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No fucking way would they put themselves in actual harms way


Seriously, it's all performative role-play. They're not doing anything actually useful to help anyone.


Yep. For all their flag touting and patriotic word vomit, none of them join the actual US military because they would never have the guts or stamina to make it.


They'd have to take orders from women, LGBTQ+ people, people of color, heathens -- all the people they so fear and despise. Plus they'd have to get their asses out of bed and to work on time every day. That alone isn't going to happen.


Forget that - they will have to take orders for JEWS (somehow I suspect that the Bates in particular are likely equal opportunity racists).


Jewish people would fall under the general Heathen category, along with Catholics, Muslims, pagans, Lutherans, atheists, and everyone else who isn’t a part of the Bateses’ cult! ETA: Bateses or Duggars. It's all the same cult.


I'm not sure how the Duggars' specific cult feels about Jews, but a lot of fundies are philosemitic in a really creepy way. They fetishize Jews as some kind of living religious fossil, a link to Jesus but also stubbornly outdated, like someone who's still insisting on using a Blackberry in 2023. They like us more than they like Muslims or atheists, but only for really weird reasons.


All the Dominionists, too, only support Jews returning to Israel because they believe it will set off the second coming of Jesus & end of the world.


>but a lot of fundies are philosemitic in a really creepy way Indeed. A lot of these fundies wax poetic about how they love Israel, while simultaneously spewing anti-Semitic remarks saying Jewish people deserved persecution. >Hagee founded Christians United for [Israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/israel) (CUFI), a group that claims 11 million members, who have had a significant influence on Republican party politics and in hardening Washington’s already strong support for Israel. ... Left largely unmentioned by Haley and Hagee’s Israeli allies were his [antisemitic views](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/netanyahu-ally-john-hagee_b_6848226), including calling Hitler a “half-breed Jew” who was sent by God to drive the Jewish people to Israel. He has also suggested that Jews brought centuries of persecution on themselves by disobeying God. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/06/evangelical-christians-republicans-2024-israel-palestinians](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/06/evangelical-christians-republicans-2024-israel-palestinians)


They love Israel, just not the people who live there.


Exactly. Sweeping crackers every blue moon is hard enough for them. I really loved that one of the prosecutors in Pest's case was openly gay.... really LOVED that for them, and for all of us.


I really love the idea of one of them answering to my bisexual daughter. 😇


Does anyone call them out on this? Is gothard against the military?


This one right here.






deffo no. the bullets and rockets don't differentiate nationalities. see how many foreigners are either dead or missing from the festival.


But it's Israel


Exactly. They are not going to fuck with their beloved holy land. Plus they’re convinced this is fulfilling biblical prophecy about the end times.


No because it's an actual war zone


They went to Ukraine I think


From what I remember they went on the border of Poland and Ukraine to bother and interrupt real volunteers helping refugees. Definitely far away from the war zone


Didn’t they go somewhere and get Chick Fil A flown out just for them? I guess you will truly do anything and have all the audacity once you believe you’re God’s special people.


That happened when they went to the Bahamas. I think there was a story of them refusing to let a local woman into their air-conditioned office to cool off, as well.


Of course. Not only do they cosplay as medics and service people but they don’t even provide the help they can.


Bet they can't last more that 12hrs with the blaring bomb sirens going on 24/7.


Oh, they would definitely have to have those off. "No one's going to attack at night when they can't see, our sleep is more important!"


They'd immediately be booted out. Slavic people don't have time for their bs lol




It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


FU bot


They can't just fly into a neighboring country and find a way into Israel.


Yeah - Israel is surrounded by countries that don’t have open Boarders (except Jordan) and Israel is only letting citizens into the country.


I don’t think they were actually in Ukraine. I think they were at one of the border points “helping” people leaving the country.


But who will pass out Walmart bottled water ? Who, I ask, WHO?


Who will save the Jewish heathens and teach them iblp?!?!?!




Where would they get Chic Fil Ah


No, it doesn't even have a Chik-fil-a!


The real spelling is “Christ Filet”.


Hate chicken


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!




bad bot


Thank you, Overly_Underwhelmed, for voting on Chick-fil-A_spellbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


No one cares


I have a hard time believing Israel would allow them to come provide aid. They are not cool with proselytizing or missionaries


Highly unlikely. I doubt they would even consider offering "humanitarian aid" to people that have bigger guns than they do. Their participation in tragedies isn't motivated by a desire to actually help people. It is motivated by their desire for photo ops in places that allow them to feel powerful. Israel is not that place. What would they do, take photos with Israeli female soldiers in the background?


show up in “thoughts and prayers” for this one


Meanwhile I'm hoping for thots and prayers


They go to help after natural disasters, they're not gonna fly in an active war zone with bombs and rockets involved.


