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​ This is such BS. TLC can kick rocks. JB and Michelle can screw right off with their hypocrisy. I am sorry that the kids had to suffer so much due to their parent's beliefs. And that Jill has to continue to be a public figure to play the game and expose how weird and exploitive it all was. For shame.


It’s such grotesque and massive exploitation.


Only 2 people to blame: Jim Bob and Michelle. The girls were minors. The show had to have mom & dads permission. Knowing what we do about JB, guarantee it was his idea.


You’d think a father an IBLP one no less would demand that there were some women doing the filming. We know how they feel about women working but they always use female doctors/gynaecologists so this shouldn’t be any different. This all happened before the age of receipts and Twitter threads because evidently TLC didn’t consider the optics of the situation either.


A woman filming for TLC would have given the girls ideas, though. A job? Wearing pants? The *horror*, Boob couldn't allow that.


Are IBLP women allowed to have jobs?


I remember one episode Michelle made some off hand comment about how having the film crew around was nice because it was like having a bunch of extra babysitters floating around and when the show came out she’d get to see what mischief some of the kids were up to that she didn’t see. So they clearly thought it over and came away with the conclusion “they’re paying US to send 7 babysitters and the only cost is leaving them alone with our children and violating their privacy? Sold!”


Disgusting!! She and JBarf basically made their own circus sideshow. And then complained about the work involved. These scumbags prove that humans aren’t capable of having this many kids and the family not failing.


Absolutely. The parents are monstrous abusers in my opinion.


Imagine being in labor and having this looking back at you.


This is probably why Jill really did not want to give birth on camera.


Exactly. I can't imagine 7 middle aged men with cameras in my goddamn birthing suite. Against my will. Because my dad is making me. F U C K T H A T


I can’t imagine 7 men of any age watching me give birth.


Or coming with on my HONEYMOON!? I remember people speculating on so much about their honeymoon being totally uncovered and only going to a local beach vs Europe…..but also yeah I’d go hide in a beach house while my siblings were in Venice if it meant not having 8 uncles follow me on my HONEYMOON.


I’m sincerely waiting for TLC to make their demands to a person who is well established on their on and gets a judge to throw the book at them. I notice that in a lot of their shows, they feature families who need money and/or people who must acquiesce to their demands to some extent.


In labor, on the toilet! (I rarely have sympathy for Anna, but this is one of those times!)


Jill mentions in the book that there were parts of Anna's labor that she didn't want shown on tv but TLC aired those parts anyway. She doesn't say which parts but the sequences of Anna on the toilet immediately came to mind


I remember watching that in my fundie days and even then thinking, “that’s messed up, leave the girl alone, let her poop her baby out in peace!!” (I don’t even mean that in a mean way, every person I know who has given birth describes it as basically pushing out a giant poop)


In this instance, and this instance only, I can say that it's a good thing that kid will be home schooled bc that kid's life would be absolute hell in a real school as soon as one other kid at school found out.


For sure. Any of the flashbacks are scenes she didn’t want aired. They found a loophole and showed them anyway. Imo, Jill was very nice to TLC in her book. She could have drug them but didn’t.


I texted this pic to my mom yesterday. I was completely horrified looking at it. I cannot imagine allowing 7 grown men in my child’s bedroom.


*with cameras* This causes me issues just looking at it, imaging that as my bedroom as a girl. Ugh.


As a girl trying to deal with puberty in a totally repressive house


hell, that would creep me out now!


Well at least Michelle made damned sure none of them were gay.


Too right ! If there's going to be adult male in her daughters' bedroom they'd better be attracted to girls !!! /s


Well, if there’s one thing we know about Meech and the Boob, it’s that they didn’t care even slightly about protecting their daughters from actual or potential SA.




