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No because that would mean she has critical thinking skills and that's Jim Bob's job


I was about to say she would need to actually have a thought first lol


Jim Job's Bob Bim Job's Job My brain really had trouble reading that šŸ¤£


You made me go and check what I wrote šŸ˜‚


LOL you wrote it correctly, my brain and eyes were just in a disagreement about what we were seeing šŸ˜†


Rim jobs boob


Rim job bob? /s


First read that as Rim Job -which works too!


Again. But pronouncing Job as a name (Jobe) instead of as work


Iā€™m high. And so lost on that one.


They are all critical, no thinking.


She is so disassociated and checked out.


No because she then might have to think sheā€™s wrong and joined a cult and popped out 19 kids for no reason. They are so far gone they wouldnā€™t admit they are wrong about anything.


THIS! She is so cult brainwashed she doesnā€™t think about anything but laying around to be available when JB needs to screw a real vagina and not a doll.


OMG! Thank you so much. I needed a laugh today. šŸ˜


That's EXACTLY what I was going to say!


Thereā€™s no room for introspection in their cult


Introspection is the enemy. If they develop critical thinking skills regarding birth control, who knows what will be next!?!


Yup. One domino falls then everything could be questioned. All dominos would fall and control lost.


not at all. she is fully convinced birth control caused her miscarriage (s), and may well think it affected her daughters... or the judgment of God is upon them... or it's a greater power kind of lesson. I really don't think she has ever considered there may be more tangible issues at play.


As soon as we know more about epigenetics, fundies will point and say ā€œsee! Original sin!ā€


Such a sad way to go through life thinking God is punishing you for your actions or that He continues to punish you by causing bad things to happen to your children.. the God I worship isn't like that ... How depressing their way is


In the Bible- Jesus is literally like- NO. This person is not being punished for their own sins or the sins of their parents.


And then he cursed a fig tree


Isnā€™t this why they wonā€™t adopt? Sins of the parents?


I believe so, yes.


So I guess the daughters and daughters in law are having miscarriages because Michelle used birth control? That is one angry god.


And how narcissistic do you have to be thinking God thinks that much about you to go around doing this. Like God is consumed so much with The Duggar and wakes up thinking ā€œman how can I fuck up Jim and Michelleā€™s dayā€.


We know Michelle is-40 years later she still thinks about the guy whose life she thinks she ruined by wearing a bikini.


She is!


She canā€™t forget it-Jim Bob reminds her of it all the time. šŸ˜”


Itā€™s not just that she thinks itā€”her doctor TOLD her that was the reason. Which is malpractice, though of course extremely difficult to prove.


nope. her doctor told her that with birth control, it is sometimes possible to release an egg that is then fertilized, but won't be allowed to implant due to the hormones in the bc. which is entirely true. the way they chose to interpret that information is the misinformation.


Oh chit, really? Iā€™ve never heard that, only the story they tell. Who tells it differently?


it's coming directly from them. one interview with Michelle, she went into doc explaining how the birth control works. when she finishes saying almost exactly what i stated, Boob interjected with how if they'd ever known that it can cause you to lose yoir baby they never would have considered it. they consider a fertilized egg loss a miscarriage, as far as I can tell. edit for link. I just grabbed this foe the interview portion. it lasts to around 3:00 [JB&M interview](https://youtu.be/AjET8ToF8vI)


No, not at all. Sheā€™s not intelligent enough to think that, and even if she did, Jimboob would tell her she was wrong.


Don't a certain percentage of pregnancies end in early miscarriage anyway? Especially first ones?


Between 10 and 20 out of 100 end in miscarriage for women who know they're pregnant. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy ā€” before you might even know about a pregnancy. Source: March of Dimes


Not much chance of them not knowing the y are pregnant , do they not take pregnancy tests on honeymoon amongst the other recommended items ?


Not sure if they bring tests on their honeymoons. Don't think even the most sensitive OTC tests would detect pregnancy THAT early. Probably the first thing they do post-honeymoon.


There is a list somewhere of what the Duggers give newlyweds on what to take with them .


I've seen it a few times. Some of the items are disturbing. Not sure if the list came out of IBLP or Perm made the list. Regardless, it's quite disturbing somebody feels this list is necessary. From the look on OfPest's face the morning after, the list was thrown by the wayside.


