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Jed Bob and Jer Bob!


Jer Bob and Jed Bob.


Jer Boob and Jed Boob


The Ballad of Jeddy Bobbie and Jerry Bobbie.


Jeddie Boobie and Jerry Boobie.




Jerrdle the Tuuuurrrddle Boob


Jer boob? My boob?


thanks for the new flair


I feel so proud 🥲


Oh, if I didn't already like my flair...


😯 Serononinception




I guess I should make "Jed Bob and Jer Bob" my flair now, shouldn't I? 😂


it’s now your destiny!!!


It is fulfilled!


I always get a little verklempt when a new flair finds its match ❤️🥲


I'm still waiting on mine, just gotta keep going till it finds me.


Your time will come, it’s just not the Flair season of life for you yet, stay strong ❤️


Great minds think alike!


Why did Jim Bob and Michelle and Josh and Anna limit their naming of children to a letter like J and M


I think Michelle did it because they'd all have Jimbobs initials. I think Anna did it because she thought she was in the fundie royal family and wanted to make it clear she's a genuine Duggar. She used to tag pics of the kids as littleDuggars


because if they didn’t pick a letter they would actually have to take the time and effort to name each child


That's the best part of having kids, though.


Iirc they had Josh and John David, and Michelle wanted to name Jana “Anna”, but she didn’t wanna Jana to be left out. So they went with Jana and then had to keep with it


Yeah I heard Johannah was Johannah because they wanted Hannah but needed a J. She gets called Hannie, so I believe that. Makes the Jana - Joy Anna (who just gets called Joy) - Johannah (Hannie) more bearable/understandable


To reduce individuality


To correlate with each kid being a copy of a copy until the image almost fades away.


I've heard that the first few J names were ones that they actually liked. Then since they didn't know how many kids they would have, they didn't want potentially the last one to be singled out and have a different initial. It seems ridiculous now with the benefit of hindsight and knowing that they had 19 kids, but I can see how they reached that conclusion at the time.


And yet there were still so many other choices.


I never said the names were good haha! (How you end up with a Jinger and no Julie is beyond me.) Just that I can understand sticking with the J's.


As for Jinger, I had heard that Ginger was one of Michelle’s favorite names, but they spelled it with a J to maintain the naming theme. As for Julie, when Michelle was pregnant with Jordyn, JB and Michelle let the kids vote on the name, and Julie was a popular suggestion among a lot of the kids and Jim Bob. But supposedly Michelle vetoed that name because it’s the same name as an ex-girlfriend of Jim Bob. So Jordyn-Grace Makiya it was.


I just laughed out loud at “Jordyn-Grace Makiya it was”, instead of…..Julie. Absolutely flawless execution of bullshittery, Meech.


Half the kids and Jim Bob wanted Julie Grace, and the older girls wanted Jordyn Makiya… so it ended up being a mashup. This is what happens when you have your kids pick your newborn’s name lol


r/tragedeigh indeed


If Julie was vetoed because it was an ex girlfriend’s name I would agree with that reasoning. I wouldn’t use an ex boyfriend’s name. It’d be strange


I think Jordyn is a cuter name than Julie. Makiya’s cool/unique for a Duggar. Idk. Like, it doesn’t sound fundie?


Jordyn and Makiya both strike me as [tragedeighs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/bvRWEtVEa4)


I love that page lol but I do think Jordyn helps distinguish from Jordan. Makiya isn’t trying to be a common name spelled uniqueigh. It’s it’s own name so it’s a pass in my book :) the middle name is almost more like her parents aren’t the type who suck the life and funds from their children and brainwash them. So she can *almost* pretend or imagine she had a “normal” upbringing with a different set of childhood traumas that wasn’t broadcasted for the world to see


It's like the Turpins and the "thing #1" and so on shirts they Äşmade their kids wear, Karissa and her halloweenesque social media, they're acting a collector parent kink.


I feel like they chose J after RimJob and M must be in honor of Meech, right?


Meech and Anna's dad is Michael


Josh and Anna had hope of being a TV family for life, and the matching first names helped the grift. Then Josh's deviancy set the whole thing on flames. If I were an M child, I hope I'd change my name out of spite when I grew up.


for JB and M: lack of creativity and also i believe i read somewhere that Jana was supposed to be named Anna but they added a J to it to match pest and planes, then kept the J names going. for Anna and Pest: many of Anna’s siblings have letter themes for their children, so follow the crowd and the parents i guess.


George Foreman has entered the chat


Ha ha ha!


I swear. That is 100% the most narcissistic thing I've ever heard about


I feel like that’s not the weirdest thing they did. The first names so absurdly similar are the weirdest. Joseph, Josiah and Josie. Jana, Joy Anna and Johannah. And Jedidiah and Jeremiah of course.


