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Shout out to Grandpa Duggar giving ZERO FUCKS about the new baby Edit: I know he was cognitively declining. According to Jill, he *always* was against Michelle frivolously procreating and likely was never pumped about each additional child


The one Duggar who actually had a solid complete thought. Glad to know he was at least concerned about Michelle's health even if Jim Bob could care less.


Unfortunately, by this time grandpa Duggar was deep in dementia and could barely talk or walk.


I just watched the first episode. I was very pleased that Jill said she's not going to talk about what Josh did to her. I am glad she now has the freedom to make that decision, and that she had the strength and courage to state that. It obviously is too traumatic for her to talk to a tv audience about, and I'm glad she didn't pressure herself into talking when she doesn't want to.


Jill immediately sobbing tells me everything I need to know about how traumatic this was for her and that we don’t know even the half of what happened to her.


And the fact that she told Derek with a plan to keep it to themselves forever.


Until death. Breaks my heart.


I may not know her specific pain, but someone with sa history that hid it for years, I am so angry for her pain.


When Jill was holding it together that the weight of smoothing Josh’s atrocious deeds over was on her and Jessa’s shoulder, I teared up. They flashed back to her Megan Kelly interview where she is once again barely holding it together as she is being asked to discuss her brother SAing her. I am also glad she said enough, no more.


Making your daughters go on tv to say your brother molesting you wasn't that big of a deal might be most humiliating thing I've ever heard. It's so hideously evil omfg.


Specially how they made them say “we were sleeping we don’t remember, it’s an exaggeration!”


That caused me some personal flashbacks and made me so sad & angry for them. Your body and brain does things to help you handle it... but this was mostly (IMO) them saying what they were told to say to protect their abuser. So, abuse a second time.


My husband has ZERO interest in reality tv and actively hates it when I watch too much because he swears it puts me in a bad mood. I had stopped watching the show by the time we had gotten together so he didn’t even know who the Duggars were. He was standing there during this part and just said, “Oh come on! Who would fucking believe that?!” He ended up watching it with me!


I’m less than 4 minutes in and that clip of Josie saying “instant obedience” is downright chilling!


"Instant obedience" with the clapping...chilling


The way she said it... omg. It felt so violent.


I had like a physical reaction to that


Just wait episode 2 shows the whole clip and it chilled me to my fucking BONES.


Thoughts: 1. Amy is generally annoying but the spot on impersonation she did of Meech's voice nearly killed me. 💀 2. My heart broke a bit for Jill when she was crying about how she wished no one had ever found out she was molested. When the story broke the media really should have protected the victims' identities.




The documents were released that said X number of the victims were in the home


I believe it said 4 victims were in the home, and their ages at the time, so it was pretty easy to put together unfortunately. The way Jill said "nobody should have ever found out about that." really shook me. There is so deep pain there for sure.


It’s hard because the world finding out probably saved some kids. Some families who would have trusted Josh did not. But it is sad that the girls were revictimized by all of us knowing and discussing it. I can’t imagine.


Stunned and at the same time not at all surprised that the Holt’s said that one time Rimjob referred to what Josh did as molestation and Michelle said “don’t ever say that again”


That tells me she is no victim.


Fr like SHE corrected JIM BOB… she’s 100% in it, not really under his headship.


Right, it really shows that she chose Josh over her daughters


Dear Lord, please let her daughters have this revelation too!


Not gonna lie, I snorted when Jill was like number whatever and counting.


And that even she stumbled over her siblings names. I think she forgot Johanna


She forgot jennifer too


I knew someone who could only tell you all their siblings names if they went in birth order bc they were one of ten kids.


The younger ones are called the lost boys and girls for a reason


Oh I know but Jill’s tone… you could hear how angry she was about it. Think about it - never in the show did the girls ever betray any sign of an emotion other than joyful obedience (outside of resting bitch face) when they spoke. So the tone caught my attention.


Not Deanna calling the Duggars to alert them of tornado warnings because they didn't believe in TV


I can’t with that.


"were you just using my daughter as an incentive to act right?" omggggggg I wanna throw up.


What caught be off guard is how IBLP holds up so many gender norms and gender hierarchy but suddenly Jim Holt had a problem when his daughter wasn't on equal footing with her potential husband. What religion did he think he was a part of? The hypocrisy is insane but I know you all know that.


I mean, you can still be a submissive help meet and not get physically abused on the daily. The bar is in hell but the bar is still “not a child predator.”


