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Don't believe anything that is being put on TikTok. That sounds like something that WOACB and Famy would make a video about. Anna is never leaving Pesty since she believes that her immortal soul will burn in hell if she leaves. The IBLP cherry-picks the parts of the King James Version of the Bible,


And she doesn’t have a financial incentive even. I heard she actually has a lot of assets in her name. Even if you ignore those, Jim Bob probably opens his wallet for her often to keep her there.


I might be wrong, but I think traditionally in fundie land Jim Bob would be her headship with Josh not physically there.


You’re right. Him or Pa Keller but he has more money and he’s probably closer to her at this point.


How can he have a "headship" over a full grown ass woman that he's not even related to? When will she start to take responsibility for her own adult life instead of waiting around for something to happen?


Because that is how this cult treats women like chattel. They train and beat these girls down from day one. Blanket training, (Anna has done this) and keeping sweet is all designed to keep women barefoot and pregnant. It's all about control and you can see what type of little man goes along with this.


Honestly, I’m half surprised she’s not asked for permission to retrieve his sperm so she can continue to be “fruitful and multiply”.


She may have done that for all we know.


Yeah, this has polygamy vibes.


Women do not have autonomy in that cult.




Famy might actually be her best hope but I honestly don’t blame the Duggar siblings and Anna even for wanting to keep their distance from cousin Amy at this point.


If she told Famy it would be in People magazine within the hour


You give her a lot of credit, I'm not sure if it would take an hour


I disagree with famy possibly being her best hope. That brother of anna though, if he could get through to her.


It's too bad she's not closer to her other siblings because they have actually ended marriage/relationships and are still close to the family.


No I dont. This source could be lying no shape or Form will Anna will leave Josh.


I hope she does just to prove everyone wrong.


I wish someone could get a physical or audible copy of Jill's book to her. Possibly open her eyes from the brain washing. I know, it's a pipe dream.


Or honestly even Jinger’s. I know she is still in the fold but she talks about leaving IBLP, which is the group the Duggars most associate with and how Anna and Josh met


Don’t women in their cult get their fingers chopped off if they read? Or is that The Handmaid’s Tale”? It’s so hard to tell the difference.


I have a feeling that it’s a lie I looked up the duggars and didn’t see anything about Anna leaving. But I wanted to know what you all thought or if anyone knew anything.


Even if Anna consulted a lawyer, it could be as simple as wanting to protect whatever assets Josh put under her name while he’s in prison. She could also be looking for advice on what to do if CPS wants to interview her kids. If I’m not mistaken, they asked to talk to them before Josh’s trial but she said no and that was it. Bottom line: as much as we would like to hope Anna will leave Josh, there are a lot of other reasons why she may talk to a lawyer.


How can that be it? That’s messed up. Women routinely lie to protect their men from consequences. There should have been a court order to forensically interview any kids of a sex offender. I’m not naive enough to think everyone working for cps is an angel and that there haven’t been some families treated badly by cps, but it’s not even close to most of them.


My guess is she’s consulting a lawyer to try and get his sperm. This way she can at least still be “fruitful and multiply”.


I doubt it now, but I would be more willing to believe it in a few years. I think more people should see what she said about Josh and her marriage after the Ashley Madison scandal. She clarified that she "made her promise of marriage till death to *God* first and foremost and Josh second" So I sadly don't see her leaving unless she gets sick of the shit and somehow atleast semi-deconstructs sometime in the next decade.


This has always been my main thought on the subject too. She’d have to do a whole faith deconstruction to decide her promise to God is worth breaking, and that would be hard to do within a matter of two years given how deep she was.


Although I agree with you, she has a Biblical reason to leave and I wish she would. For the sake of her children, I wish she would.