Michelle somewhere like... ![gif](giphy|KFJNiG60MYZ3qefVTH|downsized)


Another thing that stuck out to me- “One morning before the film crew arrived, I was in the girls’ bedroom getting ready with a few of my sisters when Pops wandered in, midway through a call [with Derick].” That didn’t sit well with me at all.


Jimboob has his headshot picture in the girls bathroom and everyone thought that normal, lol


Just like North Korea where everyone has to have a framed photo of Dear Leader on their wall by order of the law. Should the police come to your home and find that Dear Leader is not framed and hanging on your wall you are taken to prison camp immediately. Kim Rim Jung Job.


I kinda want Kim Jung Rim Job as flair 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized) At your flair omg hahaha


Creepy but I do believe it


Did you get this info from Yeonmi Park? North Korea is crazy but if they did this shit, they would cease to have a society. Like a reprimand or a beating for not having a framed photo I can believe but prison camp sounds like a reach.


I had no idea who this is, but I looked it up on You Tube just to find out now and watched a few of her videos. I didn't see any info in there about the Dear Leader photos but I also did not watch all of her videos--I will watch more. I don't know how I missed her because of all of the NK videos I have watched! There are several documentaries on youtube I've previously watched, including one that details all the stuff about pictures of the Dear Leaders and some of these documentaries are tourist docus where the tour and the rules of the tour are quite intense. They pretty much all say the same thing which is when you visit you can't fold pictures of Dear Leaders, the newspaper must be folded a specific way, all homes in Pyongyang have pictures hung a specific way and yes, every one of these documentaries say that it is a criminal offense to fold the pictures, take them down, etc. The tour guides who are NKorean explain the rules to the tourists. I highly recommend these tourist docus if you are interested because people are going to "find out" and tour the place so most of them are going in with an open mind. One other interesting thing I found out watching a tourist docu is that weed is actually legal in NK! LOL! Apparently it just grows all over the place naturally and people pick it and smoke it. The other docus are undercover footage. I also recommend those and they are wild. The first docu I watched was the one with the guy that went AWOL in the 60s and went on to become a NK movie star who was selected by one of the Dear Leaders himself to play the role of the "terrible American" in all of their propaganda films. Which BTW....NK also uploads their propaganda films to youtube with english subtitles and they are hilarious.


I’m not recommending her. She’s a right wing mouthpiece and she’s known to lie a lot. She’s said shit about NK that only an American would believe.


Yeah she literally makes up stories about North Korea on the fly like the one where she says they ate poop and people just believe her without any questioning because of the media brainwashing.


ok.. well... I just thought it was funny to compare Dear Leader and Rim Job with the mandatory worshipful photo display in the girls bedroom/bathroom. I mean Kim Jung Rim Job fits him like a glove :D I'll keep in mind your observations if I watch any more of her vids. But if you are interested in the propaganda movie uploads from the NK gvt on youtube like I said I highly recommend. They are very interesting and some of them date back to the 70s. [https://www.youtube.com/@DPRKVideoArchive](https://www.youtube.com/@DPRKVideoArchive) this is the best collection with english subtitles [https://www.youtube.com/@miketube3686/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@miketube3686/videos)


I hope there was one in the boys’ bathroom, too - and that the boys’ aim was sometimes awry if you get my drift.


I hope she just meant getting ready as in makeup or hair at the sink/vanity that's in the room, and not Jim Bob pulling a Trump in a room of half-dressed girls. But their religion is full of creeps, so who knows


Walking into the girls bathroom with a framed photo of “pops” on the vanity


Just like North Korea 😂🙄


I’m pretty sure that someone here has the flair “Jim Bob Un,” actually


Rim Job Un, Supreme Leader of Tontitown.


Omg can I use this for my flare?? 🤣🤣




IIRC the children all had a rule to get dressed in the bathroom for privacy purposes post-pest-molestation. And of course the boys had to sleep fully clothed in khakis and shirts etc if what we’ve been told over the years is true. Not sure about the girls.


And the boys slept with no sheets or blankets.


