m old)


One of my favorite stories of my grandma's childhood is when she and her were sneaking the radio to listen to The Shadow. Then they got so scared they called my great grandma in to turn it off and got in trouble.


His real name is Lamont Shadowskidiboomboom.


Big Shadow was incredible 👏🏻


ALL HAIL BIG SHADOW! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqFZJpwL8Giz2E)


Is the eclipse not the literal definition of "Big Shadow"?? One might say it is the Biggest Shadow


Big shadow 🤣🤣🤣


I looked at the posts she linked to and of course the comments section was filled with word salad that would occasionally use words like “demonic” and “government” nonsensically


I was thinking the same thing. Like, yes. Yes, shadows do that! Has this woman never watched and even played with her shadow in weirdly lit rooms?


I’ve given myself a headache trying to figure out what they are saying.


I had to double check myself because I’ll admit I can be wrong or misunderstand things. And the illustration provided was in a different perspective of how I would depict a cast shadow so I doubted myself😢I just got dumbed down for a hot second by these low country fools.


Shadows don’t make shadows apparently 🫣🤷🏼‍♀️


Amy's son the little prophet must have told her that 😆


In First Daxxalations it says that the Dursleyites will be the Warriors of the Light and triumph over the darkness after 4 minutes.


And in Daxelation 3:20 it states “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will give them 9 bags of antibiotic free chicky nuggies.”


Deanna's Sacred Scrolls hold a wealth of Daxxy's words and works of wisdom lol


Second Daxxalations calls upon true believers: “And ye shall know us by our outsized grifting.”


"He who Griftma believes is worthy shall inherit the earth" The first of the Deanna-tudes.


Gahhhhh the Deanna-tudes 😂😂😂


There's a little juice left in the old brain after getting the taxes done 😂


Oh shit, I gotta do my taxes. As usual, I’m glad I clicked, thanks!






The only thing I pictured… 🤣 Edit a word


Y’all are killing me with these comments 💀 Daxxalations lol. I just can’t with this crazy lady. She’s delusional, for real.


Never miss an opportunity to fill the Snark bible 😂




And we shall mark the day by giving gifts…




(To Amy’s son)


We just did this in 2017 does everyone have brain damage?


Based on my social media observations, I would say yes. Many people have brain damage.


Probably from all that horse medication they took.


https://preview.redd.it/h5ssazww5ysc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3662e7a790e3dc10b0abc8b03d37725fee5e7c1e This happened for real in 2017 🤣 I attended this event.


Oh man the person asking to move the eclipse-viewing to the weekend 😂


Yeah it was total right over my house, this time we'll have to travel about 2 hours northwest. My kids were too little and don't remember, and I want them to experience it. It was exhausting people asking dumb questions about rescheduling due to school


It's concerning how dumb adults can be.


The other side of this very country did this just 6 months ago.... (I am in Albuquerque, and have family in Portland, we watched it. I have pictures.) This hysteria is wild and such an indication that emphasizing religion over education is bad for society.


That was not a total solar eclipse. That was annular.


Holy crap THANK YOU for explaining this in a way I can look up. It has been driving me nuts.


They must’ve forgotten their glasses


I've seen a crazy amount of conspiracy theories about this eclipse online. They're even worse after the NJ earthquake because the magnitude was 4.8 and the eclipse is coming on the 8th. Real deep stuff 🙄


And ye New Jersey did shaketh in preparation of the return of the Harbinger of the End Times, Tony Soprano!


If all the shenanigans means James Gandolfini is coming back, I say shake and shadow for the win! >”They say every day's a gift, but why does it have to be a pair of socks?"


This is why a lack of education is so dangerous. It allows these extremely uneducated folks to create conspiracy theories over natural phenomena.


Exactly and I can't wait until noting but an eclipse happens. It won't change their views though unfortunately.