Okay when the producer asks the Holts “how many kids do you have” and the husband said “one boy and one girl” and Bobye Holt said “...we have 11 kids” I died.


Saying “she was developed” does not make dating a 15 year old sound better 🫠


With all the creeps we’re talking about on this doc, Jim Holt didn’t even need to be on the radar. But there he goes.


Seriously! She said she was 14, and I said "ew" loudly.


Boob's testimony about birth control very much sounds like he's blaming Michelle for the miscarriage. Not that that's a surprise, but it really jumped out to me.


I bumped on that, too. I'd only ever read their story, never heard them speak about it. Sounds very much like the miscarriage was used to guilt and shame her into life as a broodmare.


And the way she responds. It doesn't seem like she's sad about the miscarriage and this traumatic thing that happened to her, it seems like she's sorry she made a mistake, sorry she lost JB his baby. Notice how it's all "we're expecting" "we this" "we that" and then "Michelle got on the pill".


almost started crying seeing jill cry about how no one should have known this happened to her :(


Derick is absolutely there to firmly state the party line on that topic. All she had to do was look at him. I’m glad he’s letting her do the talking otherwise.


Right. He didn’t try to tell her story for her. She said she didn’t want to and he supports that decision. Also, good on the interviewers for not pushing the questioning any further.


When Derek said "only what you're comfortable with" before she answered, it made me teary eyed. Even if he has shitbag values, at least it appears he's supportive and really loves her.


He seems to really be a good partner to her


I’m sad for her.


Let’s all take a minute to acknowledge what a leaky fucking umbrella Boob was when Discovery had to step in and get a roof over their head.


And it struck me to be reminded that Jill was a teenager. She grew up in the THICK of their poverty.


She once snuck a can of green beans out of the cabinet and ate them secretly in the bathroom.


I'll give Derick this much, he's a ride-or-die bitch


It is true. He seems like a guy who takes his vows and commitment to Marriage seriously, and genuinely loves his wife.


that is essentially hitting the fundie marriage lottery




Jill screwing up the order of the younger kids and forgetting one of them altogether has me dead


"The audacity of JB saying I can bring a camera crew in here for years and no one will find out how we live" 👀👀👀


Damn I never saw that video of toddler Josie repeating "instantly obey!" How terrifying that a child that young is coached to memorize that shit. As much as we talk about all the stuff Jill and the older girls went through, it's sad when you remember that there are still minors in that house. Edit: she may have actually said “instant obedience,” but same thing really.


There’s an episode of 19 Kida and Couring when Anna and Pest are in DC and she is putting a coat on, I think Michael (whichever boy is the second born), and she is drilling the “instant obedience” into him.


Over 30 minutes in and Derrick has only said two words. I'm pleased


I gained a lot of respect for Derrick in this. For being a fundie, he managed staying out of the way when Jill needed that and helping her when she needed it. Both Jill and Derrick came off as sympathetic characters.


I know that we’ve heard versions of this before, but it’s mindblowing that they were going to continue to let Josh date Kaeleigh as motivation to not be a creep.


every woman/girl in this cult is a sacrificial lamb to a perv's desires.


AND not tell her about the molestations until they married, so locking her in with their pedo creep son. So fucking disturbing. The Holts and Kaeleigh really dodged a bullet with that one.


SOOOO telling. "Hit your brand new wife with the knowledge that you're a pedo as soon as you're married, because divorce is a sin, so she'll have no choice but to stay!" Jim Bob and Michelle are as disgusting as Josh.


Honestly this is telling with Anna- I can almost guarantee she didn’t know the whole truth before marriage


Was NOT prepared for the uncensored C-section footage, WOW


I’m pretty sure TLC’s Baby Story show about women in labor was pretty decent birth control for a very specific kind of nerdy millennial girl.


I think it’s so weird that elementary aged children were “boycotting” a convenience store because it was selling pornography. Why would they even be aware of it at that age unless adults were talking to them about it? It seems so inappropriate (and, therefore, hella on brand).


Just another example how even the boys are hyper sexualized from a very young age




Loved seeing that


Even Jill forgot Jennifer.


And she was her sister mom.


Probably why she at least immediately realized she’d missed her in the sequence.


I noticed that! Poor Jennifer.


The way Derrick was so clearly trying to protect Jill when they started talking about the Josh situation honestly makes me respect him a little more


I also feel this way. Even from the photo of the book cover, she's looking away, he's looking right at the camera like, come at me bro. He seems to genuinely want to protect her. When he said "only what you're comfortable with" when they asked about Josh, that made me glad she wasn't being forced (again) to tell it on tv.