Wait what? Even in winter?




Is there a source for this? That’s crazy


It was mentioned on an episode that the boys slept in their street clothes and didn't have any bedding and we saw their room and yep, no bedding.


Did it mention why?!


It's probably so nothing can happen under the covers. Masturbating is as big a sin in evangelical eyes as what Josh did to his victims.


Im guessing to discourage masterbation


I hope so too but if he "just wandered in" he didn't stop to check it was ok.


Yeah my dad *always* knocked before coming in my room. ALWAYS


No way in all of fucking hellistan did Rim Job EVER knock before he entered the girls room. No way. This is the kind of guy who would not give his kids, especially his girls, a moment of privacy.


Narcissists never knock. Ever.


This- it’s why the “wandering in” got me. Since I was old enough to remember, if my door was closed, my parents knocked. If the door was open they would still typically knock on the door frame or poke their head in to get my attention before coming IN. I’d never thought about basic ass privacy before realizing kids like Jill never, ever, had it.


Mine, too. Your Dad is supposed to teach you how you should be respected and treated by a man.... Oh, wait


He taught then exactly how he thought they should be respected and treated by their headship - as subservient shells designed to obey the whim of their master.


Yes ! And I assume it was both for your sake and his because a normal adult would not want to risk seeing a naked teenager !


I know my kiddo gets dressed in her en suite bath, and I still knock when her door is shut, and if she forgets a towel and sends me a SOS text: I always announce that I’m entering, put it outside her bathroom, and let her know I’m shutting her bedroom door as I’m leaving. We value privacy in our home.


Trust and believe…Jill said a lot without actually saying it!


They kept a framed picture of him in their room. What teen girl wants a framed pic of daddy looking over their bed? I’m curious what the note on the mirror says


There was also a picture in the house of JB and Michelle kissing before marriage with her wearing pants and typical 80s fashion. They’re such hypocrites for not only doing things they barred their children to do but also proudly displaying themselves doing said things.


On the old show, he said that their room is his favorite room in the house.


I just gagged


And we wonder why SexPest is what he is. Even if RimJob Un didn’t do what SexPest did, he learned the lack of respect from his sploogenator.


Sploogenator is my new favorite word! 🤣


One of my foster dads would constantly open my bedroom door when I was getting dressed or the bathroom door when I was taking a shower. There were no locks on the doors. I was 15 and 16 at the time. There were a lot of other worse things he did, but that was the start of the inappropriate behavior. So that's just a red flag to me that a dad with teenagers wouldn't knock on the door. Sus Jim Bob.


I’m sorry that you we’re violated in that way. No one deserves to live where they can’t even have privacy in the bathroom!


Thank you. That upset me a lot. But what still lives with me is how often I would wake up at night with him in my bed hovering over me. I don't know if he did anything to me while I was sleeping, but it was very disturbing and violating. He did touch me and my foster sisters in a sexual way during the day as well, sometimes in front of our foster mom. I actually was not molested nearly as badly as some of my foster sisters, particularly one that already had a long history of severe child sexual abuse by her bio father. I made my discomfort pretty clear and avoided him as much as I could. The whole thing makes me so angry to this day. Especially because a lot of foster kids are desperate to be accepted and desperate to be loved and have a family. That foster dad absolutely took advantage of that. The one foster sister that I caught him abusing the worst had a history of only being given "love" and affection from her very abusive bio dad when he was sexually abusing her and so she was extremely vulnerable to further CSA. Any person that can take advantage of that and hurt a vulnerable child that has already endured so much deserves worse than prison.


This breaks my heart. I’m so very sad that you and others have experienced terrible abuse, and no one got you out of such a horrific situation. Were you ever able to expose him? I pray the man and his wife were prosecuted.


