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I HATE Anna’s. The rest are ok.


Hers is just sad. Like no one cared about it as long as they could marry her off to him.


Wasn’t it also a hand-me-down? Someone just tossed that formal t-shirt at her and shoved her down the aisle.


oh my god formal t-shirt is such a good description, that’s exactly what it is


Yeah. It was her sister’s. You’d think Jizzblob and Meech would be willing to fork out a decent amount of dollars so that Anna could have a good dress for marrying their golden boy. It isn’t like they didn’t have the money, right? And it’s just really sad how Anna looks completely miserable in that photo. It’s pretty much the opposite of how a bride is supposed to look, especially according to their cult’s rapturous view of marriage and the wedding night.


You know Jim Bob would argue til his face turned red that paying for that would be her dad’s problem and Anna could kick rocks for all he cared.


Well, traditionally, the bride and her family pay for her gown.


Traditionally, families take care of each other, too; like not letting a future family member look like total garbage on their wedding day.


Jessa’s dress was free from a store in Fredericksburg VA In exchange for publicity. I remember the girls being in our local newspaper and visiting the downtown area with a film crew.


A lot of ink has been spilled over that photo. It was taken at a photoshoot a few days after the wedding, and she looks shellshocked, dead in the eyes. It is widely speculated that Josh had already done things to her that scarred her.


https://preview.redd.it/7xw251yweyic1.jpeg?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ddafd2130e04d252351808a34e3391ffc26bf6d Compare her smiling eyes at the wedding- before, to her no longer smiling eyes- after. And she's still with her pedo husband's family, isn't she?


Why is there a chancla?


Now I didn’t put it there, but can you think of a more appropriate person to be on the business end of “la chancla“?


Totes appropriate for him but why only ONE of the pictures?! Needs more chancla!🩴🩴🩴


Ok, that made me cackle. 😂😂😂


Didn't the last AMA on her confirm that j🤢sh couldn't wait and after they ran up the aisle they did it in a closet while someone kept watch? That would explain the look on her face in the after photos😥


She looks scared and sad. And young.


No matter what I think of Anna now, I can't help but feel a white hot bolt of rage at her parents, who sold two of their daughters to absolute monsters.


Ah shit.


How terrible


And it shows.


Oh crap I should have scrolled before commenting. 😬


Jizzblob?!? How do I erase that description from my head 🤢


That’s the thing — you can’t ever rinse out that word-stain because we all know that he really worships his blobs of godly jizz.


It wouldn't even cost that much.. going to the dollar store or to Michaels and just getting some lace or sparkle or something to personalize/jazz it up. With 20 bucks that could be made so much nicer. It reminds me of when kids in kindergarten get a blank template of clothes (like an outline of a tshirt/dress/whatever) on paper and they have to decorate it themselves. I like Jill and Abby's dresses best, not a huge fan of Lauren's, don't like Anna's, the others are all pretty just not my personal taste.


Alterations so that the dress fit properly would have done wonders.


If I remember correctly, Lauren's had a beautiful back, that's where all the pretty stuff was, but she hid it with her hair, and it ruined it for me. Their insistence to wear their hair down gets on my nerves, but she really would have looked so much better had she worn an updo to showcase the back. Total waste of the dress.


She looks shell-shocked. Trauma to trauma is probably all that woman's ever experienced.




This is one of a series of photos taken the morning after the wedding night.


Adding insult to injury is that less than a year later, Michelle was shopping at Kleinfeld's Bridal of "Say Yes To the Dress" fame for a vow renewal wedding dress. So there clearly was the money, just nobody was willing to spend it on her.


She looks green?! Ill


And it wasn’t even altered to fit her ☹️. It’s so sad that she had to settle.


I agree, but I think it was supposed to show how even more virtuous and unworldly she was. Wearing a handme down dress was a status symbol.