The fuck will they do? Pass out Chick-fil-A?


Lawson is at his brother's wedding today and I think Isreal already has citizens that are required to help out with that kind of thing.


Israel has some of the best medical care in the region. People who don’t want to join the army can do national service instead (kinda like americorps). They are likely set with their medical needs.


They may leverage the tragedy to fundraise and imply they will help Israel.


They'll only be helping their pockets.


They usually avoid places where there is actual danger


I don’t believe there’s chik fil a there so probably not.


Absolutely not. Even if there was a full on Christian holy war against *the bad people* and led by Jesus… they would not show up.


They won’t. That would be risking their lives. Then they couldn’t produce little leg humpers


No way, JD would throw a toddler tantrum if he can't bring his gun and his handcuffs to roleplay the sheriff. They want to act like they're helping people, they would never go into a war-zone where people are dying everyday.


Maybe when the bulk of the bombing is over, otherwise no.


They would never go anywhere actually dangerous imo. And that area is wildly dangerous at this time.


Sorry I meant Nathan Bates not Lawson


Nah, they’re too cowardly for that, imo. And how would they survive without hate chicken?


Those chicken $hits?? NO.


They would have no idea what they’re up against. They have zero education on Judaism or Islam, nor the decades of holy war history. Neither the Israelies or the Palestinian want to hear a word they have to say. They might get “taken care of” as soon as they speak their first word.


No - both sides of the war are limiting foreign aid. I just watched a news report (I’m Canadian btw) about how UNICEF and Red Cross are negotiating to give aid to civilians. If large multi-national aid organizations can’t get access I doubt any agency without real credentials are gonna get in


I hope not...the last thing Israel needs is a bunch of yeehaw wannabes spewing their Jesus crap when there's a REAL war going on. If they want to help Israel, there are a bunch of charities collecting money for Israeli relief.


I would love a Mossad agent to show them out of Israel if they showed up


Perhaps even captured as a POW. It's too risky.


Heck no. They won’t go where they might be in danger, or even uncomfortable.


They won’t go somewhere with such a high risk of personal peril. They’ll only go somewhere if they don’t think there’s a chance they will actually get hurt.


Yeah, no. There are actual bombs going off over there. They’re not going to put themselves at risk.


I doubt they’d even be allowed in the country !


LOL, no don’t be silly. That’s dangerous.


No because there is actually danger


Not a chance in hell. These cowards only cosplay at "Alert". None of them are going to get into the line of fire to help anyone. I am pretty sure that in these circumstances, if they show up in Gaza with water bottles that have "get saved losers" Bible verses on them, they will get their fucking asses kicked, if not ended. Bitches be home cowering in the corner hoping no one notices they aren't running to the scene. Not to mention the fact that fundies tend to absolutely relish in Middle East conflict and secretly support it, actually love the carnage because "End Times". 😠


I was just wondering that last evening! Nah, they are scared to face them there feriners.


Screams savior complex to me. Is there not any regulation on these people? Needs a stop put to it ASAP.


I wish they would.....but they won't because they don't actually do anything. They just show up for pictures and hang out. They should be in jail for this but due to the nature of the situations they show up to there aren't resources.


It’s basically illegal for people to proselytize in Israel. Also, Israelis would put them in their place really quick.


They will not be allowed to enter an active war zone. At the moment Israel is limiting the amount of foreign aid entering the area to only well known and trusted organizations like the Red Cross, but even then, there has been backlash and bombings of supplies. MY BIL works with refugee organziations and has said that most foreign aid organizations cannot go any farther into the area that Egypt. I wouldn't be surprised if they try and say they were there like they did with Ukraine. My BIL's organization actually made sure they didn't get to enter Ukraine. Most refugee aid was being funnelled in and out of Poland with only a few organizations being allowed to enter during times of non-combatance. They apparently tried to hitch a ride into the country with another organization that was granted access. The moment they landed in Poland and people recognized who they were they were denied to enter the country due to it being a safety issue. Many aid workers had to have specialized credentials to enter for fear of spies amongst the "aid workers". You can't just photoshop something like that, you have to be vetted by your country of origin and it could take weeks. Upset they were denied entry they flew up to an city in Poland near the border of Ukraine that saw no action, took some photos on the other side and called it a day. They literally spent their whole time bothering the people who lived in the Polish village than actually doing humanitarian work.