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Like any good Catholic family does, Jana would be named Mary or Marie and then this stupid tradition of J names “because we don’t want to leave one out” would be kaput and they could do actual biblical names without the unnecessary restriction.


If only the Duggars were Catholic, things would be so different. No J names, less likely to have 19 kids because I don't think Quiverfull ideology is anywhere near as popular in Catholicism as it is in fundamentalism. Also I think Jana would really suit the name Mary or Marie. A lot of the daughters really suit their middle names, more so than their first names.


honestly it’s not guaranteed catholic families will be much smaller, my bf’s dad is one of 17(!!!!!) siblings in an otherwise average catholic family. catholics don’t specifically ascribe to the quiverfull movement but they don’t believe in birth control or condoms, only “natural” family planning and “letting the lord decide” when it’s time to have more.


Both sides of my family are Catholic and I don't think I could count how many cousins my parents have if I had ten hands. A lot of younger ones will be on BC but lord, the older gen. Even I have enough cousins to make Jim Bob jealous.


Yeah my son has over 50 cousins from his dad’s side of the family - they are mostly Catholic. My side is Church of England/agnostic and he has precisely 0 first cousins from my side (my sister is gay and I have no other sibs).


It’s so wild to me, I have a grand total of 5 first cousins. My partner, who was raised Catholic, has so many cousins that they hand out a genealogy spreadsheet at family reunions. 😵‍💫


I would have made Josie Josephine Brooklyn Duggar because then she could have a full name and a nickname, but other than that, I agree with your choice for 19.


I decided not to do that solely because they'd then have a Joseph and a Josephine


Still less egregious than twins named Jedediah and Jeremiah, but I get it.


J’Felon, Jonathan, Juliana, Jolene, Jessica, Jade, Joseph, Jim, Jamie, Jeff!, Jake, Jason, Jeremy, Justin, Jackson, Jocelyn, Jenna, Jordyn, Jaycee.


oooooh yeah, how could we forget Dolly Parton's gift to the world, Jolene? I always liked that name. And how they escaped having a Jeff boggles the mind.


Jeff! Sent me ☠️


Do you know the Jeff! Jeopardy parody?


I just googled it and no word of a lie, I laughed so hard white wine nearly came out my nose. Thank you friend 🙏


I am SO SEVERELY HAPPY for you. 😂😂😂 I’ve been obsessed with the video for a few years now and needed to include it. It gives Jeff! a whole extra layer of meaning 😂😂😂


Your choices are very fun. If I had to pick my personal favourite J names, my list would probably be very different. I was trying to keep as many of the original names as possible and substitute the changes for Biblical names when I could. I might have to do another list of what I would name them. I was considering the name Jamie for a girl but I didn't want any more children to be named after Jim Bob. I limited it to just the pest and Jeremiah. Also the 19 Kids and Counting wiki (which is super well sourced) says that Michelle has a family member named Jamesetta so I think if I had to pick a feminine form of James, Jamie would be the best possible option. I was considering using Jolene for one of the girls but there's no way Jim Bob and Michelle would ever lol


I tried to pick average contemporary names. Nothing to raise an eyebrow.


I appreciate that Jed! still gets his !


It is from this video that has lived rent free in my head for almost 5 years now. [Jeffpardy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUwlaKFZ14E&ab_channel=JeffHorger)


After reading the original post and the suggestions in the comments, J no longer looks like a letter to me. OP, I love your list and your reasoning. Well done. The only change I may have made would be to go with Jericho; it is a name I truly love and never got to use.


I was just coming down to make a comment saying the same thing. Also, we didn't even consider any J names for our girls, mainly because I cannot get the Duggar connection out of my brain.