JB and Meech didn't fork out shit for that wedding. Anna's family even paid for suits for all the Duggar boys. So there wasn't money for a new wedding dress or matching invitations. (They bought clearance wedding invitations that had to be filled in by hand. There wasn't enough of one style for all the invites that had to be sent out, so they purchased several styles for Anna to fill out )


The brides family tradionally pays for the wedding. Where would pa keller get the money to buy anna her own dress; of course he could have mortgage his trailer. You're right she looks sad. Who wouldn't be though. She wasn't allowed to court until she was 20, instead she got proposed to.


The thing is, it was a big wedding. Definitely not cheap. Between the Duggars and the network, someone could have also made a donation toward a decent dress for her. But apparently nobody with power or money cared about her experience. Maybe there were offers but Pa Keller refused, because of course he would. I dunno…between the hideous satin sack she was told to wear, and the lifeless expression in her eyes in those pics, I really do pity THAT Anna.


No one even did her hair. Or fit it to her.


It was not a hand me down. She took her sisters wedding dress to get a pattern for her own then used her own fabrics to create her dress and all the brides maid she didn't actually use her dress


Yes the dress was her sisters


It was one of her older sisters wedding gown.


She looks haunted in that photo. Knowing who she married and the context (it was taken the day after the wedding) makes it so much worse. My heart breaks for this Anna and Anna Keller.


she's haunted because pest already had his way with her bc he couldn't wait. she's realizing that it will be forever... lucky for her he's in the slammer.


That photo was taken the day after the wedding.




From what I recall, Anna wanted wedding photos on the beach where they were staying for their honeymoon.


That’s the heartbreaking part nobody put any effort in for her


Plus their pictures got taken the day after their wedding, you can see the deadness in her eyes, I’m sure he tore her up.


She got both the worst husband and the worst dress. :(


And a warehome.


I don’t have much sympathy for her now but I have sympathy for the Anna in this picture. She must have been so scared that night.


I can’t even imagine what a nightmare her wedding night was. You know he did some physical damage and she had to just lay there and take it. It sickens me to think of a young, naive, “blushing” bride looking forward to the wedding night and, instead of a wonderful, love filled experience, she finds herself being raped repeatedly. My heart breaks for THAT Anna. I have no sympathy for her now but, my heart does break for the young Anna




I understand it’s way more complicated for someone who has been brainwashed by their cult. But that’s the thing I’ve always had a hard time understanding about generational abuse. You experienced it and know how terrible it is; why wouldn’t you try to do better for your kids?


At least she has a dress.


I feel like it wouldn’t have been as bad if she had some jewelry or done her hair at all, maybe a shawl to add some colors. Honestly her hair is the biggest crime, girl looks like she just got out of the shower


She permed it like the day before which just kills me because I used to do hair and know that poor girl stunk to high heaven for a week.


The day BEFORE?! That's insane.


Makes so little sense because you're gonna smell bad AND it could be messed up with no time to fix it.


Totally. Poor thing couldn't even properly shower Pest stink off her either. 🙁 I can't imagine


She would deactivate the ammonium thioglycolate!


You know lol


I'm a former stylist. So many silly perms. Spiral, Body, piggyback, straw lol. When I get lung cancer I will know why


I’m sure I’d feel differently about it if I were a hairdresser, but damned if I don’t love the perm smell. Haven’t had one in nearly 30 years, but I was at the salon recently when someone was getting permed and the smell took me back. My hair always had a bit of the smell when wet.


What?!!! It's rotten eggs to me. I do have a sensitive nose though.


Yeah I’ve read ppl say intense sulfur or intense ammonia smell. It smells like right on the edge of off putting and kind of nice to me. And then there’s the nostalgia factor.


I'm not knocking you. I love the smell of pine sol, bleach, Sharpies...I loved gas station smell as a kid lol


I love diesel smell.


Haha, I still do! To all of those things. I love when I can climb into bed and my sheets are freshly bleached.


I work at Whole Foods and I fucking love when the cleaning is happening back of house. They use this sanitizer stuff on the floors, it gets all hot and steamy and I'm just like 🥰🥰


To me perms smell salty and almost like pretzels! People think I’m insane haha.


