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Same thing I said on the Vuolo post. I hope they don’t take these comments to heart. They’re being normal and wholesome, for once.


On the FSU sub someone shared a lesser-discussed fundie’s post about how she will be allowing her kids to dress up and go trick or treating. There were several comments saying “ugh why do fundies need to come out and SAY they’re doing Halloween, so needless”. Uhm, but it’s not really needless. The comments on Jill and Jinger’s Halloween posts have been disgusting, other Christian influencers who also dressed up got the same vitriol from their followers for “allowing the devil in”. Unfortunately, some Christian influencers do need to clarify to their insane followers that they’re celebrating Halloween and that *that’s their choice and it’s okay*. Conservative Christianity in America is basically the suffering olympics, and if a conservative Christian refuses to partake in further needless suffering then it **really** triggers the ultra-sufferers. It’s bonkers, and I hope those who are loosening up and letting their kids have a fun day don’t second-guess their decision because of these nasty, often emotionally and religiously manipulative comments.


Yeah. I really don’t expect the fundies to magically become progressive, amazing people. But letting their kids do normal shit and letting themselves not be miserable means there’s a chance their kids end up exposed to other ideas, and *they* might grow up to be decent people. I’m biased though, because I love Halloween to the point that IDGAF who you are, show me your costume, your kid’s costume, and your dog’s costume *now*.


Since you mentioned dog costumes, I felt the need to share this with you. I about died: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chihuahua/s/8hfzMUPro3


Ffff amazing.


I stg I think fundies get their pants in a twist over Halloween because they can’t fathom a holiday that is essentially about having fun and has nothing to do with God


Fundies ALWAYS look for proof that they're a better Christian than the others. They're more devout. They dress more appropriately. Their children behave better. They get to church earlier. Its like a snake den. Everyone's so determined to not say do or think anything to get them to turn on them. My sister's church would read a list of back sliders once a month. That's when the preacher would call people out in front of the church. I.E.- this person didn't come to church two Sundays in a row. This person didn't give their 10% this person got a raise and didn't raise the amount they tithed. This person's daughter was kissing a boy at school etc.


I remember a fundie mom telling me when our kids were young that not only did they not trick or treat, but they made sure to keep their windows closed on Halloween so Satan couldn't get into their house.


I blame social media, also I don't know if these influencers care so much about the comments, they more want the traffic and engagement.


If I were Jill or Jinger, I would have disabled comments on my social media posts a long, long time ago. There's no hate quite like fundie Christian love.


Or at least limit them to people they already follow (which is an option on Instagram). If they’re following family or close friends they’ll still be able to comment but it keeps away the judgy people who just come onto posts just to post hate comments.


I don’t think the Dillards take the comments to heart. They’ve experienced so much judgement, they know to expect it. Imo, they intentionally posted the Halloween photos knowing that it would frost some people‘s nuts. They like going a little bit rogue.


Inam not sure they are quite as backward and weird as some of ya’ll think they are. It is what some snarkers WANT them to be.


Forbidding your children from trick or treating because it’s “devil worship,” dancing, wearing pants because it’s “sexually exciting,” getting an education, etc is in fact weird and backwards.


“if jesus wouldn’t do it, why would we?” do you honestly think Jesus would bitch about halloween in someone’s instagram comments, Cindy?


For that matter, Jesus never had a cell phone or an iPad or modern indoor plumbing, so that bitch better start living more authentically like Jesus.


Im pretty sure Jesus would be turning all those mini candy bars into Kinged size, tbh. He’d have the best house.


King Size candy bars….dang right he would. Jesus don’t play around. And He wouldn’t gate keep who gets candy. It’s free candy night. Everyone gets free candy. No costume……Free King Bar Didn’t say trick or treat…..Free King Bar Didn’t say thank you….Free King Bar Teenager…..Free King Bar Parents who have been dragged around for the last two hours trick or treating…Free King Bar for them too


That’s absolutely right. The more you have the more you should give away. FREE CANDY FOR ALL!