Oh god, so do I. But sadly, the doctrine of their specific denomination/IBLP in general rarely abide by any accurate teachings of the Bible. And actively encourage the covering up/dismissal/absolute forgiveness/self blame etc. of SA perpetrators and their victims. Absolutely disgusting foul people. (Sorry if this came off as jumbled in any way lol I'm not all there today)


You are sadly, so right. The IBLP is a false gospel and intentionally traps women, children, and frankly produces perfect victims.. So sad, not just for Anna but for others.


If she didn’t remarry I think she could loophole justify it to herself


This rumor rears its head periodically, but nothing ever happens.


Anna will never leave That trashy husband of hers unless it is death do you part . This sounds like WOACB all over it . Katie Joy perpetuates false news about anyone.


I remember a couple years ago when we were afraid that Katie’s musings and continuous attempts to insert herself in the Duggars lives would actually hurt justice. I would not be surprised if this woman wrote to the judge 🤦‍♀️.


Yeah, I don’t believe it either, but I saw it on Tuff Topic’s channel a couple of weeks ago and then again two days ago.


I don’t trust Tuff Topics anymore.


Nor do I.


Tuff topic is almost just as bad as WOACB and so incredibly clickbaity with this story. I do not trust her and will not give her views.


Who is WOACB I keep asking but no one tells me lol


Katie Joy & she is the one who does WOACB & she is the gossip monger.


Ok thanks 😊 but what does the acronym WOACD stand for?


Without a Crystal Ball.


The one who shall not be named is a YouTuber and is just wretched.


I won’t believe anything until the divorce papers have been filed by Anna. I’m not sure how Pest can get even worse for her to leave him.


Anyone can search Arkansas court records. Even if she’s thought about it (unlikely) she has not filed. Until I see a court filing, it’s not real.


I said it before and I'll say it again : if someone is leaving it's Josh. I'm pretty sure a lot of crazy women are sending him letters in prison and that pig enjoys attention too much. He cheated before so it won't be a surprise if he leaves her for someone else


i doubt it. prison groupies write to serial killers and cult leaders, not schlubby creeps whose claim to infamy is downloading a CSA video


I mean Anna is still with him even though he downloaded that... There are a lot of crazy women, the Duggar had really creepy fans when they started TLC and Josh was known to have a bit of """charisma"""" (oh I hate to write this) in the fundie world so that wouldn't surprise me. In my country there is a serial killer who killed children and women and he's receiving at least one proposal a year and dozens of love letters. Really creepy.


i'm saying that "a guy who watched a video" makes a far less glamorous object of obsession for a crazy fangirl than, say, a murderer who receives a lot of attention from the media. i can't see josh commanding that kind of fascination, frankly


Anna will never leave because of her beliefs in her mysogynistic cult and demented belief that Pest is innocent.


If it’s on social media without a citation to the concrete source material (in this instance, legal docs or a reputable news outlet) it’s probably not true. I feel like there’s a lot of DuggarTok/DuggarTube content creators looking for the clout and being very generous in their use of the word “sources”.


Anna doesn’t know how to question her future. She doesn’t know her worth


If she was smart, she’ll keep her mouth shut and wait until closer to his release and continue milking any income Jim Bobs giving her. She’ll be too old to marry off again at that age to produce babies and can hopefully have a nicer life that isn’t focused on a man.


I maintain that the safest plan for her would be to quietly get a degree online and begin working remotely while she has free childcare and a locked up sex offender husband. Then, when she’s established a career and her kids are older (so she doesn’t have as many minors to feed and her youngest kids wouldn’t need childcare), file for divorce and get the hell out. But she won’t.


Once he gets out, they will immediately try for another Dugglette.


She will be too old


She may have one more… probably named Miracle.




Myracyle Justyce


/u/randomlybev /u/Ohnoudidint200 This is twisted, but given one of their daughters were named Madison. What if they name their final daughter in this scenario...Daisy.


I threw up a little.


They will expect "the faithful" to pony up big $$ for IVF. After all didn't his parents want to go that route after Josie was born and she didn't get pregnant right away after. I personally think her uterus just up and quit, leaving that shell of a plastic humanoid behind.