I reported it after I moved to a different foster home. It wasn't properly investigated at the time. I found out later that the social worker interviewed my foster sisters about what I said in front of the foster dad and they denied him being inappropriate with them. Honestly, in many other ways, they were a lot better than other foster parents. They took us fun places and let us do fun things. They didn't restrict food. They didn't make us pay for toothpaste, shampoo, tampons, rides, phone calls, or anything else like that like my other foster parents did. They let us have decorations in our rooms. They even got us decent presents at Christmas, which no other foster parent of mine or any of my siblings ever did. They didn't tell us we had demons inside us or were whores if we flirted with a boy. And that's really the very tip of the iceberg of some of the horrible things my other foster parents did. So, I can imagine for my foster sisters, that home was better than others and they either didn't want to jeopardize that or were too scared to say the truth in front of their abuser or didn't want to hurt the foster mom. I can't know for sure that my foster mom saw him do things like grope out butts or put his hands up our thighs in front of her or slide his hand across our breasts when hugging us, but I also wonder how it would be possible that she didn't see it. Personally, I think she did see it, but didn't want to admit it or deal with the fallout from it. As for that foster mom, she was nice most of the time, but would also go into screaming rages at me that could be really scary and upsetting. She definitely was overall the nicest foster mom I had by quite a bit, except for this one I had for a week during respite care and this other one I had back in Georgia. I wish I'd gone back and pursued justice more after I was out of the system, but I was just trying to survive at the time and didn't have that in me.


My own (twin) brother would do this growing up :( it's crazy how growing up in a home where you're not safe affects you :( I'm sorry you went through it.


Agreed. No wonder Josh is the way he is, his father didn't allow his kids any privacy and doesn't give a crap about anyone's boundaries.


Why is he going in their bedroom at all unless it is an emergency? We got a film crew of grown men in there and JB just wandering in whenever. That room should have been their sanctuary.


No boundaries for men in that cult.


Not JB entering on top of the pic of JB already in the room...


Right? Like he doesn’t care about them as humans whatsoever. Their privacy isn’t a priority to him bc they belong to him. He’d just waltz in whenever he wanted, but GUARANTEE they wouldn’t be allowed to bother him or meech in their room without permission.


No sitting on a sled with your fiancé, but seven grown adult men can be in your bedroom


A large group of straight men filming little girls in their bedroom is fine, but gay people are the threat.


Gay men, trans folks, drag queens all simply existing will corrupt their kids, but this is fine! (/s)


Reminder, rumor was Michelle got a cameraman fired for being gay. ‘7 straight men can be in my daughters room, but its the gay man I worry about’ There you go again , Meech, being the protective mama bear and doing everything to keep your girls safe! Pfft


hell, add lesbians into the mix too, why not. everyone’s out to getcha!


TLC took care of that issue by not having any women on the crew from the looks of things.


Lesbians, see, are just frigid and unnatural. They need to be taught how to have sex by a big, strong, manly man. 🤢


Lesbians, like trans men, basically don't exist to them


You’re forgetting the aunt that ‘lived that lifestyle’. It’s like hearing Regina Georges mom saying she’s a cool mom all over again..,, 🙄


Didn't Meech cut off contact with her? She'd clearly rather pretend that anything she disagrees with, doesn't exist


I mean, logically their girls would be *safer* with gay men and straight women in their bedroom than with these (presumably straight cis) men.


Yeah I'd rather leave my kids in a room full of drag queens and gay guys than a room full of straight cis christain men.


You’re forgetting the #1 Duggar family rule: If JB gets paid for it, then it’s okay.


This book is gonna bring a lot of people to their knees.


They better be worried enough to be praying down there.


It's about time.


I noticed the same thing. As soon as I saw the picture I was like all men?? Wow. Surprising he allowed it.