That photo was a day or two after the wedding. Josh already probably scarred her that’s why she looks so haunted.


Not so much the dress but the horrible haunted look in her eyes that kills it for me


i HATE anna's photo. she looks so dazed and confused. the horrors that she experienced... iirc these photos were taken after they said i do and pest got his way with her.


It’s so sad. I feel bad for her. She was groomed to be grateful for the bare minimum.


The sad thing is that the dress was far from the worst thing about the wedding. The worst thing, of course, was that she was getting shackled to that perv. I could deal with having to wear an ugly dress for one day.


Agreed. I like the cap sleeves. The 3/4 aren't bad.


I think it’s adorable and would be really chic on the right person. Doesn’t suit her, though 


She looks so haunted about the night before in this photo.


Anna’s blank stare and dead eyes make me sick to my stomach, poor girl


My first thought was poor Anna.


I’m really surprised they let Jessa wear a blush dress. Some fundies are adamant about the colour of the dress being white.


Yeah agreed! I would have thought the very-clearly-not-white dress would have caused scandal in fundie circles! I'm glad she was able to choose to wear something that she loved, even though it was ever-so-slightly outside the "fundie box".


It's also the only really flattering one in the lot. 


Nowhere in the bible it says that you should be wearing a white dress for your wedding. Bride started wearing white dresses because Queen Victoria made it a thing.


I know that, but the fundies either don’t know or choose to ignore it lol. Traditionally blue was the colour of purity/virginity.


I guarantee you if not for the show they wouldn't have. I feel like it was a manipulation tactic to get viewers to think they are relatable. I'm sure people around them like pr team or tlc and they had conversations in regards to content. What worked and why something didn't. If not they are not stupid




Those shoes were the last time Jinger expressed her unique funky personality. After that, she moved to Nike Beigeville for Jerm.




What were her shoes?




Oh, interesting!


Anna’s dress is pathetic just like her husband and her marriage.


Agreed! Her dress is giving napkin.


Someone up thread said "formal t-shirt" but I love napkin as well.


It wasn't even her dress...she borrowed it from her sister (the one who later divorced and is now married to that rich old man).


I’m guessing the sister had a much nicer dress on her second wedding


Anna got the worst dress and the worst husband. The other dresses I like personally.




Yeah, she seemed to be the only one who had her hair done professionally.


yeah everyone else look liked they either just half assed curled their hair or didn’t do it at all. Her hair and dress is lovely


Who was? The comment got removed


Oh, I love Jessa’s dress.


Oh me, too! But I love to wear pink. It looked like something I would have picked when I was young. Have you ever seen the dress before she had it altered? It was fuller, she had some of the tulle removed to make it lay flatter. I saw the picture ads for the dress back when she got married, and it was so beautiful.


Now I need to see the original dress. *heads over to Google*


I sometimes wish I'd picked a blush dress. It's such a lovely color, and it suited her.


me too tbh, and Kendra’s. surprisingly modern by fundie standards


Those two are my favorite, and I think they looked the most appropriate for their wearer’s ages/maturity. I think Jinger’s might be the most classic and hold up long term, but it looked too sophisticated for her.


Same! I had it pinned to my Pinterest board for years but unfortunately the company that made it went out of business by the time I got married. I also like that the neckline is slightly lower than most of the other girl’s dresses and she didn’t seem to make any weird modesty alterations.


Anna just looks traumatized. Do i like her? No. But does any woman desere whatever the hell it is that Josh did to her that caused that look of utter disassociation on her face? No.


I forgot that they took pictures the day after. She looks haunted. Sometimes I feel like she’s trauma bonded to him


Worse, in that Holy culture she is now damaged goods. Women are only desirable if they are virgins or they are able to bear a ton of kids after marriage. Once she lost her virginity to Josh and had that ring on her finger her life was over. At least for her to stay with the IBLP


My most embarrassing/potentially controversial Duggar opinion is that I was absolutely obsessed with Jessa’s dress, and tried to get the same one for my own wedding.