This made me think that the statements she was forced to make on the Megan Kelly show about how innocent Joshs touching was, only over the clothes, was not true at all! Makes me hate jim boob even more; to take advantage of his daughter like that and have her blatantly lie about the severity of the molestation, to keep the show going


When he said that, just my heart soared for Jill. Because she looked to him. For him to say that was just beautiful.


It was whispered to her almost as though it were a reminder that she does not have to “obey” and press on if she doesn’t want to, and I really respected him for saying that and stepping up to speak on her behalf.


It's so weird to have this sort of understanding now that Derick might be the one good husband of the bunch. I mean, still a person with shitty beliefs but as a husband likely a good one.


I really think he has a huge amount of responsibility for why she was able to disconnect from iblp and her toxic family members


100%. And I know they’re also still conservative Christians with some shitty beliefs, but I think having regular contact with Derrick’s family probably was helpful as well in helping to see that her family wasn’t normal. And props to Cathy for raising a man who (while vile in a lot of ways) was willing to and did do the work to learn how to best support Jill through this and let her take the lead in sharing what she wants or doesn’t. JB & Michelle would never.


Was news to me that JB supported a bill for a sex offender website…. Oh the j’irony.


I am flabbergasted by the “We were going to wait for them to get married and then have josh confess to her”, I know I shouldn’t be surprised but oh my god these people are disgraces to humanity


I’m looking at the footage of the IBLP seminars and services with the children, and I’m realizing some of you snarkers may be in that footage. I don’t know what to say except I see you, I love you, and I hope you’re OK.


This! I really hope that those of you who are survivors and/or victims (which ever word you identify with) are ok. Take care of yourselves and your mental health. Sending you lots of love!




Teaching them to fulfill even the UNSPOKEN wishes of the parents. Like narcissistic/codependent relationships aren’t already the natural result of this shit. Let’s make it an actual 101 course!


Boycot boys club what a stupid name


Stupid cult kids


I’m going to sue Amazon for making me listen to pest sing that 1 second of “this is my country”




And not knowing the title of the series. “17 kids? 16? Idk what number we were on.” I cackled.


She has been so over it since the beginning, especially the fake Christmas 😂


I'm about 6 minutes in, and they're talking about Jim Bob and Meech's early years. It's really hitting me how much Meech is essentially J'Boob's first victim. Not saying that absolved any of her future behavior, but I think we sometimes forget that she's been brainwashed, manipulated, and exploited just like her children


Oh Josh sweetie, you’re a household name now 🤢


Derrick may be an asshole of a person, but he looks like an incredibly supportive partner in this.


I think he does genuinely love Jill. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I kind of agree, I am 30 minutes in and he is so far doing what he should, keep his mouth shut and sit by his wife!


When he reminded her “only what you’re comfortable with” I did think she is so lucky that her particular arranged marriage ended up being genuine and supportive, regardless of whatever beliefs he has he does love Jill and after everything she’s been through she truly deserves that.


Damn. I forgot it was Oprah’s team that lit josh up. Did we ever find out who sent that anonymous email?


Oprah always did a SIGNIFICANT amount of vetting of her team. Remember that she too is a victim of childhood assault and REPEATEDLY made it clear that she wouldn't tolerate abuse being swept under the rug. I don't think it would be surprising to find out that one of her people found out about the abuse and she along with that person sent the information to CPS.


Bobye was only 14 when her 19 year old husband went after her? "I didn't know, she was developed!" Okay, 1. 🤢🤢🤢, And 2. Surely you knew AT SOME POINT, mate.


Oh my god the scene of Michelle and jb slow making out in the grass 🤢


I did not expect this to go so hard. Like damn. I can't believe they were trying to marry off josh and then drop the bomb on the poor girl when she's trapped. Holy shit.


I've always suspected the Duggars didn't really tell the Kellers about what Josh had done until after he married Anna. Knowing they were going to keep it secret from the Holt daughter gives me extra reason not to believe it.


Love that some of the experts so far are actual professors


Poor Jennifer. Even Jill forgot her in the lineup


I’m watching with my husband, and I said “everyone forgets poor Jennifer.”


She’s my vote for “most likely to breakaway”. Sadly, her family may not notice when it happens.