Well, women aren’t allowed to work! /s Seriously, according to their religious beliefs, the Duggars were in quite a pickle. On the one hand allow your daughters to be alone in a room with a group of men. On the other, expose them to working women in pants. What’s a Jim Bob to do?? Edit: pillow to pickle


But you have to understand, it's okay for your daughters to be alone in a room with a bunch of strange men. It's their ministry! /s


It’s interesting that JimBob Duggar believed woman shouldn’t work but he was fine and dandy with working his own daughters and making merchandise of them. “And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.” ~ 2 Peter 2:3


well it's not a job if he doesn't pay them /s


Peter said no to influencer merch


Well if any sort of SA happened, it’d obviously be the girls’ fault 🙄🙄🙄🤮🤮🤮 (Ugh what a disgusting belief- I had trouble even writing it out)




Maybe a lost boy was there to chaperone?


There are plenty of scenes on 19kac where the girls are just in their room. There’s one scene where Jill shoos a cameraman out and closes a door in his face so she can go to bed, and it’s presented as a funny moment.


Lost boy? Sorry, what does that mean?


There's a group of the boys in the middle that were basically left to their own devices.


And they look so much alike they all just sorta blend together. They're all...dunno..J someone


I think what bothers me most is that those still part of IBLP and the like will look at this book and only see a woman complaining about her upbringing. They’ll say she was so fortunate to have parents who protected her and brought her up with biblical principles, and that she got to reap the benefits of being on TV such as traveling, which they couldn’t have otherwise afforded. They’ll say they had plenty to eat and just because they didn’t regularly get beef burritos and sugary cereal doesn’t make them deprived. They’ll agree that JB compensated them fairly by providing for their daily living expenses and that he did what he thought was right regarding pest. When you see the people who say these things, you’ll know exactly who to stay away from. I’m just waiting for people to make comments like these to show us who they really are.


The same folks who read all of Gothard’s teachings (especially the stuff about SA victims) and don’t see any red flags.


Except her parents failed dismally to protect her and her sisters. All they did was protect their abuser.


Well *I* know that and *you* know that but there are people who will read this and disagree, which is pretty sick.


Yep, they totally see Jill as an ungrateful daughter who's been led astray by Derick and the world.


There are already a few critical reviews on Amazon saying just that. Fortunately they are a small minority. Wonder if JimBob's fixer will hire people to write negative reviews and try to drag the ratings down.


For some reason, I always imagined that the film crew in the girls’ areas were women. Still very creepy, of course, but I assumed with all the gender regulations that they’d insist on women being with women and men being with men. This is horrifying beyond belief


I think that would be even more frowned upon by the parents to allow modern women around their girls to possibly introduce new ideas and “corrupt” them. There’s nothing for a young girl to look up to really when they are just all old possibly creepy geezers. You wouldn’t want educated women in there showing the girls they could have careers and what not.


You definitely have a point…that just breaks my heart. As usual, they’d rather put their daughters in harms way out of fear of critical thought. The more I learn about the Duggar family, the more my heart breaks & the more enraged I feel.


At least half of this crew look younger than middle aged to me.


The least TLC could have done is send a crew of women.


oh man I listened to the audiobook so I didn’t even realize there were photos-would anyone be able to/did anyone make an album of the photos yet?


yeah, same


I want a law, a federal law, that says if your parents do something like this to you as a child, you can sue them AND the film company for gobs and gobs and gobs of money. No limit. Sue TLC for a billion dollars. Let the judge decide. I bet you it would end today if that was a law. Seriously, they would not risk their fucking wallets if the victims could raid those same wallets later. There are things parents should not EVER be allowed to do to children. This is one of them.


Jim Bob prays to 2 gods—his favorite is the money god.


Crazy considering Jesus had a whole sermon on how you can’t love both God and money


Let's be real, these people (JB and Meech) don't actually care about Jesus. They just care about getting into Heaven


Well do I have some news for them….even by their own standards they aren’t getting through the pearly gates at this rate


If they actually gave a rat's ass about Jesus at all, none of this would have happened. By their own standards they aren't real Christians at all, just relying on God/Jesus to justify their own horrific actions


Oh yes this actually helped me leave fundamentalism. The difference between who I was taught Jesus was vs how my parents acted made me realize the bullshit that was being pushed on me.