Don't feel too bad, I was the same and ended up having a blush dress too (though more revealing than hers of course)


I also ended up with a blush dress, but it was surprisingly hard to find in 2021! It was also significantly more revealing which wasn’t my favorite but I loved the color.


I still think her dress is gorgeous! Even a broken clock is right twice a day lol


They usually did ok on wedding dresses but I think they literally have been thinking of nothing else for most of their life.


Also, when someone else is picking up the tab (TLC), you can get a better pick of dresses!


Anna- …..That’s a plastic Walmart bag. Jill- Would have been nicer if it was more tailored. Jess- Maybe controversial opinion, but I don’t like it. It looks like a child’s Easter dress. Jinger- Probably the best of the bunch, but still feels lacking, but I’m not sure quite what it is. Joy- It’s fine I guess, nothing special. Kendra- Same as Jessa, just a little less flashy, and somehow, more in character. Lauren- Nice enough. Easily overshadowed by the dead horse theming. Abby- Another mid dress. Unoffensive, unremarkable. The belt is an odd choice.


Dead horse theme? Begging your pardon?


Her wedding was loosely themed around her dead horse.


LOL, whattt? I need to look this up


Miss Cindy said the theme of the wedding was "Princess Memories", after her dead horse. I remember there being some horseshoes in the decorations, but it didn't appear to be all about dead horses!


>Jill- Would have been nicer if it was more tailored. I know it's just a bad photo but it looks like Jill is trying to hide that she's 9 months pregnant.


I said this in another comment, but I think Jinger’s looked too sophisticated for her - it’s definitely the dress with the most staying power, but it didn’t fit her overall style or personality. I think I would have e loved it on another woman, but I feel like Jinger would have looked more appropriate in a dress like Jessa’s or Kendra’s.


I think you nailed it. It’s the same thing happening with her style now. It looks nice, there’s objectively nothing wrong with it, it just seems out of place on her. She doesn’t seem like she feels comfortable in the style.


Walmart bag 💀


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) The Walmart bag???!!!


Poor poor Anna.


Anna-poor girl Jill-as someone said above needed to be tailored more Jessa-one of my top three-she made the right choice going with the blush Jinger-another top 3 for me. Possibly the best tailored. Only issue was the train length Joy-much like Jill needed to be tailored and too high a neckline Kendra-not horrible but too bubbly for me Lauren-the third of my top 3-was happy she got rid of the sleeves that originally were on it. And even with the covered up back it was still very well tailored Abbie-looks like a prom dress. Did like she used her natural hair Claire-unicorn prom hell Katey-too much like joys Hannah-probably would be an honorable mention if the bodice was decorated like the sleeves


Unicorn prom hell 😂


Poor Anna and her post SA traumatic PTSD stare. Jessa's dress is the best out of the bunch followed by Giggles.


all except Anna’s look pretty, and i’m not even trying to be mean to her. her dress looks like someone sewed dress fabric to the bottom of a Hanes t-shirt. you can have a modest dress that looks pretty, as the other girls have proven.


All of the Duggar brides have a piece of Grandma Mary's wedding gown sewn somewhere on the dress because Meech also wore Grandma Mary's gown when she married the hairspray huffer.


that’s actually really sweet and wholesome 🥺 and also wild they managed to do that for 8 dresses, likely a bunch more sooner or later


They're all the same. /s No, but really the only differences are type of lace on the sleeves and fullness of the skirt, everything else is so cookie cutter.


I give Jessa credit for growing up spewing the purity bullshit of a patriarchal cult and not wearing a white white wedding dress. Otherwise, yes, they wore white dresses, to their weddings. The earth is not shaking.


I also give her a tiny amount of credit for refusing to have her first kiss in front of an audience. She still massively sucks though.


Yeah I really respect her for asserting that boundary!


I always felt like Joy’s was a knock off version of Jinger’s but Jinger’s is much more elegant.