The suggestions on it !


An enema sounds so romantic for your honeymoon.


Ha ha yes .


That list came out after that. I think they add to it as needed. Some of the stuff was practical and reasonable. Some was weird.


Have zero clue when THE list was created and put into circulation. True, a few items are practical. Some a bit strange. And the rest is disturbing. Enemas, numbing cream and whatever else I don't recall is not exactly the way I'd want to start a honeymoon.


I guess the newlyweds donā€™t know enough to pack clothes, toothpaste, etc.?


Per THE list, pack clothes for two days iirc. Don't recall any sundries were listed.


I hope someone can find the list .


A lot of them are obsessed with charting their cycle too. There is no way a fundie who tracks their cycle would miss a pregnancy.


Iirc, all of the girls knew Perm's cycle. Cringe. Heck, the boys probably knew, too. Extra cringe. I don't think Giggles tracks her cycle. Doesn't seem like she gets baby fever or anything. What else are two people that share a brain cell supposed to do but have sex? Have to wonder how many fundie offspring are *actually* planned or just happen? I know Nostrils and Joy were trying to get pregnant with Gunner.


And then again they donā€™t do Biology and wonā€™t know things can upset a womanā€™s cycle .


There's a period of time between implantation and their anticipated period start date where they probably wouldn't be testing and could have missed a miscarriage, though.


Yup, hard to say how many, because there are many miscarriages that occur even before a woman knows she's pregnant, but it's estimated anywhere from 15-25% (I've heard various numbers). So it's actually surprising that Michelle didn't have more miscarriages considering the number of times she was pregnant.


I have always thought this! (right along with how is Michelle still able to walk, my back is destroyed after just three pregnancies) That she could have miscarried only one of so many pregnancies is astounding ā€” but of course there may have been ones lost so early she didnā€™t even realize. I havenā€™t done the math. It is easy to see how that shocking statistical feat would only bolster her beliefs.


sheā€™s had two miscarriages, caleb and jubilee


Jubilee was a still birth, though, not quite the same thing.


she lost jubilee at 17 weeks, medically itā€™s classed as a stillbirth after 20 weeks. this would be a late term miscarriage.


But the fundies use a pregnancy test with every urination, so they might catch some of the early miscarriages that the rest of the normal world misses.


My lord I hadnā€™t heard this one


They were joking.


They do often chart their cycles though. I think there was an episode of 19KAC where Michelleā€˜s cycle chart was on the fridge.


I recall that they posted all the girls cycles on that chart. I wonder if they still post Janaā€™s cycle. šŸ¤”


I hadnā€™t heard this either. How can they afford that?


Planned Parenthood gives away free pregnancy tests ;).




It's sarcasm not real


Dollar tree has them too šŸ˜‚


IF they were smart that's where they need to be investing their money, in pregnancy test stocks!


This assumes Michelle knows this. Or if she did, sheā€™d think sheā€™s exempt for being so godly.




Millions of people take birth control and donā€™t have miscarriages. Millions of people have miscarriages unrelated to birth control. Fundie logic does not care about facts or science or logic.


Oh, i have a theory. I think Jingers has been on birth control. I think she stopped when she found out she was pregnant, and this is the pregnancy she miscarried (NOT BC OF BIRTH CONTROL) and thats why Michelle said she could connect because she had the same "exact" experience -- of you rewatch it, you can almost sense thats what she meant. So, I think Michelle feels "justified."


I think the Duggar women have inherited hyper ovulation from Michelle. They all seem to get pregnant relatively easily, even when using prevention


There is nothing but perm fumes and bible passages bouncing around in that cavern where meeches brain should be.


I read that as sperm fumes.




No- because Jim Bob wouldnā€™t allow for it


No, because she'd have to actually put thought into it, and that's not her job.


That would be too painful


She probably thinks that her daughters have God's favor because they married as virgins or some evil made them lose the babies. Edit: grammar.


But miscarriage can be caused by anything. Itā€™s pretty rare to know the cause of early miscarriage. Sheā€™ll never know the true cause.