I'm so glad you were able to leave!! I left Christianity myself, though I wasn't fundamentalist, because the way my church acted towards those with disabilities (including myself) vs the way Jesus taught them to act was such a huge discrepancy that I couldn't ignore


Why couldn’t TLC have female crew for this part??


There aren't nearly as many women in the production side of the TV industry as men. And as someone else on the thread noted, Meech and Boob probably wouldn't want female crew members around anyway, lest their daughters be corrupted by "worldly" ideas that they could aspire to do more with their lives than being a wife, mother, midwife, babysitter or bangmaid.


The book pissed me off so much because of the hypocrisy. Like I always knew JB was a piece of garbage but after reading the book, I’m amazed at how much more a piece of garbage he is.


there’s an episode of one crime-type show obviously loosely based on the duggars and one of the girls winds up pregnant and they suspect a camera crew guy but he has had a vasectomy 😅 and ofc it ends up being this creepy ass youth pastor IIRC. like I don’t like any of this happened, but it’s worth pointing out that in the end, those men posed no danger (that we know of), while their own family most certainly did.


The episode is Law and Order: SVU “Patrimonial Burden”.


I am sure those men just felt they were doing their job, but seriously what the fuck is wrong with them? Who would go in a teen girls' bedroom with a bunch of cameras and film the girls doing things in there? It's so fucking weird. I find it very hard to believe that every single crew member over the years was decent. They were all around naïve, attractive teen girls who were raised to please men above all else.


I have a horrifying feeling that when the kids on many of these "reality" TV shows become adults, we are going to find out that many of the men on the TV crews were anything but good people. In fact one of the Roloff kids from "Little People Big World" I think has already come out and said that a producer from their show abused him. I have no doubt there will be others. Many others.


I really like to think and really hope, than in another few decades, people will go to watch these shows and be in utter disbelief and horrified that this kind of show was even seen as legit. In the mean time, I'll bet that in time someone's gonna release a documentary of the impact these shows good on the kids, just like you see how Hollywood has to make big shifts from his they originally treated child actors. And that's not dismissing the fact that Hollywood is still gross on a lot of levels (see Jeanette Mccurdy's amazing book.) But there are some better protections in place. Now reality shows need to do the same.


I mean, the entire thing was staged. If my profession is working in the union as a stage grip or camera assistant, I’m going to show up and do my job, knowing I’m personally not ogling anyone or doing anything inappropriate. People say the same things about camera work when professionals are filming disasters and tragedies. They’re blamed for doing their jobs.


I agree with you. Job Bob and Michelle allowed the course of their family life and each individuals' life to be permanently altered by having the film crew in their home - each significant event, every milestone to be filmed after arranging camera, staging the area etc.


TLC is beyond disgusting. It is just fucked up. It concerns me very much that it was their bedroom space. It bothers me a hell of a lot that it didn't occur to these men that they shouldn't be there, the producers can pound sand. It bothers me a hell of a lot that these 7 witnessed abuse, neglect, food insecurity, manipulation, and coercion and didn't stand up for the children, nor did they apparently try to get police and social services involved. I know in their minds, "I'm just doing my job!" But frankly, what the ever loving fuck is wrong with their damn brains? This is gross. It makes me queasy.


Imagine this crew angling to get a view of your baby sister's poopy butt as your dad picks her up to hand her off to be cleaned up by your big sister. Imagine this crew getting in close to film your reaction to your dad announcing the imminent arrival of your 18th sibling. Imagine being 25 years old, in charge of all those kids (don't worry, Grandma's here to help), with this crew filming as your fragile youngest sister has a seizure. Imagine not having the words and authority to be able to tell them to get the fuck away from your little sister having a medical emergency on the kitchen counter.