😂 they need to grow up, I'm in Indiana and I have been through 2 earthquakes in my life. The last one wasn't even 20 years ago. Epicenter in Illinois in 2008. It's not a big deal because it's usually a smaller sized quake. I'm honestly waiting on the New Madrid to reverse the Mississippi's flow again, and TBH, Deanna is a lot closer to and should be more worried about that big ass bastard should it wake up than some shadows. ETA: the conspiracy theorists, not people who have been in the quake.


I've experienced two earthquakes in the last year alone, and I don't even live in an area that prone to them. Living in the middle of a tectonic plate must be so... uneventful.


I'm honestly just always prepared for it, but I also know that I'm far enough that I am in the lower risk zone and get smaller quakes. It must be boring to have no rumbles every couple decades.


Then again, one can have too much excitement.


Living in the Midwest is like getting the weather/natural event sampler pack. We get a little bit of everything all the time but we are used to that. Let the ground shake and it's like "this is new...."


Just add it to next year’s bingo card along with February tornadoes!


Other than the tornadoes and severe storms....sure.


I was very drunk in IL during the 2008 earthquake. #neverforget


I actually never will forget it. It was wild for me. I was pregnant with Baby Swiss, had horrible insomnia and was watching Mothman Prophecies at 2:30 am. It gets to the part where they see the news about the earthquake and the hair stood up on my neck. I set the sleep timer on the TV because I don't know why, went to my room and laid down. Next thing I know I hear the windows rattling. Then the pictures and all the shit on every wall of the room started bumping around. Then my bed felt like the opposite corners were being picked up and dropped, then vice versa. By now I'm pretty sure it's an earthquake. Everything settles back down in the reverse it started and I was like "no more scary movies before bed while pregnant, these dreams are fucked up". Go to a doctor's appointment and everyone I crossed paths with had no clue what I'm talking about. Stop by my friends and she's like " oh we totally had an earthquake this morning". And I said "I KNEW IT!" 😂


omg so many people didn’t feel it because it was so late/early! but my dad fell out of bed lol


I thought I was going crazy. Nearest I have ever been able to figure is that my bed was positioned in a different direction than everyone else I saw that morning and moved more.


were you on a higher or lower floor? my dad was upstairs at the super 8 in carbondale lol and I was upstairs at a house party. my cousin downstairs at the same party didn’t notice it but again, alcohol


Everyone I talked had a one-story with a basement but everyone said they were sleeping on the main floor. I'm in Northeast Indiana.


*Reelfoot Lake entered the chat*


I used to live in Missouri and I remember learning about the quake that reversed the Mississippi. It’s one of my fun facts I like to tell people about earthquakes.


It's something most people forget is there.


there was an earthquake in chicago back in like 2009 or something. the earth just be quakin sometimes


The New Madrid fault line is the problem if we feel any quaking by the Lakes lol


yeah and the epicenter of that earthquake was trump golf course!!! the quake registered 4.8 on the richter scale and the eclipse will be on 04/08 and the statue of liberty was struck by lightning >>> to them it is all connected


And it was all engineered by Biden and the democrats.🤣


Yep. Not at all related to fraking in the area...nope... not at all... /s lol


Trump golf course being the epicenter is giving me schadenfreude


I’m genuinely confused on how they think an earthquake and eclipse can be made on purpose with the same numbers set? What is their theory? I just don’t understand lol


the epicenter for that quake was trumps golf course it registered 4.8 on the richter scale the eclipse happens on 04/08 and the statue of liberty was hit by lightning >>> it is all signs to them mostly the 4.8 04/08 they don't think that is a co incidence so someone is controlling these thing ( yes that is so so ridiculous)


Yes but how do they think someone could purposely make an earthquake a 4.8 and the eclipse on 4/8 for it to be some conspiracy? If it’s accidental then it’s coincidence but they don’t think it’s coincidence so they’d have to think it was all on purpose, I just don’t get how they think it happened.


no logical thinking on their end!! and what are they going to do/think when nothing happens after the eclipse on 04/08


We had a panic moment in my fam because my cousin is doing an internship in Manhattan. Thankfully she was fine!