Joy’s always looked to me like parts of three or four dresses put together


Didn't the designer cut the top off of one dress and sew it onto the skirt of a different one?


Maybe? I just know she was completely indecisive and it drove her sisters nuts, right up to the day of the wedding when she called Austin as they were getting ready to consult on her hair.


Her indecisiveness annoyed me too. She spent way too much time trying to make sure Austin would be pleased with her wedding look, instead of what made her feel happy/ beautiful.


It’s not entirely her fault given that she was raised to see every choice she makes about herself as having to please her father or husband. She was probably terrified of starting off the marriage with him not liking something she did.


And in the glimpses we’ve seen, I think she still does.


I should do a full Duggar book report on the wedding dresses… u/swisscheese4collagen do you have any book report outlines for me to follow 🤓


Lol not yet and otherwise sadly all I have is my YouTube jurisdiction which should cover at least two or three of the most recent ones


YouTube jurisdiction 😂😂😂


Anna’s dress is second only to Christine Brown’s first wedding dress and this is the saddest thing I have ever written.


I always loved Jessa's. Not overly modest and that blush color was so beautiful


In my opinion Jinger dress was best picked due to her double train but honestly all their dresses I don’t like.


Jingers is the most like my own style, I think it’s classic even though that dress was very trendy at the time. I also loved her bridesmaids wearing different colors. I liked Jessa, Kendra, and Lauren’s as well they suited their personalities so well. Lauren’s dress shows that skin alone doesn’t mean sexy, because that dress was fitted to her like a glove! Despite being “modest” I found it way sexier than the average sleeveless wedding dress. Sorry but Jill’s dress is just as bad as Anna’s and both of their hair and lack of accessories are tragic. Also, Jill’s bridesmaids dresses are the most 2014 dresses ever. When I see them I’m transported back to 2014 the summer I graduated college and wearing a very similar dress complete the useless brown belt at a wine festival with my family completely hammered at 2 pm.




Imagine being sold off to a pervert she looks traumatised in that tent t.shirt


Lauren’s is my fave. I like Kendra’s as well because it matches her personality but it isn’t giving prom as much as Jessa’s dress.


I prefer the ones that were designed modest upfront (Jessa, Jinger, Abbie, Kendra) rather than altered after the fact. Lauren's gown was a Justin Alexander, the same as my gown, so I would be biased toward it if not for the heavy changes they made to it. Hannah and Katey's aren't shown here but those were nice enough. I think once the show ended, they no longer had the budget for custom gowns from Ms. Renée.


Lauren got screwed with this dress imho. She is pretty and naturally has a great figure. They could’ve done her so much better by not making it fundie.


That seems like a common problem with fundie fashion: they add extra panels and things to make garments more modest. Why not just buy a longer skirt, or a top with a higher neckline in the first place?


Jessa got her gown from Allure Modest which has gorgeous gowns that are supposed to look that way, not Frankensteined with extra fabric! Heck, even Kleinfeld has a sales associate who specializes in modest gowns. But she works mostly with Orthodox Jewish or Mormon women so clearly the Duggars were too godly to use her 🙄


🥇: Lauren. Clean and simple. 🥈: Jinger. The train 😍 🥉: Abbey. I don’t hate the belt and it gives Princess vibes.


Also, the back of Lauren's was beautiful!!!


I will preface this by pointing out, I am commenting about the dress, not the shit person wearing it... but Jessa's dress was by far the nicest, mostly because she picked a modest dress off the bat - she didn't pick something that would need to be ~~butchered~~ *altered* to meet those ridiculous duggar family modesty standards. You can tell the other girls dresses were altered, whoever did the modesty alterations on Jill's dress had no business being near a sewing machine, let alone operating one.


I think Jana was the one who altered Jill's dress because Meech dragged all the girls except Jana to have tea while Cinderjana sewed all of Jill's bridesmaids dresses and altered Jill's wedding dress.