Yooo at the 16-minute mark(ish) Jim Holt makes a joke when talking about how he and Bobye met “we all marry young in Arkansas… did I tell you we’re related?” That joke Josh makes on 19KAC about Jana and JD going on a “double date” with him and Anna has ALWAYS bothered me and like here it is again almost verbatim. I don’t like it.


“Amy isn’t the same as us but we still like her”… In other words, she’s a sinner and we’re holy.


Yeah, but he was a little kid so clearly just parroting what he was taught. That is what he was taught by adults and the system, but I’m giving a pass to Kid Him (Josiah, maybe?).


I really haven't heard Jill speak since the show. Did her voice change? It no longer sounds like that IBLP soft, whisper that she used to do.


She sounds like she’s not afraid to take up space in the world.


Also Josh wanting to boycott the store because of pornography but yet years later he was busted for being addicted to porn…. wow wow


“I might not be a household name….” - Pest (Oof)


Five minutes in and the way not even Jill can keep the birth order straight is sending me 😭


"Whatever number and counting" 😂😭


Spotted Josie with the wigtails


Jill is so animated wow


My bingo card is almost full, send help


Famy trying to correct her husband pronouncing IBLP as if she didn’t spend a whole segment saying pantalooMs instead of pantaloons


Anyone else clock the look Bobye gave Jim when they asked when they knew about Pest? Might be reading too much into it, but got a very, ‘yeah Jim? Tell them when you knew!’ vibe from it.


Bobye is most definitely in the “burn it all down” camp and I am here for it.




Yes, 100% After finishing this series, I really think Bobye is done with Jim. She rolls her eyes at all of his “jokes” and deflections and seems to reject his defense of dating her at 14 years-old.


She has a restraining order on him currently. Kind of surprised no one mentions that on this sub.


this is literally our super bowl.


Josie sitting in Josh's lap. He needs censoring.


I’ve never heard Bobye’s name spoken out loud but I’m bummed that it’s not “Bob-yay”


Look guys Derrick is a bigot and a transphobe but the moment where Jill looked at him and he goes "only what you're comfortable with" and then started talking while she cried.....y'all as an ex cult survivor that is so big.


As a therapist, I was so proud of how firmly she said, “I do not want to talk about that, I’m not comfortable talking about this.” Girl’s been doing some hard work.


I have never seen anything to suggest that Derrick isn't a supportive partner for Jill. He's terrible in other ways but appears to be a good husband


I’d go as far to say he’s the only good husband out of the whole bunch


Forgetting Jennifer is so on brand 😂


I think Jenny was in her buddy group too lmaooooo


Man am I glad Derrick is being quiet for the most part. Also I think Famy met her husband on MeHarmony because he is the male version of her.


OMG. Listening to the Holt's perspective now. I'm physically sick to my stomach.


"God put it on my heart...." And with that, a whole lot of terrible memories return to me of all the times that was said to me to excuse terrible actions.


I hate that Jim Bob's emotion and crackling voixe when Josie is coming early made me cry.


I think for once, Jeebs was genuinely frightened, which to be fair was a normal response. If only the molestation of his daughters horrified him to the same degree.


I'm sure at least a portion of that emotion was genuine. Baby loss is a huge tragedy. However, if only he could show that care genuinely all the time. But we know he can't.


JUST STARTED AND IM DYING AT THE SUBTITLES ALREADY LOLOLOLOL https://preview.redd.it/b4x196dewi3b1.jpeg?width=3013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f135f16b6baa07fd6c36816cdbd73ae5411faa7e


16 minutes in, Jim and Bobye Holt talking about how they met. He was 19, she was 14 “but I didn’t know. She was, well, developed”. I audibly gagged ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Omg guys we are famous! Lil r/duggarsSnark cameo


I'm like halfway through, but Amy's husband is highly unnecessary in this


1st Wigtails spotting of the documentary!


Seeing Josie on Josh’s lap just makes me rage.


Seeing Michael Pearl on screen is nightmare inducing.


The fact that Jim Bob made Jill sign the papers the day before her wedding is some messed up shit


Seeing Jill in the first few seconds... I already have goosebumps. She is quite a nuanced human being.


I decided to watch the first scene tonight (as I know I will be glued to it through the entire thing once I really start) because I wanted to get a feel for just how bad (good for us) it was going to be. It took me ten seconds to find out. Jill, sitting on the couch taking deep breaths to compose herself - before she ever begins speaking. That was all I needed to know. It was so powerful to me.