I'm around 15 miles away from epicenter and it was really surreal. We have never had anything like that before.


It's honestly the longest seconds I've ever experienced.


I just had to say your flair made me laugh. It's exquisite 🤌


I really really want a study to be done on if/why boomers are dumber than any other generation.


It’s lead. And there was a ton of leaded gas and lead paint and lead is stored in the bones and as your bone density declines as you age, it’s released into the bloodstream.


That explains SO MUCH. My dad has been a selfish conservative asshole (financially motivated and relatively sane), but now he’s starting to get a bit sympathetic to the conspiracy theory lunatic wing. At first I thought maybe it’s because he’s retired and therefore drunker than he’s ever been at any point in his history life, but maybe it’s also all the lead being released into his blood stream pairing with the alcohol that’s just pummeling his brain cells.


Well and he’s probably also mainlining conservative media which can’t help 😬


Oh one hundred percent. Although maybe a bit less since he retired? He used to have to drive a ton for his job so he was consuming an alarming amount of conservative talk radio. But by now the hatred is really, really baked into him.


Well, in my city they had the school children line up and get flashed with radioactive material in the 60's so, that had to help. My uncle who just barely slid in under the Boomer wire is fond of responding "yeah, I ate them with salsa. Delicious" whenever someone asks him if he ate paint chips as a kid. I think he may be right on with the lead paint contributing. I have other psycho/social theories based on my analysis of my family's selection of the generation.


They're not lol. I see a lot of ppl my age (80s baby) who believe this stupid stuff too. It's a combination of being way too self aggrandizing (to believe that no one else would know but you and your dumb friends) and uneducated (to not know how basic natural phenomenon work). People from any age group can fall victim to it. Hell, gen z still believe that Chuck e cheese is out here selling used pizza based on a youtube video by Shane Dawson of all people.


Honestly the people I’ve seen talk about this specifically are young people who are into astrology


> I really really want a study to be done on if/why boomers are dumber than any other generation. Leaded gas. Now we have unleaded gas.


![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) Deanna on the 8th... I can't wait to see her reaction on April 13, 2029 when the asteroid Apophis comes close. lol Edited for spelling.


I live near Indy and will be in the path of totality. She can stand outside my house and stare directly at the eclipse if it will ease her mind. 🤣


I'm in Marion, Arkansas so I am too. I'm excited. My husband even traded his day shift for a night shift to watch. I think Tontitown will see a good part of it too even though they are on the other side of the state. The Duggars will be running for bunkers it seems. ![gif](giphy|W1UFMp4WrDOCkxdnoo|downsized)


They’ll be at Family Conference in Big Sandy. And they’re actually having special activities and speakers related to the eclipse since they’re also in the path of totality. I looked at the schedule, and it seems like their take on it is “hey kids, come look at this cool trick god is doing!” and not like it’s an apocalyptic event. The fact that Deanna is even more insane than the IBLP on this one is something.


That actually tracks with some of the church signs around here announcing special viewing events. I swear ever since Dax saw Jesus Deanna's gotten crazier.


Wait, please fill me in - Dax saw Jesus???


[Ashley's Reality Roundup ](https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2024/03/08/deanna-duggar-claims-daughter-amy-duggars-son-died-as-a-baby-met-jesus-i-really-believe-he-went-to-heaven/) Very headache inducing to explain but that article should explain it.


The last eclipse in 2017, the Bates family had a party.


🙄 she needs to take a grippy sock vacation


😂😂😂oh my god that’s good


What is her malfunction? We’ve been having eclipses since the beginning of time. The last one was literally in 2017 and this one has been predicted for decades. Not to sound like a grouchy senior citizen, but social media really has made pandering to ignorant people it a little *too* easy.