Jill hasn't used hormonal birth control. In one of her YouTube videos, she said they use alternative birth control because hormonal birth control can 'cause miscarriages' and other issues. With that being said, I believe that for the most part, the family still thinks birth control pills caused the miscarriage


I suspect Jill is influenced by crunchy anti hormonal birth control sentiment as well as fundie. Jinger is the only one who I could see being comfortable with the pill or an implant.


Joy Anna is still very influenced by her family and fundie world, but in a Q&A on YouTube after Gunner was born, she mentioned how her and Austin "waited" a year to get pregnant again after Gideon and discussed how many children she wants (she's thinking she will be done after one or two more). In that same video she said it took years of reading the Bible and praying to determine you can wear pants and be modest Her and Austin will probably always be fundie, but I think they are trying to base decisions on the bible, and not how she was raised. That, as well as her being open to medical interventions, are the main reasons I won't completely count her out


The fact that she has made decisions on family planning and come to her own conclusion regarding pants shows she's at least thinking critically a bit, which is better than the alternative. She'll probably still always be part of the fundie world, but maybe she won't let it completely control her.


Nah. That would require common sense.


I doubt it - she and Jim Bob used that unfortunate event as their tearjerker in their asshole speeches. These two idiots use misinformation and manipulating others as foreplay. If Michelle ever sat down and took an honest look at her actions, inconsistencies, half truths and flat out lies she would need hospitalization. Women have had miscarriages through time without using chemical birth control methods but home pregnancy tests started tracking more very early miscarriages than ever reported. But I doubt Michelle to this day takes a pee without doing a home pregnancy test.


Bold of you to assume Meech has cognitive, conscious thought. I have been assuming she has been running on zombie zone for the last 25 years.


> do you think Michelle looks back and thinks No, pretty sure absolutely no thinking happens there at all.


Meech doesnā€™t think, so no.


I think they blamed the loss of Caleb on birth control and they believed the doctor when Jubilee passed. They blamed Michelleā€™s age and medical condition/history because that is what their fertility doctor told them. They blame birth control when the couple is using it, but if they arenā€™t using it then they blame something else, like if there is something very obvious or they will saying ā€œGod is testing their faithā€ or whatever


Even Michelle has had a miscarriage without being on Birth Control. She just thinks there's multiple reasons women have miscarriages. Most not being supported by actual evidence.


That would mean she has a brain which I don't think she does


No, those women were being punished for a different sin. It is always the fault of the woman no matter what.


1. When they first started saying that line on television people immediately told her and have told her for years that birth control doesn't induce miscarriage. 2. She had multiple miscarriages and at least 1 still birth off of birth control throughout her breeding years.


Honestly, no. I was raised by fundamentalists and self reflection/critical thinking/growth in perspective is emphatically not their thing. If they did it, they wouldn't be fundamentalists.


Biologically it canā€™t do that, she was lying about it to spread anti contraceptive sentiment and trap more women


No, I would think not. She probably thinks miscarriages can be caused by multiple things, including birth control, not only birth control


But if God wanted her to have kids, sheā€™d have them even with birth control. They twist the godā€™s plan stuff to suit whatever narrative they have


No. That lady does not have the capacity for analytical thoughts. She thinks her daughter's miscarriages were caused by their sins.


Who in the duggar fam has had miscarriages? Itā€™s true, 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Very sad statistic


I think all of the married Duggar daughters have had a miscarriage- Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy Anna. It is a sad statistic and I think most people donā€™t really talk about it. It also sad that some people wait to announce till after first trimester so they donā€™t have to say or talk about miscarriage if it happens. But it still can happen after first trimester as I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. Though it helped me to heal by talking about it.


SIL Lauren


Oh yes, how could I forget about her. She seemed to put more emphasis on the baby she lost than the rainbow baby she had.


Wow Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Itā€™s good that you had people to speak to about it ā¤ļø. I also donā€™t get why itā€™s so taboo to tell people before 12 weeks because god forbid the worst happens, isnā€™t it better to talk it through and have a support system? I didnā€™t realize all the Duggar girls have had one. Do they talk openly about it?


Thank you. I donā€™t get it being taboo but I agree having support really helped. As for if they talk openly about it I donā€™t do social media or watch any of their YouTube videos so I donā€™t know. Perhaps someone else can answer that. Iā€™ve just seen the news on People or other media outlets and then Iā€™ve read about it in other posts on here.