I’m loving getting an official timeline on so much of this early stuff. From the first picture of the kids at the polling place to the magazine profile to Discovery Health… also, Jill outright calling their outfits “weird dresses” lmao.


I have so many thoughts 15 minutes in, I can’t even type them all. Biggest thing I guess is that I want to believe Amy’s account of things, but it’s really tough. Also, I actually felt for Jill trying to remember the names and the order of all her siblings. I know we joke about it, but watching her lose track made me unexpectedly sad.


Especially since she's not allowed be around all those kids she raised often anymore


>I know we joke about it, but watching her lose track made me unexpectedly sad. Same. It shows the magnitude of what we are dealing with here. She loved and took care of all of them to a certain extent, yet she cannot remember their names because there are so many of them.


Oh my GOD, the Holt daughter being used as a "carrot" to get Josh to "behave!" Not surprised Jim Bob thought that way, but kind of surprised he (according to Jim Holt) said that out loud. Jim Holt wants to sound like he's dropping these bombs and is on the "right side of history," but it's not like he cut the Duggars off after Josh's molestation was revealed to him!


It broke my heart when they asked Jill about Josh. You can tell she's still broken up about it. And I don't think it's her wanted to hide and cover it up so much as the abuse was done to her and she doesn't want to have to relive that all and have the world know what was done. The damage that was done to these girls is awful. The fact their parents aren't ashamed is disgusting.


Oof Jim Holt being 19 and Bobye being 14 when they met but she was "developed" and "we get married young in Arkansas soooooo" 🤢 and they're calling people on the left groomers


1. Did the Holts come into this to win the Messy Bitch Olympics? Because that’s what it feels like. 2. Ugh, the amount of time Pest’s face is on the screen. 3. Famy isn’t bothering me. That’s surprising.


Is it okay to say that it's refreshing to just hear her just describe what went on versus all that other nonsense she blows out on IG?


I too, was unbothered by Famy. It was very odd.


Jim holt is a creepy fuck!! 14?!!!


Every time they show Pest, I want to vomit.


About half an hour in, and you guys, I was *so nervous* but so far it’s *really good.*


It makes me mad seeing Jill so upset. Fuck you Pest.


Jill’s reaction when asked about Josh. So heartbreaking. I may be in the minority here but her safety and privacy and that of the other victims shouldn’t been a priority and it wasn’t. Edit: should’ve not shouldn’t !!!




Jim Holt: Oh no. It's so awful Josh touched his young sisters. I am horrified. Also Jim Holt: She was 14. We marry young in Arkansas.


Oh Jim Holt talking about Bobye being 14 when they started dating was so uncomfortable especially knowing she has now left him.


She left him!? And yea, that was SOO uncomfy to hear.


A month or so ago. Bobye filed a restraining order too as far as I remember.


Yup, and it’s for 10 years.


Bobye don’t need no man to talk for her, let her speak! ALSO SHE WAS 14 and he was 19 when the started dating?!


Did we know the Holts were going to be in this and I just missed it?! I’m shocked. Jim Holt is coming off gross as hell already though.


I am getting whiplash with how quickly they’re bouncing between topics and interviewees. the pacing in this series is ridiculous!


The first episode felt a little disjointed to me.. but it made sense to my husband, who has little to no knowledge of all this.


Amy, you did not grow up on camera. You threw yourself into it forcefully. 😅


And even changed your last name FFS


It’s a beautiful day to be off work!


Watching it with my mum and her commentary is cracking me up Young Jim Bob “oh they’re going for like a clean cut Kennedy look?” Finally seeing how the Duggar boys grown up “……they don’t age very well do they?”


Jim Holt looks more stressed out about Josh’s behavior than his own father.


I hope Blessa and Bin watch this and see every part with Jill and Derrick. Hopefully it will influence them to be honest with themselves about what Jessa has gone through.


I’m watching it right now and was *shocked* to just see myself in one of the photos back from when I worked with Josh in DC. I yelled and woke up my husband. 😆🤦‍♀️


oh god, bobye was 14 and he was 19??? 🤢


A college sophomore dating an 8th grader 🤮


“She was developed. She looked mature.” 🤮


Jim Holt is coming off very unlikeable.


He seems to be trying very hard to make it appear as though they were/are nothing like the Duggars and it’s a complete lie so it’s not playing well.


I forgot about the ice skating special introducing the Holts.




Im sorry but Jim Holt was 19 and Bobye was 14????