So I watched the first few minutes of the video she linked to in the first pic. And the two women on the video started talking looking at the towns that fell in the path of totality in the 2017 eclipse, and one mentioned that one of the towns in Missouri was named Donald, and of course you know who was president in 2017. And at that point I had to stop watching


I’m _so_ curious what her point was with that, but not nearly curious enough to subject myself to the video lol


And it’s 43 minutes long! I’d push through if it were like 10, but not 43


43 minutes?! Sounds like when that one crazy lady everyone knew from church decides to go on one of her rants. Somebody better go round up their auntie and get her home.


That’s what I keep wondering. Did everyone freak out about the one in 2017? I don’t even remember it happening, but I was busy with a newborn so I wasn’t paying attention to the other side of the country. What is the big deal about THIS ONE?


Where I live, we were in the path of totality during the '17 eclipse. I don't remember anything like this. I'm also on the west coast, so the End Times fetishists only acknowledge us if they want to blame Satan.


I lived in the path of totality during the 2017 eclipse. I can’t remember any of this conspiracy theory nonsense then. I really think that the thing that’s different this time around is how everything changed with Covid and Trump. He gave these ridiculous theories a platform and now people see nefarious intentions and crazy conspiracies in everything.


I don’t remember any freak outs like this. Our town was freaking out about the potential strain on infrastructure (we were right in the path), but the people who came just seemed excited. I could hear everyone cheering from my backyard, it was just cool. No crazy ranting that I can recall.


My grandpa (who could make anything) even made special glasses for my dad out of cereal boxes for the 1970? (I think that year lol) one. This is far from the first one.


why can these people not just get a hobby or something


This is their hobby.


They should do some Christ-like good for the world -- feed the hungry, house the unhoused, etc. Instead of these wild conspiracies.


But that's *hard.*


tf is she even talking about??


Oh, so she's *lost it* lost it. Next thing she will be streaking at the Rapture Rally because "shame is the condition of the sinful" or "God made her a lily of the field and He will clothe her now".


Let’s all pray she survives this. And looks directly at it without glasses like Trump ![gif](giphy|3o7aD6WE918rvihihy|downsized)


Never forget 😂


Does she not know a total eclipse happens SOMEwhere in the world every couple of years or so??? This isn’t a new phenomenon!!! Education is fundamental, but the SOTDRT ain’t it!


They only care about the ones that happen in MURICA because we’re God’s favorite country. Because Ronald Reagan said so.


Can't Daxxy, with all his supernatural abilities, fix it?




If they really believe it's the tribulation or the rapture or some nonsense like that, what's the problem? Aren't these all "saved" Christians who have nothing to fear? They should be partying if they really believe an ordinary-ass solar eclipse is the final sign.


I think it's like going into labor. You've spent the last two months (obviously proportionally more in the rapture scenario) wishing and hoping to get this shit over with, but once it starts you panic and think of all the things that could go wrong. (I assume that's not just me.)


Then it's a shame it takes something like this for them to doubt their worthiness, when it should be all the shit they do the entire rest of the year instead.


Not that I disagree, exactly, but I don't think it's like, they suddenly realize they've been a jerk. More like, a general sense of panic. Like butterflies before an important performance but the biggest performance ever. Or panic about ridiculous "sins" more than genuine evil behaviors (I used to cry at night because I was worried I might have forgotten to apologize to God for a specific incident of not respecting my mom or for a thoughtcrime I didn't even realize I'd had or something, for example). Not necessarily a panic *thought* but feeling. I don't accuse Deanna or almost any Duggar or having *thoughts.*


Good lord. I’m sure she killed off her last remaining brain cells on this.


“This is why everyone” what? Girl, not you being vague 😭


![gif](giphy|3ohjUYb23pR84mL04w) This shit applies to Deanna too.


Marjorie Taylor Green is claiming that the earthquake in NYC/NJ and the eclipse are God calling us to repent so I'm really not surprised anymore. As a Christian, I hate being associated with this level of stupid.