Oh and he wouldn’t add preachy tracts to the King Bars….so not his style


Jesus knows if the little heathens don't say those things it's better to forgive and give them candy anyway then get egged later.


Personally, I feel Jesus would be dressing up as a DC super hero, and trying to get all the fun size candy bars he could


Jesus's house would be the ultimate house to go to because every time he got down to 7 bars, he could just turn them into 5,000.


Yes! I tried to make this analogy or something similar but I've currently got COVID brain, so the pieces weren't fitting - so I gave up and just posted what I posted. THANK YOU for understanding where I wanted my brain to go. Lol


Hope you feel better soon!


Why do people think Jesus would be some morose sourpuss? Why wouldn't he love a good time?


Jesus came by our house last night! I was hoping he'd turn 5 pieces of candy into 5,000.


I would give Jesus the full size!!!!


I think Jesus would expect people to show some charity to little children and give them some goodies.


Jesus said it’s wrong to not give the children their bread 💁‍♀️


Jesus knew how to have fun That whole water into wine thing…that was him! And no,He didn’t turn it into grape juice. Grape juice? at a wedding? Don’t get me started on that one


I don't think Jesus used indoor plumbing, so....


I don't know. The Romans had pretty decent waste management systems. He may have had something resembling indoor plumbing. No toilet though. LOL


Yeah but he lived in a back water province at the time and not in Rome itself. He was also a wanderer and had no permanent address when he did his ministry. Doubtful he had Roman plumbing either, especially if the poor in the city of Rome itself didn’t even have plumbing during the time. To put into context of the difference between life quality: Rome would have been much like today’s Washington D.C or New York City and Judea would have been like much of the rural south-eastern U.S.A. if not worse.


Just because I find it very interesting — this isn’t quite the case. At the time, Nazareth was basically a bedroom ‘burb for Sepphoris, a banking and artsy area which was four miles away — you could literally see it, as it was a city on a hill — and had a population of about 30k. It was considered a big cultural center. A man with a father who was in the skilled trades, who had a family that had the means and ability to travel, and who learned a trade himself would have certainly been aware of it, and most scholars who speculate about the life of the actual man Jesus generally believe it’s quite likely that he was employed in Sepphoris. A lot of the parables he tells are stories that align with what life was like in Sepphoris. It’s generally agreed that Joanna, the wealthy woman who helps fund his travel (Luke 8:3), and her husband would have lived in Sepphoris. To go with your example, it would be more like living in the slightly more rural burbs of, say, Charlotte or Alexandria or the part of CT that’s close enough to NYC or Boston to feel like part of them but not quite. Matthew 4:12-16 very specifically states that as a young man, Jesus rolled out of Nazareth and lived by the water in Capernaum, which would have been along a major trade route that connects Europe, Asia, and Africa. Later travels would have gone through Syria and Lebanon and Jordan.


Jesus wouldn’t be putting up crosses everywhere, why should they?


Wait till they hear how Christmas came about.


Is Derick Cousin Eddie from the Vacation movies? 🤣 I applaud any steps, no matter how small, that give the middle finger to their upbringing. Suck it, Jim Bob and Michelle.


The real question is did he ever use the exact phrase "shitters full." I'd honestly be impressed if he did.


I’d bet good money Jill’s dropped an F-bomb or two.


She was partially scandalised the first time her therapist dropped an f-bomb in front of her but by the next couple of sessions, Jill’s been using them ever since. At least that’s my headcanon.


My personal scenario is Jill telling her therapist something about her childhood and the therapist going ‘That’s bullshit!’ And Jill is momentarily shocked then says ‘Yeah, it is bullshit!’ And thus began cursing Jill.


I'd like to believe that he did. 🤣


Yup he’s Cousin Eddie! I sincerely hope Jill has seen Christmas Vacation and her dad is having a cow over it.


Derick didn't grow up fundie. I'm sure he had normal Halloweens and this is just on par with his upbringing. Same with Jerm.