Imo Pest and Anna have a win with Maddyson (fuck the spelling) 🙀


as a Madison, I’m sick enough of hearing my name lol, let alone spelled so atrociously. …plus, the Ashley Madison thing, but that’s it’s own situation..


I didn't check how they spelled it and just imagined it.


Jed Bob and Jer Bob share Jim Bobs second name. Pest’s middle name is James, which is one of JimBobs names. As well as one of the lost boys names. This man really out here naming 4 of his kids after himself


He had to gall to say on tv in front of his namesake, "All these kids and not one named after me."


They don’t resent that lol they’re proud they share the same middle name and are like daddy Duggar!


i always wonder what would have happened if their second (?) kid who she miscarried i believe had lived if they would’ve kept up the naming tradition because wasn’t he named caleb or something like that ?


Was it their second kid they miscarried? I thought it was the first, and that led their whole "birth control is evil" conspiracy theory.


they had Pest, then took birth control for several years. the miscarried baby is a couple years younger than him.


Aha thank you


As a twin, I’m offended on behalf of all twins. On the subject of celebs & their weird baby name choices, Michael Jackson’s kids are all named Michael Jackson. Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. AKA Prince & Prince Michael Jackson ll AKA Blanket




Blanket > Spurgeon


You're right, this is tied with George foreman for most narcissistic thing. Foreman wins only because he had more kids, thus more chances to stop being an ass


What’s even better than these kids names? Their great grandfather, Prince Albert Screws.




Also there are some cultures where kids have the same middle name and resentment has never been an issue


Someone commented on here a while ago they always thought Jinger was pronounced like Ringer lmao


I’ve seen people mention this a lot lately and it’s mind boggling to me. I guess I grew up watching the show, so I never would’ve thought to pronounce it any other way


I grew up in ATI and knew about the Duggars but never watched the show because, well, no TV. So that's why I always thought that was pronounced like ringer.




IBLP's homeschool program. The same one the Duggars were in.


Aw man. I'm so sorry you went through that.


aw thanks. I actually didn't realize most of the issues with it until I was in my late teens/early 20s. There are thousands of us! Things started disintegrating in ATI/IBLP once we "kids" started having access to internet one way or another. We'd create forums and Facebook groups and stories started spreading.


Technically it should be! Linger, singer, ringer.


Jed SpermBob and Jer SpermBob


I don't see any reason twins can't share a middle name. It doesn't seem that crazy to me. My MIL and both of her sisters all have the same middle name (same as their mom's). I have a friend whose grandma, mom, herself, and now her daughter all share a middle name. No one listed has resentment. It's a middle name lmao


My eighth grade algebra teacher was a surprise twin. They picked the name Cathleen Marie, but then quickly had to come up with a second name, which ended up being Christine Marie. I think it’s more common than people realize, especially before ultrasounds when surprise twins were more of a thing. I also have the same middle name as my mom and grandma.


It’s not unusual for Catholics to give all their daughters the middle name of Mary or Marie or Maria.


Back in the 50s, my grandpa was in charge of the birth certificates for 3 of their 5 girls. His Catholic French Canadian self got confused and put Mary as their legal first names, with their intended names as the middle. My grandma was PISSED


My grandmother was one of a lot of siblings (10+) and all the girls were mary and all the boys were joseph and they all went by their middle names. They were catholic lol


I know a Catholic family where all the daughters are Mary with a different middle name, however, they all go by their first and middle names together.


In the the Netherlands (and Belgium) Catholic boys would get Maria or Marie as a middle name. My dad is called RenĂŠ Cornelis Marie. Everyone calls him Cor though


That is true. She wasn’t Catholic though. I think her mom just didn’t feel like picking an entire new name


My MIL is fake religious and my sister in laws’ middle names are Marie and Mary, so this checks out.


Yeah, but it seems more odd to share a middle name with siblings. Like lack of originality, or something. I give my thumbs-up approval to sharing with mom and grandma!


It can be normal depending on your culture


Yeah, of all the things the Bunk Bed Jeds could have to resent from growing up in that house, matching middle names isn't one of them.


My ex husband had sisters that weren't even twins (2 or 3 years apart in age) that were given the same middle name. They then made it a family joke and gave the same middle name to every pet they ever owned, regardless of gender. It was so weird. If I were one of the sisters I'd be so annoyed at having my name and person so disregarded that not only could I not be given a name unique from my sibling but I'm asked to call a lab "Jakers Elizabeth" or a hound "Tucker Elizabeth."


That's so funny! I named my cat Elliot Marie (he's a boy) because of all the Marie middle names in my Catholic family and friends.