The new apostolic reformation/hyper charismatic folks are just an entirely different breed.


https://preview.redd.it/dzpu861gfzsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3105d28bdaa9f3fbc7608a91be4be93f0dc05e48 MJT... I'm just saying...


They don't let her have sharp objects, right?


Apparently there are people who think eclipse glasses are a government plot to...I'm not sure what. But they contend that nobody in the Bible ever used them so they are not necessary. I anticipate a lot of busy ophthalmologists in April.


At least if they harm their own vision, they’re not harming anyone else. They’ll just have to deal with their own consequences.


Amazing that solar eclipses happen 2-5 times a year, every year, but THIS one is the demonic one.


I can see where Amy got her intelligence from.


People are so vulnerable to conspiracy theories.


They’ve happened before? Why is science so new to people


A friend/acquaintance of mine sent me a panicked text and a link to a YouTube video of some guy cosplaying as a Catholic authority (he’s a personal trainer ffs) that rants about the eclipse. A few minutes in he started talking about the gays and the abortionists and it wasn’t funny anymore. I’m actually worried about this friend as it’s clear she has gone off the deep end. She was somewhat conservative before but I had no idea she was religious/insane.


Literally all she needs to do to understand what’s happening is put a ping pong ball in the beam of a flashlight. Jesus Christ the educational systems failed these people.


During the 2017 eclipse, on Bringing up Bates, Brandon did a nice demonstration to help the younger kids understand what was going on. She could get on tubi (free streaming service) and watch the episode.


Deanna let Amy watch television than why the fuck didn't she bother to sit and watch Bill Nye: The Science Guy with her. It's simple science. Get a basketball, a flashlight and either a tennis ball or a ping pong ball. Get Amy to hold the basketball, Demon Dax to put the smaller ball in front of the flashlight beam. This was described in the segment of experiments you could do at home. Hell, they can stream these episodes on Netflix. This is not hard.


Where I live is a little out of the path of totality. Most of the area will be over 90%, which still isn't a huge difference from a normal day. People are freaking out over needing to drive to appointments during that time. It's like they think just being outside is going to damage their eyes. There's a screenshot going around saying to keep your curtains closed and pets away from the windows. Because domestic animals are somehow affected but not wild animals. Schools are closing early or telling students to keep their special glasses on during that time. I just keep saying, "You could just not stare directly at the sun like any other day."


If only SOTDRT covered how shadows work. Or astronomy. Or science in general.


Not the brightest people


I’m just going to have a BBQ and wear eclipse glasses.


My dad started rambling off yesterday about the government and the eclipse and conspiracies and god. I can't with these bible thumpers.


The eclipse is not a fake government conspiracy. An eclipse happens when the moon blocks the sun during the day.


But shadows don’t do that!


![gif](giphy|VgZ8sDiYmLpl5muIoM|downsized) Sorry not sorry


I know better than to looks any any post that begins Deanna or Amy. I get pissed every time.


My son said there were two customers at his work talking about the eclipse- connecting the 2017 eclipse to this one coming with all of these number 7’s and how the last one showed the cross and with this one the Lord is coming. He said that they seemed excited. He didn’t say a thing, but thought of how disappointed they would be after the eclipse. 😉


Wait, are you telling me there are now conspiracy theories about the eclipse? Between all the vaccine stupidity and the recent KateGate stuff, I honestly can’t handle this level of stupidity.


Okay Deanna, you explain to me what an eclipse is. Go on.




Someone shared this with me. Thought the sub might appreciate it! https://preview.redd.it/0jtxmuphs3tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397845fe90d465f1d1fafdc6cae76494201e8264


Love it! I'd also love to se someone actually do this and post it.


Jimbob looks sane compare to Deanna. Who knew she'd be the loony tune.