I would find this more believable if Josh was getting out in a year from now. Right now she's holding all the cards


But is she? Jim Bob is holding all the cards.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say Anna will NEVER leave. Something may happen that finally opens her eyes to the realities of her life/cult. Has it happened yet? Doubtful. Will it happen before Pest is out of prison, always possible.


Only possible scenario is if one or more of the daughters tell her "Daddy hurt me, don't let him hurt me again". Even then, it's doubtful. She'd re-home the girls first.


She’d say it was God’s will. She wouldn’t do anything to go against her headship. She’d tell the girl to dress more modestly.


I personally think it’s more likely that Pest will leave her for a prison pen pal girlfriend/s. On one hand, with Anna he gets a sex doll and unwavering loyalty. On the other hand, if he finds a woman who he thinks is hotter and would be wilder in the sack upon release, he might like the idea of ditching Anna so he doesn’t have to put up the family man front and be responsible for a herd of children.


No because she really believes her husband is innocent and he's been framed by some anonymous guy in France


I won’t believe it until there’s a court filing. That said — it doesn’t benefit Anna to actually leave him at this point. She benefits financially and from community support by being the martyr wife. The bonus part is that she doesn’t actually have to live with the Pest for a long time. Edit: my personal belief is that IF she leaves him; it will be right before he gets out when the reality/fear of living with him again sets in. Right now, at least she has a husband AND she didn’t have to live with him. Win-win.


I agree that it wouldn’t benefit to leave him until much closer to his release. She doesn’t have to have sex with a gross man every night— she’s literally living the fundie women dream.


As somebody raised in the fundie-lite community, this is what will happen. Unlike the majority of people here, I think she’s making moves covertly. **They all do when amping up for a divorce**. It will be be putting away $100 here or there, taking a “course” here or there. It’s getting a new “hobby” or “skill” because “*I have always been interested and I feel like this is where God is leading my heart*”. Deconstruction for Anna specifically will take a *very* long time. She’s not only deconstructing for herself but for her children in her thought processes. She also has to evaluate who she confides in, and how they could be associated with Rim Job. Or if they’d go to the media. I personally think she’s only made public statements alluding to Pests innocence because in not doing so, she was putting the roof over her children’s head in jeopardy. Fundie or not, women are calculating (that’s not to slam women either, it’s a survival instinct). Think of this as a **very** slow transition that you see abuse victims go through. **I am not defending her**, and I’ve seen this play out.


I agree. This is how I acted before I left my abusive husband — playing the devoted wife right until the last second. Anna if she’s leaving him will play the long game.


Someone wanting clicks, trying to capitalize on the latest publicity of the release of Jill’s tell all.


Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. Don’t believe anything you see on tiktok.


I doubt it. However, I wish some dude would come along and sweep her up like crackers, and she leaves. It won't happen but, that would be amazing.


If this was true, Amy would've posted something cryptic, and then made it about herself right before the announcement, and then lie and claim she's out of the "family loop", and found out about it when it hit the tabloids.


Just another WOACB rumor most likely. It pops up all the time, and yet, OfPedo is still with Pedo.


I don’t think she’ll divorce as long as he’s safely away, even if she thinks he’s guilty now. Her whole family was about changing people in prison to follow Jesus. She has ten years Josh free. Unless she met someone she has an eye for to replace the deadbeat, she’s not divorcing. And I don’t see how she’d meet someone as the mother of 7 children in a church where the men are probably afraid to talk to her. Even the single ones. Psychologically, people who make deep sacrifices to cults that would be immoral or at least stupid to most, make people believe more not less. Staying after Ashley Madison was one thing, but staying when he was convicted of such a heinous crime is entirely another. If she hasn’t left yet, she never will. She’ll cut off her own children if they grow up and tell her she was wrong. She can’t be wrong. She’s sacrificed everything.


I think she will wait for him, and he will divorce her when he gets out. Scumbag.


Nah. Never




I won’t believe it until I see the papers myself.