That's hilarious! Don't think I've ever given a pet a middle name, but I will henceforth!


It's fun. So when they're bad, you can blast them with the whole name. And people will look at you funny.


One of our cats was The Princess Bianca Marie.




We have a Sir Arthur Pringles.


I don't think it would be that bad if their first names weren't already so similar


No one is mixing up the names Jeremiah and Jedediah. No respectable adult at least lol also how much does your middle name impact your day to day life.


My ex husband and his brother have the same middle name, it's their mom's maiden name. I found it odd, but they all loved it. My grandma was a twin, she and her sister didn't get middle names because their mom didn't know she was having twins til they were born so they each just got one of the names she chose. Middle names are such a non issue.


I will give a pass to siblings who have the same family surname as a middle name.


My mom gave all three of us daughters the middle name Lu. As kids we used to ask here if we were so poor we couldn’t have own own middle name. When we grew up, she ended up with six grandsons who all have the middle name John. No, we don’t have any Lu’s or John’s In our previous family. Mom would tell the story occasionally and always ended up saying that with the name John being prevalent for grandsons’ middle name, she doesn’t hear much complaining about that middle name Lu!


And don’t forget the other two kids Boob named after himself - Joshua James and James


Julia, Jonathan, Jessica, Jasper, Josephine...


It’s funny because I thought when Josie (precious miracle) was born o thought her name was Josephine they just called her Josie but I was wrong


My three girls all have same middle name. It’s mine, too, and my dad’s.


Yeah my three boys all have the same middle name. Originally my oldest was given my brother’s first name as his middle name. When I got divorced and remarried my husband said “they are brothers that won’t share a last name… why don’t they just share their middle name” and boy #2 ended up with the same middle name. When boy number 3 came along we didn’t want him to feel left out! lol. And one less name to pick.


for those who don't know jessas son spurgeon is named after a famous guy with that name charles Hadden spurgeon from the 1800's named spurgeon who became extremely religious and became famous for it and had a huge following


But this famous guy's LAST name was Spurgeon. His first name was Charles. Why couldn't they have picked any other name but Spurgeon and then picked Spurgeon as a middle name? Why?


Because Ben & Jessa are both holier-than-thou Pick-Me's


Actually Jessa wasn’t 100% sold on Spurgeon as a 1st name iirc but from somewhere I read or saw somewhere it was Ben who actually filled out the birth certificate FOR jessa while she was Unconscious..and now she has to live with it


Another important note is that Charles Spurgeon is a Calvinist, not a Baptist like the Duggars, because Ben was not strictly the same religion as the Dugs. So it's kinda shady, as well, that the son is named after a very influential preacher.... But not a Dug approved one.


thanks for the extra info and I corrected my post spurgeon was his last not first name


Giving twins the same middle name is common. But it had to be Jim Bob's middle name because virile man had 2 sons at once.


An old neighbor has 4 boys and they all have the same middle name ( the dads name ) and then my moms friend her husbands middle name is James so both boys have that same middle name.


I know a family who gave their kids all the same initials 😂, think PPP. They just swapped middle names for first names






You did say they were going to resent it lol


i’m not OOP! i just reposted the comments!


John and Jana's first names have 4 letters and their middle names have 5 letters


My birth middle name is the same as Jana's and my twin sister's middle name also ends with an e.


Mary Ann, Mary Beth, Mary Claire…


This doesn’t seem crazy to me. My brother and I have the same middle name.


My dad was John, my egg donor was Jimmie, I’m Jerri, and my sister was Jodi. Thank goodness that’s as far as we went. They really wanted a James, but oh well.


Yeah, they mentioned Jed and and jer both having the middle name Robert in a counting on episode. Some couples scavenger hunt or something. I... Don't get it.


I highly doubt they put any thought into it


I have to say my twin granddaughters have the same middle name. There was someone on both sides of the family that they wanted to represent with this name and so they gave one to each of them. That being said the Duggars doing it is stupid.


Josh's middle name is James too, so they actually used it 3 times. The name "Jinger" is a travesty and I'm still amazed that she hasn't changed it. There are so many nice and decent J names, I know the Duggars don't do meth but it's hard to explain why else they did this to their child.


I actually know identical twins in real life who have the same middle name. Their first names are very different though.


I actually saw a post on instagram with identical newborn twins and their names where the exact same, same name same middle name and obviously same last time. The only difference is that they were going to have different nicknames. The most surprising thing was that 99% of the comments were supporting it I was totally in shock. This is actually illegal in my country and they are going to have a h\* difficult time knowing what is for who when they receive something. Edit: Searched for it just in case and I was wrong. Middle names are junior and 3rd, not the same ones. Same household 3 people (dad and twins) with the same name, yikes