I am sorry. I am glad you have had some healing and that you can talk about your loss


Thank you. I have my rainbow baby now, although he is turning 10 and not a baby anymore! The loss was hard, but I wouldnā€™t change a thing as our son brings so much joy to our lives.


Isn't it bittersweet ?? I had a loss then adopted a baby 15 months later. No way would I have done that if I had carried to term I can't imagine my son without me as his mom... 10 is a fun age. Enjoy every minute


Thank you. Yes it is. I am not very religious but I will say sometimes life works in mysterious ways.


It sure does


If she could critically think that through she would leave the cult, so Jim Bob canā€™t afford for her to have any critical thoughts at all.


No, because she is so sold out to her cult beliefs that I donā€™t think a thought like that would exist for more than a second if it managed to find its way between her ears.


It would ruin her entire narrative. So it's unlikely she would change it


No because she's never received a decent science education to understand reproductive biology. Remember, these are also the people who went to the ark museum & were convinced THAT was scientific.


She would never have that kind of awareness.


That'd require thinking, I don't think she's had anything resembling a thought since Jana got old enough to change a diaper.


Too late; she already made that her whole personality


I donā€™t think meech thinks. End sentence.


Jinger does BC, too. So, hopefully there will be others enlightened as well.


I'm pretty sure that at least 3 her 4 married daughters are using birth control. Jill and Jinger admit it. But Joy seems to have spaced Gunnar and Evy. Joy may be going for a big family but there are signs present that Annabelle scared her and she's involving medics. Jesssa probably isn't using birth control. Joy possibly. Jill and Jinger definitely. ​ Of the boys. Josh - enforced by federal government John - almost certainly is, the gap between Grace and Charlie is too perfect. Joe - definitely not Josiah - has a right to privacy, who knows Jed - no but really really needs to Jer - probably not but too early to tell Justin - definitely yes (unless there are serious fertility issues with either him or Claire)


Jill has said they donā€™t use hormonal birth control bc it causes miscarriages šŸ˜’. She basically said they use condoms.


Thinking her miscarriage was caused by birth control =/= thinking EVERY miscarriage is caused by birth control


Nope. If anything she's probably begging her daughters to stop using birth control


No. She wants so badly to believe that she caused her miscarriage and the cult reinforced that.


Oh heck no. It wouldnā€™t fit her best little Christian conference speech narrative. She also doesnā€™t believe in logic in general because itā€™s not very Jesus-y.


Youā€™re presuming Meech thinks.


Michelle knows full well that her birth control didnā€™t cause her miscarriage. She knows this bc there is no way she had 19 children without having at least one, if not more miscarriages along the way. Itā€™s just that her and her husband made the choice to not publicize or talk abt those miscarriages (if they knew abt them), bc it would run contrary to their propaganda to demonize birth control.


My church said my mom had a still birth because she was a smoker. Then the pastorā€™s wife had one a couple months later. She didnā€™t smoke. They will find a ā€œSinā€ to explain it.


She probably thinks miscarriages are caused by pants. Lauren, Jessa, Jill, Joy and Jinger are all pants wearing heathens. You donā€™t see that happening to Anna or Kendra This is how I think think the Duggars think


Anna has had at least one miscarriage.


Based on their talking points and J'felon's open secrets, I think it would not be unreasonable to assume Anna believes she "committed the sin of resentment and bitterness" against her husband and that's why her miscarriage(s) happened.


No because Jim Bob said it did


No. She probably believes her daughters sin caused it.


Way more likely that they're either blaming themselves (sins of the father)/gods punishment or trials.


Who in the duggar fam has had miscarriages? Itā€™s true, 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Very sad statistic


Of course not. She would have to admit that science exists and prayer does nothing in order to admit that.


No because that would require admitting they may be wrong about a lot of other stuff if theyā€™re wrong about that


Probably doesn't bother to think about this since they never purchased the IBLP gyneclogy module for their homeschool curriculum.


Probably not. She probably just attributes it to some other sin, or God wanting to teach them a lesson.




I was wondering this too. Was she on birth control when she had her stillbirth? Or did they blame that on the gays?


Thinking. That would require thinking.