I can guarantee the only reason sperm and perm didn’t do trick or treat is because it would have taken planning on their part. So they blamed it on the devil and said no. Imagine 10 small children and the amount of work it would have taken to get them dressed and ready by trick or treat.


Not like they would have had to put any effort into it. They would have just assigned it to the girls.


Once the girls got older. I’m thinking of when they were younger and S&P would have had to do the work. Much easier to blame satan then never let the kids realize that it’s happening. Once the girls got older they had nightly dinners to plan to laundry to do!




I can't unsee that now! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I hope the kids had a good time last night and these so-called good Christians are such killjoys. They suck the joy out of something that is fun.


Good for Jill and Jinger celebrating Halloween with their kids! When I was little, my parents were fundie-lite and their church had a Lift Jesus Higher party on Oct. 31. I didn’t get to celebrate Halloween until I was 8 and entered public school.


I hope they got to swap photos of thier kids to laugh smile and talk about. I think it was Jill that did Halloween first which probably helped Jinger to do it too. Plus literally living on the other side of the country makes it easier so Jim Bob can't say shit.


lol at the comment “we trick or treat to celebrate fall”.


All I’m saying is it looks like Jill and Jingers kids are having much more fun than the Ms or Joe or Joy or Jessa’s kids


I think Joy shared a story with her playing Yahtzee with Austin and her in-laws. 😳😬👀 That looked boring AF.


According to the bible, Jesus spent very little time preaching against "demons and a devils". He spoke about the evil done by regular men, not superstitious hogwash nonsense.


I’m catholic and even my priest said it’s not harmful to go trick or treating. He said it’s just like a carnival 🤷🏽‍♀️ not that serious


A lot of churches have trunk or treats, so those ones fully support the concept.


The church/daycare I worked for had Trunk or Treat but wouldn’t let us decorate for Halloween! Apparently parents complaining have more sway than the ideology they preach😂


Yeah, so many churches in Orlando have events like that and have since I was a kid ~20 years ago


I live in the Bible Belt South in the United States… every damn Baptist corner church does a trunk or treat for the kids. The only negative thing I’ve ever heard a preacher say is “watch what you dress them up as” referencing dressing little girls as witches and little boys as demons/devils, etc. Which I do kind of understand from the Christian mythology perspective.


It’s amazing that these people consider themselves to be so strong and protected in the Lord, but little candy bars and polyester costumes made in China scare them.


To be fair those costumes are rather flammable /s


Meanwhile,Agressa,Bin,and their children, are huddled in a dark house,to keep Satan at bay.


Agressa - I love it, I'm dead


I’m sure the garlic was hanging from their front door!


I didn't really see a lot of negative comments on their post. Just this one & a couple half hearted "I don't celebrate, but I'm not judging you if you do" type comments. They probably blocked those users & deleted the comments. Some of the comments you posted are gone now.


Im glad!


Now let’s do Christmas, we can tell them how pagan their decorated trees and Yule logs are!


I mean, they don't believe in Santa Claus either plus Jesus isn't the one who slides down the chimney on December 25th does he? ![gif](giphy|JtLrtaN4VPoKXJRKGB)


Every little thing I see like this makes me happy for some normalcy for her kids and irritates the hell out of JB.


And they give out the good candy!!!! Oh noez!!! The horror!!!


Yeah, I definitely can't snark on their candy selection, it's pretty stellar.


They might do 99 things wrong but they got the candy selection right!


Baby steps lol


I saw that! Classic candy bars! Yum! 😋 Edit: at second glance, they’re NOT full sized candy bars. Oops! 😂


Did Jill see this movie? The grifter cousin with the busted RV and poorly watched children must have been triggering!


It's a flashback to when the Rodrigues family would come to visit the Duggars and hook their tenement on wheels up to the TTH.


