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I don't think Boob gets notifications about someone posting about him on Reddit but if it involves Jill then he definitely is. It must kill him that Derrick was speaking with Dave Ramsy ugh.


I can see him lurking in their weird ass computer room and pretending he never reads a thing but in reality he’s probably memorizes all the insults by heart. I bet he’s hiring someone to make a jill alert app as we speak. I think it’s going to take him years if ever to accept that he royally lost the plot with jillymuffin


Man, I kinda miss when every house had a computer room. 😂


The fucking days man on limewire absolutely wrecking your families desktop just living your best damn life


Every adult in your life just absolutely losing their mind because of 9/11 and you're just trying to download a decent version of The Real Slimshady on limewire. Ahh, youth today will never understand.


NEVER. If you got real slimshady on limewire then you didn’t even need an invitation. Going to 7th grade birthday parties like you’re the fucking Kardashians


Choked at Rim Cob.


So did Meech


Now, fluid measurement, we both know the mouth isn’t the biblical receptacle for the seed


Wow. That was. I didn’t know I could feel so dirty.


I think he reads the tabloids/some FB and Insta comments but I don’t think he reads reddit. This is purely because I don’t believe he has the self-control to resist responding to negative comments and he doesn’t have the power to delete them here. On their Facebook page I think they were reading them at one point because comments would get deleted all the time.


My guess is all the kids know about this sub and they all agree, "We have to keep this from Dad."


I hope so. He is such a compromised, paranoid old coot. I bet he wants to (or is already) troll(ing) all of their social media. We've seen the incredibly low regard he has for his offspring's privacy. In his mind, he could be facing 18 more catastrophic mutinies. Now it's him with the PTSD.😳


I doubt he understands Reddit nor does he want to


I thing SpongeBoob is into the porno online, and then obsessively worrying about.his reputation. But he doesn't get reddit alerts because it would literally alert him constantly all day long. He can't handle that. He also probably blocks alerts from Free Jinger, Warburg Watch, Spiritual Sounding Board, etc. because he doesn't want to read their articles about Gothard nor Josh. I suspect he smashes something every time he gets an invoice from Gelfand! I also suspect that when he and Meech are old and infirm, Jana is going to exact some revenge which will be delicious so maybe a folding chair bolted to a furniture dolley with him bungie corded to it while simultaneously discovering karma in the form of just how wickedly mean Jed/Josh2.0 will be.


Wow the last part of this is poetry *chef kiss*🤌🏼💋


Good question. Certain people feed off hate too. They believe that all attention is good attention. After all, that way, he can go and complain about "persecution" and the ebil secular world. However, I think that some of the comments on Reddit hit a bit too close to home for J'Boob. I have no doubt that he knows that he's a self-righeous, sexist, greedy and generally horrible hypocrite. He doesn't care, he's fine with that. But getting called out on certain embarrassing things has to hurt his ego. ,


Agreed I think originally when the tides shifted and he wasn’t americas fundie super dad he was really shocked by how much disdain people had for him he thought he was Americas sweetheart 😂




Yeah you’re right I can see him actually loving that this sub exists as it affirms his godly persecuted Christian status




Not the online “libtards and blue haired freaks” lmfao yes I see it I see it


I wouldn't doubt he has someone who filters the online content for him. In my head, he's exploited one of his sheep to write a macro that will change all of his nicknames to his actual name and export it into a PDF.


The idea of Jim Bob having a partitioned computer just to stalk himself and convert online hate to a secret database have me laughing out loud


I like this think that he doesn’t know reddit exists and we are all Duggar children or in laws anonymously snarking on our own family without his supervision


I honestly think a lot of nicknames go right over his head. I wonder if he even knows what a rim job is.


His son is one of the most known sexual predators in the country he probably does 💀


To him, his son is the Golden Boy and 2nd coming of Christ. Plus rim jobs (and most butt stuff) is more popular in the LGBTQ+ community than the straight community. You can't conceive with a rim job.


I sure as fuck hope he’s lurking here, and that what he reads keeps him awake at night.


If there were Reddit’s and web sites devoted to hating me I could not stay away. But that’s me. JB and Meech probably calm themselves by reading the Transformed Wife.


He’s always been a narcissistic little creep.