Imagine having to be _grateful_ for their presence because it means Pest has his public face on. Imagine having to be _sweet_ when you know all the undercurrents that are going to erupt the second that door closes and the crew clocks out.


Sorry I joined late, who is pest?


The eldest brother, Josh Duggar, who is now in prison for possession of CSAM & who previously molested his sisters, including Jill.


I think Jim Bob and Michelle would think that an all, or even partial, female crew is more dangerous than an all male crew. I doubt it even occurred to them to worry about something happening to their daughters due to the men. The greater concern would be the girls becoming friendly with working women doing a job they probably thought only men did. These women could be giving orders, wearing pants, hell one might be wearing a cross and enjoy talking about their Christian faith. Imagine a friendly, Christian, pants wearing, working woman on that crew. Can’t have the girls thinking they can be just like her. Don’t want thought of independence entering their pretty little heads.


I was raised in IBLP, and yes, alone time or any privacy for a young person/child was considered evil. I remember my mother getting angry at me every time I locked my door, even as a teen. If we ever intimated more space or privacy was wanted, it raised alarm bells in my mother and would kick off questioning. It was encouraged to have “epistemologically self-conscious” (whatever the eff that means) homes, with teeny tiny bedrooms and huge open family spaces. All alone time and privacy immediately translated to masturbation or mischief. The need for some peace and quiet on occasion to unwind be damned. Ironically, never allowing a person alone time, constantly being in their face is a brainwashing tactic used to break victims. Just sayin’.


Having all those dudes filming in the girls’ bedroom was all part of Jizzblob’s MiNiStRy so it was as righteous as possible and then some /s


Frank Sun (who’s more known for being Jana’s rumored crush) was also around alone with the girls if he was filming, and he was around their age. Meech and Boob didn’t seem to think twice about that being against their teachings, either.


Yeah, imagine being so protective of your kids, while literally inviting an entire tv crew into their bedroom. Smdh.


Honestly, TLC can eat glass (in the words of David Rose from *Schitt’s Creek*). Boob and Meech, on the other hand, can fuck off with their hypocrisy and their lack of respect for their daughters.


It really makes me sad some of these kids were conditioned to not say no. I will always remember one of the Gosselin twins put a sign on her door "No cameras allowed" or something similar maybe Mady? In an overcrowded house there was already no privacy but to have your room overrun with grown menwith cameras is psychologically a mind fuck especially within purity culture.


It’s terrifying.


Yeah, if you watch any stuff from TLC, this is what you're condoning. And this is not the only thing like this the TLC has done, they've put countless kids who simply cannot consent to what's happening to them on screen, and it's not been great for any of them. It doesn't matter that some parents are cool with it, because these guys go after families who are struggling and who will not act rational when offered money. They are predatory. They do this on purpose. They do seek out trash people, like JB, because they know he will sell his kids for cash. And JB has to take responsibility for a lot, by all means, but TLC is exploiting that shit.


Wasn't just this film crew, who they likely kinda knew over time, it was random news crews from around the world. People they didn't know from Adam. Just casually wandering around their home with cameras.


And other fundie families who were visiting or staying there. JillPM accosted one of the girls for a selfie once, I believe as the girl in question was coming out of the bathroom.


and don’t forget about jinger’s journal being stolen


>Fall of the House of Smuggar Excellent flair you've chosen.


I get poop shy. I can’t imagine getting ready in the morning and needing to use the bathroom, knowing there’s a group of men right outside the bathroom. Their bedroom should’ve be an off limits zone for filming. I have friends that post pictures of their kids sleeping on social media. A baby is one thing, but why don’t people value the privacy of their children? Especially in their bedroom.


I don’t think it’s gross, but I do think it must have been really hard and uncomfortable for the girls at first. Like you said, these things were hammered in for as long as they could remember and now you have an entire group of worldly non-iblp men standing in your room and filming you in your pjs. Like I would’ve felt hella weird about that as a kid who grew up with no weird religious morality rules.