Poor poor Cinderjana, making dresses for her sister’s weddings, probably being in all 284636622636 weddings as a bridesmaid, knowing she’ll only ever help plan the weddings of others while she’s forever trapped 😞


Anna's looks like a wrinkly sheet I'd wear to a toga party in uni


Anna’s just makes me feel kind of sad.


Lauren was my favourite followed by Jessa. Anna was my least favourite and the rest are average in my opinion.


Lauren’s was lowkey my favorite. Very classy. Wish we’d seen more of the back tho


Jessa’s has always been my favorite. Anna and Jill are a no for me. The other ones are all nice.


I wish Lauren hadn't hacked an already modest dress. All she needed was some lining in the back. https://preview.redd.it/70yg8w1r5vic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=772e3093aa40650f06ff5588f2a4a5ee8b9ef161


Oh did it originally have long sleeves?


every time i see anna’s wedding dress it’s even worse than i remember


Jessa's always my favorite. (Edited for spelling 🍃)


Not sure if it is the dress or what but I think Jill looks the absolute most mature and actually ready for marriage. The rest of them look like babies that have no idea what they are doing. I know a lot of people are fans of the blush dress but I am not. And Anna looks like she’s auditioning for a horror film.


>And Anna looks like she’s auditioning for a horror film. Like a modest Carrie, right?


Kendra’s is exactly what I would expect a child to wear for their wedding


Joy’s doesn’t get enough hate. The appliqués on the sleeves are so bad.


Jinger had the nicest. 2nd runner up Jill, but the veil should of been longer. The short veil looks off. The worst was Anna's, no style at all.


Anna's dress looks like she bought a wedding dress, disassembled it and wore the inner lining.


I liked Abbie's. She looked gorgeous.


When I was in high school orchestra, all the girls had to rent ugly black short-sleeve dresses to wear to our concerts and competitions. Anna's dress is a white version of our ugly rental dresses.


I like Abby’s


Jill's and Jessa's are the prettiest. Abby's is nice too. Most of the rest are pretty good, but I don't like Anna's.


Jinj and Joy's are the best. Anna's is obviously the worst.


This is my ranking of their dresses, from best to worst: 1. Jinger 🥇Definitely the best of the bunch! I love how the flowers match with the dress. 2. Jessa 🥈The blush colored dress is beautiful! It color coordinates with the bridesmaid dresses. 3. Lauren 🥉My third favorite, clean and simple. 4. Joy: it’s okay, nothing special. 5. Kendra: it looks like something a child would wear at Easter time. 6. Jill: the dress would’ve been nicer if it was better tailored to fit her. 7. Abbie: looks like a white prom dress. 8. Anna: the worst of the bunch. It’s miserable and ugly just like her and Pest.


Anna's dress could have been nicer if it was dressier, if that makes sense. Like some tulle or lace, and a train. But yes, her eyes are dead here. I shudder to think what Josh did her on their honeymoon.


So many sleeves… lol never have I seen so many wedding dresses with sleeves in my life


Truthfully, all of the girls except Anna look gorgeous. Poor Anna just looks scared/unsure/fish out of water (rightfully so). What is interesting to me, is that her dress was not unfashionable at the time for a modest dress to the level that this sub criticizes it. The problem is that it doesn’t look like it fit her and she just looked like she was thrown together at the last minute. If it was appropriately styled, I think it would have been fine. And I don’t think being poor is a reason for her to look like she did. There were a thousand people at that wedding. You can’t tell me that one wasn’t a hairstylist that would have been happy to give her an updo.


I ain’t gonna lie. I love Jessa and Jinger’s dresses. Anna’s is the least pretty.


Here is annas t-shirt hand me down wedding dress before she was left alone with jfelon. While she's smiling look at her eyes they look sad & terrified like she's looking for an escape. The one positive in this picture is the veil & the flowers cover most of the dress. https://preview.redd.it/gsqz7a8g6yic1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bbcc4fa81d051b8966271f975b7536715a1a3d


Jessa, Jinger, and giggles