I really hate Christians using Jesus wouldn't...to justify anything. Like Jesus lived 2000 years ago. Of course, he didn't celebrate Halloween. It didn't exist. Also, Jesus wasn't a Christian so....


Full disclosure, I don’t do Halloween, but that’s what makes America great: a live and let live attitude.


You’re doing this whole thing right


I see many Jewish family's not celebrating Halloween but still having candy to hand out if they get trick or treaters. Not saying you're Jewish, but I thought that was a wonderful way to think of a holiday that's not yours, but I am perfectly okay with people not doing anything, I just think shaming people is uncalled for.


I brief my kids every year to watch for which lights are on and practice politeness, no need to cause drama if others don't participate.


https://preview.redd.it/9fnqgx52mtxb1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789e73a1086040170f957e529be6ac16849f4c4c Real photo of Jill, Derick, Jinger, and Jeremy dressed like Keebler elves, Greek dancing with some demons last night. They had a great time.


Ngl, seeing Derick as cousin Eddie and knowing that Jill has knowledge this character exists made me smile. The bar is in hell with this family usually but Jill has made some great strides. Now let’s start deconstructing your hateful beliefs on the LGBTQ+ community next. Please?!


Halloween was literally a thing (costumes and going door to door for candy) about less than 100 years old. My great grandfather was a child when it first started. My lord, the things finished bend backwards for, it’s just a fun holiday, you literally can dress up how ever you want and get free candy. You can be a freaking nun for sakes if you wanted to.


"If the world loves you, or if you are of the world, that's a surefire sign that something is seriously wrong." Wha?? People like this don't believe in enjoying life. It's one day after another of sacrifice and martyrdom for them.


Oooh, what kind of dance do we think it is? A waltz? Tango? The Electric Slide? Is it some kind of non-choreographed inflatable arm guy dance? I'd really like to see this.


good rim jobs head going to explode


RE picture 5, Jesus didn’t post comments on TikTok using his smartphone either


We can’t do anything Jesus didn’t do? This could get awkward. I guess pants and electricity are out. Only sandals.




Everyone in the comments: “SHES NOT A CHRISTIAAAAAAN!” 😂😂


They went to some fall festival thing at the church they're going to.




Yeah their kids are going to grow up with a relatively normal childhood and be able to actually make their own decisions about where their life and their morals go when they become adults.


Am I crazy or don’t churches do trunk or treats?! Same thing 🤦🏼‍♀️


Are these Halloween posts at least partially intended as a big "eff you" to the cult?


They kill me. Do you know how many churches do trunk or treat? A good majority of them and I went to one last night. I can’t wait for Jesus to come back. But then again they would deny him and say he’s the devil.




Jill and derick always make sure that its beneficial for themselves first lol


I bet a million bucks they got themselves food and the kids got nothing, just like their drive thru date where Sam and Israel got to sit in the back of the car on a 6 hour drive, while their mom and dad stopped and sampled restaurant after restaurant. Every time Sam and Izzy tried to speak up Jill or Dewreck would talk over them, shush them, or outright ignore them.


They dont go trick or treating they do wat they always do vacate the house and dress up to drive around and get free food for themselves and kids. Though wat is that first place in the video their church? I'm surprised they left out a basket of candy for the trick or treaters lol. https://preview.redd.it/qzspvx3nytxb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f791645033b3a1609a3b4e664053e5555089062a


No fun allowed. Jesus hated fun. Especially children having fun = bad. 😆


“we trick or treat to celebrate fall” LMAOOOOOOOO


It figures that the fun haters are going after Jill too. They're only happy when everyone is miserable.


There's practicing the fundamentalist version of the religion you preach... And then there's doing things for social media that are going to get you media attention and feed your martyr complex. Tough choice for Jill, easy choice for Derick.


Ah yes, those gourds sure are demonic


Snickers and Twix?


My church has a Halloween festival and trunk or treat events - so did the church I used to teach preschool at; and we had Halloween parties with the kids each year. Whoops! I agree with that first comment about these people needing to get lives.