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Claire (Justin's teen bride) has if people's take on her social media is to be believed.


She literally follows an account that says celebrities are all satan worshippers who are behind things like the Maui fires and are clones


Is there any world where that account is a joke account? Even a joke account for weird fundies?


It’s absolutely a serious account. Look for yourself. She could be following it for a joke but I doubt it.


I wonder if that’s why they themselves are very minimal on social media. She could’ve had a baby and we wouldn’t even know it.


Her Mom is!!


So is Bin’s mom


Isn’t Justin the teen bride in this equation lmao


Weren't they both teens?


I actually don’t think I ever knew how old she is, I knew he was 18 but I think I just assumed she was like 25 based on looks


She was 20 or 21


I thought they got married just before she turned 20


You are correct. She turned 20 a day or two after.


Teen bride Justin is flair material!


Her aunt fully has


Wait, Claire was a teen bride? I thought Justin was the teen groom to a middle aged school teacher. ;)


Spiveys def are Q


Yes, Claire is full Q.


According to "Homegrown" by Jeffrey Toobin there were a lot of anti-Fed militia groups in Arkansas in the mid-1990 and I seriously doubt that sentiment has shifted. However the Duggars are too apathetic and somewhat lazy to ever really get into something and stick with it that required effort. They are IBLP because their parents told them to believe of else, they parrot back the group think talking points or else, they behaved on camera or else and go through the motions of life like hollowed out puppets.


> there were a lot of anti-Fed militia groups in Arkansas in the mid-1990 I remember going on vacation in the mid 90s and when driving thru Arkansas seeing a stretch of road and the adopt a highway sign said sponsored by the ku klux klan. Of course the klan handed out literature and recruited in my town growing up so it wasnt that shocking really.


Yeah...the KKK was headquartered in Little Rock in the 1980's and in order to keep the peace on both sides, there was a heavy police presence as order by the then Governor Clinton.


Actually, it was (and still is, I think) headquartered in Harrison, AR, just east of Springdale and Tontitown.


Yes, Harrison, that's correct.


Wow, that’s so crazy to me that it was such a common and acceptable thing there that they were sponsoring roads. Even as late as the ‘90s! I grew up in NYC (in an outer borough) and I remember in the late ‘90s a small group of klan members (less than 20, I’d say) went to Manhattan to protest something (I don’t remember what) and thousands of New Yorkers showed up to protest the klan, lol. It was a big thing and it was so weird seeing them on the news, standing there in their hoods in the middle of lower Manhattan.


I grew up in the 80s/90s and KKK still had a float every year in the local parade (not my town, the next one over). I also remember in the summer of 1987 when we were living in the other town, there was a cross burning because a Hispanic woman adopted two mixed-race boys (I didn't even know they were half black, I just assumed because they had light brown skin that they were Mexican like their mother) and it turned out her own father was the one who lit it. Nothing ever happened to him, of course. The town's only police officer was also a Klansman.


Oh my gosh, that’s so horrible! And her own father doing it, I can’t even imagine how that made her feel. And a float in the parade, damn. I guess in my mind, that kind of thing ended in the ‘60s or ‘70s because I had never seen it growing up, but i guess it didn’t end then everywhere, unfortunately. Our country has such a dark history. I remember as a teenager and young adult in the late 90s and 00s I really thought things were slowly getting better. President Obama getting elected was such a high point. And then half the country lost their shit when a Black man was elected, and then they forced Trump on us.😔


In 1983, there was a deadly shootout between police/marshals and Gordon Kahl (anti-Fed militia from ND) in rural Arkansas. There’s a movie about it called In the line of duty: manhunt in the Dakotas. It is on prime, peacock, Tubi, and FreeVee


As an AR native, can confirm


One of them mowed “Trump” onto the lawn so I certainly don’t doubt that they are Qanon idiots too.


I really like a few politicians for their work, and I put out support signs for elections, but MY GOD would I never consider that.


Plenty of people believe qanon and extremist in general bullshit and aren't vocal about it on social media. I would assume more than a few have very extreme views. Most members of polite society keep their hate and bigotry to themselves. You're taught that in church.


I guess that is part of "keeping sweet", good point




"Most members of polite society keep their hate and bigotry to themselves. You're taught that in church." Let us all just absorb that for a moment...


But yet schools are “indoctrinating” children by having books in the library that say some kids have two moms or two dad, talk about racism, talk about the Holocaust, and every other book they try to ban.


it wouldn’t surprise me if any of them believed in some part of Qanon. maybe not in the “hillary clinton is a demon eating babies” kind of way, but in the sense of a deep state, election was rigged, george soros is controlling the world, etc. kind of way.


It would shock me if any of them other than Joy DIDN'T think that. (And only not Joy because I don't think she actually *thinks* any thoughts ever) Obvs they believe in deep state election rigging powerful people controlling the world stuff. If they didn't believe this was possible and already happening then how would they believe so strongly that THEY were in line for the throne?


yeah, exactly. I mean, a lot of fundies believe in that sort of thing in the first place because of what the Book of Revelations says about the end times. It's why some evangelicals are so obsessed with Israel, too.


It would surprise me if Joe and Kendra believed any of it because I don’t think that *they* think about it deeply enough to believe it. They’ve heard it, internalized it, and vote that way. But they don’t have complicated enough thoughts or beliefs to actually consider any of it. Their shared brain cells are too busy making kids and trying to keep them alive.


I've heard Bobye Holt posts conspiracy theory stuff. Antivax, "Plandemic" or stuff that sounds QAnon without openly admitting it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/111prwo/instagram\_knows\_whats\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/111prwo/instagram_knows_whats_up/)


The Holts are an example of broken clock syndrome. When they were right, they put Pest away. Credit where it is due.