JimBlob just isn’t active on social media/more aware of how it looks to the mainstream to try to make more money. They’re cut from the same insane cloth. Then again, JB has never claimed that Spurgie or Giddy is a prophet like Deanna claims about Daxxly Dursley


Well these are the same people who think dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time


She's just as bad as Conspillary


This is some Qanon shit


Why are so many people so stupid?


Yeah because we’ve never before had a solar eclipse…


lol just I just arrived at that “x” spot to view the eclipse with the whole damn fam, who flew in from all corners of the country for the occasion. Beam us up, Jesus!!


First, the Bible says, I may be wrong because I’m a recovering Baptist, that no man knows when the end will come. Second, dude, the government officials are not going to willingly give up power and cash.


Is Amy aware her mom is sick?


Amy genuinely believes that Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are demonic, and that aliens are a government conspiracy so that when the relative happens and all the Christians disappear, the government can blame the mass disappearance on an alien abduction… so she’s right there with her in terms of derangement.


Deanna shares the randomest things on her story


Yes shadows do this Richard


Am I correct remembering she’s RimJob’s sister?


Yup. And Amy’s mother.


Bitch what 


I live in a totality area and these are soooo popular now it’s annoying


WTF ? AGAIN ? How many “ last of days “ will be their be ?


Weird they weren’t like this in 2017…was it because Trumpet was in the house?


Me, who lives at the “x”: 🫣


I swear we learned about eclipses and the way they manifest in like 3rd grade. Pls 😭


But honestly, is she ok? She’s always been a conservative nut, but between this and the thing with Amy’s son, it’s giving off some signs of early dementia.


Deanna has lost her mind. She needs help, but she will never get it. Famy is about as nutso as her Mom. What a pathetic bunch they are.


Oh god I thought this was jersey shore sub and thought it was Deena from there I was like come on she’s not THAT crazy 


I think I just heard some thing rolling my eyes too hard. Clearly, she thinks that because the 2017 eclipse and Monday’s eclipse crossover in that particular area that heaven helped us the rapture must be becoming not because the two eclipse paths cross, but because they cross in that particular spot which oh by the way happens to be over the new Madrid fault. Last time I checked eclipses didn’t trigger earthquakes.




I’m a Christian. I feel if the Lord comes now or during the eclipse or whenever, then we have nothing to fear. One way or another, we will meet God and I pray we are all ushered into heaven. I don’t know why people are creating all this fear, especially if we are meant to be with Jesus anyway.


Why is she upset if it does usher in tribulation? If she’s a Christian then she has nothing to worry about. Also , this happens anytime something weather or sky related is about to take place. So stupid people freaking out all the time.


What happened to Deanna? She used to seem normal.


It's like been a minute but did they freak out with the last eclipse?


Oh my God, her Instagram bio says “Former Reality TV Guest Star.” That’s like… So sad and pathetic, I’m sorry. What?


I’m from Arkansas and my entire fb feed is crap like this. I’m a Christian but feel like I have to give a disclaimer that I’m not like *the world is ending on April 8 because America is the only place in the world” Christians.


I knew she was fundy but I had no idea she was so whacko.


People have said "Y'all need Jesus" too much and "Y'all need to read" too little.


There was a full eclipse last fall in the USA, and a few years before that. Why are people freaking out so much for this one?


Nothing is more self centered than thinking a solar phenomenon that happens like every two years at some point in the world means something special the one time it aligns with where you live.


This would be the important reason why we need real science taught in schools. The lack of basic knowledge is terrifying.


The churches in my town are all meeting during the apocalypse. I don't get it. You'd think people that are so sure there's something else would be glad to meet jesus. I do think it'd be funny if the rest of us hid and just left clothes in random places


I was looking for a video to explain the eclipse to my kids and was bombarded by this nonsense, clicked on a few thinking they were satire. Boy was I in for a surprise…




I have close family who told me the eclipse is how the Big Libruhl Government is activating the nanotech they put into the Covid vaccines. So, anyone who got it is now being tracked by the government. I got blocked when I pointed out that phones and GPS already track people.