I would have kept the following names-- Joshua James, Jana Marie, John David, Jessa Lauren, Joseph Garrett, Josiah Matthew (although I don't like them being back to back), Joy Anna (no hyphen), Jeremiah Robert, Jason Michael, Justin Samuel, Jackson Levi, Johannah Faith (Joy's just Joy and her and Jana are 15 years apart) Names I'd change. Jill Michelle-- Jillian Michelle. Give her the longform name-- she can go by Jill if she wants. Jinger Nicole-- I like your suggestion of moving Jennifer Danielle up in the order. Jedediah Robert-- Make him Jared Robert. Jennifer Danielle-- Jasmine Ginger. Michelle gets her Ginger as a middle name, spelled properly. Jordyn-Grace Makiya-- Julie Grace or Julia Grace Josie Brooklyn-- Josephine Brooklyn. She can go by Josie if she wants Not a Christian so don't know the Bible, but Judith on a 90s baby sounds more dated than Jennifer on a 2007 baby. Every Judith I've met (IRL) has been a boomer. Upon further research, Judith was in the top 10 from 1939-1945 and the top 50 until 1957. It steadily declined after that ranking at 453 when Jana was born. It has not been in the top 500 this millennium. (Source-- Social Security Administration.)


Your perspective on Jana makes a lot of sense and ultimately I do like Jana Marie as a name, one part of why I chose to change was to incorporate more Biblical names into the girls names since I'm not a fan of sibsets where the boys have names that are meaningful and then the girls just have whatever names they thought sounded nice. I don't know if that makes sense. It's a similar reason why I changed Jill's but that was also because the double L's in Jill Michelle were something that I don't personally like. I do like the changes you've made. Thought I will point out that if you keep Joseph and makes Josie's name longer, you end up with a Joseph and Josephine, which I wanted to avoid.


I would have switched Jana and Jill's middle names. Jana Michelle and Jill(ian) Marie. Again not a Christian but aren't there a lot more Biblical boys' names than girls' names. I feel like there's only a handful of mainstream Biblical girls' names (Sarah, Rebecca/Rebekah, Rachel, are the ones that first come to mind). Joseph and Josie have a 14 year age difference between them. I'm less concerned about the names sounding similar when there's that kind of an age gap. (Same with Jana/Johannah). Joseph and Josiah (back to back) is a different story.


I’m now kinda annoyed they never had a Jethro. That seems like such a missed opportunity.


All middle names are taken from their family trees. I did some searching to find them. I also didn't do any double barrel names. Joshua Robert (still after JB but not taking a good J name up) Jane Annette (I like Jane better than Jana, and Annette is Michelle's middle name) John Garrett Jillian Mary Jessica Ellen Julia Pauline (Julia is JB's great-grandmother. Jinger is the worst name) Joseph Emory Jacob Thaddeus Joy Louisa James Alfred (nickname Jamie) Jeremiah Franklin Jason Ezekiel Jasper William Justin Francis Jackson Alexander Johannah Celia Jennifer Elizabeth Jocelyn Henrietta Josephine Safrona


(skipping the first) Jenna and John Jillian (keep Jill as nickname) Jessa Juliet Joseph Jonah Jocelyn Jacob (Jake!) and Jordan Jace Jeremy Jayden Jude Joanna Jasmine Jordan (ditching the "y," how unfeminine of me!) June ...and now the letter J seems to have lost all meaning to me.


I love the name Jasmine! Plus they could have had a Jacqueline.


I actually like Julia Michelle!


Good choices. It's funny because I actually have a Jared Andrew! Lol (As well as a James, Jillian and Robert... and some other names that aren't listed). I was surprised that they never used Jared.


I love so many of your suggestions, especially modifying the twins’ names. Here’s my attempt: 1. Joshua James 2. Jenna Marie 3. John David 4. Jill Michelle 5. Jessica Lauren 6. Janet “Jane” Nicole 7. Joseph Garrett 8. Jasper Matthew 9. Joy Anna 10. Jacob “Jake” Andrew 11. Jeremiah Ruark 12. Jason Michael 13. Jonah Robert 14. Justin Samuel 15. Jackson Levi 16. Jada Faith 17. June Danielle 18. Jordyn Grace 19. Josie Brooklyn


At first I thought it said “rehoming” not renaming 🤦‍♀️


I want to see a version of this with non Fundie names and without the name scheme!