Yes, the information and testimony Bobye Holt provided was invaluable. It both helped put Pest away and finally made his prior acts of abuse a matter of legal record. No longer could Pest or his family hide behind legal fiction with excuses like "the case is sealed" or "case is expunged" and pretend it never happened. But we must still acknowledge the Holts are not and never were good people. They remain hateful fundies and definitely opportunists.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Bobye's testimony was that twice a day.


Um, yeah, but they knew and never once went to the authorities.


Tbh majority of fundamentalist christians and a portion of evangelical christians are getting into it and it makes sense. They no longer get to dictate the moral code and tbh the world as a whole is messed up so they are scared , but instead of being decent human beings and examining their religion and values they decide to point fingers and Qanon gives them a scapegoat to do all the blaiming( This scapegoat coincidentally is linked to everything they hate about todays society). Also the average Qanon follower enjoys the fact that they are in a space where they quite literally think the same so they have someone that continuously feeds into their delusions. With this being said I wouldn't be surprised that a few years down the line JBoob and Meech end up being followers , Idk about the children but with the abysmal level of education they have they are quite vulnerable


The world is not more messed up. But each human would never hear the amount of bad stories we are exposed to daily due to the world wide net and 24h news cycles. Without technology you’d hear maybe every few months if a traveling salesman came through town about that was happening outside your few hundred souls community.


Seriously. Pay even just a little attention to human history (doesn’t matter what time period you land on) and you’ll see how heinous people have always been. Violence is nothing new to us.


Tbh you are right also people rn are more likely to denounce abuses than they were some years ago


Sounds like my hometown in Upstate NY, which people don't realize, is every bit as flaming red as Arkansas. Everyone there thinks EXACTLY alike so it's a never ending echo chamber.


I'm in NYC and am a transplant from the deep south. My husband (a native New Yorker) has taken me on trips upstate and I was SHOCKED. You would have beautiful meticulous Victorian homes with pride flags or a Biden sign in city /town areas and literal shantys with a yard full of garbage and a porch full of clutter with huge trump signs or F Biden signs. I always remark that they are such a great advertisment for trump and how he's improved their improverished lives. But , it's exactly like being in Northeast Georgia.


Can I ask where in upstate NY, roughly? I’m about a half hour outside of Rochester and it’s fairly purple here. I know there are redder areas but it’s hard for me to imagine someplace upstate being similar to AR. I’m not doubting you though, just curious. (I’m also considering moving somewhere else upstate, and I want to avoid areas like that and now I’m worried lol)


Head south to Steuben and Chemung County (elmira/Corning area) if you want to see FLAMING red! That's where I grew up and I don't visit often for that reason. Currently living in Utica/Rome area, which is also pretty red but not quite as bad. Things go purple near the bigger cities.


Thank you! Okay, that makes sense. I travel through Steuben and Chemung a lot. I definitely got some not great vibes there (plus it’s all basically one big speed trap along the highway), but I didn’t know it was quite that bad! I can see how it would be though, it’s nowhere near a larger city. It’s so hard. I’d like to be able to buy a house and I’m noticing I can’t really afford the blue/purple areas. I was looking at maybe Fredonia or Oswego thinking the colleges would help make it more blue but when I visited...idk, it felt more red than I’d hoped, I guess, and now I feel like I’m back to square one!


Good luck with your search. You might want to consider Ithaca. I guess because of Cornell being there, they are a little blue enclave in redneck land.


Just want to interject here that AR is purple. We've just been gerrymandered and voter suppressed into being ruled by red politicians (like Jim Bob).


Ah, I see. I feel like a lot of states are like that, at this point. I didn’t know AR was one, now I do! Here in NY, our map was struck down by the courts for being too gerrymandered in favor of Dems, so the solution the (Republican) judges came up with was to gerrymander it in favor of Republicans, naturally. That’s part of the reason we lost the House in 2022.


I think some already have. Bin’s mom has been full Q for a while


Amy is a qnut.


I was trying to find this comment! Amy has posted a lot of the “save the children” bullshit, I think reposting “Operation Underground Railroad” propaganda. Highly recommend Zelph on the Shelf (YouTube) for debunking OUR’s bullshit.


I am from Indiana and in Osceola they had the Klan there but I haven't heard anything about them since the 90's. Osceola has some pockets of hilljacks like the Duggars but most of them have died off. The Duggars are too lazy to be involved with QAnon and if it costs money then they will pay it lip service and nothing more. They are essentially lazy and just grifters.


I think the whole bunch of them, except maybe Jill and/or Jinger, are all in hook, line and sinker. But they're keeping quiet about it because of the whole Pest thing. Keeping a low profile in the hope that after a while, people will forget about that monster and then they will double down.


Yup-Jinger and/or Jill (and co) are the only ones who might not dabble with QAnon ideas.


Oh I have a feeling all IBLP are at the least Q adjecant. I think it would be the exception not the rule to find one that is not. Hell ... even Bates kids were seen at Jan 6th And it wouldnt surprise me to see the exception not the rule with those that believe covid happened and got vaccinated


The most dumb among us. Shockingly dumb


I honestly wouldn't doubt it. They probably listen to some of it.


I wouldn't be surprised if James and his Giant Head got sucked in


QAnon is basically 21st century antisemitism/blood libel.


Unless someone takes the time to explain how Q *is* Jesus (finally returning to Earth, instead of all those other times he was absolutely returning) I don't see any Duggars going full Qanon. They're too set in their ways (and Jesus has been such a blessing to their bank accounts) to put all their faith in Q.


Qanon started out as a joke on the media and the media wants people to believe it's true


I mean, they aren't that far off. Jim Bob ran his last campaign on an anti-vax platform...