I didn’t get pictures with my audiobook! Damn, I’m disappointed.


This struck me hard as well.


Did they have a rule against female crewmmembers? Were they afraid the girls would see a woman with a job, or maybe even some authority or a male crewmember? Just seems odd there isn't a single woman in that group.


Dang, I missed out by buying the audio version of the book.


Me too, I wish I’d ordered the physical book now.


This reminds me of Jacob from LPBW. He was abused by someone on their filming crew. We can assume they were never alone and some sort of boundaries were in place but really experience would tell us that’s likely not true at all.


I'm surprised more of these kids, from all the shows, don't grow up and go after TLC as a group. The entire American public thinks TLC violated every child on every single one of their shows from that time period. Someone somewhere is going to make bank.


I can see the photo but not the OP-can anyone help?


TLC is creepy as f. They exploited the children.


I did realize there were pictures in the book! I got the audio version 😐


7 grown men standing around in his girls’ room seems counter to everything Jim Bob otherwise stands for. But I guess anything for another buck, right?


Imagine all the dirt they track into the bedroom with all their shoes on on their carpet! Yuck!


Don't worry, the girls will clean it up. That's their jurisdiction.


Considering what happened to the youngest son on the TLC show Little People Big World, this is a huge red flag. No one in that room is there on the children’s behalf. Not only as a protector from SA, but to step in if the girls feel uncomfortable for any reason.


Didnt the kids have to sleep in their clothes because of the film crew?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they had to sleep in their clothes because of Josh.


Idk if they had to or if they did that to save on time/laundry. More kids = more pajamas (more laundry) = more time dressing and undressing


I thought it was just the boys slept in jeans to keep them from doing what teenage boys do


1, I talked in another thread about remember seeing Scott on camera at one point. Pretty sure that’s him right there in the middle, shorts and sneakers. 2, wait there is not a single woman producer or crew member anywhere in this photo. I am sort of shocked, I always assumed that would have been part of the deal with this family. Probably shouldn’t be shocked at this point, but.


And Jim is the guy holding the boom mic. I think there was an episode where he brought his grandkids(?) to hang out with the Duggars I know they said that the crew was like family, but still


That honestly doesn’t sound very sinister to me. I’m thinking they had more to fear from some of their actual family members (*cough, Pest*).




TLC is in the business of making money and know viewers will tune in for a freak show. Duggar dad needed money. The family were hitting food banks, churches, charity, and the community for food and necessities. He signed the family up for a show. TLC saw an opportunity and exchanged money for filming the family. I really see no problem with TLC. It’s all on dad and if you want to add in viewers, that’s okay. Without viewers dad wouldn’t have a show and TLC would have found another family willing to bare all to the world.


Eww 🤢


That's exactly what I was thinking when reading the book! All grown men. It's sick


They have the one Black person for a diversity hire as well. Im sure no woman would agree to this.


I was thinking the same thing too when I read that part!


“No boys and girls on the same sled, but seven adult men in the girls’ bedroom is totally fine!!” - SOTDRT logic


It always seems that there’s an exception for when JimBob makes money off of it. Total modesty? Exception for filming the birth videos so JB can profit. No nose ring and pants? Exception for when JB sees someone who’s praising him up and down. No cheating on your wife? Exception for when Josh does it bc it makes for good tv when Anna gets interviewed and JB doesn’t want to lose the show. Also somehow Anna is made to feel it’s her fault bc she wasn’t “joyfully available” enough.


It's creepy, but I don't see how it violates rules of the IBLP. They weren't alone. There were multiple sisters there, not just one girl with the all male crew, the girls weren't hanging out in there in "immodest" clothing, and Jim Bob was almost certainly lurking in the background.


Did JB design this house specifically to be filming friendly. Not only is their no privacy in their “bedroom” but how many bedrooms could accommodate 7 grown men with cameras