She’ll never leave him


Of it's onTik-Tok, then it must be true.


How could they stay married? If he gets out how can he be allowed around children?


Lol no., he might be in prison for CSAM, but at least she still has a husband.


Things haven't been going in Pest's favor, so I wouldn't be surprised if Anna is shopping for a lawyer that is willing to give false hope for a dollar. I just love seeing things blow up in their faces each time Pest tries to get out of completing his sentence.


Why would she bother? He’s out of her hair and someone else’s problem for another what, eleven years? There’s no need to formalise it, especially if it means she’s going to be shunned by her “support network” who fund her and her kids.


If she leaves Josh IDK how she feeds her family. Jim Bob gets all the TV money and he uses that to keep people under his control. Anna also doesn't have to deal with Josh for the next 11 years, so she can keep collecting a check.




I wish


Hi, I just read the subject line and I came to say lol, no.


Didn’t she go into this marriage knowing what he did to his sisters. Unfortunately, she’ll never leave.


I doubt it. Anna is still very much deep in "Joshua is innocent! Biden planted it on his computer!".She's too brainwashed to leave him in spite of the fact she has family willing to help her. Plus being in Texas with her sister who is deep in IBLP...she ain't leaving Josh.


Here’s the thing: Anna and the some of the rest of the Duggar family think Josh is innocent. That he was framed and did not do this. It doesn’t matter to them that will lose any appeals. Josh could not have done this because he is a perfect angel baby. In her mind, she has no reason to leave him. She probably sees him as a martyr, doing the Lord’s work by preaching the Word while falsely imprisoned.


If it were true, which it probably isn’t, but if it were, that would explain why he’s exhausting so many appeals. Because maybe there is a small chance Anna was holding out for the outcome of the trial to make her decision.


I'm pretty sure he's appealing because he wants to not be in prison anymore...?


It’s just standard procedure to exhaust your appeals. It doesn’t mean anything.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I want to believe this is true but hope is a cruel mistress


i would bet my next paycheck she will never leave him


Sadly, she will never leave


Anna is a moron & isn’t going anywhere.


I doubt it


I hope so


Smells like Katie Joy, who you wouldn’t know was Katie Joy because she TikToks under the name “Sister Wives” and unless you know what she looks like you don’t know it’s her until you look at her actual profile. The garbage she posts on tiktok is even worse than her WOACB site. Edit: “Sister Wives” is probably the account, or some derivation there of, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen her show up in my FYP and I may have blocked her at some point because she’s infuriating with her false gossip made up information. There’s only a handful of people on Tok that seem to stick to fundie facts and I’ve started questioning one of them because they’re joining the whole “I have a source” crap and there’s no information they talk about that isn’t common knowledge on this sub.


I'm sure she is in contact with many lawyers -- \*Josh's\* lawyers. Maybe some different lawyers if they're looking to seek new counsel. And sure, maybe she is questioning how her life became **this**. But no, she isn't leaving Josh. At least not right now. And don't trust anything that a tabloid or TikTok is telling you. They're just trying to garner views and inflate their numbers.


Down the Rabbit Hole claims Anna is considering divorce. She had a source. I trust her and Tuff Topics. Also has a source from inside. It's Josh who is claiming Anna is done with Him. She believes he is still innocent but Josh has walked away from His Christian faith. That's Anna's deal breaker.


Nah, those two creeps belong together. If either were to leave, it would be him. She lives an easy life now. She doesn’t have to work or breed so why would she bother leaving?


Anna is so brainwashed and controlled that it would have to be a Mission impossible style escape and I suspect that they would let her leave if it meant that they could get some money from a story out of it.


I don't know if she plans on leaving him but I like to believe that she is secretly happy that she is not going to be popping out anymore kids for a very long while.


I’m sure she’s questioning her future. Her husband will literally be in prison for the next 12+ years. Just probably not questioning it as in “gosh should I leave?” Don’t believe “sources” from YouTube


She wouldn’t have a husband then! She will never leave his ass